1- her hair is sort of a mix between brown and blonde.
2- When she first started going out with Sherman, her siblings went crazy with rage.
3- Her favourite flowers are ‘forget me not'
4- She loves chocolate
5- Once, for her birthday, sherman and Clarisse took her on a week long holiday to france, (Clarisse paid for it)
6- Her favourite colors are lavender and sage, because they remind her of nature
7- Practically an Angel at this point
8- She loves going on long walks and picnics
9- She doesn't get along with Katie as well as you would think
10- Her favourite hobbies, are playing the acoustic guitar and reading in the strawberry fields
11- Her signature weapon, is an elegant dagger with a golden blade called Mīravel (Sherman gifted it to her of course'
12- Dancing in the rain is her thing omg
13- Demeter legit forgot about her for a few dam years
14- constantly making flower crowns for people she cares about
15- Ends up dying her hair green, accidentally matching Alex Fierro
16- She loves going swimming in lakes, usually ends up bribing someone to come with her
17- She has like a humongous collection of self made leather notebooks with pressed flowers in the covers
18- She writes a lot of poetry, specifically love things, and ends up leaving them on Shermans bed for hum to find after training, (his siblings def tease him for it)
19- Surprisingly, She doesn't wear the usual camp t-shirt, instead is usually in overalls or floral dresses
20- she loves baking, her dad, Edward, taught her how to when she was only six, she goes and visits him every winter
21- She loves waterfalls
22- Her favourite book is surprisingly The Cruel Prince
23- Her birthday is on the fourth of December
24- she loves going to Cafes
25- Halloween is her favourite holiday
26- At the back of the Demeter Cabin, she started a pomegranate patch for Persephone
27- F l o w e r s. E v e r y w h e r e.
28- she always as Herbs and stuff in a small leather bag.
29- Her favourite food is actually Apple Pie
30- Currently lives in Tepic, Mexico
31- Her eyes are teal, unlike anyone elses, Sherman loves it
32- Goes berry picking once a week
33- She always makes a bonfire on Halloween and thanks the Irish for inventing Halloween
34- Spends too much time sleeping or doing anything above to the point where Chiron is considering banning her from other activities until she starts doing her cabin leader work
35- she does a lot of movie nights, but usually falls asleep before they can finish watching the movie
36- her favourite drink is green tea, (no surprise there)\
37- could spend the rest of her life laying in a field with a few good books and would be fully content
38- likes hosting tea parties for fun
39- Always cooking for friends and family
40- Shes an aspiring author if you hadn't guessed!
should I do more? And heres how I
imagine her;

(closest thing I could find)
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More Posts from Chippedmelog
Saw someone mention something about 'of course Gabriel would get along with a demon, he's an awful person--' and no no no you're missing the point. Like yeah, he does suck and has been awful to Aziraphale, but he's not Uniquely Awful, nor is that the reason he gets along with Beelzebub. He gets along with Beelzebub because they are fundamentally the same, because there is no difference between angels and demons in Good Omens.
One of the things reiterated again and again in the book Good Omens is how Heaven and Hell is fundamentally the same. It's noted that demon wings are not black, but white, and during what while the showdown between Adam and Satan in the series, all the angels and demons actually appear on earth and square off against each other--and the narration specifically says that you couldn't tell the angels apart from the demons. That's why Gabriel and Beelzebub get the same complaints from both Heaven and Hell about how hard it is to get the angels and demons to back down from a war, that's why Crowley says at the end of season 1 that the real Armageddon will be the combined hosts of Heaven and Hell versus humanity. It's why it was mentioned, when talking about season 1, that Heaven and Hell were envisioned as being the upper floors and basement of the same basement--is why the methods to get to both places are always in the same location! The escalators and the elevator!
And that's why Gabriel and Beelzebub got along. Because they were in the exact same position experiencing the exact same difficulties and complaints, and because they the exact same amount of actual care for Heaven and Hell--precisely zero. They fell in love because they're similar, but at the end of the day, all the angels and demons are 'similar', because the demons used to be angels too! Which we are reminded, when Crowley correctly analyzes angels like Muriel, Heaven as a structure, and guesses that they STILL haven't changed the passwords. Crowley recognizes that Heaven and Hell are the same, and are plagued by effectively the same problems, and so he rejects both. He rejects Beelzebub's offer to become a Duke of Hell, even if it would protect Aziraphale. He rejects Aziraphale's offer to become an angel again. Crowley knows that both sides are rife with systematic problems, and so he goes all-in on our side. And on humanity's side.
Percy Jackson/ Neo McAuliffe
Percy parried as his training partner slashed at him. He noticed Clarisse and Sherman gaping at their little spar as they continued. In this small second of distraction, his partner sent him flying. He landed on his butt a good few feet away, with a large cut on his arm. His partner held out his hand to help him up. Suddenly, a glowing red symbol appeared above him. It was a spear crossed over a shield. The symbol of Ares. They heard Clarisse and Sherman gasp in excitement. What weirdos, thought Percy. ‘Neo McAuliffe, son of Ares, god of war, strength and bravery ‘ Chiron announced from the break in the trees. all four individuals jumped in alarm. They centaur merely left again. Neo helped Percy up with a smile. ‘hi, nice to meet you’ He laughed. ‘Nice to meet you too, Neo’
‘You damn onion!’ The newly claimed son of Ares laughed as Percy shoved the strawberry that Neo had been about to pick up into his mouth. ‘Onion? In my seventeen years of being a demigod, never have I ever heard a child of Ares label someone as an ‘Onion'“ Said son of Poseidon sniggered. ‘Oh! Me, Ellis and Nico are having a movie night tomorrow if you wanna join, its in the Hades cabin’ Neo suddenly suggested. ‘Sure maybe, if Annabeth doesn't need me for something' Percy laughed. Neo felt a distant pang of jealousy and concern. Annabeth was rather controlling towards her boyfriend, so what if he doesn't get you the exact copy of a book you wanted? Its not a big deal.

Nico leaned over to ellis wakefield and whispered into his ear; ‘Love birds', as he gestured to Percy and Neo. They were jokingly feeding each other popcorn and chocolate. While making bad jokes about onions. ‘Ares kids are just like onions, nobody likes them and smell bad' Percy admitted. Neo looked hurt for a fraction of a second, as Percy noticed and added another few words. ‘-except for you, everyone who knows you likes you and you smell really nice, lavender or jasmine?’ He smiled. ‘Bloody jasmine’ The son of Ares laughed. ‘Told ya’ Nico whispered. ‘I never denied it’ Ellis grinned.
Percy couldn't believe the thoughts running through his mind as he watched Neo. He picked up a rose and let it fly with the wind. Which made his already messy ebony hair, even more ruffled. He was pale skinned, with a lean figure. A gentle smile crossed his face when a bird landed on his arm, as if he were a disney princess. ‘Perce, look!’ He slowly turned to him. Percy smiled as he approached. His sea green eyes wandered to Neos indigo ones, which were filled with excitement and joy. ‘Isn't it cute!’ He spun in a circle, his adhd getting to him. Percy stuck out his hand, and patted the bird slowly and carefully, as to not scare away something that made Neo so happy. ‘It really is' Percy replied, yet his eyes were focused on Neo himself.

Neo elbowed Percy in the hopes of him missing. They were playing fortnite in the big house. Both had become rather competitive in this little heated in game fight between the two. Percy yawned, and his eyes fell unfocused for a mere second, as they were one Neo, who was laughing. ‘I won!’ The son of Ares sang. ‘You really did’ Percy sighed fondly. ‘Campers? Return to your cabins and pack your bags if your leaving tomorrow morning’ Chiron chidded. The happy atmosphere vanished. ‘Oh no…Wait, how about we meet up as much as we can? Where do you live?’ Percys eyes trailed up to Neos. ‘London! Yet my mum lets me take trips to NYC whenever I want! Well, thats because my granny lives there, but anyways, i'm quite wealthy so sometimes I can get the bus to NYC, we can hang out there sometimes, and others I can take you to my house!’ He gasped excitedly. ‘Perfect!’ Percy smiled.
Later that same evening, both boys sat by the lake. A comfortable silence lay in the air. ‘Percy, I..I need to tel! You something, please don't think of me any less, and please don't tell anyone, by i'm…i'm..I'm pansexual’ Neo shut his eyes, expecting an outraged reaction from his friend. ‘Cool, if it makes you feel better i'm bi’ Percy gave a wide smile as Neo opened his eyes. ‘Really?’ He gasped. ‘Mhmm’ Percy lay down in the damp grass. Suddenly, a group of cleaning harpies noticed them. They began to shriek as they dived. The two boys replied with loud, high-pitched screaming as they sped back to their cabins.

Percy stared at Calypsos moonlace plant. He hadn't even gotten a proper chance to say goodbye to Neo. But now he was back in Manhattan, and Neo in London. An idea crossed his mind as he sped back into his room. He quickly used a drachma and water he had summoned in an empty bowl, to create an iris message. Seconds later, his best friend- apart from Grover- was grinning down at him. ‘Want to meet up for lunch at °Insert random cafe°?’ He asked. ‘Sure! See you there!’
Months passed and soon it was time to return to their beloved camp half-blood. Neo was over the moon to be able to see Percy without the long wait of busses and the many irish messages. Percy himself was just as overjoyed. Neo ran through the forest to their secret spot. A small creak in a grassy boulder supposed to be a hill, what no one knew, was that it led into a beautiful cave, lit by pink torches that had been placed by the cave nymphs many millennia ago. Percy was already there. ‘Tide!’ Neo screamed as he threw his arms around Percys neck. ‘Hey shortie mc short’ The said son of Poseidon snickered. Neo huffed as he pulled away slightly. ‘sorry-' Percy smiled and pulled him back into his warm embrace.

dinner was loud and positive. Neo had joined Percy on the Poseidon table so that they could talk. chiron didn't attempt to interfere. ‘Meet me in the Poseidon cabin after the camp fire' Percy winked. Neo looked rather confused, but got on with telling him about the news of their favourite TV show.
The son of Ares stumbled into cabin 3. The lights were on, yet they were dim. Percy sat reading a comic on his bed. He quickly put it down when Neo entered. They did that a lot now, where they wouldn't knock or ask, they would just walk straight in, the invasion of privacy never crossing eithers mind. Percy jumped up from his bed, an awkward air floated around him. ‘Okay…Neo, what I wanted to say, is that. I love you, romantically, and it scares the hades out of me, I know I shouldn't feel this way, And I know i'm not good enough for you, and I'm so stupid to make the mistake of falling inlove with my best frien-’ He was cut of by Neo kissing him. He tasted like Cadbury choclate. Percy ran his hands through the son of Ares long-ish curls. The slightly pulled away, Neo let out a small moan, and they continued. After a few minutes they properly pulled apart, breathless. ‘Err..what now?’ Percy scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. ‘Are we a thing?’ Neo asked. ‘If you want’ Percy replied. ‘of course!’ Neo jumped down beside Percy. Both were smiling. Percy turned to Neo, one hand massaged the Ares boys throat, while the other traced his reddened lips. ‘Your absolutely breathtakingly beautiful, I must be in heaven' He slurred his words. Neo blushed. Percy continued. ‘Now… where were we…’

(I will be continuing the Percy/Chiron argument soon, just a small little story to keep ya'll interested)
Percy/Chirons fight pt. 6 (warning, really, reallly short)
Alkippe bandaged Hippolyte's arm with the hem of her shirt, which had originally began to rip after getting caught in a rose bush. ‘Now, Be careful!’ She said in an exasperated tone, but her half sister was already leaning over the fire to get a s'more from Clarisse. They had survived quite a while on this mission so far, despite now being on Chirons bad side, thus him refusing to help, they had managed to survive.

Meanwhile, the centaur was still attempting to find ways to border them from the cure. He was abusing his power in a way. And someone dangerous was beginning to sense it.
The rose petals fluttered to the floor. Disappearing in small flashes of light as the landed. Kronos’ golden eyes darted around the room. Something was happening at Camp Half Blood.

Chiron had finally found some sort of spell to cast over the camp. Leading to the campers to be unbelievably ill, vomiting and collapsing every few seconds.
Percy and Adrienne grew more worried as time dragged on. Any day now, they thought hopefully.

Thrassa bit her nails as she watched the clock tick as another hour passed. She wouldn't be able to keep this up for much longer, she realised.
Up on Olympus, the Olympians were starting to notice the illness spreading over the camp, they learned how, and the rage nearly engulfed the all powerful beings if Harmonia hadn't have stepped in.

Everything was getting worse.
Clarisse, Hippolyte and Alkippe were beginning to tire after the first long week of their journey. They really hadn't expected how much of a challenge it was to find Queen Mab. Mr. D was trying his best to help them, but they still struggled.
Ares traced the illustrations that adorned the goblet. ‘Soon..’ He whispered. ‘soon….’

A/n: I know its really short, but it was the best I could do after my too long break, hopefully I'll be posting more often now
Percy/Chiron Argument pt.7
Clarisse clambered out of the tent.
A sliver of moonlight lit up her otherwise shadowed face. The darkness of the sky hid the girl as she sprinted through the trees.
Her ebony hair flickered gold through the gaps of trees, now that the sun was rising.
She couldn't afford to let him get to Hippolyte and Alkippe, if she could lead him away, everything would be fine.
so she tried.
She could her his rattled breath as he neared. She had no other choice.

She was running low on energy, which she would need if this ended in a battle.
Then, all of a sudden, she stumbled out onto a cliff. It was like Daphne and Apollo all over again.
Just as He burst out of the forest, Clarisse made on last prayer to her father. And in a shower of gold, was transformed into a sculpture of celestial bronze.
Hallirhothios let out an angry wail as he threw himself at the sculpture. His hands trailed over the celestial bronze of her waist, rage overcame him, and he turned to the locket around her neck.
He yoinked it off, breaking the silver chain in the process, and shattered it.
Sparks of red magic flashed across the shards of shining material.

with one last glare at the sculpture, Hallirhothios began to tred down the slope leading into the canyon, Gods damn it, she was my only chance, He thought to himself as he vanished around an especially rocky area.
Percy and Adrienne grew more excited as they felt the use of magic flowing through the universes core.
How the could feel so much of the raw power, they didn't know, but it was quite useful.
They sat together in front if the mirror they had met at, when suddenly a shower of gold revealed a person.
It was Clarisse, Percy realised. Except, she was translucent and small chunks of celestial bronze were imbedded into her skin every few inches.
‘Prissy?’ her voice sounded like an old recording.
‘Yup. Its me, How did you get here?’

Clarisse sat down beside him, and began to explain. she noticed Adrienne watching closely as the mirror suddenly switched to show Ares and Poseidon screaming at each other from opposite sides of a table, the other Olympians sat around them, looking exhausted and overworked.
‘How dare you! Bringing that dirty, little-'
‘Aww, is the wittle war god sad his daughter was turned into a sculpture ~ atleast now shes gracing the world by not existing -’
‘-You take that back!’
And so it continued.
The demigods and Adrienne stared as the scene shattered and was replaced by a silver rippling affect while it thought on the next person to observe.
‘M-Maybe we should just go to sleep for now?' Adrienne suggests nervously.
The two agreed, and then settle down in a circular shape.
Percy drifts off without a problem, but Clarisse has the strangest dream.
Shes standing in a spaceship, theres a woman in front of her. The woman has brght blue eyes, an olive complexion, and raven her held back in an otherworldly head piece.

‘Please. This is your decision, Clarisse La Rue.
Not hers, not theirs. Yours. Please, listen, before it is too late. When you find what you are looking for, do not look further. Or you shall only realise to late, like me. It is how I died. My name is Calamity. Please, Clarisse please-!’
The woman, Calamity, reached out. For a moment the girls gentle grip rested in their intertwined fingers, but then, Calamity began to glow. A searing white light temporarily blinding Clarisse, and the last thing she felt, was Calamity slipping out of her grasp, and a hollowed scream.
Percy and Adrienne looked over at her worriedly. ‘Are you okay? You were screaming' Percy appeared to paying close attention to his words, as his eyes were weary.
‘I'm…. I'm fine’
She used a mirror to help herself up, and looked around. Adrienne looked at her. ‘I saw what happened. why your bronze. You were sent here to preserve, so your father could turn you back when the crisis that is Hallirhothios has finished.

‘Okay.’ Clarisse didn't feel like telling the woman the full story, so she slumped against a mirror and thought back on her dream.
Calamity had said she was dead. And as she was reminded of the warning, she was reminded of the meaning of Calamity. disaster.
A perfect description of the current timeline, Clarisse snorted to herself.
Back at camp,
Apollo had went straight to healing magic, and was now currently sprawled out in his bed after being drained of energy.
The camp sprung back to life, and everything was going back to normal. Or so they thought.
Chiron stood at his desk, a wide smile adorning his face.n
Something's gone wrong.

Shera Prompt Day 1; Gone Wrong
Catra wished she'd seen it coming.
Ador- No, She-ra, raised the blade above her, grinning psychotically.
Her eyes flicked over to the distant calls of Scorpia.
Whom she wished she had spent more time with.
Entrapta is gone.
She ran while she still could.
Adora cackled aloud once more, before bringing the sword of protection down, plunging it into Catras heart with a sickening crunch.
She hears Glimmers cut scream.
She's so dizzy...oh...so dizzy...
The pain is indescribable.
As if she's been torn to pieces by the claws that tipped her fingers.
As if someone reached down her throat and crushed her heart in their hands.
She had no way out of this one.
Her back arches into the blade uncontrollably as she let's out a blood chilling scream of agony.
Her throat feels stolen. Her abdomen pulls apart, bloody shards of skin, rough and horrible.
Her whole body feels as if its aflame.
Scalding white flames dance across her heart and torn body.
Scorpia let's out an awful yell of a sob.
She-ra sends the sword of protection deeper, still corrupted.
The agony gnaws at her, her life force wavering, shaking, trembling.
She's dying.
White. Black. Multicoloured.
She lets out a small, pained moan as her eyelids flutter midway.
She-ra's sword is retracted, the killing pierce of the blades tip done.
For a moment, Catras whole body is cold and numb.
And then she's gone.
Glimmer does not understand.
Wasn't she supposed to be glad?
Catra is gone.
She needn't worry no more.
The malignant magicat who had schemed and plotted against her.
Gone. Dead.
It was a numb sort of pain.
Adora had fainted the moment after, out of shock of what she had just done.
She had crushing the disk when she had landed on Catra, spewing blood over the snow.
Scorpia had silently fallen to her knees, unmoving, wholly afraid.
Anyone would be, after bearing witness to such a grotesque event.
Glimmer had felt a nausea unlike anything she had ever felt before.
She could not lose the image of Catras fearful expression, her pleading, her useless, fading gasps of breaths as she weakly clawed at the blade until she had fallen completely and utterly still.
When Entrapta reappeared from the Hordes base camp, she too had been shocked to her core.
Gone. Dead.
It was too much to register.
Glimmer was still in shock.
A part of her screamed for her to bawl her eyes out.
Another begged this to be nothing more then some horrible nightmare, and that she would would wake up and everything would be normal.
She would be early to the rebellion meeting and she would talk to Adora and Bow about how they would beat the Horde in the next mission.
But that wouldn't happen.
Adora woke in her room.
She attempted to recall the memories of the previous evening, but it was all but a red blur.
She went looking for Glimmer, only to find her gone from her room.
She had gone to the dining room, considering the fact that Glimmer may be there.
But she did not expect to find her asleep against Angella, who was still asleep herself.
Adoras smile flickered.
When did Glimmer get along with her mother?
Maybe Bow would be able to tell her what she missed, She considered, and set off to find him.
Strangely enough, she found him sitting silently by the Moor behind Brightmoon Castle.
'Bow? Is everything okay?' She frowned.
'Its nothing, really....Do you remember what happened yesterday?'
'No, it's just a big blur. Why? Did something interesting happen?'
He walked up to her without a word, and showed her his trackerpad.
A group of Horde soldiers were all gathered in the Whispering Woods.
'Are we going to fight them?' Adora asked brightly.
'Absolutely not. One, because I think we all need to recover from yesterday, two, because they're having a funeral.'
'For who? And what happened yesterday?'
'Adora....Yesterday....You murdered Catra. That funeral is hers. Its your old unit, Scorpia, Entrapta and a few others. Scorpia told us the plan for her funeral when we parted ways'
The whole world came crashing down in that moment.
(Continued on my wattpad; Chipped_Melog!)