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Mmz recordings
So I’ve been working on the ice brain recording, it’s pretty much finished except the middle breakdown. I initially started to just record what was on the original track but it bored the hell out of me so I wanted to do my own solo. With my birthday being on Monday and me being so busy I kinda haven’t had time to come up with a solo.. I was considering just uploading what I got on here to show you all but I’m unsure if that would be enjoyable to anyone. I’ve considered finishing up reborn mechanics and express ug to give me a break from ice brain. What do you think? Do you guys want a pretty much finished version of ice brain?
(Christian M. Swanson) DONE! (sorta) I initially wanted to re-do the entire middle piece’s solo. I got kinda lazy, I always knew how I wanted it to end but was never sure on what the rest should be. There is about 20 different versions of it on my PC. I want to work on the other songs I’ve been recording but I wanted to release something too. To be honest, this was done a day after I uploaded the teaser. Any way, hope you enjoy it, I’ll work on the solo later I promise but I want to work on other things.Also, if I ever get around to it, I’ll draw my own image representing this track. (I’ve already got an idea in mind) A neat tidbit. I’m playing a left handed bass (I’m right handed) also the into riff has a bit of tapped harmonics in it. You may also notice the drums are a bit different, that’s also my doing
Reborn Mechanics This took me longer than I wanted, I took a break from this and worked on other projects then Finally came back to it this weekend. this wasn’t as fun as Ice Brain but I feel its a more solid sounding track. I did have a little fun with the drums and timing but for the most part I played it safe :/ So any way, The main riff is all tapped harmonics, and I threw in a little fun thing at the end. Changed up the drums a bit, and still using a left handed bass XD

i drew this back in i 2011? i think.. loved it at the time.. i absolutely hate it now. ive never uploaded it any where else till now.. i was going through my deviant art since i havent drawn in forever.... thought id upload it here

zero vs omega was going through my old pc and found these. figured id show what steps the drawing went through since so many of you likedit. i may redo it someday but thats a long shot XD

oh. my.god. well everyone has a start. back in 2003 i started drawing my “own version” of bass in the rockman zero style. the first two were color pencil and absolutely terrible. i was kinda new to drawing megaman and i also hadnt drawn in years before. god those are terrible XD i then made a more “shittennou” style based off a zero concept with the “W” for wily instead of the “X” XD i corrected that in the next image then made him more x style by changing the head gem. tyears later i redrew it to be more official looking basing it of a harpuia concept. i then came up with a bunch of ideas on a merge with treble by giving him a jet pack using the claws or giving him feet then a copy x style disaster XD this is what happens when you have ADD. hope you enjoy
New boss won’t call a snow day so I’m stuck at work in this :)
Finally got some colors on this thing. I have an alternately colored version I’m considering but this is the classic colors

Commission from Discord of Zero from MMZ - I was asked to try keep the style as close to the game’s art style as possible.
Chimera here is absolutely one of THE best Omega writers and I don't know how they come up with these fic ideas but they do - this and The Devil You Know (Unfortunately) are hilarious and very original takes on "what if Omega played a part in ZX?"
Anyways go read this fic, it's fantastic!
Oops, I did it again…
This only just keeps getting better and better, so it's getting a boost!
Gotta love dangerous gremlin Aile and "stop-calling-me-Dad" Omega :D
Now I lay thee down to sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep
If I should die before I wake
This dead man's prayer do not forsake!
-Prayers of a Dead Man, Circle of Dust

Slightly older art!
Drew Girouette and Omega together because why the hell not, it was a fun experiment in seeing how distinct I could make their faces from one another. Also took minor liberties with Giro's visor to make it more like the helmet Omega and Zero share.
Was very obviously listening to Prayers of a Dead Man by Circle of Dust whilst drawing this (much prefer the 1992 version):

You try to recreate the savior of your universe but he comes out wrong and now he's helming a genocide. You are forced to stand by while your friends and countless others put themselves in danger trying to fix your mistake. You made him so all of the blood he spills is on your hands. You are fourteen years old.

Hell's Cinque Ville's Greatest Dad
In celebration of (and as a result of) @tyrantchimera 's latest Finders Keepers chapter coming out, have Girouette and Omega Zero in the outfits of the worst co-parents to ever exist.
I am, of course, talking about Lucifer and Alastor from Hazbin Hotel.
I mean look it was a pretty easy comparison to make.
Giro as Lucifer, the well-meaning but struggling father figure? And he's blonde?
Omega as Alastor, the mysterious, murderous mischief-maker who has ended up as a father figure? Plus the colour scheme?
the paper could not handle all the red on Omega dear gods...
Anyways this may be the goofiest thing I've ever drawn but damn if it doesn't make me smile. Honestly love the idea of these two (Giro and Omega) as ridiculous co-parents to Vent and Aile.
I've had Ciel on my mind today and whenever I think of her, I can't help but think just how fucked her story and life is.

Seriously, she's born as a test tube baby, genetically engineered to be more intelligent with the express purpose of making better weapons and reploids for the dictatorship that created her, likely meaning she didn't have proper parents and no real childhood.
She created Copy X, who then went on to commit straight up genocide, so you know that definitely took a toll on her. Oh yeah she was 9 when she did this. So yeah can't imagine that helped with coping.
She then goes on to try and find redemption by forming the resistance to save reploids that her creation wants to exterminate, becoming the enemy of effectively all of what remains of society as a result, with people constantly dying around her for being part of her organisation. It's to the point where they are on the verge of collapse by Zero 1, this desperation being the whole reason she tries to find Zero in the first place.
During this whole time, Ciel is also working to try and create an entirely new, renewable and clean energy source on the faint hope that Neo Arcadia would cease their genocide of the reploids. An incredibly daunting task for a single person to say the least. Unfortunately it goes completely down the drain by Z3 where giving Neo Arcadia, or really at that point Weil, the Ciel System is completely out of the question. It was naive beforehand of course but it just sucks for her that all her time and effort spent working on the system in hopes of bringing a peaceful resolution basically meant nothing in terms of resolving the conflict with Neo Arcadia at least.
Oh and this was also after the guy who she handed command of the resistance to, massively escalated the conflict with Neo Arcadia, got a bunch of their soldiers killed only for him to eventually go crazy and have to be killed himself. So yeah I can't imagine that was great for her.
Honestly laying it all out like this Z4 is comparitively not nearly as bad for her, until right at the very end where the conflict that she is at least partially responsible for sparking is ended almost entirely by Kraft nuking Neo Arcadia. Fun fact according to the Drama Track, Vile's Incident, included in the Z4 Remastered Tracks CD, Kraft canonically killed approximately 20 Million people when he hit Neo Arcadia so yeah make of that what you will.
And of course after all that, Zero goes up and destroys Ragnarok and himself along with it. We see how grief stricken Ciel is in the game but honestly, listen to the Drama CD version of Zero's final monologue and hearing Ciel's scream shows just how crushing this is for her. Seriously her voice actress screams like part of her soul is being destroyed in that moment.
Honestly considering she goes through everything she does here, well before she even properly reaches adulthood no less, it's a genuine wonder Ciel isn't just completely broken by Zero 4. Worst part is it doesn't even stop after that, shit keeps happening and by the time the ZX era rolls around she's completely MIA, likely still alive through cybernetic enhancements so she's old as hell now and is forced to pretty much exile herself clinging onto the vague hope that the biometals she created will be found and used by an actually good person.