chiyuki-suishou - Chiyuki Suishou
Chiyuki Suishou

Hiya, I'm a Malaysian writer who loves gaming, anime, manga & visual novels.

679 posts

Ive Played This Game, Its Really Fun :)

I’ve played this game, it’s really fun :)

Notice Me Senpai! Guide

Alright so I’ve been playing the game for about two weeks now and I’ve managed to unlock every senpai. Since I’ve been getting a few asks on how to get all of them, I decided to make a quick guide for everyone who needs help!

Unlocking everyone isn’t hard as long as you have their favorite items out. If you want a certain senpai to show up often, the best way to do that is to have their top three favorite items which is listed in their profiles. Note that what I list down below isn’t everything that can make them appear and they may not be their exact favorites since I haven’t switched around my items recently. If you know what their exact favorites are (which would be an item where they’re actually interacting with it rather than just standing i.e. Basketball Club Senpai is the only one who dribbles the basketball) then please feel free to message me so I can update this list!

Senpai List and Favorite Items

Nerd Senpai - Chess Set, Soft Armchair, Small Bookshelf

Young Senpai - Strawberry Shortcake, Pet Cat, Chocolate Cookies

Lazy Senpai - Strawberry Shortcake, Soft Armchair, Chocolate Cupcakes

Art Club Senpai - Flower Vase, Mirror, Painting of a Lady

School Festival Senpai - Taiko Drum, Small Orange Tree, Rose Vase

Science Lab Senpai - Pet Cat, PC Station, Miso Soup

Gamer Senpai - Chocolate Cookies, Chocolate Cupcakes, Reclining Chair

Gourmet Club Senpai - Strawberry Shortcake, Miso Soup, Chocolate Cookies

Delinquent Senpai - Flower Vase, Basketball, Chocolate Cupcakes

Basketball Captain Senpai - Basketball, Pet Cat, Guitar

Drama Club Senpai - Strawberry Shortcake, Mirror, Stuffed Bear

Goat Senpai - Rose Vase, Flower Vase, PC Station

Calligraphy Club Senpai - Reclining Chair, Piano, Kanji Painting

Butler Senpai -  Fancy Tea Set, Piano, Large Bookshelf

Student Council President - PC Station, Reclining Chair, Large Bookshelf

Crammer Senpai* - PC Station, Stuffed Bear, Reclining Chair

Idol Senpai* - Piano, Stuffed Bear, Reclining Chair

Rocker Senpai* - Guitar, Stuffed Bear, Reclining Chair

Sensei* - Reclining Chair, Stuffed Bear, Guitar

Childhood Friend Senpai** - Stuffed Bear, Reclining Chair, Guitar

* = Although it lists three items underneath their profile, it seems those special senpais only show up when you have the very first item out (i.e. Crammer Senpai = PC Station, Idol Senpai = Piano, etc.).

** = It appears that Childhood Friend Senpai is the hardest to come across as I have only encountered him once. @ephemeral-ingenue​ suggested to me to change my cafe theme to the one with pink stripes and polka dots (the fourth one) and that actually worked. I’m not 100% if that was the reason he showed up, but it’s the only time he showed up for me!

Extra Information:

Try to save up your gems for the cafe expansion (200 gems). It helps you encounter more senpais at once and since there are more of them, you can easily earn back all your gems. 

Once you feel that you have enough coins, switch over to Gourmet Beans since rarer senpais will show up more often. 

To get all the notes and CGs from each Senpai depends on the number of hearts they have. Once you get to the third/green heart you will receive a note from them. After that you have to wait until they get to the fifth/red heart to see a special scene and get their CG. For the special senpais, there are two unlockeable CGs (4th heart = 1st CG, 5th heart = 2nd CG).

To increase their hearts, you have to get them to visit the cafe often which is why it’s important to leave out their favorite items especially if you want a CG from a specific senpai.

The senpais at the top of the list will only take a few visits to get a CG from them, then the number of visits increase as you move down the list. (i.e. I got Lazy Senpai’s CG in 50 visits vs Delinquent Senpai’s CG in 150 visits)

Those are all the useful tips I can give you guys for now! If I find anything new I’ll be sure to update this. Again, feel free to message me if you have any other questions or if I need to correct something on this guide. Happy senpai hunting!

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More Posts from Chiyuki-suishou

9 years ago

Hello there! ^0^ I wanted to say thank you for the guides for Love story, the game would be a nightmare without them ♥ So thank you very much for those. Um, 2 questions: if you have experience, how long does it take for support team to answer e-mails (reinstalling the game was a bad idea: all my purchases and progress were erased >_

Hiya there, Anonymous !

Unfortunately ( or fortunately ), I have not contacted their support team through e-mails - that counts as no experience - but I’ve seen them actively posting comments on the posts at their Facebook page, helping out players with their games and they are also quick to reply to their Facebook messages.

Actually, I think it’s best to send them an e-mail first. If let’s say, they did not give a reply within 2-3 days, then try contacting them through message on their Facebook page. Hopefully, they will fix the problem and restore the purchases back for you :)

And nope, haven’t try Prince Maker, yet. It looks kinda cool though !

I’ll definitely play it once I have some free time lying around :D 

Thanks for asking and all the best ^_^

9 years ago

Uwaaaaaaaaa this is soooo coolllll. I love this blog so much. But I have some questions about Love Story walk through. The guide has helped me get some endings I wanted but the ending with Sebastian is abit harder ;-; (Hue. Kuroshitsuji, I love you sebby) ❤️). I'm finding it hard to get enough care, enough stamina as well as coins. Also, what order should u do my studying, jobs and housework AND vacation? Thank you very much! ^^

Hehe, Sebby is love

Actually, for Sebastian’s ending, it’s all about managing your stamina. 

Cooking - Stamina Morality Care UP

Literature - Intel Morality Temperament UP

Dance - Charisma Temperament Attack UP

Housework - Attack Rebellious DOWN Emotion Care UP+ No Requirements 

The priority order for Sebby is something like this :

Cooking class ( until Stamina 190 ) -> Housework ( Until Care is reach ) 

-> Literature & Dance classes.


Care : 

Talk to the Child, Wear Care+ clothes & accessories, Vacations ( not all ), Housework and Cooking. You can also buy items from the shop to compensate the stats ( but it’s possible to get enough Care without buying anything from there, so ya.. save your coins for other stuff )

Stamina & Fatigue : 

Take Cooking class until you reach Stamina >190. I’ve done both Vacations ( if your fatigue is nearly max out ) and Outings ( for encounters ).  I’ve also opt not to go for the Spring Festival and Harvest Festival for this route as doing so will help to reduce the fatigue, which is precious.

Coins : 

Collect at least 30k coins before going for this ending as the Housework job does not pay you any coins. My advise is to play another game first just for collecting coins before you go for Sebby or any other romantic ending.

In this game, you only need to get the Blackjack Dealer job (  you need at least Charisma >100, Rebellious >50 first, then Go to Wizard Alley ) and do that job with occasional rest continuously for six years. 

At the end, you will get the Blue Collar ending but with lots of coins which you can carry forward to the next game. Keep doing that until you are confident that you have sufficient coins for the ending you want. Using this method, at least you will have one less thing to worry about.

Hope this helps !

9 years ago

Happy Lunar New Year !

Hiya everyone ! Just saying that I'll be away for the holidays with my family and won't have access to the desktop so I can't update the walkthrough until I return.

Good news, Leslie's ending is finally completed. Along the way, I've also carry out some stuff about the 1st year encounter at the market on Dec because many players were asking for it. For the encounter to occur, you need at least 50-100 care which you can get through Cooking class. Hope this solves it...

The Leslie ending is not yet updated to latest. For the mean time, do not proceed or follow that part. I'll have to fill in new min and rearrange the priority order starting with Cooking then Market and so on. Thanks ^w^

With that, I wish you a happy February and take care !

Tags :
9 years ago

Hello! I love the walkthrough of the Love Story You Belong With Me game. Well, I was wondering... I tried to get the Snow ending triple times, however, I got the witch and ordinary life even though I followed your guide. Can you tell me what jobs should I join so that my mana/etc won't decrease? I also don't know how to find Snow at the market during first year but instead I met Leslie and the cookie woman. Is there any way I can achieve the ending without getting the ordinary life ending again?

Hi there, Anonymous ~

For Snow, you have to prepare the coins beforehand like the other romantic endings. That way, you can focus solely on classes. Try the Blackjack + Blue Collar to gain lots of coins which you can carry forward to the next game. Sebastian is 30k coins. Leslie is 40k coins. For Snow, it should be 35k+ coins.

Jobs :

Housework - Attack Rebellious DOWN Emotion Care UP

+ No Requirements

Choreman - Temperament Mana DOWN Emotion Care UP

+ No Requirements

Orphanage Assistant - Attack Rebellious DOWN Morality Care UP

+ Meet Leslie at Market on 1st year.

Bodyguard - Intel Temperament DOWN Attack Mana UP

+ Stamina >100, Go to Plaza

Physician - Charisma Attack DOWN Morality Temperament UP

+ Medicine 15 times

Waiter/Waitress - Intel Emotion DOWN Charisma Mana UP

+ Charisma >100, Temperament >100, Go to Jasmine Lounge

Tutor - Mana Rebellious DOWN Intel Care UP

+ Intel >100 Go to Plaza

Blackjack Dealer - Morality Emotion DOWN Intel Rebellious UP

+ Charisma >100, Rebellious >50, Go to Wizard Alley


Actually, that meeting is not neccessary for Snow. It’s been stated there on his part…


As long as the Child meet the requirements and encounters, you won’t get the Ordinary Life ending. As long as you don’t lack any stats or encounters...


Thanks for asking and good luck :)

9 years ago

First of all, thank you very much for the lovely detailed guides for Love Story - You belong with me, they will be of great help to many players. Um, I have a very silly question. The game says you can save CGs (and later use them as wallpapers), but how do you save CGs? I can see them in the memory section and I can take a screenshot on my mobile, but there's that annoying facebook button right in the middle that I can't get rid of. Help would be very, very welcome ^^'' (btw Boy is on sale now)

The only way to get the CG is to either getting screen-shots during the ending scene or share the CG to Facebook by clicking on the Facebook button.

However, there’s still some CGs which are still having problem sharing to FB, even after the latest update. So, I suggest screen-shot is the safest option.