Notice Me Senpai - Tumblr Posts
Well, my brother and I can agree on one thing
We both love Thomas Sanders.
I had a dream last night about Mikey being on my cieling staring down at me with a smile on his face. (which is not creepy at all. Lmao!) And when I woke up, I coulda sworn I saw his dark silhouette in my room somewhere! Idk, but it could be my own mind going crazy! 😳😅 if only he was actually there, I won't give a single fuck if he gets all stalker mode on me! 😍

@nittleboo @kokokatsworld @tmntspidergirl @southernblossoms @teenage-mutant-ninja-freak @angelcatlowyn @cowabunga-doll @the-second-circle-of-shell @tmnt-fangirl101

miss girl loves her bread

I’ve wanted to make a shark mask for some time. The question of why exactly is difficult to answer, but last night I sat down and pounded out a design for one. I did the design in 3D in Rhino, building on the experience of having done that plague doctor hood a couple months ago.
Here you can see the design in 3D, and all the pieces laid out and ready to laser cut. I’m going to attempt riveting it all together. The plague doctor hood was sewn together, which takes a really long time to assemble (like 8 hours of hand stitching), but is easy to design for and lay out and know that it’ll work. I’m less certain about the rivets working quite so smoothly, but we shall see. If it works, it’ll mean a vastly speedier assembly.
I’ll be laser-cutting this out in 8 hours! I should get to bed.
I feel like fandom is often me waiting in my corner for someone else to decide they want to play with my dolls with me.
Wow it’s crazy how attention starved I am that I can literally feel myself forming a parasocial relationship with someone who has interacted with me once (1)
slendy senpai
I can’t wait for tumblrinas to crowd the two girls who tried to kill their friend to aplease slenderman with those feel good memes if “you are beautify, valid, important, loved, slendy is real, you are special, radical, great. people are mean. neurodiveristy rocks.

pushing his hair back
I’ve played this game, it’s really fun :)
Notice Me Senpai! Guide
Alright so I’ve been playing the game for about two weeks now and I’ve managed to unlock every senpai. Since I’ve been getting a few asks on how to get all of them, I decided to make a quick guide for everyone who needs help!
Unlocking everyone isn’t hard as long as you have their favorite items out. If you want a certain senpai to show up often, the best way to do that is to have their top three favorite items which is listed in their profiles. Note that what I list down below isn’t everything that can make them appear and they may not be their exact favorites since I haven’t switched around my items recently. If you know what their exact favorites are (which would be an item where they’re actually interacting with it rather than just standing i.e. Basketball Club Senpai is the only one who dribbles the basketball) then please feel free to message me so I can update this list!
Senpai List and Favorite Items
Nerd Senpai - Chess Set, Soft Armchair, Small Bookshelf
Young Senpai - Strawberry Shortcake, Pet Cat, Chocolate Cookies
Lazy Senpai - Strawberry Shortcake, Soft Armchair, Chocolate Cupcakes
Art Club Senpai - Flower Vase, Mirror, Painting of a Lady
School Festival Senpai - Taiko Drum, Small Orange Tree, Rose Vase
Science Lab Senpai - Pet Cat, PC Station, Miso Soup
Gamer Senpai - Chocolate Cookies, Chocolate Cupcakes, Reclining Chair
Gourmet Club Senpai - Strawberry Shortcake, Miso Soup, Chocolate Cookies
Delinquent Senpai - Flower Vase, Basketball, Chocolate Cupcakes
Basketball Captain Senpai - Basketball, Pet Cat, Guitar
Drama Club Senpai - Strawberry Shortcake, Mirror, Stuffed Bear
Goat Senpai - Rose Vase, Flower Vase, PC Station
Calligraphy Club Senpai - Reclining Chair, Piano, Kanji Painting
Butler Senpai - Fancy Tea Set, Piano, Large Bookshelf
Student Council President - PC Station, Reclining Chair, Large Bookshelf
Crammer Senpai* - PC Station, Stuffed Bear, Reclining Chair
Idol Senpai* - Piano, Stuffed Bear, Reclining Chair
Rocker Senpai* - Guitar, Stuffed Bear, Reclining Chair
Sensei* - Reclining Chair, Stuffed Bear, Guitar
Childhood Friend Senpai** - Stuffed Bear, Reclining Chair, Guitar
* = Although it lists three items underneath their profile, it seems those special senpais only show up when you have the very first item out (i.e. Crammer Senpai = PC Station, Idol Senpai = Piano, etc.).
** = It appears that Childhood Friend Senpai is the hardest to come across as I have only encountered him once. @ephemeral-ingenue suggested to me to change my cafe theme to the one with pink stripes and polka dots (the fourth one) and that actually worked. I’m not 100% if that was the reason he showed up, but it’s the only time he showed up for me!
Extra Information:
Try to save up your gems for the cafe expansion (200 gems). It helps you encounter more senpais at once and since there are more of them, you can easily earn back all your gems.
Once you feel that you have enough coins, switch over to Gourmet Beans since rarer senpais will show up more often.
To get all the notes and CGs from each Senpai depends on the number of hearts they have. Once you get to the third/green heart you will receive a note from them. After that you have to wait until they get to the fifth/red heart to see a special scene and get their CG. For the special senpais, there are two unlockeable CGs (4th heart = 1st CG, 5th heart = 2nd CG).
To increase their hearts, you have to get them to visit the cafe often which is why it’s important to leave out their favorite items especially if you want a CG from a specific senpai.
The senpais at the top of the list will only take a few visits to get a CG from them, then the number of visits increase as you move down the list. (i.e. I got Lazy Senpai’s CG in 50 visits vs Delinquent Senpai’s CG in 150 visits)
Those are all the useful tips I can give you guys for now! If I find anything new I’ll be sure to update this. Again, feel free to message me if you have any other questions or if I need to correct something on this guide. Happy senpai hunting!

I'm gonna start trying to make edits and stuff so here's my first ( ^ω^ )


You can’t tell me this isn’t what you thought when you saw the fucking movie. My poor kohai War Boy just wanted his senpai Immortan to notice him LOL.
Short stories or long stories?

microdosing on being your.friend by liking your posts :)

Ah, Nishio-senpai. A proud (?) staff of :re
Don’t repost without permission <3
I have a NEED for ikimaru to notice me. But at the same time if they do I might delete Tumblr out of pure panic and fear