Inspirational - Tumblr Posts
"Ignoring your trauma doesn't make you healthy"-Sam Winchester (who is one to talk but still inspirational)
If you’re delt a buncha lemons

You gotta take those lemons

And use lemon juice and hOt glue to close up the wound 🍋
I know, somehow, that only when it is dark enough can you see the stars. -Martin Luther King
I screamed into the void and it responded with 100 Gecs
The human body is 90 % water so we're basically just cucumbers with anxiety.
somewhere on 9gag

This so important because it's true. And it needs to stop!

Watch: Michelle Obama’s speech on the Trump tapes should be required viewing for all Americans
Everyone is an artist, the only difference is one puts their heart on paper.
A poet's soul
Something beautiful
Something only few understand
Something born from seeing pain, seeing beauty, seeing everything.
An artist’s soul
Something unique
Something never spoken
Something born from feeling pain, feeling beauty, feeling everything.
I intend to rule the world.
But can or will I do?
I intend to climb my mountains.
But each time I tried they grew.
My intentions dwindle and sour.
With the days that pass and flow.
Will my intentions ever make something?
I can hold in my hands and show.
Will I intend what I finish
Or will it diminish
When I come to my here, unplanned.
I think I’ll intend to intend.
And each time that intent falls flat.
I’ll grab it again, step right back to bat.
And intend each dead end to be more.
You know those days when you look back on your day and it seems like you did every single thing wrong that you could do wrong and you realize that you broke all the promises you made to yourself just the night before. In those moments sometimes the only thing you can do is just go to sleep and try again tomorrow.
So many times I let all the mistakes of yesterday ruin all my efforts today. As much as it’s cheesy it’s actually true, treat everyday as a new day. Leave all the crap and broken promises in the past, and just try to make the next day better.
There is no use worrying about how much of a putz you were yesterday AND also worrying that you’ll make the same mistakes today.
The only way to get through this life is to understand that mistakes are a part of it, and just because most people hide their blunders doesn’t mean you are the only one that makes them.
I don’t mean to sound preachy. I, myself, am still struggling to move my brain from ‘knowing this’ to ‘believing this’.
But just thought I’d put it out there.
Now is your moment
Now is your time
Now is your moment
To take your chance
Face your opponent.
Cause the world won’t wait
For you to get your crap together
Come on cupcake,
Time to see can you weather the weather.
Put on your big boy pants, play big
The rodeo plays rough, ‘ll snap you like a twig.
If you replay replay all the mistake you’ve done made
You’ll never come out of that place where you’re always afraid.
Now I know you’re scared, aren’t we all
But this world wasn’t made for us to feel small.
You’ve got to find that place deep within
That says “Hey I’m the star, not just someone’s stand-in.”
Get off the side lines
Make your mark!
Cause these are rough times
And we all need YOUR spark!
Courage don’t run smoothly in our blood
But we ain’t afraid goin’ sludging through that mud
Cause it’s better than sleepin’, and waitin’, fearin’ all the time
If it’s that or up, imma do that climb.
Cause no matter the exhaustion, sadness and pain,
Keeping my feet on the ground is what’s drivin’ me insane
So reach up, reach up, dream bigger than before
Yes, for sure you’ll lose lots, but you’ll gain much more.
Some are quick to laugh.
Some are quick to cry.
Some are quick to leave.
Yes, sadly, some are quick to die.
But even though they left swiftly,
they are slow to leave our hearts.
For though it was a quick greeting,
that’s how each friendship starts.
And ours will last forever,
not something death can break.
It’s too slow to reach ‘The End’,
so the idea of leaving just won’t take.
Even so, I’ll miss you right dreadful,
every day that I don’t hear you speak.
But each tear that I let fall down my face,
these simple words I just repeat.
Some were quick to anger,
while you were quick to love.
So I’ll be quick to show them,
through me your work lives on.