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I Was Tired Of Being So Small And Weak. However, I Knew Some Magic In My Family, And I Knew How To Make

I was tired of being so small and weak. However, I knew some magic in my family, and I knew how to make a muscle theft scroll. However, I need to make some meatheads sign up so they would transfer their size to me.
That was a problem at first. However, I cleverly solve it instead of a small scroll I made a huge one and put in in a gym wall as a signable decoration it was long as all the gym hunks signed the giant scroll. I stan there in front of the scroll and said the magic spell. In an instant, I felt the size of all the people that signed up been transfer to me.
I just stood there smiling as I saw all the guys in the gym start to shrink all their hard-earned muscles disappearing in an instant. At the same time I felt my own muscles getting filled with all that power, my pecs become rounder and harder with eas second, my shoulder wider giving my a massive V-shape, my legs growing thicker and longer to support my increasing weight stretching the material of my pants to the limits. I just smile as I see myself rising more and more I flexed my biceps which were now getting thicker than some of the guy’s torsos as I continue to grow more and more…
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More Posts from Citizenies
Twink-Pocalypse Now!
Here it is folks, my final longer story for my Tumblr page. Figured I’d go out in a big way with a fairly explosive story, with lots of hot guys’ pictures to spice things up. I hope you like it and it’s been fun writing stories for you guys over the last year.
This isn’t good bye, this is just good bye for now. I won’t be on Tumblr as much, but I’ll keep it around and keep it open in case any of you want to get in touch with me. Thanks for all your support over the past year!
It was shocking what took place across the world that Tuesday. It was just a plain old Tuesday, no different from any other, except that a recently discovered gamma ray burst (GRB) was headed straight for the Earth. People were whipped up into a massive panic, surely this was the end of the world, or at least civilization, once the GRB knocked out all of our modern day communications. Governments predicted anarchy, the global stock market was in total disarray, and local grocery stores had been stripped bare of all their contents. In short, people were preparing for the worst in the worst way possible.
And yet, when the hyper active plume of galactic electromagnetic energy washed over the Earth, seemingly nothing occurred out of the ordinary other than all satellite communication was shut down for about an hour. What an hour it was! Orgies of crime and disorder in the streets, people hunkered down in their homes, weapons of any sort at the ready to defend their home and property from the world outside, and those who were tasked with keeping law and order more concerned about their own families and homes, and abandoning their posts in droves to ensure the survival of their loved ones and themselves.
And then almost as suddenly as it happened, it was already over. Cell phones worked once more, the global internet sprung to life as if nothing happened, international communications were re-established and lawbreakers and other opportunists quickly dispersed lest they be rounded up by a reassertion of social norms and standards that loosely held human civilization together for thousands of years until just an hour before. By the time the dust settled, hundreds of thousands, if not millions, around the planet were dead from all sorts of causes mainly stemming from civil violence and the loss of critical infrastructure for even so short a period of time.
It wasn’t until a few months later that people began to notice a different side effect of the GRB event. After all, it was hard not to notice! Across the planet, young men who had formerly been small in stature or mass were suddenly turning into junior bodybuilders, if not even larger. Certainly, the process took about three months, but the change was most definitely dramatic regardless.

Here were the three sons of the Morris family after their transformation. From left to right (and oldest to youngest) we have Brandon, Tyler, and Jesse. Brandon was 22 and had recently finished college; Tyler was 20 and was working part time retail sales while taking a few classes at the local community college; and Jesse had just turned 18, and was still a high school senior. The differences even between the siblings were quite pronounced, with Jesse now dwarfing his two older brothers in both height and size, with the older siblings not far behind. Previously, they had all been between 5’4” and 5’8” in height, and Tyler was the heaviest at a whopping 130lbs, with Jesse barely above 100lbs, and Brandon at 128lbs.

Different sort of rivalries developed between our next three subjects. From left to right, we have Hank Jones, Phillip Klein, and Hugo Montez. Previous to their change, they were all competing for valedictorian of their small high school – total nerds, through and through; they constantly fought amongst themselves for any opportunity to prove who among them had the superior intellect.
Now, they are still bitter rivals, but more concerned about their physiques than their brains. But it’s clearly no competition, Hugo has the other two easily beat by miles and neither Hank nor Phillip have any hope of every catching up to him.
Despite that, they all easily tripled their previous mass (quadruple in Hugo’s case) and added a foot or more to their height. This is one of those situations where a keen observer would just recommend they fuck and get their animosity towards one another out of their systems; something I’m certain Hugo would be willing to accommodate if given the opportunity.

Hugo’s little cousin Bobby also went to their same school, but he wasn’t as concerned about his grades, he just enjoyed being the class clown and making is friends happy. It came easily with his childlike size and appearance and all the sort of impressions he could do. Unfortunately, he lost a lot of that skill with his increased size, his voice changed dramatically and his new appearance is anything but childlike. He entertains his classmates now with impromptu flex shows, with both guys and girls salivating at his amazing gains, including many former bullies who were both jealous and somewhat turned on by this former pipsqueak turned teen muscle god.

Much like Bobby and his cousin Hugo, there are those who had incredible transformations even beyond those others had undergone. Here we have Teddy and Ricky, who now go by Ted and Rick. They had attended different schools on opposite sides of the planet and they were both barely above five feet tall, Rick being slightly taller at 5’3”, and neither one weighing more than 105lbs soaking wet. After their change though, Ted shot up to an impressive 6’10” with Rick just short of that at 6’9”.
Likewise, their muscle mass increased substantially, easily intimidating everyone around them, something Rick liked to use to his advantage to put his former bullies and other jocks who weren’t fortunate enough to get the same results from the GRB in their place.
Both were also surprised to find out just how many of their former bullies and hyper-masculine jocks were bi-curious and very attracted to large muscular men like they were now. For his part, Rick wasn’t gay, but a hole is a hole and he really got off on those previously tough guys submitting themselves sexually to his superior physique, easily making up for lost time of years of virginity in a matter of a few weeks.
Our next three subjects were all textbook definitions of twinks, in that out of the individuals listed so far, they were actually gay to start with, their intense sexuality only increasing multi-fold after their transformations into the hunks you see today.

Guy, Jamie, and Lance were from France, Britain, and New York respectively, having grown up in more metropolitan areas where their sexuality was less of an issue, they were free to develop themselves and their identities as some of the most sought after bottoms in their locales, seeking out daddies of all kinds to satiate their carnal desires to be filled deep within by a thick mature cock.
All three are still phenomenal bottoms, even now with their incredibly massive physiques; they love to ride a good hard cock. One significant difference is that now they have even more stamina to last for hours, using their recently developed musculature to hold either themselves or their partners up while being railed in multiple positions all throughout the night, bringing themselves, and their many partners, to multiple orgasms and climaxes.

The final group I’d like to highlight includes Stephan, Doug, and Blake. Often, once these previously slight young men have undergone their incredible transformations, they develop a bit of a superiority complex, and with good reason – Just look at their much improved physiques combined with their boyish handsomeness.
However, while Stephan and Doug kept a cool head about themselves, certainly appreciating their newfound strength and size, but not letting it change who they were other than they spend more time in the gym now – Blake, however, spends nearly all his time in the gym, completely ignoring his family and friends, ignoring his budding career as a systems engineer in favor of pumping weight and eating to get bigger all day long, and even breaking up with his longtime girlfriend because she wasn’t supportive of his newfound passion.
While Blake is certainly making great progress on top of his already substantial increases, his personality leaves something to be desired and he ultimately pushes away many who would try to befriend him as a result.
Oh… I do have one more subject to talk about. This man was a little older than the others were, just barely out of his early 20s, but had spent so long as the small man in the room, being the butt of jokes, and being looked down on by all those around him. He’d been bullied and harassed as a kid, and passed over for promotions or job opportunities as an adult.
But once those gamma rays heightened his muscle growth, causing him to explode with pure alpha muscle while maintaining his boyish charm, as well as increasing his height to over six feet tall now, suddenly it was as if the world flipped entirely for him.

See how happy he is with his new muscle? Don’t you just want to stick your nose deep into his hairy manly pits? Don’t you just want to submit yourself to his pure alpha dominance and openly admit you are much less of a man than he is?
You don’t have to answer, I already know you do. I already know your tiny little beta cock is rock hard thinking about it. I know you’d beg for the chance to worship a pure man like that, but why should he give you that opportunity? What’s in it for him?
Maybe just the idea of being superior to everyone around him is more than enough to keep him interested enough in letting you feel his perfect body and smell his manly musk…
What to know how I know that? Because that’s me now. I AM that young muscle god, and you’re nothing more than another in a long list of submissive little betas who can only get hard when a real man like me shows you even an iota of attention.
Hmm, I love the smell submissive betas begging to be dominated in the morning!
You know I’m right – so why aren’t you doing it already?
Get to it – NOW!
Did you like it? I hope you did!
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Big Favor
Been graduated from college for about 2 years. I have a roommate Conner. We met at training for the company we both work for. We get along great and we decided to combine our finances and rent a really nice apartment since we're both going to be working from home.
Since college, Conner has really cleaned up his act and made himself a great role model from the frat boy he use to be. He doesn't drink anymore he's in the bodybuilding and he looks amazing. He treats his body like a temple so he watches what he eats and everything.
I'm Lucas I also want the college but I wasn't a member of a fraternity. I still do some drinking and having a good time.
I walked into the kitchen one morning Conner was sitting on the counter drinking his coffee like he normally does because he was on his cell phone.

He's getting all the supplements and stuff ready for the day before he goes to the gym.
Hey Lucas, good morning how are you? You know I've been talking a lot to one of my frat brothers the last few weeks. One getting married and he has asked me to be in the wedding party.
That cool. Tuxedo and oh man that bachelor party.
Thats what I wanted to talk to you about.
Me? What you want to talk to me about?
You know I haven't had a drink in over two and a half years I spend most of my free time getting my body in shape . I'm worried about the bachelor party. The wedding all that stuff. I'll be hanging out with my frat brothers and I feel like if I'll drink and party like old days with them I'm going to ruin everything I've worked so hard for the last 2 and half years.
I've been thinking about this for a few weeks now and done a little research.

Will you swap your body for mine while I'm at their bachelor party and then the wedding.
What. Swap? Why do you want my body.? Your is amazing.
I want to swap our bodies from the neck down. You drink more often than I have in the last 2 years so your body will be able to handle the liquor. Do you understand?
We swapped bodies you take care of my body like I do. I'll be in your body able to enjoy myself at the bachelor party and at the wedding. I'll take accurate measurements and readings of your body when I first swap bodies and when I returned it the exact same if not better shape then before the swap.
When I'm in your body if I gained any extra weight I will lose it before I return it to you same thing with body fat. I'll ask to you to stick to my workout routines and eat healthy and no drinking while you're in my body.
Ok I'll do it. How do we do this?
That package I got the other day has the body swapping device inside. I've program it so it just swap our bodies from the neck down. I'll also give you enough knowledge so you know what my workouts are so you can keep my body maintained. Its all set to go. Should we give it a try.

Damn dude this body is amazing. Change my appearance a bit. But I think that's cuz you have no body fat . How do you like being in my body now?
Don't take any offense but it's nice to be in a body I don't have to be so strict with. Now I need some of your clothes so I can go on this bachelor party trip. I'm take pictures so you know how I'm keeping up with your body.

Connor's been enjoying his time in his roommates Lucas body. He really not into bad of shape and he has enjoyed drinking again and hanging out with his frat brothers. Especially when he's alone Lucas was blessed with one nice endowment.
The swapping back went smoothly. Conner was pleased with the way Lucas handed his body.
Dude you got into having my body Their gains!!! You really got into my workouts. If Conner knew how much of a work Lucas gave it. Even in bed.
Hey Lucas can we swap bodies sooner. I need to get my tuxedo fitting done.
No problem man. Pumped going to the gym. And later in bed.

I could get use to this...
I got home from the gym and headed to Conner's as I past my room. Conner was in there. Since he was in my body. I could hear him going to town my my dick. Well it is one of my body's outstanding features. LOL.
Conner took off a few days before the wedding to hang out with his frat brothers and do some partying. He sent me the pic of him in a tuxedo or should I say my body in one.

My body looks really good on him. He looks like a model in that tuxedo and my clothes.
Conner return from the wedding. He stated my body has a little damage. Lots of drinking and partying , but he would get it back into shape. Til then I should say in his body.
I am not complaining. I kind a worship it when I am in it. I love the looks I get at the gym too.
And he was asked to model. But that was in my body. Conner seem to be really enjoying my body. But I do like having his too.
I have a feeling this will be my body and life for now. I'll be a bodybuilder and he will be a model. Who knows.
great shift: one day you're up and the next ...
One day you are upstairs, you are 25 years old, the job of your dreams, a big house in the suburbs, you have a beautiful wife, a son who dreams of being a soccer player and another on the way and when you wake up you are in Korea with 40 years selling watermelons half naked To pay for a fucking plane ticket back to my country to be able to break the face of that son of a bitch who took over my life.
That cunning bastard stole my fucking identity and all thanks to the great shift, he pretends like nothing happened living my life and fucking with my wife while I stay behind with all his debts, his tiny apartment, with his huge body and his fucking brain
-Shit it’s hard for me to think now- not even the fucking embassy does anything, without evidence they can’t do anything.
So here I am, at least I’m using his body better than that thief, the first few days it was difficult I had to sleep with the landlord so that he would forgive me another day of rent, I guess I’m gay now. Just 3 more hours and my shift will end.

I couldn’t believe it my muscle serum I actually work I was no longer a tiny and wimpy nerd, but the serum had transformed to me into a large mountain of muscles. I looked even bigger than the biggest jocks in the football team my bicep was bigger than their heads, and I felt so strong that I could probably beat half of them with one of my vast arms tied to my muscular back.
This was a success…well almost, I probably should have used some bigger clothes before I drank the serum the tank top that fit me a bit bugger now couldn’t even contain my huge pecs and didn’t also cover a fraction of my ripped abdominals. My pants now felt like a second skin since my quads and glutes were pushing them to the limit. I just hope my clothes resist enough until I get some bigger clothes…*ripping sounds"…oh shit…
Home Improvements
My husband and I needed some work done on our apartment. We hoired a guy who would do the work for a good price, and he was hot af too! We both drooled over him. While he was remodeling some custom closets, he found a talisman between the wall the closet. He showed it to me and began to blow the dust off, when the room spun and I suddenly found myself with his calloused hands holding the talisman. My old body went about its own business, apparently unaware of what had just happened. I was hot! My old body then left for work as I always did at this time of day, leaving me at home with “my” husband. He needed some convincing of what had just happened, but eventually he believed me. I put my arm around him and I could see him tenting. That’s when one thing led to another and I fucked him. It felt so good, and he made noises I have never heard him make before.
That was a few weeks ago and we still haven’t swapped back yet. I fucking love this body. Sure my salary is shitty, but it makes up for it in other ways. It’s so hot to fuck my husband behind my own back - I still think he’s totally oblivious to what is going on. My husband keeps finding extra jobs for me to in the partment so I can keep coming over. So fucking hot. He loves my deep voice, hairy body, musk and hard muscles. He says I’m cockier than I used to be, and well, it’s fucking hard not to be! Pretty sure I’m gonna hide that talisman somewhere, because there’s no way I’m going back.