chimtaexx - Light-years away
Light-years away

862 posts

The Lost, The Found, And The Treasured

The Lost, the Found, and the Treasured


Pairing: SoftishYandere!Seokjin x Fem!Reader

Genre: Yandere AU, Reincarnation AU, Royalty AU, angst turned to fluff turned to angst once again lol

Word Count: 9k

Summary: Your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere during a terrible storm. Thankfully, you were very close to what seemed to be an abandoned castle. You enter the large building to find a night’s refuge, but it seems that you find a lot more than you originally bargained for.

Content & Warnings: Fem reader, yandere themes, possessiveness, a bit of jealousy, refusing to let the reader go, the reader is very confused, general fear, marriage, assassination, grief, use of terms of affection: my love, love, invasion of personal space (Jin just refuses to stop hugging you and stuff), Jin’s a man in love finally reuniting with his one true love, it seems to take a toll on him.

Author’s Note: This got a lot longer than I originally wanted. Took a lot longer too. This kinda reminded me of Beauty and a Beast. You’ll understand what I mean once you read it. I could only bear to read over this once, so please ignore any stupid mistakes. It’s kinda rushed, so yeah. But anyway, let me know if you liked it! And, of course, enjoy! 💕


The silk slipped over your head, draping on your body in layers. The soft honey colour looked warm against your skin. You’d never felt anything so soft. The fabric felt too expensive to be worn by you, yet, it felt right to have it adorning your body. The dress brought out the feeling of being a bride-to-be from centuries ago, as if the silk dress was revealing a side of yourself that you had pushed away for years. It felt right, so right, to be wearing it.

But you knew this was wrong.

You weren’t meant to be here, in this empty, dreary castle. A strong storm, a wrong turn, a broken car, a sense of helplessness as you found solace in the only structure around was what brought you to your current predicament. You had entered the castle hoping that someone would be there to help you. A groundskeeper, a custodian, an owner—anyone—who would help you. Someone who would let you stay the night as you thought of your next plan of action.

You could imagine your surprise when you had knocked on the grand door of the castle to hear no reply or steps coming in your direction. It had seemed abandoned, but that was nonsense! No one would leave a castle such as this one unowned. Maybe they hadn’t heard you, it was a large estate. You doubted that someone from the other side of the castle would be able to hear you, so you knocked again. You heard it echo throughout the castle through the door that you had pressed your ear against.

You sighed, there must really have been no one there.

Taking the loss, you had turned back to walk back to your car to escape the rain, but just as you took a step away from the door, you felt a rush of air hit your back. Confused, you turned, only to see that the door had opened on its own. It was open just a smidge, but open nonetheless. Pressing your hand onto the door, you pushed it open further, hoping to see who had let you in. All that greeted you, however, was a dusty but otherwise eerily empty entry way filled with columns and stairways.

Yet not a single living soul.

You knew that you should probably turn back. But just as you were about to turn to face the large dark oak doors, a flash of lightning followed by the deep rumble of thunder stopped you. It caused you to tense up, and when you took another step to peer out the doorway, the rain seemed to plummet to the ground even faster and harsher than before, so much so that it caused the large and heavy door to slam closed an inch from your face. You were just glad that you hadn’t moved any closer to the door, because with the strength it had slammed shut, if you had been any closer, you were sure your nose would have broken.

Shocked by how much the storm had picked up, you turned back to look at the vast entryway behind you. No, it still wasn’t safe to be out. But, you didn’t feel any safer in the castle. However, after debating with yourself for a minute or two you came to the conclusion that even though the castle may be suspiciously empty, it was dry and safe. At least, safe from being struck by lightning. A plus, that trying to leave wouldn’t grant you.

And so, accepting that you had no chance of leaving the estate until the storm let up, you moved deeper into the castle.

Might as well get comfortable, you thought, letting out a drawn-out breath.

Yet you couldn’t bring yourself to feel comfortable considering how empty the place was.

But the lack of any presence wasn’t the oddest thing about the castle. No. What brought the most uncertainty to overtake your mind was the fact that the castle had been so easy for you to navigate. Though the castle was made up of many winding, turning corridors and stairwells leading to an endless number of rooms greater than your whole apartment back in the city, you had been able to predict which room you would walk into next. What grey, lifeless room you would stumble onto.

You would walk through an empty sitting room, only to anticipate the bare hallway you’d walk into next. As you passed countless doors, in the back of your mind, you vaguely knew what laid behind them.

Behind that one is a closet, you thought. That one leads to the cellar. Oh! And that one should lead to a bathroom.

It was an odd sort of deja vu.

After a strange, yet surprisingly uneventful walk around the estate, you found yourself in the north wing. How you knew it was the north wing, you had no clue. You were never great with directions. But just like with the layout of the castle, you just knew.

Nonetheless, you stood in front of the long corridor, an almost never-ending series of doors looking back at you.

You felt unsafe standing in the middle of the hall, open to anything that could jump out at you. You knew you were being overly cautious, there had been no people as far as you had seen, but that didn’t mean there couldn’t be bats, rodents, and who knows what else. To feel a bit more safe, you moved to the left side of the hall, letting your left shoulder skim the wall ever so slightly. This way you would be sure that at least nothing could jump up at you from your left side. It helped your nerves from feeling as exposed as you did before. You’d only have to look out to your right for any possible danger.

And so, you continued to walk down the hall as you leaned against the solid wall. You felt the textures change against your side as the wall changed from stone to the occasional wooden beams, from the beams to the stone niches where old candle stands stood covered in thick layers of dust. And of course, you felt the way the stone brick walls changed to the smooth wood of the doors. You kept walking, keeping your eyes darting around your right side, putting your trust into nothing jumping up from the wall.

Just as you were about to reach the end of the corridor, a spiral stairwell leading up just out of reach in front of you, you felt a strong weight push onto your right. The harsh force thrust you against the last door in the hallway, which in turn let out under your weight. It swung open roughly, slamming onto the wall adjacent to it, as it swung open. You fell into the room. Immediately, your left shoulder burst out in dull pain from your whole body weight falling onto it.

A groan involuntarily escaped you as you turned to lay on your back.

“Fuck…” you said more to yourself than anything else. “What the fuck was that?”

You looked up from your supine position to the door by your feet.

Nothing. There was nothing in the doorway. No one who could have pushed you.

You let your head fall back onto the ground once you were sure that you were still alone. What pushed me? was the only thing on your mind as you waited for your heartbeat to slow back down to its regular pace. Your mind immediately went to a rabid wild animal even though there wasn’t anything of the sort around you.

After what had felt like an eternity—though it was probably only a few minutes—you felt well enough to get back up.

When you did, you finally got the chance to look at the room you had fallen into. It was a bedroom. A large 4 poster bed stood in the center of the room. Lush, jewel-toned sheets covered it, making it look softer than anything you’d ever seen before. Sheer navy blue curtains hung from the top of the bed frame in a canopy, casting the sheets in a blue hue. Peeking from under the bed was a handwoven bright red Persian rug.

Opposite the bed was a vanity that, once you got closer to you noticed, held countless vintage perfumes and makeup products. But as you continued analyzing the table, you realized the large vanity seemed to be split into two sections right down the middle.

On the left there were countless feminine flowery perfumes, a comb that seemed to have been carved from a dark wood. Small flowers and vines curled around its handle. There were ribbons in a plethora of colours, ranging from a deep crimson to the palest arctic blue. Hairpins laid haphazardly buried under the ribbons with elaborate flowers molded at the ends, which, you assumed, were meant to decorate the wearer’s hair.

When you looked at the right side of the vanity, you noticed the stark difference it had when compared to the other. While the left had flowers, ribbons, and pins, the right had an earthy cologne, what seemed to be a hair pomade, a pocket watch, and a boot shining kit.

As you finally took a step back from the table, you noticed that there was something very off about the room. You just couldn’t put your finger on it. But as you lightly drew your finger across the surface of the vanity, you realized what was so wrong with the room.

It wasn’t dusty.

Your finger hadn’t come away dirty after you took it off of the table. When you looked around the room you also realized that unlike the rest of the castle, the room wasn’t grey. The textiles weren’t faded and mute. The colours were still vibrant and clean on all these old objects, as if someone had been taking care of this room in particular, leaving the rest of the castle to rot with time.

Strange, very strange.

When you turned back to the vanity, you noticed something behind you that you swore hadn’t been there before. On the rich bed sheets, behind the sheer curtains was a blob of yellowish… something. It stood out against the dark sheets, drawing your eyes towards it, and almost like in a trance, it drew the rest of you closer to it too. You pushed the light curtains aside with the back of your hand.

A dress, a honey coloured dress laid on the bed. You stroked the silken fabric between your thumb and forefinger. In doing so, the front of the dress got pulled down revealing what was stitched in a small flowy script in the inside of the dress where the tag would have been.

For you, my love. Forever and always.

You traced the words with your fingers, and you don’t know what struck you next, but the next thing you knew you were wearing the dress. Your clothes, a pile at your feet.

And that’s how you got where you were now, standing in the middle of a castle, wearing someone’s stolen dress.

You stepped over your clothes, walking back to the vanity.

You studied the dress in the mirror. It hugged your body like a glove. It’s neckline was large, allowing a great view of your collarbone and shoulders. You dragged your fingertips against the exposed skin before letting them move further down. You noticed how the bodice was shaped to fit your breasts perfectly, neither too large that would leave loose fabric nor too small that would make it hard for you to breathe. Your eyes locked with your waist and how the dress cinched it just right before opening up into a looser skirt, giving you an hourglass figure.

For a while you just admired the dress on your body, feeling incredibly attractive until your eyes locked with the pile of clothes behind you in the mirror.

The sight of your soaked clothes on the floor shocked you out of your self-admiring stupor.

You were in an abandoned castle. Wearing a stolen dress. That you found in one of the few clean rooms of the place.

What the hell were you doing? What made you think this was okay?

Shocked with your own actions, you picked up your clothes from the floor determined to quickly change out of the dress and leave this place before you were caught in such a compromising situation.

Just when you had grasped the bottom of the garment to pull it off, something made you stop, your hands involuntarily loosening on the silk.

Music. Soft piano echoed from deep in the castle.

For the second time since entering this place, you felt your heart start hammering like crazy.

Somebody was here. Somebody that could get you arrested for trespassing and theft for the dress you were wearing.

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More Posts from Chimtaexx

2 years ago

the platonic collection (ksj)


A collection of one shots and drabbles about two idiot best friends turned fwbs turned lovers

pairing- bff!seokjin x reader

rating- R

genre- collegeau, bffs2fwb2l, smutt, fluff, a little angst

a.n- Well, well, well… what started as a one shot has somehow grown into this. lol i don’t know how often i’ll be updating this but this is going to somewhat out of order snippets of these two’s relationship and i hope you grow to love them as much as i do!

A big thank you to @bangtanhome for the banner! 💕💕

Got questions about the series, or want to be on the taglist? Send me an ask! 💕

this list is complied in chronological order of events. each part can be read as a one-shot.

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Jimin’s hay maze was not designed for this purpose, but who’s really going to stop you and Seokjin?

platonically fighting (fluff, angst)

What happens when the best friends who always get along get into their first fight?

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Who knew teasing Seokjin at the club would lead to such a fun punishment?

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All Seokjin wants after a long day is your ‘anime titties’.

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“We can’t be platonically in love…”

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“You will never change you life until you change something you do daily. The secret of you success is found in your daily routine.”

— John C. Maxwell

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2 years ago

“It’s all about falling in love with yourself and sharing that love with someone who appreciates you, rather than looking for love to compensate for a self love deficit.”

— Eartha Kitt

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2 years ago


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2 years ago

Piano Man [M]

Piano Man [M]

✦ characters: seokjin x reader ✦ summary: the piano man was everything you wanted and more. he was classically handsome, extraordinarily talented, and oozed sex appeal - the silent type. little did you know just how perfect he was for you and does he have a long, miserably arousing night planned ahead for you. ✦ genre/words: daddy kink. spanking. public s*x. |  5k ✦ a/n: gif made by me and not gonna lie, not into the whole daddy kink anymore but it doesn’t mean dominance doesn’t make me weak in the knees. so why not? xx

Piano Man [M]

It wasn’t everyday that you felt like you could easily be hypnotized by music; or anything for that matter. Although, it also wasn’t everyday that you felt like you could be so mesmerized by another human being. They called him the Piano Man; no other name except for what he was known for.

Every Friday night was the same. He would show up, nine o’clock on the dot, sit on the black stool and begin to play. A word would never come from his mouth, just that look. It sends chills down your spine. You were the waitress he chose to bring him his hourly cocktail; gin and tonic, three rocks and a cucumber. No one knew why he chose you but no one ever questioned him.

As his tune began, you sauntered over in your knee-length black dress that hugged your every curve. Balancing the tray through the crowd of tables and merlot buzzed customers. As crowded as the room was, you felt as if he was the only one in the room. His alluring melody drew you to him like a charmer conjuring a snake from its basket. It was haunting yet so arousing.

When you reached his side, you set the glass on top of the piano with a coaster. Sneaking a good look at him because, honestly, he was absolutely stunning. His tall frame displayed handsomely through his black pants, white button-down shirt with the top two buttons undone to tease you with the sight of his chest. His bleach blonde hair parted perfectly in the most seductive fashion and his perfectly almond shaped coffee brown eyes that told a story with every glance. Without looking at you, with those sinful eyes, he smiled at the corner of his mouth; a silent thank you. This was new.

He never acknowledged your presence. It made you skip a beat in your stride as you made your way back to the bar. As you walked away, you could have sworn you heard subtle laughter under his breath; turning your cheeks crimson red and your heat twitch in response. How is that you could be so wet by a man that has never even touched you?

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