Inti Creates - Tumblr Posts
While working on the X for my zero i would stop and record parts for a thing here and there. I’ve been working on a lot of video game covers lately. I used a tap harmonic technique for the lead. I may upload a video on how i do it.
I shouldn't be allowed to make videos 😂 I did this from my phone while bored at work.. The track is a recording I was working on a few months ago..
(Christian M. Swanson) DONE! (sorta) I initially wanted to re-do the entire middle piece’s solo. I got kinda lazy, I always knew how I wanted it to end but was never sure on what the rest should be. There is about 20 different versions of it on my PC. I want to work on the other songs I’ve been recording but I wanted to release something too. To be honest, this was done a day after I uploaded the teaser. Any way, hope you enjoy it, I’ll work on the solo later I promise but I want to work on other things.Also, if I ever get around to it, I’ll draw my own image representing this track. (I’ve already got an idea in mind) A neat tidbit. I’m playing a left handed bass (I’m right handed) also the into riff has a bit of tapped harmonics in it. You may also notice the drums are a bit different, that’s also my doing
Reborn Mechanics This took me longer than I wanted, I took a break from this and worked on other projects then Finally came back to it this weekend. this wasn’t as fun as Ice Brain but I feel its a more solid sounding track. I did have a little fun with the drums and timing but for the most part I played it safe :/ So any way, The main riff is all tapped harmonics, and I threw in a little fun thing at the end. Changed up the drums a bit, and still using a left handed bass XD