Femaletomale - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago

I think the Magic Sewing Maching is on the fritz again. I was making this very cutesy top worthy of the flowery bikini bottom.  However when i tried it on my chest was slowly deflating, then as i was inching upwards in height, muscles upon muscles filled me till the top looked like an XS, showing a bit of my hairy abdominal and a beard suddenly grew on my face. Then as i looked down to my crotch something was growing till it was obscenely bulging, whereas my as was still big and plump. I’ve never experienced this before, but maybe I can experiment with this body for a while and maybe get someone in bed with me like this.

citizenies - anything muscle

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5 years ago

Like OMG what am i gonna do!!! I Suddenly turned into this rando hunk. No No No this cannot be happening right now when it’s gonna be prom in a few hours. What will everyone say when they see me like this!!!! ALthough i can say i am one HOT rando hunk and took a photo.

citizenies - anything muscle

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5 years ago
Why Does Aging Have To Be So Painful? I Wish I Didnt Have To Deal With The Aches And Pains Of Being An

“Why does aging have to be so painful? I wish I didn’t have to deal with the aches and pains of being an old woman anymore.”

Margaret should’ve been more careful.

The next thing she realizes, is that she is aging, quickly, in reverse.

“Wha- what’s going on?” she exclaims in a panicked euphoria. “I feel almost like I did sixty years ago!”

A searing pain takes over her body. She begins to scream in agony. Her body cracks, as her bones grow and adjust into a new frame. The pain reduces to a numb, cramping feeling.

“Why do I feel so tall?” she asks in a confused state. “Wait. I am taller.”

Just then, the cramping feeling begins to intensify in her calves. She watches with fascination.

“Oh… these are… these are niiiiiiiice.”

The cramping begins to travel upwards, into her thighs, before they begin to bulge out, creating an aesthetic similar to tree trunks. She was beginning to enjoy the feeling of the transformation.

“Well, these definitely don’t look like a lady’s legs!” she chuckles as she watches the transformation. “I guess I get to be a guy this time around!” She feels her ass begin to grow and become shapely. “This is way nicer than any caboose I’ve ever seen on a woman…” -as she begins smiling.

Her stomach begins to distend, and bulge out from her currently narrow torso. It twists itself as it gradually rearranges itself into a beautiful set of washboard abs. “I always wished Gerald (her late husband) these. Now I have my own!”

She’s still feeling up her new abs as the muscles begin to ripple and grow along her spine. 

Before she knows it, her breasts that had returned to her younger state when she was reverse aging, start to rearrange themselves and grow as they turn into a nice sexy pair of pecs. “I wasn’t worried about missing my boobs, but I guess I don’t have to!”

Her shoulders begin to grow, and rearrange into boulder-like shapes, and her biceps and triceps become veiny and bulky. The forearms rearrange themselves to match the proportions of the rest of her arms, and her now large hands. “Guys back in my day weren’t anywhere near this muscular!” she says as she flexes her cannonball arms. “I guess I can be a traveling gun show now!” *chuckles*

Margaret’s neck begins to thicken, with her traps beginning to tie it in nicely with her shoulders. Then she begins to feel her face rearrange itself as it becomes sharp and masculine. Her hair begins to rearrange itself into a shorter and more masculine haircut.

She begins to feel a twisting, knotting, and painful feeling between her legs. Her screams of agony slowly turn into moans of pleasure as her new anatomy begins to take shape. The testosterone filling her body makes the sensation more euphoric. Margaret’s moans of pleasure begin to deepen as a gigantic adam’s apple begins to bulge out of the front of her neck. 

Any pain Margaret had felt begins to fade away, other than a needle-like itching sensation all over her body. 

By the time Margaret makes it to the mirror, light brown-almost auburn-hair dusts her entire body nicely, and she has a short beard.

Margaret has no words as she looks over her new, 6′3″ 220lb body in the mirror. 

She begins to feel up her new muscles. If it weren’t for her raging libido, she would’ve almost forgotten about her massive cock. The hormones begin to take over her body as she begins to understand what it feels like to have a dick. 

“Fuck yeah.” she moans. “I’m young, I’m handsome, and I’m thick… in many ways.” Margaret begins to pump her cock faster, the euphoria of being a male taking control. As she sprays her new seed all over the mirror, knowledge of sports, cars, women, and many other manly activities begin to fill her mind.

Margaret proceeds to the shower before finding some leftover clothes from her late husband. They fit very snug, but it’s all she needed so that she could go out and buy her new wardrobe. She pulls a huge wad of cash out of the floorboards. “This oughta be enough.”

Just then, Margaret realizes she’s going to have to come up with a new identity. “I guess I’ll go by Martin now. Martin, the huge, alpha, jock. My former children and grandchildren are going to be devastated when they find out that their ‘Dear old Margaret’ has disappeared. Now that I think about it… one of my granddaughters is about my new age… and she’s single… maybe I’ll have to pay her a visit.” she chuckles as she pats her new bulge.

Hey everyone! This is my first, original post, so please be gentle! However, feedback is welcome!

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5 years ago

Sarah was getting ready for their costume party and even bought a "slutty" lumberjack outfit complete with axe which she thought was great for a few bucks.

As she was about to wear her top she saw something on the collar which almost reads as beware(?). She just shrugged it off and continued to wear her outfit.

She looked in the mirror and said perfect to herself, then grabbed the axe. As she grabbed the axe she felt weird and nauseated. She hunched down but hand still grasping the axe.

She brow was sweating a bit and then felt her arms trembling. As she looked to her hands she saw hairs sprouting and her muscles pulsing, harder and bigger they became.

Then her top felt tight and lo and behold she was filling the top but her boobs shrank, which were slowly being replaced by pecs.

Everything was throbbing and sounds of cracking and popping were heard as she gritted thru these moments.

When it stopped she sighed in relief and stood to face the mirror. Looking back at her was not her. But a really handsome and muscular man.

What will she do now as she brougt the axe up and posed.

citizenies - anything muscle

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5 years ago

Oh c'mon stop looking. I'm still adjusting okay?

It's not easy going from petite girl to this hunky guy in just a day.

Seriously how do guys live with this "Thing", it has a mind of its own.

citizenies - anything muscle

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5 years ago
Thanks For @malemuscularbodyswap For Sending ThisThere Was A Story That Was Passed On The Village Where

Thanks for @malemuscularbodyswap for sending this  There was a story that was passed on the village where we live. The forest in the east where it was bountiful with life, should never be entered by anyone, because a witch had placed a curse on that area and anyone who enters it is never the same. Now in the present we have Alice and Greg, lovebirds who have been together since birth, planning to runaway together because of trouble at home. They both had planned to meet up at the edge of the cursed forest later in the night. However Greg came early and to satisfy his boredom chose to enter said forest for a little while. There he saw plants and animals he had never seen, but all were quite gentle. As he was busy looking about, he hadn’t noticed a shadow behind him, and soon swallowed him whole. As the sun arose, Alice’s screams for Greg could be heard. In the forest Greg opened his eyes but now glowed yellow. From his mouth came “Finally I have a body again”, as the witch flexed and stretched Gregs’ body. She had relished the feeling of being alive again, but was now quite taken by the new body since it was male, strong, young and virile.

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5 years ago

I was out drinking and got to know a great person by chance, Perry.

They were easy to talk with and very funny, however after a few drinks they shared some really personal insecurities, and how they hate themselves for being average and such.

So i decided to help Perry out with magic, before starting the change I wanted to know more on what to change.

After getting the details i started my magic on Perry. First thing i did was made Perry and everyone else unable to notice the changes. I started with adding tattoos and body hair, it was mesmerizing how the lines slowly appeared and how the hair crept longer on the arms and face.

Next was adding mass on the body, i chose to add height first and slowly inched Perry higher by almost a foot in height, then were the muscles but not so much . . . . for now. I also changed their clothes to fit the "after" look.

Next was changing Perry's genital into that of a male. I made his package quite large maybe too large ;D

Finally i made it so only Perry notice the changes and there the seat, was a very happy and more confident person.

I guess the hormones from the change and the alcohol got to Perry, because he was already at full mast and wanted to invite me somewhere "private" to thank me.

citizenies - anything muscle

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5 years ago

We held our halloween party very well and when we were all somewhat drunk, a friend of mine gave me a can and said i should drink it tomorrow with Jane and gave me a wink.

After that talk the night resumed and i blacked out. When i came to i was in the bedroom and went to the living room.

I saw that someone was still sleeping on tge sofa, but couldn't really tell who it was but damn the dude was built.

I looked at his hand to see the can my friend gave me and got a bit sober. Then it soon dawned on me who this person was. It was Jane, he/she still wore the bra from yesterday and was moaning out my name from her usually erotic dreams. What scared me the most was seeing the huge tent that came afterwards.

citizenies - anything muscle

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5 years ago

I have magic to change anyone into anything but its very uncontrollable. One second you’re talking with your mom the next she becomes a 7ft Mr. Olympia competitor. Well it’s not all bad there are times when it comes useful other than satisfying my lustful urges. Take this one time where I was volunteering at my grandfathers’ retirement home.  As we were walking beside the railing his cane snapped and he was falling, couldn’t do anything but watch then my powers kicked. As he was falling he kept changing and when he finally fell he became this. He was strong enough that the fall did nothing and i got to keep my grandfather living a long time.

citizenies - anything muscle

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5 years ago

Gotta say, that Manly Bodywash really did what it said on the bottle.

"Be more of a MAN, than YOUR MAN"

It felt so erotic washing myself as i was being transformed into a man. The muscles, the pleasure, the cock!!

And now you see the new ME. I do hope the effects work on my boyfriend. I wanna see if I can still get bigger and manlier.

Fresh Pecs In The Morning
Fresh Pecs In The Morning
Fresh Pecs In The Morning
Fresh Pecs In The Morning

fresh pecs in the morning

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4 years ago

It was supposed to be an April Fools prank.

I transformed my girlfriend opposite to her physical traits with magic. She WAS short and very feminine so I guessed it would be funny to see her surprised.

So on the morning of April 1st, I was already outside her home waiting for her to wake up.

I was already grinning to myself when I finally heard a scream. I sent her a text saying i was outside her home.

The door slowly opened and as I was saying April Fools, I was suddenly grabbed into the home.

When i finally finished saying fools, it dawned on me what i had done. My "girlfriend" was now so big and manly to point of intimidating me a 6'5 avid gym goer and even made me look like a child beside him.

She or now HE with gritted teeth said "You think this is funny??!!"

I could only say "a bit" and "sorry" to this behemoth with my head looking at the floor.

That was until I heard giggling and as I loomed upwards this beast said "You should see the look on your face" and "April Fools back"

I gave a sigh of relief that he wasn't angry. But then she said "I've known you were gonna do this a few days before and got a lock on that reversal".

I could only say What?!, when she followed it up with.

"Hope you can handle all of me, 'cuz I'm gonna stay this way till I get tired"

citizenies - anything muscle

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3 years ago

I am or was Grace and for some unknown reason I transformed into this hunk that you see. Maybe it was a whim of god or some sci-fi shit but I'm loving this.

I lay there running my hands up and down my new body, feeling the bumps and bulges. As I flex my arms I can feel strength so alien to me.

I especially love the equipment I got under. I've been with many men but even so they can't compare with what I have now. I can't even count how many times I'd jerked off now, but everything feels so right.

To whatever or whoever did this. Thank you.

citizenies - anything muscle

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3 years ago

So me a guy and my friends who were girls were going on a trip abroad then journey to various places.

I had concerns that I voiced out. I mean they were very feminine and petite, whereas I'm average as a guy (okay less than average and gay).

They assured me that I'd be feeling 100% safe throughout the trip. When we landed we went to a bathroom absent of people and I wait outside of it.

I was surprised when hands grabbed me and was now facing two huge and muscular men.

"Surprised you huh" both said in sync with deep and booming voices. I could only gape and nod while looking up.

They chuckled and reassured me again that we'll be safe the whole time. They even gave me some flexes and let me touch them a bit.

I think I should watch over them and teach them a but being male, it was funny how their habits were coming out now and then. I just hope their needs weren't as high as they were big, although deep in my mind I feel I'll have the best trip in my life.

citizenies - anything muscle

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2 years ago

The Great Shift: Journals

Day 2

Ok. According to the map. Just a few more miles of forest till the town. You can do this Jace.

Oh wait… I don’t think this is how diaries or journals work… Let’s… start simpler… context.

A few years ago, Jace would’ve never believed he’d be hiking through entire forests just to get to one small town. A year ago, Jace never expected to find a boyfriend. A few months ago, no one would’ve ever predicted the Great Shift! The wave of mysterious energy that put 90% of the world’s population in random bodies! Some of these shifts were more localized. Two individuals in a local area swapping between one another.  Then there were the chaotic shifts. One individual finding themselves in an entirely new continent, while their original body was someone entirely unrelated to their current form. I was somewhere in the middle. I went from the west coast of the United States to the East! But I had to meet someone in the middle.

My name is Jace. I’m 21 years old and a few months ago I was just finishing up college, studying geology and biology. Didn’t know what to do with all that info, but that was gonna be a next year problem. Had a pretty nuclear family, with my mom, dad, and sister back home, but the real wild part of my life was that I was dating a guy 8 years older than me. Anthony was this big shot businessman, though he was real humble about it. We hit it off immediately and despite the age difference, still managed to make things work! There wasn’t a night we didn’t talk to one another about movies we liked, philosophy we believed, universal truths, and favorite foods!

Well… until the night of the shift. That’s when one moment I was studying in my warm bedroom, and the next in a thick jacket huddled around a campfire and tent, in the middle of a strange wilderness! For the longest time I thought I was in a dream. Here I was, thinking it impossible for me to be transported elsewhere. If it wasn’t for the old school radio, in my new tent I would’ve never known that the shift happened to other people too.

But that’s where this new body came in. You see. I was certainly more of the shorter bookish type. Glasses, nerdy interests, and not an athletic bone in my body. I was a boy scout growing up, but while I internalized the lessons, I was much more concerned learning about nature rather than living in it.  So imagine 5’1 100lb me, suddenly stumbling around in the forests as a 6’4 burly woodsman.


I couldn’t find any ID on this guy. Or any form of identifier, just some basic survival gear. With not a lot to go on, but a certain desire to figure out what’s happening to my friends and family, I set off through the woods to get some answers.

The first couple minutes were jarring enough. Getting used to being over a foot taller and stacked with muscles were one thing, but I kept tripping everywhere because my feet were pretty big. I wasn’t too proud of my size 8s, but these babies were at least size 16s. Hopefully I could find some better shoes after I got out of here.

Day 3

Took me about a day and a half to get to the first city. Camping and other stuff just came easy with all the right supplies! However, once I got close to civilization I just heard the sound of car crashes and screaming. Turns out an entire metropolitan area didn’t fair too well. Too many people in too many different places, turned society upside down. Lots of looting, running, and panicking. Lots of people in displaced bodies didn’t know what to do and were just wandering. Some even went up to me thinking I was some hero emerging from the woods. I hated to tell them I was just as lost as they were.

I managed to find a working internet café to contact my family and confirmed everyone was alright. My parents apparently became a cute gay college couple at a coffee shop nearby, both are enjoying their new youth and still being together Even my mom has come around to becoming a very feminine man. My little sister became a big burly construction worker, but at least she’s home safe! Honestly all those martial arts classes are paying off in helping protect the family with her on the front lines.

I said, I’d make my way to them in the center of the U.S (where our house was) as fast as I could, but that it’ll take some time as most major roads and cities are dangerous right now. That’s when I contacted Anthony. He wasn’t in the best of places either. A farmland from the sounds of it, but I told him he wasn’t too far from where my family was. That got him excited. He didn’t know too much about outdoor survival, so he wasn’t sure he could make it very far on his own. While I was an indoor kid, I at least knew the basics of taking care of myself out in the natural world. He didn’t have that same luxury. He did have powerful contacts at his work that he’s been in communications with at least.

So that’s what my new mission became. Find my family, find Anthony, and make sure everyone’s ok. I’m writing this all down in the hopes things get better… and just to give myself some sanity that it’s actually happening. 

Luckily this town has a lot of left behind foods. My new body is constantly craving food despite how lean and muscled I am. I’ll be sure to pack more before I head to the next area.

Day 9


Finally. Phones are working again. They were out for over a week. I haven’t had much time to journal, but at least the warmer weather let me travel most days and part of the night. I’ve made good progress, but keep getting delayed when I run into bigger cities. At least the latest one let me get a working phone and solar charger. It’s not a fast charge, so I have to be be sparing with it.

Now at least I can check in with people to see how they’re doing. My college friends are in similar situations trying to find their way back to school or home. Some got really old, while others became one another! I’ll admit I got lucky getting such a huge powerful body. My family is doing the best. My parents are offering our home to people passing by who need shelter, and my sister is keeping any would be trespassers at bay. I think me and her are gonna have to start working out together after this. We never had too much in common, but we both agree our huge bodies are fun to use.

Then there’s Anthony. He’s been stuck on the country side for a bitt, but he’s finally making his way forward. Apparently he’s too embarrassed to send a picture of himself, but he assures me he’s alright and the he loves me. The things he’s been preoccupied with are re-establishing  connections with his company… never really understood what they did, but he thinks they could help somehow. Said something about helping to stabilize certain areas first. I don’t really have the energy to argue with him, but I trust he’ll meet me in the middle when the time is right.

Till then I’ll enjoy the new shoes and shorts I got from a nearby store. I’m so glad they had shoes in my size. Turns out I’m a size 17. And I’ll even go shirtless for a bit while the weather stays warm. Hopefully Anthony likes my new body. 

Day 21

So I finally made it home. My parents were so happy to see me. I’m taller than both of them now and likely older too if my permanently growing facial hair is any indicator. I swear I shave It off everyday and got a near beard by nighftall.  Though I’m not one to brag there. My sister has a huge beard and even bigger muscles than me. Told her she may want to lay off the sweets with her big belly too and I was nearly thrown out the window! Luckily things are returning to a sense of normalcy. Major disasters are nearly unheard of these days and society is slowly rebuilding. I even got to wear a full set of clothes for the first time in weeks!


As for Anthony, I was surprsed when one day there was a knock on our family’s door and look out to see… my new boyfriend.


He was still wearing the farming overalls he originally shifted into, and stood there blushing for a long time before either of us said anything. He’d gone fro tall imposing business man to young blond farmer with a killer set of abs. Apparently he was embarrassed about how youthful he’d become. It was silly and he knew that, but he wanted to make sure he could protect me at his new 5’7 height. He was still very physically fit, just more compact and toned. And even though he’s 22 now, he still appears quite young.

I just hugged him real tight and lifted him against my bare muscled chest for a few seconds when he came in. I reassured him that now that things are getting back to normal, I think those days of worrying about protection are over. He smiled with a little certainty in his eyes. It wasn’t till a few days later that he confided in me that he believed his company may have caused the Great Shift.

Honestly. Not sure what to make of all of this. I’m glad I’m home. I’m glad we’re safe. I’m glad my boyfriend can still keep me safe with his knowledge about the shift. I’m glad I know I can keep myself and others safe in the wilderness. Most of all I’m glad after so long apart, we’re back together…

I’m also a bit glad that I’ve got this big manly body that Anthony is going crazy for. There hasn’t been a night we’ve spent together that we haven’t shared a bed. He still insists on being the big spoon, but he also admits he likes being submissive with me these days. Maybe our first time together is gonna be even more special in these new bodies. Guess time will tell. Till then, I’ll put the journal down for now. See you next time journal!

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