MY OTHER BLOGS: @cherrysoulthreblogs and @cherrysoulthreads please follow me there for other content. This space is only for my works.~I wasn't born to impress anyone.~ Take it as you must. Absentminded, daydreamer, vivid imagination. 63%introvert 37%extrovert Rational but emotional. 96' liner /MVRI-E/+/INFJ-A/ She/they 🔞No minors. STAY OUT!🔞
690 posts

💕Pairings: Female reader X Daechwita! King AgustD-1 // Female reader X Daechwita! AgustD-2
📝Summary: When the sound of Daechwita vibrates in the internal battle between the royal family twins. A king and a lover. Lust, Love and Betrayal are on rampage. You need to make a choice- Love or saving the trust. And your choices will have consequences...
✏️Genre: angst and fluff
✏️Rating: PG-18
⚠️Warnings: Mentions of sex, violence, cheating/affairs

Hii! Welcome to my work. I'm new in this platform but been posting my writing for four years now in AO3. English is not my first language, so please if you find grammar mistakes, let me know. :)

Chapter 2: A NEW BREEZE
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:

© 2018-2024 Cherry Soulth, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind, translations, or unsanctioned adaptations are not allowed.

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More Posts from Cherrysoulth
"Somebody needs to do something about Sephora 10-year-olds...these i-pad babies are so rude and don't do what they're told....oh my God, these kids can't read and have no social skills...Ugh, look at these little consumers and their Stanley Cups."
I am, in fact, actively worried for these children and I refuse to hate them for the ways that society, as a whole, has failed them.
i don’t want to be rich i don’t want to be famous i don’t want a million tiktok followers or what the fuck ever i just want a one bedroom apartment in a walkable community with neighbors i could borrow sugar from or bring cookies to when i bake extra and a job that i enjoy and that helps someone and pays me enough to afford my silly little one bedroom and groceries and something fun too at the end of the day and enough free time to sing and dance and read and write and spend time with the people i love and maybe have a dog and some plants to water and a shelf of books to read and a thrift store where i can buy weird clothes and faded denim jackets like i am not asking for anything big or grand or exciting i just want peace i want contentment i want just a little love how the fuck is this too much to ask for

💕Pairing: Yoongi x Female Reader
📝Summary: A little piece of smut of a bigger plot/story.
✏️Genre/au: Smut, Canon, Long time relationship
✏️Rating: 18+, explicit
📝Wordcount: 1502
⚠️chapter warnings: explicit smut

Hii! Did you stumble across this work? Glad you're here 😊 Please, let me know your thoughts once you are finished. Feedback keeps me motivated to write 😁
Note that English is not my first language, so please if you find grammar mistakes, let me know. :)

"I don't give a shit, I don't give a fuck~" you singsong to a cracking up Yoongi. "But hey, it was hot somehow," you say raising an eyebrow.
"Oh, was it?" he replies with that criminal smirk of his, mimicking your last seductive motion before moving to kiss your forehead.
"I mean… It was a statement and it was a very confident move. Not many would say that out loud in this country," you said, with determination, "I'm so proud of you." The swell in your heart as you say those words turns to butterflies in your stomach as he gives you a sweet smile.
His duality has no mercy on you because it is everything. You have the genius, tough, 8.8 syllables per second rapper and the ‘show don’t tell’ caring boyfriend who gives you the best hugs in the world when you are alone. Then he has moments where he relaxes and will show his beautiful gummy smile, or do something on the level of his stage name, that makes you want to throw yourself and koala him and never let him go.
"Do you need a napkin?" he asks all of a sudden, bringing you back from your memories, making you frown in confusion, “For the drool,” he says, raising an eyebrow and smirking. You slap his arm feigning annoyance and he chuckles before a naughty smile prints on his face.
“I mean, I’m okay with it but the carpet is new and I would really appreciate some consideration,” he keeps on going and your outrage draws an ‘o’ in your mouth, making him chuckle again. This time when you try to slap him he grabs your wrist and pulls you, making your eight-wheeled chair advance against his, drawing you in front of his computer where he had been mixing. The hum through his nose brings back your attention from his screen and he looks at your lips before speaking, Come on, don’t be so grumpy” he says before biting his lower one and meeting your eyes again.
He then pulls you forward, lips meeting yours with a sweet sound. “Hm?” he hums, raising an eyebrow at you and bites his lower lip again. “Let’s go rest a little bit on the sofa,” he suggests, standing and letting go of your wrist to slide his hand against yours and entwine your fingers together to guide you.
You know the way he wants to take that rest and you are eager for that intimacy, especially since the last time you two made out was probably more than a month ago because he’s been too busy for you to meet the way you are doing it today. He allows you to lie down on your side first and then puts a knee on the sofa to slide right in front of you.
“Missed this,” you mutter putting the other hand over his porcelain perfect cheek. He gets closer to kiss you with a slow pecking sound and places his hand over your thigh to guide it over his, getting your bodies closer and pushing against your mouth for a proper kiss. You give in sweetly, the flavour of his mouth against yours driving you so insane you nibble on his lower lip and provoke low groan that elicits goosebumps all over your body.
Sex has been a threat for a few months now and you can’t say you aren’t willing to take the step with him. It freaks you out a little bit but it’s appetising when Yoongi has a boner while you are meddling about in his studio sofa, just like it’s happening at this very moment. He presses it against your lower half instinctively, letting out another groan that makes an electricity wave turn your butterflies into a lowering tension that concentrates in your core. But he moves away, frowning before retaking the kiss, and then his hand travels from your calf up your thigh, underneath the loose white shorts you are wearing, drawing the curve of your cheek over your panties.
“If I do something that makes you uncomfortable or you don’t like it, tell me,” he whispers against your lips and after you nod his are back to yours. His hand travels down the curve to your core, still over the fabric of your panties, your sensitive folds respond immediately, and your nub tenses with anticipation. When two of his calloused digits caress it, you lose your breath instantaneously. Yoongi hums a smirk against your lips before deepening the kiss and rubbing it a second time, making you whine against his tongue, where he chuckles but keeps showing you his ability.
He starts drawing slow circles against your joy point and you lose your battle against the moan trapped in your throat, making him hold your lower lip breathing in between his teeth as he tries to control himself. But the moment you give in to the need and buck your hip against his fingers he is done. Sliding backwards his fingers define your folds and he finds out your panties are damp, which makes him growl and aim for a breathtaking kiss that makes your head spin.
Finding his strength again or having placated his lust a little bit with his mouth, he slides his fingers underneath the fabric to touch on your wet mess directly which makes him make the low sound again. All his need and want only add to your excitement and he feels the flood over his digits driving him absolutely insane, his covered shaft presses against your pelvis and your bud, and he rubs against you a few times before collecting your juices and driving his two wet fingers over your clit. There the circles and his actions have you moaning against his unstoppable tongue while he still humps you without mercy: if someone could hear the two of you, they would probably think he’s railing you for good but you couldn’t care less.
To his surprise a strangled high pitched moan escapes your mouth as you hit an orgasm at the same time his oversensitive member spits precum against his Batman boxer shorts, he damns himself for not choosing better-looking underwear, although you know by heart that’s what he has in his drawers.
“Fuck,” he curses under his breath moving his nose under your chin. “I really want to do it right now,” he explains, making his best efforts to not lie to you on your back.
“Me too…” you admit in a whisper and he abandons his hiding spot to look at you directly. Your pink cheeks and hooded eyes make him swell all over, pride and lust filling him to the brim, almost beating his brain.
“I just-This is not the way I planned our first time to be. There’s nothing special in it, I have no candles and this is a damn sofa,” he grumbles, disappointed.
“You had a plan?” you wonder, eyes wide open now, surprised and endeared.
“Yes,” he suddenly blushes before huffing with embarrassment. But you find the whole thing adorable and can’t avoid the sound that you describe. “Don’t ‘aww’ me.” he spits, putting on a grimace, offended, but you do it again and hug him, rolling him on his back as you kiss his face all over.
“Yoongi is always so considerate.” you whisper against his cheeks and then “saranghae.” before kissing his lips, having his hands describe the curve of your back, up to your shoulder blades, and deepening the kiss. His hard is still pressed against your abdomen reminding you of the lust you are playing against. “But anything, if it’s with you, feels special,” you reassure him, rolling your hips against his shaft making him groan in despair.
“Woman, I mean it… I don’t want us to do this here,” he mutters, trying to make you stop by rushing out his hands to your hips, “I really want to make it special.”
“But-” you suddenly blush and think about how whimsical you are being or better said how lust is getting the best of you.
“‘But’ what?” he wonders, with an intense look as he smiles seductively and you blush even harder, making him chuckle.
“But I want to feel you inside.” you say, slapping your shyness to a corner and making his eyes bulge, erasing that cocky attitude from his face. Then he closes his eyes and hisses, staying immobile.
“Shibal…” he curses before opening his eyes again. “You-” he hisses again and at this point, you can’t even guess what he is thinking. All of a sudden, with two twists of his body, he has you underneath him, “You are driving me insane woman. What do I do now, huh? What you just said-” he says and then shows his teeth at the right side in that gesture so his, that’s so cool and drives you completely insane.
Involuntarily you grind against him and he looks at you dumbfounded, before looking up and biting his lower lip, “Fuck it-”

I'm starting a schedule that I hope will be possible and will bring lots of content to this page.
I hope you enjoyed this bit of Yoongi, please reblog if you do 💜 Let me know your thoughts. See you soon! ~
Thank you for your beta @ffion451 😍💜
© 2018-2024 Cherry Soulth, all rights reserved. reposting/modifying of any kind, translations, or unsanctioned adaptations are not allowed.

What it’s like being a writer

this blog stands with palestine and if you don’t you can get the fuck out. what israel is doing is genocide and i will not tolerate anyone who supports it.