cherry-schlong - ~Final hoe hours~
~Final hoe hours~

~Vampire enthusiast~~dead blog~~21~~ Masterlist I only really use this acc to read ficsšŸ˜­

557 posts

Cherry-schlong - ~Final Hoe Hours~ - Tumblr Blog

4 years ago

Do I have permission to send memes?

Memes are always welcome

4 years ago


I am backšŸ’ƒšŸ¾šŸ’ƒšŸ¾šŸ’ƒšŸ¾šŸ’ƒšŸ¾

And sorry bb the ask box is closed. I gotta lot of catching up to do

4 years ago

I have no idea if this is open at all, if not please just ignore this ^^'-(Nsfw!) So, I don't mind if it's head canons or Scenarios, but Subaru with a Male S/O who usually bottoms but wants to top for the first time? Thank you!( I also apologize for my English, I suck at it ^^')

{Your english is fine bb}

I Have No Idea If This Is Open At All, If Not Please Just Ignore This ^^'-(Nsfw!) So, I Don't Mind If

-Subaru is a dominant guy okay

-So when his s/o asked if they could top he was conflicted

-On one hand, he was curious what it was like

-On the other hand, he remembered how sore his s/o always was when he was finished with him.

-That definitely scared him a bit

-And Subaru is so unnecessarily stubborn, so convincing him may take a little time

-After a week of thinking it over and some weird advice from Laito, he finally said yes

-On the night of the activity heā€™s pretty nervous

-Heā€™s never done anything like it before

~Dirty Details~

-Subaru insists on facing away from his s/o so he canā€™t see how flustered he is

-When his s/o enters him he hides his face in a pillow or his hands

-Subaru has the sweetest sounding moans

-He wonā€™t admit it at first, but he actually enjoyed the experience a lot

-Going back to the fact that heā€™s new to the experience, he is going to need quite a bit of preparation

-Lube is a MUST. He will lash out if you try without it

-The entire time, heā€™s flustered and flushed

-His face is bright red(because anime logic) and he tries his best to muffle himself and hide his face

-Afterwards heā€™s gonna be a bit of a baby

-Heā€™s turned away and refuses to talk about it

-Donā€™t get upset, itā€™s just he normally doesnā€™t like change

-Just cuddle up to him and ask if he enjoyed

-After a minute of silence heā€™ll finally speak upĀ 

-ā€It was good....I guess.ā€

-Heā€™d definitely want to make it something that happens once a month

-He just wonā€™t know how to tell youĀ 

I Have No Idea If This Is Open At All, If Not Please Just Ignore This ^^'-(Nsfw!) So, I Don't Mind If

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4 years ago

Can I have a scenario with the sakamaki (plus kino) were they confess their love to someone and then they're like "oh I'm a lesbian... we could still be friends..? Wanna listen to girl in red, she's really good."

Shu is stunned for a second. His eyes would widen for a second before going back to his usual bored expression. He wouldnā€™t say much about it after and he wouldnā€™t mind being friends. Heā€™d still harass you as he did before. Maybe even more than usual just to be annoying. If you have a S/O or show interest in any in someone heā€™d become sort of a wingman. It wouldnā€™t be intentional either. He just always has something sly to say and 9 times out of 10 itā€™s something that expose your interest in someone.

Reiji is salty as hell. No matter how obvious it may have been he blames you for ā€œNot saying anything beforehand.ā€ He goes on to tell you that he wasted his time on you. He wouldnā€™t be too keen on the idea of being friends after, but if he misses your presence enough he may come around again and be a friend. Or what he sees as a friend.

Ayato acts as you would expect him to. ā€œWell no wonder you werenā€™t fawning over Ore-sama.ā€ The rejection hurt his ego a bit so he may be a little salty for about a week, but heā€™s one of the easier ones to be friends with afterwards. Once he gets over himself heā€™s actually a pretty decent friend to have. Sometimes he does forget though. Heā€™d flirt and try to bother your chesticles before remembering. Heā€™s a good wingman once your friendship is fully developed and will hype you up almost as much as he hypes himself. He expects youth be his ā€œeyes in the insideā€ as in he wants you to befriend females and get them interested in him.

Honestly, Laito is gonna be more interested in your sexuality than you are. When you reject him, his flirtatious smile doesnā€™t falter. If anything, it gets wider. The conversation would do a complete 180 though. Now heā€™s asking who youā€™re interested in. He wants the details on things youā€™ve done in the past and even requests to sit in on your next amorous encounter. You end up having to tell him to chill the hell out. Heā€™d definitely want to be friends afterwards. He wonā€™t stop his advances, but theyā€™d be a bit different. Heā€™s a good friend though, in his own Laito way. If you donā€™t watch out, he may become your best friend.

Cā€™mon. We know Kanato is going to throw a tantrum. It may become a case of ā€œIf I canā€™t have you, nobody can.ā€ You may just end up being apart of his collection. However, if he likes you enough you may be able to calm him. If he wants to be friends then itā€™s gonna be a very possessive friendship. And if you have an S/O well..good luck.

Subaru becomes distant after the rejection. He feels embarrassed about the whole ordeal. If you want to be friends with him, you have to go to him and you have to be persistent. Heā€™s going to continue to push you, but eventually heā€™ll come around. Once he does, heā€™ll start to ask questions. Heā€™ll ask about your past and why you chose your sexuality. He may even ask you to help him discover himself.

Kino just stares at you and smirks. When you ask why he just goes, ā€œSo you like pussy, huh?ā€ Heā€™s so annoying about it. Asking probing questions and harassing you. Heā€™d chill after a while though, but not by much. Heā€™d always bring up your lack of interest in him. If youā€™re walking with somewhere with him, heā€™s gonna point out every female he sees and ask if youā€™d date them.

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4 years ago

Iā€™m listening to DL character songs while I write and I swear Devilā€™s spire. ALL THIS DAMN MOANING. Iā€™VE SAID IT BEFORE, BUT GODDAMN BRO.

4 years ago

I have 28 asks to answer! Expect them to be posted soonšŸ‘€

4 years ago

Closing the ask box! But you guys are in for a treat in this new year of 2021šŸ‘€

4 years ago

Happy New Year!

4 years ago

I think the pspspsps will also get Azusaā€™s attention so when Kou is pspspspsing a bride Azusa is just like ā€œ????ā€

Azusa would think the bride is broken ngl

4 years ago

Iā€™m like. In the mood to do text requests. For any fandom I know. Iā€™m stuck in bed with nothing else to došŸ˜‚ So please send in text requests. If itā€™s for something other that DL send it to @hoe-days pleasešŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•

(Also I will eventually answer the requests I already have. Idk when-)

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4 years ago

Don't worry too much, maybe try to look up vids for tips on how people have managed it. But worrying won't help you get any better and can even make you feel physically worse. I'm praying for you and please don't give up hope. Just like if you had pneumonia or a severe flu, there's a chance you could lose against it, but if you take care of yourself and let your body do its job, you should be okšŸ’œ

Hang in there and don't give up no matter what.šŸ’œ

Ahhh thank youšŸ’œšŸ’œ

4 years ago

My family is gonna be at home 24/7 now so Iā€™ll probably get back into dl to avoid interacting with them. I may start writing again eventually if I have the energy for it.

4 years ago

Are you alright? Like mentally ?

Idk. I was already depressed and I wanna cry? But Iā€™ve kinda also accepted that thereā€™s a possibility of me yā€™know. Yeeting

4 years ago

So uh

A bitch got Covid-19

And idk hOW cause I never leave home. So Iā€™m assuming I got it from a family member. So ye. Idk what to do. Cause Covid is gonna fuck with my Asthma. Rip

4 years ago

Can I get Laito x Ace/gay! Reader. Dosen't have to be romantic relationships just platonic if you want thanks!

{Youā€™re welcomešŸ„ŗ}

Can I Get Laito X Ace/gay! Reader. Dosen't Have To Be Romantic Relationships Just Platonic If You Want

-This is a pretty fun dynamic

-Laito is the most sexual being alive

-So having a friend or s/o be the exact opposite is something new for him

-It starts out very rough

-His sole reason for befriending you is because he wants sex

-Now the two options are to avoid him like the plague or not react

-He pins you? Tell him to fuck off with a straight face

-He attempts to grope you? Bunch him in the stomach

-It wonā€™t really hurt him, but it will catch him off guardĀ 

-Heā€™s taken back by you having zero interest in sex with him

-He goes from lusty to curiousĀ 

-Most people he seduces give in to his teases or they squirm

-He enjoys both

-But not you

-Now he wants to know what makes you tick

-He starts hanging around you and trying to make you snap and give in, but it never happens

-After a while of bothering you, he starts to enjoy your presence in a more friendly way

-His teasing becomes more scarce and he starts having genuine conversations with you

-He prefers to come to your place, as to not have his brothers scare away his first actual friend heā€™s had in a while

-He tells you about all the places heā€™s been and the time periods heā€™s lived through

-No doubt your favorite story is the one time he went to prison

-He has lots of questions about your sexuality

-Youā€™d have to break things down for him slowly

-He doesnā€™t understand how someone could not like sex

Can I Get Laito X Ace/gay! Reader. Dosen't Have To Be Romantic Relationships Just Platonic If You Want

{HEY. Join my Discord :)}

{You can also buy me a coffee on Ko-FI! You donā€™t have to, but itā€™d be super appreciated

OR Check out my Shu and Laito stickers on Redbubble}

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4 years ago
Best Anime Ship Hands Down-
Best Anime Ship Hands Down-

Best anime ship hands down-

4 years ago

me: reading the pspspspsp post to myself

my cat : šŸ‘šŸ‘„šŸ‘

Kou also uses this technique to summon cats

4 years ago

okay but if kou pspspspspā€™s brides he definetly drops them too especially when heā€™s in a more sadistic mood, because unlike cats humans just go thwack when they hit the floor rather than landing gracefully.

All I thought of was


Bride: *sigh*

Ruki, standing in the hallway:

Okay But If Kou Pspspspsps Brides He Definetly Drops Them Too Especially When Hes In A More Sadistic
4 years ago
4 years ago

This is sporadic as shit like, Kou would definitely use the ā€œpspspsā€ to get his s/oā€™s attention. You can pry this off my cold dead hands. (And the sad part is, It would actually get my attentionšŸ¤”)

He fucking would. Kou would be annoying as fuck when he wants attentionšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

4 years ago

S/O: yo kanato you free to hang out today

Kanato: naw Iā€™m killing a brideā€¦ then Iā€™m free

S/O: ok bet

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4 years ago

That baby laito is so smolšŸ„ŗ I might have to get one!!!!

Iā€™m glad you like it :) It would be much appreciatedšŸ’•

4 years ago

So um

Look at my bby Laito stickeršŸ„ŗ

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4 years ago

Are you still working on request right now?

Slowly, but surely