This is a collective blog with my Fan art and Original art, possibly some music. devArt: http://rockman-forte.deviantart.com/ Instagram: https://instagram.com/christianmswanson/
536 posts
I've Never Asked.. But Out Of Curiousity.. Is There Any Song You Guys Would Like Me To Cover?
I've never asked.. but out of curiousity.. is there any song you guys would like me to cover?
More Posts from Christianmswanson
Has any one made an image of the supporting character from "Out of This World" surrounded by other versions of himself in various poses with backwards ball cap and tank tops saying "My Crew Bruh"?
I don't draw much anymore so now I share others awesome art ❤️

In the last several months I had a very hard time.
And this summer, all Mega Man X games are coming to PS4.
This is the life.
My next drawing will feature her

So years ago I decided to make a white constitution class because my dads original model from the 60s was white. Then I saw there was paneling masks so I decided to go a bit A/Refit with the paint job. I started this in 2011 only doing the top saucer while I lived with my parents. I left it there and they finally sent me A box of all my stuff that I left there. So I started this again about a week ago took a while to figure out what colors I anted to use and where but I pretty much got it down. I couldn’t remember what my original idea was for it 7 Years ago but this is it now 😂

oh. my.god. well everyone has a start. back in 2003 i started drawing my “own version” of bass in the rockman zero style. the first two were color pencil and absolutely terrible. i was kinda new to drawing megaman and i also hadnt drawn in years before. god those are terrible XD i then made a more “shittennou” style based off a zero concept with the “W” for wily instead of the “X” XD i corrected that in the next image then made him more x style by changing the head gem. tyears later i redrew it to be more official looking basing it of a harpuia concept. i then came up with a bunch of ideas on a merge with treble by giving him a jet pack using the claws or giving him feet then a copy x style disaster XD this is what happens when you have ADD. hope you enjoy