Great Shift - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

I always mocked my little brother for wearing such a dorky pikachu hat. Well that was until the Great Shift happened and he got shifted into the body of a well known Pro Bodybuilder.  While here i am in his previous body. Everyday i still see him wearing that same pikachu hat but can’t do anything to him anymore because of how big he is now

citizenies - anything muscle

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5 years ago

Old cat lady martha was the described as she was. Is old, takes care of multiple cats and her name was martha.

Although when the great shift happened well you can see that one thing still stayed the same.

 Follow Freak Muscle Roid Gods More Than 15.000 Posts - More Than 8000 Followers Roided Meat For All!

💊 Follow Freak Muscle Roid Gods 💊 💪🏽 More than 15.000 posts - More than 8000 followers 💪🏽 💉 Roided Meat for all! 💉

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5 years ago

Do these pants make my butt look fat?

--No, it doesn't make you look fat. Heck you're a huge muscular dude now.

You just don't get it cause you weren't a girl before the swapping happened.

--Yeah you're right.

Okay so about our talk before, guess you can take back your "let's break up cause i'm gay". With a body like this I will make everything in your search history come true. (She, well He says as he flexes a bicep in my face)

citizenies - anything muscle

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5 years ago

Aww he’s so cute trying to act all tough and in my face.  Even though he has the body of an intimidating muscular man right now. He’s still the sweet, caring and loveable man on the inside.

Evgeny Filatov

Evgeny Filatov

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5 years ago

Ever since the shift, Devin here got a lot more social, expressive, and more manly. However under all that alpha-ness is still the sweet geek i fell in love with.

Evgeny Filatov, Russia
Evgeny Filatov, Russia
Evgeny Filatov, Russia
Evgeny Filatov, Russia
Evgeny Filatov, Russia
Evgeny Filatov, Russia
Evgeny Filatov, Russia

Evgeny Filatov, Russia

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5 years ago

Shit! Ugh what bad luck, those two are here to gloat about how big their muscles are and how little I am compared to them.

But with how things were before, this was my karma. Before the shift I was one of the big guys in the gym and those two were shrimpy kids who were new to the gym. Instead of helping them I just had to gloat and bully them for a long time.

Then the shift happened and well you can guess what happened after. Gotta suck it up till i get some size back.

Juan Morel & Gabe Moen

Juan Morel & Gabe Moen

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3 years ago

Babe i know you're trying to be cute and all but you have a different body now. Just look how big and jacked you are, heck you're more of a man than my previous body before the shift.

I know it's still hard to adjust but you can still act cute when we go back home and spoil you like before.

citizenies - anything muscle

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3 years ago

When the great shift happened everyone was in chaos. It took quite a long time for things to return to "normal", people were being sent back to their hometowns and families for free.

I was anxious to see my "new" family and what they looked like. When I came I got welcomed by a huge african american and a twinky ginger. They explained that the huge man was my mother and the twink was my father. Even with my mother is more assertive now, "he" is still submissive in bed (I know too much info).

I asked about my twin brother and was told to go to the gym where we used to go. I was very excited since I became 6ft and with a physique body.

When I got there I called out his name and waited for him to come. Just when I was going to call out I was tapped on my shoulder from behind. I turned around but had to look up to see the person's face.

I could only sputter Allen, and the guy smiled and said the one and only. He then hugged me and lifted me off the floor like nothing.

Oh sorry I'm still getting used to my strength, he said. Now that he finished working out we are going back home.

Then Allen warned me. Be careful about mom if you think I'm strong wait and see what he can do, when mom first came he broke the door knob and other stuff, even now he still makes mistakes.

I was so glad she didn't hug me when they welcomed me. Although I'm curious how strong he really is.

citizenies - anything muscle

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3 years ago

The Great Shift - Am I Still a Lesbian?


“Whoa… Oh my God! I’m a man?!” Rhonda whispered to herself as she looked at her new form in the gym mirror, sweat coating her massive and hairy arms and the unavoidable stench of pure masculine testosterone wafting up from her now very hairy male pits. As she felt over her new physique and glanced downward, she began to feel an unfamiliar stirring in the red shorts she now had on.

Feeling no shame now, and more importantly, seeing no one else around the gym this time of day, she unabashedly slid her larger calloused hands into those shorts and wrapped her thicker manly fingers around her very new and very well endowed manhood. She looked at her new reflection in the mirror and smirked to herself once more before remarking, “And what a man I have become!”

Clearly, something very strange has happened to her. She was just settling in from a long shift at the hospital where she’d worked as an ER nurse for the last decade, hardly having much time for dating let along much of anything else. Though, her dating prospects weren’t all that great lately anyway – there were quite a few people lately posing as lesbians because it was the “in” thing to do, but they were all talk and no action. She’d chat them up for a little while only to have them back out at the last minute with cold feet, or they might even meet and make out, but rarely going further than that. She got tired of being everyone’s curiosity so she gave up on dating all together a few years back, focusing instead on her career and trying to make the best of being alone.

She still found women attractive, of course, and found herself checking women out occasionally when she was running errands or on some new TV show, wondering what it would be like to make out with, or even make love to, those beautiful women. Men never had much appeal to her, and besides, with how she normally dressed, cut her hair, and carried herself; men usually weren’t attracted to her type anyway, which was fine with her, she never wanted to be a lipstick lesbian type.

But now… Well, she still wasn’t attracted to the man whose body she suddenly found herself in moments after she had sat down on her favorite chair with a glass of red wine. But he was, well, powerful is probably the only way to describe him… And with another smirk, she realized women were often attracted to power. Even if she wasn’t particularly tall in her new body (though taller than her old female body), this powerful form just oozed dominance, and glancing down on the ring on her finger now, she realized this man must be married too.

She began to daydream, wondering what her new wife looks like. With a guy like this, she pictured your typical big breasted bimbo… And for some reason, that got her new cock all that much harder. She reached down once more to rub her new manhood through her sweaty shorts; it was thick and long, and honestly quite scary if it wasn’t attached to her own body now. But with yet another smirk, and a burning desire to put her new toy and body to use, she wrapped up at the gym and decided to head to her new home, and give her new wife a nice early morning fucking as a surprise!


Want to read more of my stories, including longer stories exclusive only to my supporters? Check my pinned post on my Tumblr page for how you can sign up via PayPal to access my content - Starting at only $5/mo!

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3 years ago

Cover Story/The Announcement


“Testing, testing. Can everyone hear me? This is Coach Hanson speaking. The principal’s not in… condition… to speak right now so I’ve been tasked with it instead.

Apparently a cosmic phenomenon called the ‘Great Shift’ or something has just occurred, causing our minds to have been scrambled and put inside the wrong bodies. However, as some of you have noticed, a few of you seemed to be unaffected by it. That also seems to be the case for me and Principal William.

I’m sure a lot of you are confused or panicking right now, but please remain calm and listen to me; I want everyone to go to the gym where we’ll orient ourselves and confirm each other’s identity. Please refrain from "visiting the restrooms” or hooking up before we can confirm the real cause, as we have no idea of the consequences. One might even forget who they are…

Just know that me and the principal will try our hardest to figure this all out in the meanwhile.“


Coach Hanson ended the announcement reaffirmingly and made sure the microphone was turned off, before turning to watch Principal William finish tying up two unconscious boys inside the closet and locking the door to it. The two adults then walked up to each others before they both grabbed hold of the other’s face and mashed their faces together. With their tongues deep inside each other’s mouth and their scruff bristling against each other, they both began laughing and smiling victoriously through the kiss.

"Thanks Jon. Even though I might be bigger and stronger now I’m still just as afraid to speak in front of others…” Principal William pulled away from the kiss to give his own muscled and suited self a few pats.

“No worries, Ashie. You’ll learn to be more confident soon enough. Especially with that kind of body.” Coach Hanson replied, before grinning deviously and squeezing the other man’s bulge until he moaned. “Now, are we ready to go? We gotta be as far away from here as possible before your machine activates again and scrambles everyone’s minds back right?”

“Uhu. Atleast 2 kilometers. What I can’t believe is that your elaborate cover up story with the "Great Shift” is gonna work… No one will ever find out that it was us, nor question why our real bodies have memory loss…“ Principal William packed the last of his things in a suitcase, including a leather harness perfectly in his size.

"Well, I’m not a literature freak for nothing.” Coach Hanson winked, while also stuffing a pair of his dirty and musky jockstrap into a sports bag.

“And I’m a science freak.” The principal answered with a smile, as they held hands and stepped out of the office. They walked through the empty school hallways and slowly pulled out of the school parking lot, while both being incredibly excited for the fun they would have in a random motel room for the next coming hours.


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3 years ago

Omg I hate this when the shift happened I got swapped into this brute, but I don’t wanna be this big I’m already plenty and bumped and broke a lot of things going to this bathroom. I love my twink self never wanted anything else especially when my boyfriend always made me feel protected. Oh no my boyfriend where or who is he now! Quickly I log in into my facebook and messaged him, my heart was racing not wanting the changes that may happen,  Minutes later he got a message his boyfriend was only a town away and was told to stay where he was and he’ll come to him. Eagerly waiting and preparing himself mentally just incase the worst could happen there was a knock on the door. With deep breaths he opened the door and was faced with something massive. He could only see the upper body that was filled with mass which was all muscle through the shirt you could see every bulge of muscle. The giant then ducked down and hugged him, he cried with relief and both were relieved their dynamic was the same him smaller than his boyfriend. Although their stamina did go through the roof with their new bodies.

Andrew Chinedu

Andrew Chinedu

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3 years ago

The Great Shift: Bigger or Better?

The Great Shift: Bigger Or Better?

“Boom! Boom! Flexing like this never gets old man! How about another set after a few minutes of flexing?” Dimitri boasted as he turned from the mirror to show off to his panting friend. The titan of a man showed little regard for any nearby exhaustion as he proudly showed of his huge 25 inch arms and massive thighs.

Milton was sitting down, hands on his knees tired from the insane workout they’d just completed. “Uh… no man. I think I’m good. You’re uh… looking real big though!  Keep it up!”

“Ha! Thanks man. Alright I’ll do a few more sets then catch you in the showers” Dimitri said, stomping away to the deadlifts.

Out of all the bodies these two nerds found themselves in, Milton never expected that he and Dimitri would wake up as Asian bodybuilders. Getting back to Canada had been rough of course, but time flies when you’ve got huge body to admire along the flight home. Milton assumed that life would turn back to much as it was back when they lived Edmonton. Finish college courses, play video games, and watch movies! However, it seemed more than just Dimitri’s body had changed. 

Rumors of a huge guy filling his waking hours at the college gym spread quickly. It didn’t take a genius to learn that all the early mornings Milton heard his roommate sneaking off were his subtle attempts to get more workout time. It was like Dimitri was addicted. Soon it became so normalized that Dimitri started goading his shy friend into accompanying him. Weekly workouts turned into every other day sessions, and those became daily! It hadn’t even been that long but Dimitri had seemed to grow his body even larger. 

No one would ever think that the shrimpy Russian boy who barely weighed more than 100lbs, would now be close to breaking 300lbs of pure muscle in his six and a half foot frame. His best friend certainly saw little in common with his past and current self. Dimitri seemed outgoing in so many unfamiliar ways now. Popular frats were inviting him to parties. Girls were coming up to him after a long workout. Coaches were asking if he wanted to join the wrestling, football, or rugby teams!

Part of Milton thought that he was losing his best friend to this huge body of his, causing a look of concern to become drawn over his face as he sulked off to the lockers. 

“Oh and Mil!” Dimitri called out mid set across the gym. “Rest up because when I’m done, I’m gonna kick your ass in Call of Duty later!” The low boisterous voice of his friend calling him out, filled Milton with a little hope. Maybe there was still a small part of his tiny friend inside the big lug. 

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3 years ago

The Great Shift: The Satō Family Halloween

Rieko One of the things that the great shift disrupted the most were families. Take the  Satō family for example, a lovely family from Japan who immigrated to the US one day before The Great Shift. They’d hope moving next to a university, starting new jobs, and staying together as a family would make the changes easier, however, the great shift had other plans. On the bright side a few years later, they finally began to accept their new lives.

The Father:  Takehiko

The Great Shift: TheSat Family Halloween

Raising a family during the great shift was not easy for  Takehiko, especially when one moment he was a middle age Japanese business man and the next he became an 18 year old athlete! When the shift hit he found himself running down what he’d later learn was an American football field in the middle of a practice. Needless to say he was confused, sweaty, and surprised by his new youth and vitality. 

The first few for Takehiko Satō was finding this young man’s locker, getting new clothes, and trying to find his way back home. It wasn’t long before he began to feel new urges in his body though. Especially when he was surrounded by a bunch of hot guys equally in a state of undress showing off their muscular bodies. Whoever he was now, was definitely attracted to men! 

At first he thought he was lucky in that regard. In the subsequent days of the shift he learned how separated and disjointed the people of the world had become. However, his family luckily shifted into nearby people! However, he’d eventually learn that things would have to change in the next few years.

“Hey Taki, are you sure it’s ok for us to go to the party? What about your family?” Jerome said, adjusting his spartan costume next to Takehiko.  The two had been dating for a little over a year now, after the undeniable chemisty they’d shared on the football field once they first swapped. “You’re just nervous because this is your first frat party. Trust me, it’s gonna be fun! And I’ll be right here the whole time.” Takehiko teased, a Japanese accent still could be heard in his voice. 

Jerome blushed. “I know, but isn’t your wife gonna be there?” This caused  Takehiko  to laugh. “Of course he is, it’s his party afterall!”

The Mother -  Rieko

The Great Shift: TheSat Family Halloween

“ALPHAS! ARE YOU READY TO PARTY!?”  Rieko screamed at his frat members. The young men all cheered as the Alpha Phi DJ blared their music.

Out of all the family member it appeared that the mother Rieko has changed the most. It started out innocently at first. Sure she had shifted in the middle of a frat party while her body was doing a keg stand, but that wasn’t what started her on this path. She was a translator for various government officials previously, a skill that was super helpful once it was clear her new frat bros needed some tutoring for their linguistics major. To her it was helpful in two ways. One she could help these poor young men with their studies and two they could help acquaint her with her new manly body. 

In all honest she didn’t feel all that much like a mother to her kids now, nor a wife to her now gay husband. In fact quite the opposite, her new frat bros who had mostly swapped amongst each other happily introduced her to frat life. Everything from drinking, partying, and making out with hot babes! Soon “Ray” was the new sensation around campus developing quite the reputation.

This was evident by his costume made, entirely of all the beer boxes he’d drunk this week. The dude was an animal!

“Yo Takehiko! Jerome! Glad you can make it bros. Sweet spartan outfits.” Ray said finishing his beer and smashing it against his head. 

“Thanks Ray! Looking good yourself. Though you could lose a few boxes in my opinion.” Takehiko winked back fliratiously. 

“Ha Ha. Very funny man. You know I don’t swing that way. Anyway, enjoy the party guys, drinks are on the frat house tonight! Oh and Takehiko, the kids are alright tonight, right?” Ray asked, his bro persona fading for a second. 

“Of course dear, they’re gonna be here soon. They’re all grown up now, trust them!”

The Brother - 

The Great Shift: TheSat Family Halloween

“What do you mean you don’t like my sailor costume?! It’s Popeye!”  Taishi said crossing his arms sulking. 

“You know that’s not what I met,” Vince replied, his deep voice showing the most remorse it could. “It’s just no one thinks of The Rock and thinks, buff sailor dude.” Their other friend John laughed and snorted in the corner

“Well they will now!” Tai flexed confidently. 

Taishi probably had the most difficult time adjusting when they’d all swapped bodies. He’d gone from teen eager to start school in America, to one of the literal biggest Actors in Hollywood!. It took a great deal of time for him to get used to his big new body. He kept bumpging into things, breaking things, and finding clothes was a nightmare. Nothing fit!

However, as one of the few people who swapped into a famous person, there were some perks. Namely, studios still wanted this body in movies! It was a lucrative deal, Tai would be filmed saying a sentence or two and get paid a lot! It was pretty convenient since now he was basically supporting his family. Both his parents were pretty much back in college, so he was the only source of income for the last few years. 

It was pretty lonely just doing these acting gigs and neglecting his studies, but then he met Vince and John! Two other students who became celebrities. The three became pretty well known these days. After all seeing The Rock, Vin Disel, and John Cena all hanging out drew a lot of attention!.

“So… we’ve got our costumes… is your sister gonna be joining us tonight?” Vince asked blushing slightly.

“Oh my gosh Vince, will you ever stop asking about Manaka? She’s such a nerd, what do you even see in her?” Tai said rolling his eyes.

“Probably that she’s super hot,” John giggled with a laugh the sounded out of place from the former wrestler’s body. 

“You guys suck, but whatever. She’s gonna be at my mom’s frat party, so let’s hurry up or you two horn dogs will miss her!” Tai growled annoyed.

The three huge celebrity men, then walked their way through the suburban streets to the university frat houses. Many onlookers were surprised and even a few asked for autographs and selfies. Taishi took his time with the poses and the signatures. At the back of his mind he was hoping Manaka wouldn’t wear anything too obscene at the party. 

The Sister - Manaka

The Great Shift: TheSat Family Halloween

“Manny! Manny! Manny!” The crowd of handsome men and women cheered as he took to the dance floor. 

Before the shift, Manaka would never be so bold as to start dancing at a party wearing only a jockstrap and body paint. No. Manaka was more into comics and American animated shows. She was a big super hero fan and had such a crush on all the green lanterns. From Ryan Reynolds’ Hal Jordan to the Justice League’s John Stewart. That last once is what inspired this costume afterall. 

Once the great shift landed her in the body of a very scantily dressed male model, Manaka was nearly mortified. However, all the people on set were very understanding and gave Manaka new clothes that would fit the body she was in before calling her parents. Going from a teenager girl to a full grown man was a shock to say the least. Her big brother had his famous friends to help him through his changes. His parents even had football players and frat bros to help them. So one night Manaka started a vlog outlining how her experience had been. 

Turns out a hot guy on the internet spouting out super relatable messages draws attention, and overnight Manka  Satō became MuscleManManny, the life vlogger. All the positive messages from online really helped Manaka accept his new body and embrace it. And all of it was filmed. From his new workout routine, to his daily makeup tutorials, to his infamous rants, and even to his first attempts shaving his hairy body! In fact on Manny’s 18th birthday this year, he even started an Only Fans! He was making almost as much money as his brother the celebrity was! 


Once the music died down people crowded around Manny like they always do, thats is until his big brother came in. 

“Well look what the rock dragged in. How ya doing Tai? Finish the latest fast and furious movie? Oh, hi Vince.” Manny laughed patting Tai on the back. 

“Jumanji actually.” Tai said sticking his tongue out at his little sister, who was only about an inch shorter than he was. These two towered over the average sized guests. 

“Yo, no fighting kids. We’re here to have fun. We always said we’d find a time to be together  for things like Halloween!” Ray, said emerging from the kitchen with beers in  his hands for all of them. 

“Thanks mom,” the two big men said, as they took the beers. They’d always had a weird sense of competition and they were nearly racing to finish there’s first. 

Manny was victorious and was the first to ask, “Oh hey, has anyone seen dad?”

Tai, who was coughing up beer sighed and said, I think I seem him over there making out with Jerome.”

Takehiko  met his big son’s eyes as he broke away from Jerome and slowly walked towards them. “Sorry you had to see that kids…” he said blushing innocently.

Manny just laughed. “It’s alright dad, we know you and mom aren’t really right for each other anymore. We just want both of you to be happy.”

“Yeah!” Tai added, “Plus, we all grown ups here. We just wanted to have some fun together. As a family tonight.”

Both father and mother grinned teary eyed. “Yeah! That’s the spirit!” Ray said pounding his chest and brining them all in for a group hug.

At this Jerome gave a big “Awww! That’s so cute. Takehiko can I take a picture of all of you together?” 

The entire family laughed as Jerome took a picture of them. Whether its separation, growing up, or even a world wide body swap, nothing could keep this family apart. 

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3 years ago

great shift: one day you're up and the next ...

One day you are upstairs, you are 25 years old, the job of your dreams, a big house in the suburbs, you have a beautiful wife, a son who dreams of being a soccer player and another on the way and when you wake up you are in Korea with 40 years selling watermelons half naked To pay for a fucking plane ticket back to my country to be able to break the face of that son of a bitch who took over my life.

That cunning bastard stole my fucking identity and all thanks to the great shift, he pretends like nothing happened living my life and fucking with my wife while I stay behind with all his debts, his tiny apartment, with his huge body and his fucking brain

-Shit it’s hard for me to think now- not even the fucking embassy does anything, without evidence they can’t do anything.

So here I am, at least I’m using his body better than that thief, the first few days it was difficult I had to sleep with the landlord so that he would forgive me another day of rent, I guess I’m gay now. Just 3 more hours and my shift will end.

Great Shift: One Day You're Up And The Next ...

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3 years ago

The Great Shift: Bigger or Better?

The Great Shift: Bigger Or Better?

“Boom! Boom! Flexing like this never gets old man! How about another set after a few minutes of flexing?” Dimitri boasted as he turned from the mirror to show off to his panting friend. The titan of a man showed little regard for any nearby exhaustion as he proudly showed of his huge 25 inch arms and massive thighs.

Milton was sitting down, hands on his knees tired from the insane workout they’d just completed. “Uh… no man. I think I’m good. You’re uh… looking real big though!  Keep it up!”

“Ha! Thanks man. Alright I’ll do a few more sets then catch you in the showers” Dimitri said, stomping away to the deadlifts.

Out of all the bodies these two nerds found themselves in, Milton never expected that he and Dimitri would wake up as Asian bodybuilders. Getting back to Canada had been rough of course, but time flies when you’ve got huge body to admire along the flight home. Milton assumed that life would turn back to much as it was back when they lived Edmonton. Finish college courses, play video games, and watch movies! However, it seemed more than just Dimitri’s body had changed. 

Rumors of a huge guy filling his waking hours at the college gym spread quickly. It didn’t take a genius to learn that all the early mornings Milton heard his roommate sneaking off were his subtle attempts to get more workout time. It was like Dimitri was addicted. Soon it became so normalized that Dimitri started goading his shy friend into accompanying him. Weekly workouts turned into every other day sessions, and those became daily! It hadn’t even been that long but Dimitri had seemed to grow his body even larger. 

No one would ever think that the shrimpy Russian boy who barely weighed more than 100lbs, would now be close to breaking 300lbs of pure muscle in his six and a half foot frame. His best friend certainly saw little in common with his past and current self. Dimitri seemed outgoing in so many unfamiliar ways now. Popular frats were inviting him to parties. Girls were coming up to him after a long workout. Coaches were asking if he wanted to join the wrestling, football, or rugby teams!

Part of Milton thought that he was losing his best friend to this huge body of his, causing a look of concern to become drawn over his face as he sulked off to the lockers. 

“Oh and Mil!” Dimitri called out mid set across the gym. “Rest up because when I’m done, I’m gonna kick your ass in Call of Duty later!” The low boisterous voice of his friend calling him out, filled Milton with a little hope. Maybe there was still a small part of his tiny friend inside the big lug. 

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2 years ago

The Great Shift: The More Things Change

Ralph was always more of an indoor guy growing up. Video games in middle school, robotics in high school, dungeons and dragons in college. There wasn’t a lot of things he liked, but the ones he did could all be done from the comfort of his own home. 

After the great shift made its way through the world friends and family of the introvert were shocked to see him in some huge bodybuilder type! He towered over his family, could outlift any of his more athletic friends, and was certainly drawing the attention of men and women he hadn’t met yet… However, despite the vastly different body.. Ralph himself hadn’t changed all too much.

The Great Shift: The More Things Change

People around his university would find him being most socialable when he was playing word games on his tablet. Former athletes gawking at his muscles wouldn’t find him at the gym maintaining that body, but at the cafeteria, grabbing a quick snack to satisfy his constant hunger!

Countless people would encourage him to try out his new body in some new way, but Ralph just wasn’t interestd.


“Hey Ralph! After we finish this assignment what do you say we hit the beach?” Clarissa said from within her new Italian supermodel body, winking as she did.

“I’m good. I’ve got a new game on Steam I was planning to try tonight. Thanks though. See you tomorrow.” Ralph would say as he packed away his nerdy bookbag and walked away, still slightly slouching despite his powerful shoulders.


“Yo! You’re the big guy I see walking around campus. I may be small but I used to be captain of the rugby team. We’re looking for new members, and you look like the strongest guy in this place. Wanna join?” Peter, the former jock asked from within his new spindly 18 year old nerd body.

“Oh sorry.” Ralph replied with a blushed mumble. “I don’t know how to play a lot of sports and I don’t want to embarrass you or the team.”

Before Peter replied Ralph took off running, not wanting to reveal  how much his new monster of a cock was throbbing at the sight of such a cute guy talking to him.


When Ralph would finally get back to his off campus apartment he would sigh in relief. Being around others was so tiring. He knew one day he’d have to face his fears when talking to people he actually wanted to talk to, but till then his online friends and his personal projects would suffice. 

He turned on his laptop, and ran his new game for tonight. Robotics Simulator!

It ran a tutorial vid on how the different heavy metals used in this game were realistic and could be used to build actual technological marvels.

“We’ll see about that.”

Ralph then got up, pressed record on his webcam, and then opened up the big 10 foot tall package in his room. Inside were hundreds of pounds of dense metal mechanical parts. With his superior strength he began to follow the tutorial video in the game to ensure he was properly assembling the different machines being presented. He’d spent all of last week coding and now he’d get to see the fruits of his labor.

The young genius was not oblivious to his scenario. He knew he was huge. But rather than use his muscles to pursue some stereotypical fantasy he wanted to lean further into what he loved! With each new piece of dense machinery moved, Ralph smiled. Maybe one day he’d  find more friends irl to share his hobbies with. Till then plenty of people loved tuning into his private videos he uploaded of him building huge machines. The anonymous bodybuillder making big machines was viral on certain parts of onlyfans, and his viewers were very generous. After all, he needed to get funding for his new projects some how. 

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2 years ago

When the great shift happened my slob of a brother acquired the body of a huge pro bodybuilder. At home he would flaunt and show off anytime he can seeing he was now the bigger and stronger one of us. 

Although he possessed a body most men dream of he still kept his attitude. I remarked that if keeps this up he’ll go back to his old self but he only laughed at me and kept on doing what he wanted mostly eating and lazing around. 

citizenies - anything muscle

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