christianmswanson - Christian M. Swanson
Christian M. Swanson

This is a collective blog with my Fan art and Original art, possibly some music. devArt:  Instagram:

536 posts

YouTube Channel?

YouTube channel?

Considering starting a YouTube channel for my recordings. Each may have its own artwork. Not sure yet what do you guys think?

More Posts from Christianmswanson

7 years ago
Progress Report On The Reliant. I've Been Taking My Time On This One. Between Work And Playing Zelda

Progress report on the reliant. I've been taking my time on this one. Between work and playing Zelda I do this very little. Anyway, other than the Aztec pattern everything has been hand painted, including the red pinstripe lines 😩 Still need to spray a dull coat over it before I lay down the decals.

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8 years ago

While working on the X for my zero i would stop and record parts for a thing here and there. I’ve been working on a lot of video game covers lately. I used a tap harmonic technique for the lead. I may upload a video on how i do it.

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7 years ago

So since my PC crashed I haven’t been able to work on any music. I was going through my drop box and found my very first draft demo of a battle network recording I was working on. It’s pretty bad 😂 i try to get my ideas out as much as possible. Having ADHD I’ve got a million ideas at once.

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8 years ago

Dude! First off I wanna thank everyone for their well wishes, concern, and desire to help my wife since the accident, she's ok just a bit sore. I'm really glad to have such caring friends. You are all so super rad!! ❤❤❤ This time I need a little help. My sister had been diagnosed with an auto immune disease that has become extremely difficult, and has put a severe financial strain on her family. (You can read more about it on the gofundme page). She's embarrassed to ask anyone for anything and she never has but If you could please help and donate, or share this as much as possible, anything will help!!! Thank you all so much in advance!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Love you Cece, get well soon. ❤

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7 years ago
Been Workin On A Thing
Been Workin On A Thing
Been Workin On A Thing

Been workin on a thing

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