This is a collective blog with my Fan art and Original art, possibly some music. devArt: http://rockman-forte.deviantart.com/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/christianmswanson/
536 posts
Mmz Recordings
Mmz recordings
So I’ve been working on the ice brain recording, it’s pretty much finished except the middle breakdown. I initially started to just record what was on the original track but it bored the hell out of me so I wanted to do my own solo. With my birthday being on Monday and me being so busy I kinda haven’t had time to come up with a solo.. I was considering just uploading what I got on here to show you all but I’m unsure if that would be enjoyable to anyone. I’ve considered finishing up reborn mechanics and express ug to give me a break from ice brain. What do you think? Do you guys want a pretty much finished version of ice brain?
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So since my PC crashed I haven’t been able to work on any music. I was going through my drop box and found my very first draft demo of a battle network recording I was working on. It’s pretty bad 😂 i try to get my ideas out as much as possible. Having ADHD I’ve got a million ideas at once.

Progress report on the reliant. I've been taking my time on this one. Between work and playing Zelda I do this very little. Anyway, other than the Aztec pattern everything has been hand painted, including the red pinstripe lines 😩 Still need to spray a dull coat over it before I lay down the decals.

So, I wanted to show you all the different ideas i had for the color scheme... i was always going to do the black and gold but the green on the helmet kinda stuck out to me... so i ended up making a few different versions. the first was just changing the helmet colors to match the chest plates.. i think the x5 sprite did that. next i wanted to see what it would look like with the classic colors (but kept the gold joints, maybe il make them black) the next 3 ideas were to make the x on his chest a gem the first of these 3 ideas i got from xs back in command mission the other two are just gren and red gem type things. finally the last two were never intended to be released but i really wanted to see what x would look like in the classic colors. the only difference is the collar. A) Green Gem B) Red Gem C) No gem just glowing through yellow (like command mission) D) I felt the green on his helmet kinda stood out so I tried to use the same color of his chest plate. I think X5 did that with his sprite. E) Tried to go a bit more classic color scheme but kept the Gold Joints. F) Classic color scheme, black joints and collar G) Changed the collar to match the chest plate BONUS!! decided to VERY QUICKLY color X with the official X8 Colors, thought you guys might enjoy that, hope you do. do you think i made the right choice?

X and Zero Thought Id do singles posters with my MMX logo I made.. It seems the other got such good response... Though I will say to me its very noticeable that the zero is a year apart from this new x. I may end up changing the style later on.. im still debating on a command mission “SHAPED” leg.. more like a gundam leg though... well see.