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The Great Shift: Journals

The Great Shift: Journals

Day 2

Ok. According to the map. Just a few more miles of forest till the town. You can do this Jace.

Oh wait… I don’t think this is how diaries or journals work… Let’s… start simpler… context.

A few years ago, Jace would’ve never believed he’d be hiking through entire forests just to get to one small town. A year ago, Jace never expected to find a boyfriend. A few months ago, no one would’ve ever predicted the Great Shift! The wave of mysterious energy that put 90% of the world’s population in random bodies! Some of these shifts were more localized. Two individuals in a local area swapping between one another.  Then there were the chaotic shifts. One individual finding themselves in an entirely new continent, while their original body was someone entirely unrelated to their current form. I was somewhere in the middle. I went from the west coast of the United States to the East! But I had to meet someone in the middle.

My name is Jace. I’m 21 years old and a few months ago I was just finishing up college, studying geology and biology. Didn’t know what to do with all that info, but that was gonna be a next year problem. Had a pretty nuclear family, with my mom, dad, and sister back home, but the real wild part of my life was that I was dating a guy 8 years older than me. Anthony was this big shot businessman, though he was real humble about it. We hit it off immediately and despite the age difference, still managed to make things work! There wasn’t a night we didn’t talk to one another about movies we liked, philosophy we believed, universal truths, and favorite foods!

Well… until the night of the shift. That’s when one moment I was studying in my warm bedroom, and the next in a thick jacket huddled around a campfire and tent, in the middle of a strange wilderness! For the longest time I thought I was in a dream. Here I was, thinking it impossible for me to be transported elsewhere. If it wasn’t for the old school radio, in my new tent I would’ve never known that the shift happened to other people too.

But that’s where this new body came in. You see. I was certainly more of the shorter bookish type. Glasses, nerdy interests, and not an athletic bone in my body. I was a boy scout growing up, but while I internalized the lessons, I was much more concerned learning about nature rather than living in it.  So imagine 5’1 100lb me, suddenly stumbling around in the forests as a 6’4 burly woodsman.


I couldn’t find any ID on this guy. Or any form of identifier, just some basic survival gear. With not a lot to go on, but a certain desire to figure out what’s happening to my friends and family, I set off through the woods to get some answers.

The first couple minutes were jarring enough. Getting used to being over a foot taller and stacked with muscles were one thing, but I kept tripping everywhere because my feet were pretty big. I wasn’t too proud of my size 8s, but these babies were at least size 16s. Hopefully I could find some better shoes after I got out of here.

Day 3

Took me about a day and a half to get to the first city. Camping and other stuff just came easy with all the right supplies! However, once I got close to civilization I just heard the sound of car crashes and screaming. Turns out an entire metropolitan area didn’t fair too well. Too many people in too many different places, turned society upside down. Lots of looting, running, and panicking. Lots of people in displaced bodies didn’t know what to do and were just wandering. Some even went up to me thinking I was some hero emerging from the woods. I hated to tell them I was just as lost as they were.

I managed to find a working internet café to contact my family and confirmed everyone was alright. My parents apparently became a cute gay college couple at a coffee shop nearby, both are enjoying their new youth and still being together Even my mom has come around to becoming a very feminine man. My little sister became a big burly construction worker, but at least she’s home safe! Honestly all those martial arts classes are paying off in helping protect the family with her on the front lines.

I said, I’d make my way to them in the center of the U.S (where our house was) as fast as I could, but that it’ll take some time as most major roads and cities are dangerous right now. That’s when I contacted Anthony. He wasn’t in the best of places either. A farmland from the sounds of it, but I told him he wasn’t too far from where my family was. That got him excited. He didn’t know too much about outdoor survival, so he wasn’t sure he could make it very far on his own. While I was an indoor kid, I at least knew the basics of taking care of myself out in the natural world. He didn’t have that same luxury. He did have powerful contacts at his work that he’s been in communications with at least.

So that’s what my new mission became. Find my family, find Anthony, and make sure everyone’s ok. I’m writing this all down in the hopes things get better… and just to give myself some sanity that it’s actually happening. 

Luckily this town has a lot of left behind foods. My new body is constantly craving food despite how lean and muscled I am. I’ll be sure to pack more before I head to the next area.

Day 9


Finally. Phones are working again. They were out for over a week. I haven’t had much time to journal, but at least the warmer weather let me travel most days and part of the night. I’ve made good progress, but keep getting delayed when I run into bigger cities. At least the latest one let me get a working phone and solar charger. It’s not a fast charge, so I have to be be sparing with it.

Now at least I can check in with people to see how they’re doing. My college friends are in similar situations trying to find their way back to school or home. Some got really old, while others became one another! I’ll admit I got lucky getting such a huge powerful body. My family is doing the best. My parents are offering our home to people passing by who need shelter, and my sister is keeping any would be trespassers at bay. I think me and her are gonna have to start working out together after this. We never had too much in common, but we both agree our huge bodies are fun to use.

Then there’s Anthony. He’s been stuck on the country side for a bitt, but he’s finally making his way forward. Apparently he’s too embarrassed to send a picture of himself, but he assures me he’s alright and the he loves me. The things he’s been preoccupied with are re-establishing  connections with his company… never really understood what they did, but he thinks they could help somehow. Said something about helping to stabilize certain areas first. I don’t really have the energy to argue with him, but I trust he’ll meet me in the middle when the time is right.

Till then I’ll enjoy the new shoes and shorts I got from a nearby store. I’m so glad they had shoes in my size. Turns out I’m a size 17. And I’ll even go shirtless for a bit while the weather stays warm. Hopefully Anthony likes my new body. 

Day 21

So I finally made it home. My parents were so happy to see me. I’m taller than both of them now and likely older too if my permanently growing facial hair is any indicator. I swear I shave It off everyday and got a near beard by nighftall.  Though I’m not one to brag there. My sister has a huge beard and even bigger muscles than me. Told her she may want to lay off the sweets with her big belly too and I was nearly thrown out the window! Luckily things are returning to a sense of normalcy. Major disasters are nearly unheard of these days and society is slowly rebuilding. I even got to wear a full set of clothes for the first time in weeks!


As for Anthony, I was surprsed when one day there was a knock on our family’s door and look out to see… my new boyfriend.


He was still wearing the farming overalls he originally shifted into, and stood there blushing for a long time before either of us said anything. He’d gone fro tall imposing business man to young blond farmer with a killer set of abs. Apparently he was embarrassed about how youthful he’d become. It was silly and he knew that, but he wanted to make sure he could protect me at his new 5’7 height. He was still very physically fit, just more compact and toned. And even though he’s 22 now, he still appears quite young.

I just hugged him real tight and lifted him against my bare muscled chest for a few seconds when he came in. I reassured him that now that things are getting back to normal, I think those days of worrying about protection are over. He smiled with a little certainty in his eyes. It wasn’t till a few days later that he confided in me that he believed his company may have caused the Great Shift.

Honestly. Not sure what to make of all of this. I’m glad I’m home. I’m glad we’re safe. I’m glad my boyfriend can still keep me safe with his knowledge about the shift. I’m glad I know I can keep myself and others safe in the wilderness. Most of all I’m glad after so long apart, we’re back together…

I’m also a bit glad that I’ve got this big manly body that Anthony is going crazy for. There hasn’t been a night we’ve spent together that we haven’t shared a bed. He still insists on being the big spoon, but he also admits he likes being submissive with me these days. Maybe our first time together is gonna be even more special in these new bodies. Guess time will tell. Till then, I’ll put the journal down for now. See you next time journal!

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More Posts from Citizenies

2 years ago

I saw a site that sells authentic magic items and saw something that intrigued me, it was a thin gold necklace said to help grow a person into a real man.  Without a second thought I had ordered it, after a week I got notified that my package arrived and was received by my mother.  I was so excited I ran inside but I bumped into something hard, standing up my face was only at chest level with the huge muscular chest in front of me, there I looked I ogled at this guys body which bulged with muscles even his shorts look painted on and the bulge in front was just amazing to look at. Finally looking up I saw my brothers face smiling down at me, the same brother which was a head shorter than me just this morning. Thanks for the necklace big bro or should I say little bro now he said while chuckling. By the way I love what this thing did for me, also I’m not done growing I can feel it. Hope you get used to a new bigger me but don’t worry I’ll be good and let you feel my muscles anytime you want. 

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2 years ago

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2 years ago

Matt Experiments with the Chronivac: Roommate Temptations

Matt Experiments With The Chronivac: Roommate Temptations

“Dude! Look at you!” Matt exclaimed as he walked in the door.

Henry quickly tried to cover himself up by grabbing a pair of his underwear. He held them over his naked body. “I can explain!” he quickly said. The football frat bro looked embarrassed as he struggled pulling the underwear over his legs. He was always fairly fit with a decent six pack and some good muscle on him. Just a little bit of extra weight from all the parties that he went to covering it up. But right now he looked absolutely jacked. Barely even a couple of percent of body fat and still just as heavy as he had always been. Now his muscles were fully visible.

“Explain?” Matt twisted his head slightly. One of his hands was down in his pocket while, holding onto his phone.

“Yes! Look! It was an accident!”

“Accident?” Matt repeated. A sly smile appeared on his face as he watched Henry pull the gray underwear over his legs. It stretched against the muscles in his legs.

“Look! I don’t know what happened okay?!” Henry stomped his foot. “I was just jerking it to some porn and then I started to grow bigger. So I… Jerked off again. And then I grew even bigger. God damn! It felt so fucking good! I just couldn’t stop… And then I did it again. My clothes kept getting tighter. But it felt so damn good…” a deep moan rolled out of his mouth. His shoulders relaxed and he almost looked like he was about to fall. “So I… Did it again. Before I knew it my shirt was shredded on the ground and then you walked in.”

Matt stifled a giggle. His face seemed to be turning red as he pulled out his phone.

“Don’t take a picture!” Henry quickly covered his lower half with his hands. He tried to shrink down as much as possible as to ruin the photo.

The smile on Matt’s face only broadened. “I’m not taking a picture.” It seemed accurate as his thumbs were working overtime as though they were writing nearly a paragraph of text. “So…” he paused, looking up from his phone. “You were jerking it to pictures of me?”

Henry’s face dropped. “Yeah man… Sorry! It’s just that I couldn’t help it! I just saw a picture of you and… Uhmph!” he grunted out. His whole body seemed to jerk as his body flexed. “Damn it…” he added as he felt his dick harden. The outline of his cock grew far more visible and a bit of a stain dripped at his tip. “How am I so fucking horny..?”

“Is it because you’re around me?” Matt pried.

“Dude! No way! I’m st-straight,” he said. Though his stutter over the word ‘straight’ caught him off guard. “I like having sex with women. Seriously!” Yet, somehow his mind was playing tricks on him. He couldn’t stop staring at his roommate.

Matt stepped forward sending a shudder down Henry’s spine. “Except me?” he pried further. One of his fingers landed on Henry’s firm chest. “Hmmm?” Matt broke the almost all of the distance between them. Their faces were merely inches apart.

“It’s—It’s not like that,” again the stammer. Henry never did anything like this. Especially around someone like Matt. But he couldn’t help it. His mind and body kept sending all kinds of wires were being crossed.

“Really?” Matt eyed Henry closely. He backed off for a second. “Flex for me.”


“Flex more me,” Matt repeated. “Just trust me…” The smile on his face only grew as Henry raised his arm ever so slowly and flex his bicep. The muscle tightened into a thick ball. “Woah… So big…” Matt uttered. A bit of red filled Henry’s face as his dick hardened even more. The small stain on his underwear started to grow as more and more pre dripped out of him.

Henry quickly pulled down his arm. “What the fuck..?” Confusion hit him as he didn’t understand why he was so turned on. He’d never found another man the least bit attractive. Hell, he’d never even thought about Matt. But today he couldn’t get enough of his roommate.

One of Matt’s hands landed on his chest, gently caressing it. His palms were unbelievably soft. “It’s okay,” he whispered. “I know it feels a bit weird the first time, but it’ll feel good. Promise.” That’s when he shoved Henry down onto the bed behind him. Matt was quick to join him. His hands landing back onto Henry’s hard body.

“What’s–!?” Henry’s confused expression was interrupted as his hips thrust into the air. “Fu-uck!” he panted. His heart was beating wilding and he could barely catch his breath as Matt’s soft hands ran down his chest, over his abs and into his underwear. He watched as his dick sprang to life as Matt unwrapped it like a Christmas present.

“So excitable,” Matt mocked. “Hopefully you don’t have a hair trigger…” He lowered his lips down giving the tip a kiss. Henry’s entire body flexed. He gripped his bed for as much support as it could give him. Just feeling those lips against his tip sent him to another realm. But then they spread open engulfing his dick.

Henry let out an unfathomable grunt. Any conscious thought had given away to desire. His body no longer listened to him as he lay there. Every muscle in his body flexed on its own causing him to twist and turn. He barely even noticed as Matt’s hands were holding his firm ass. Slowly they were crawling their way to his anus. Then two of his fingers touched the sensitive spot. Henry’s body bucked. His cock throbbed with excitement as they pushed further in. He clawed at the sheets. But it was too much. There was no stopping it as his body released into Matt’s mouth.

But with each thrust, his body grew more and more. The 190 pound jock’s muscles quickly added more size and definition. Thick corded veins ran down his arms as his biceps bulged with more power. The same was true with his forearms as they nearly doubled in size and his hands as they grew thick and meaty, built especially for lifting heavy weights. Henry’s chest barreled out in front of him as his pecs nearly doubled in size. Hard muscle packed onto what was already there.

That same hard muscle ran up and down his legs as well. The underwear that already seemed to have had a hard time holding onto his legs completely gave up as thick quads filled out even more. The seams couldn’t contain the amount of mass inside them. “Woah…” Henry breathed heavily. He could barely even look over his chest as with each breath, it rose in front of his vision.

It took him a few seconds to reorient himself and prop up onto his arms. He recognized that he was significantly heavier. Probably closer to 215 or maybe even 220. And somehow his skin became far more sensitive than it had been. Even with the light touching that Matt was doing, Henry could feel himself being turned on despite just having the best climax of his life. However, when he finally looked at Matt, he was a bit confused. Matt was looking down at his body as though he was expecting something. “What’s up?”

“I just… I was supposed to change too. When I sucked you off, I was supposed to become your perfect boyfriend…” Matt muttered.

“Dude… You’re already perfect…”

Matt stared at him for a second. Then belted out a laugh. “Gay!” Henry felt his face go a bit red. He’d been trying to be a bit genuine but Matt seemed distracted. He continued laughing but pulled out his phone. “I guess that’s what I typed wasn’t it. Guess I’ll just have to experiment a bit more with this a bit more…”

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2 years ago

My father is a scientist of sorts working for a large company but hasn’t spoke much about anything about what company it is or what he’s doing.  One day he suddenly called me and too meet up with him at the airport with a rushed and gleeful voice only it sounded different for some reason. When I arrived I kept looking left and right for my father with no luck, then I saw this huge man with proportions only found in my fantasies. I may have stared too much as he suddenly locked eyes with me then stood up.  He smiled at me then gave me a flex before walking towards me. I felt small as he stood in front of me. How could someone ever get this big and tall. -So you like what you see? He asked *Yes sir very much -Well glad to know son as he gave me a big hug I couldn’t believe it this behemoth of a man was my father! I asked question after question on how this happened but he put a meaty finger on my mouth and hushed me. He gave me a passport and grabbed my hand. I’ll tell you all about it when we’re alone.

citizenies - anything muscle

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2 years ago

My boyfriend and I would always push each other to become better. However Arnold was lacking behind but kept going. I adore him so much and want him to be happy so I bought some growth powder from a shady site. When it came I was ecstatic about it and just added it to his shake only. After our session in the gym he suddenly felt weird and was visibly shaking. When I thought things were going bad, his face became blissful.  His body stopped shaking but now pulsed, each time it happened his body grew. Muscles upon muscles just piled I was too focused on looking at them that I didn’t even notice he was growing taller as well, I only noticed it when I looked at his face but not had to crane my neck up. When it all stopped he looked confused but happy as well, he kept flexing even doing poses bodybuilders do and when he noticed me he just smiled then grabbed me like I weighed nothing not knowing where we’d go.

citizenies - anything muscle

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