citizenies - anything muscle
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396 posts

Right Package, Wrong Person

Right package, wrong person

Victor had always wanted to get bigger, but his body could only do so much. This was why he bought this necklace that an etsy user was selling that was said to make you a stronger version of yourself. It cost a pretty penny for Victor but he took the risk and wanted to see if the seller was legit on their promise. 2 weeks had past and Victor forgot that the package was still coming. When Victor got out of school one day he got a notification that his package had arrived at his house and he got excited. He hurried home and got a text from his dad.

The text said "I'm going to the gym son, will be home soon." That was weird, Victor's dad had not gone to the gym since Victor was in diapers. Victor got home and ran to the kitchen where he saw an opened box on the table. Oh no, Victor thought, the necklace was not in the box. Victor texted his dad if he had opened his package. Victor's dad said he did since his name was on it. Victor forgot that he had used his dad's card to purchase the necklace. Victor's dad texted back saying he was suprisingly doing great at the gym since he put on the necklace.

Victor was furious, he drove to the gym to get the necklace back before it was too late. Victor entered the gym and asked the employee sitting at the front if his dad was there still. The employee pointed to the back at the weights section. Victor's dad never was back there, until Victor saw his dad and what he had become.

Victor's dad had become a behemoth. His body was now the size of a professional bodybuilder. Victor's dad looked at himself in the mirror. He began to flex his enormous muscles and smiled, feeling the power that he never imagined he would have. He smiled seeing his body expand and his veins pop out of his arms.

Victor felt inferior, his dad was now the biggest guy at the gym and everyone was in awe of how big his dad was. "Come on son, let's go home", Victor's dad said with a now deep voice. The necklace was tight against Victor's dad's thick neck. As they were leaving, Victor's dad thanked his son for the necklace. He said that he knew all along what his plan was and made sure Victor was gone that day the package came. He started to laugh, which made Victor even more defeated because life was gonna be extremely different from now on.

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More Posts from Citizenies

4 years ago

Growth Spice

(GrowingGuys redux)



I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and saw Corey rummaging through the refrigerator. I was wearing one of his button downs, loosely hanging over my tight, twink body, and my underwear. He stood confidently in his boxer briefs, pouring himself a glass of orange juice.

I approached him from behind and slapped him on his ass, giving him a startle, “Good morning,” I gave him a peck on the cheek.

“Morning, babe,” he answered, kissing me back, “Sleep well?”

“Well enough, I think you threw off my center of gravity last night.”

He laughed heartedly, “You were pretty good too, bro,” he smiled at me.

Corey had taken me home last night after some drinks with the rest of the office staff. I had never really taken notice in him. He had aways been generally cute, but at an athleisure company you’re gonna be surrounded by cute guys. However, he seemed to have gained pounds and pounds of muscle just within a month and a half or so. Everyone thought he was on roids, which first of all isn’t an issue, and second of all wasn’t even the case, I don’t think. Even on top-of-the-line steroids, you wouldn’t be able to stack on the amount of mass he did in such a short time. Nah, there was something special he was doing, I just couldn’t place it. I looked at him sipping his orange juice as he started walking back to his room to get dressed.

“Just OJ?” I asked

“Not really hungry, you know? Just need a jolt of energy and some V-C.”

“Come on, you have to present in front of admin today. I’ll make you some eggs.”

He sighed and smiled, “Fine, just make it quick. I’ll be getting ready. Eggs in the fridge, spices in the cupboard.”

“I think I can find my way around the kitchen,” I remarked and laughed.

“I don’t know man, you white people like your food bland as hell!” we both laughed.

“Bitch please, I’m making these gourmet.” He chuckled and walked back into the bedroom.


I got the eggs out and started to scramble them over the stove. As they gathered heat, and before they could solidify too much, I looked through his spice cupboard for something to flavor them. Paprika, garlic salt, parsley, pepper… that ought to do it. Something caught my eye. At the back of the cupboard was a big white jug with a fine white powder in it. It had a piece of tape with “GAINZ” marked across it. I got it out, opened it, and smelled it. It had no discernable smell. I licked my finger and touched it and put it to my mouth and tasted it. I couldn’t really taste anything. Thinking there might have been some faint flavor to it that I just wasn’t catching, I pinched a little between my fingers and tried some more of it. Must have been some sort of flavorless protein powder that he could add to any recipe. With Corey looking the way he does, I’m sure he snuck protein into just about everything he ate. I dumped about half a cup of it into the eggs, worrying that I might have overdone it because I admittedly don’t know the first thing about protein powder. Once everything had mixed and incorporated well, I tried a bit of cooked egg in the pan to confirm I didn’t fuck it up too much with the powder. Nope, not too chalky, just right. I continued cooking the eggs, making sure the runny parts got adequately cooked.

Suddenly, I felt winded and lightheaded. My body felt hot and like some unseen pressure was simultaneously weighing down on it and pushing out of it. I felt an extreme nausea and a hot, energetic pulsing feeling throughout my body. I felt paralyzed, as though if I were to move a muscle, I would either vomit or faint. From what I could see, it seemed as though I was rising, not as though I was floating but as though gaining several inches in height. Then, I felt all of the muscles in my body tense at once, feeling as though I had undergone a full body workout of 500 sets with 5000 reps each. It was excruciating. In my paralyzed state, I couldn’t call out for help or yell, I could only grunt in pain, hoping that Corey could hear me and come to save me or call an ambulance or something. It started to feel as though my muscles were being pushed forward from my body, stretching my skin, my underwear, and Corey’s dress shirt. It was incredibly painful but also somehow felt intensely erotic. The constricting feeling of Corey’s button down against my chest, back, and arms suddenly disappeared as I heard the seams explode and shred in a deafening tear, the dress shirt sliding off of me in ribbons of fabric. I didn’t even notice that my pained grunts were growing into groans of ecstasy. I didn’t realize I was still holding the heavy cast iron pan with the eggs, as it felt like a feather now. Finally, I heard a strong, creaking, stretchy sound, as my underwear strained against my cock. I could feel it swelling heavier and heavier tripling in both girth and length, my testicles swelling to an enormous, churning, kiwi-sized. The stretching sound continued as I felt myself instantly growing hard, but still unable to see my true size.


The intense pain and nausea that had plagued me for the last several moments finally relinquished, just as quickly as it had began. I was released from my paralysis and began exhaling and inhaling heavily, feeling as though I hadn’t breathed in a full 2 minutes. I looked down at what I had become, marveling over the sheer size of me and the beauty of my new body. I mean, goddamn, I was almost as big as Corey in several places, and certainly taller! I looked over and noticed Corey in the archway of the kitchen in his business clothes, noticeably hard from what he had seen. Speak of the devil.

“What… the hell… was that?” I asked between pants, hearing my familiar yet new and booming deep voice for the first time.

“Well shit, I guess my secret’s out.” he adjusted himself and gestured to the jug marked ‘GAINZ.’ “How much did you use?”

“Shit… I don’t know… a little over a tablespoon to myself? Maybe two?”

“Two tablespoons?!” he shouted back. “Goddamn, you’re supposed to sprinkle a pinch of that stuff on one meal per day!”

I was surprised by his strict tone, “Sorry, Corey, I’m so sorry!” I began to feel intense guilt over what I had done, feeling as though I may cry. “I promise I didn’t mean to waste so much of it! I’ll pay you back, I swear, just please don’t hate me!”

Corey became even more aroused. Apparently seeing a beast like me in such a raw display of emotion and vulnerability really turned him on.

“Hey, hey! No babe, it’s okay,” he approached me and wrapped his beefy arms around me, kissing me on my bulging shoulders and angular cheeks. “I’m not mad, I swear. It’s just, whew, it’s a lot, I mean… Shit, man, I’m uh…” he bit his lip and grinded his hips against my side and I could feel his raging boner pressing up against me. I looked down at him and smiled and he cupped my hard package in his strong hands. “I’m really starting to think I could forgive you.”

He squeezed my package a bit harder and I let out a shuddering chuckle, feeling the guilt lift off my shoulders. I played a long and bounced my pecs for him, “I’ll just have to find a way to make it up to you.”

We both giggled, and Corey looked down at the pan of scrambled eggs. “So how much is in the eggs?” he asked.

“About half a cup,” I laughed.

“Jesus Christ…” he tilted the pan and looked at the potent eggs. “Two regular bites of this and I bet you’d hit 10 feet. Shit, even if we split that between the two of us, I don’t think we could both fit in the apartment!” he laughed.

I looked up at the high vaulted ceilings in his apartments and felt myself getting insanely hard at the thought of it. Fuck yeah, let’s do that! I’d say I’m addicted now!

“Get us some forks, then.” I said with genuine earnest.

“Woah, woah, woah, man! Take it easy… Maybe we could go camping and try that out sometime—maybe—but not today. Besides, am I supposed to present to the board 10 feet tall and wrapped in a tablecloth?” I tilted my head and envisioned the possibility and Corey just shook his head with a sly grin. I felt pretty bummed out. How hot would that be? I didn’t want to wait to camp, I wanted to try it now!

“I tell you what,” he said, clearly seeing my disappointment and trying to convince me out of the idea. Corey liked to be big, but he was clearly not as interested in my idea of getting really big. He loosened his belt and let his pants fall to the floor and shucked off his boxer briefs, his huge black cock springing up and out and slapping my upper thighs, “How about we… break in the new you, and then we’ll see if we can find something that will fit you.”

I rubbed my crotch and smiled down at him, “Sounds good to me. What about these though?” I asked, holding up the pan of eggs.

“Those unfortunately are trash,” he took the pan and dumped it out the open window into the ally below his apartment, and I gasped watching them fall below. “But you, babe,” he turned my chin away from the window and towards him again, “are far from that.” We grinned sensuously at each other and he dragged me by the front of my underpants back into his bedroom, loosening his tie.


In the alley below, the pile of eggs landed wetly on the pavement. A homeless guy, a skinny young man way down on his luck, woke up from his sleep at the sound of them hitting the ground. The financial firm layed him off, his wife had run off with his business partner, the bank had foreclosed on his home, and, without any living family from which he could ask for some help, he was living on the streets—riches to rags, like some cruel joke. Not hesitating, he started to crawl towards the eggs. He hadn’t had a bite to eat in days, he could feel his stomach grumbling loudly. Hell, he bet he could eat the entire pile from the filthy ground. Fuck dignity.

He scooped handful after handful into his mouth, scarfing down as much as he could and as quickly as he could until not a speck of egg remained on the pavement. He finished his meal, smiling and satisfied, heaving heavy breaths. His breathing suddenly became more laborered as his felt himself cramping and aching. Was this from eating too quickly? No this was more intense, this was something else. His curled into himself on the pavement, wrapping his arms around his stomach and praying for relief, his insides feeling like they were 1000°F. He felt like he was either going to explode like a bomb or be literally boiled alive from the inside. What the fuck kind of luck did he have? Poisoned eggs now?? Is that really what’s going to kill him? He didn’t realize it in his tortured state, but his luck was about to turn in the biggest way.

The pain began to slowly dissipate and he rolled over onto his back, still breathing rapidly and in pounding pain but no longer feeling on the verge of death. What the fuck was that? Wait…. something else was happening. He felt impossibly strong pressure in and around his body as he began involuntarily convulsing, thrashing and writhing. What the fuck? His arm involuntarily shot out from him and extended several feet. What the fuck? He looked wide eyed at it as his other one followed, then his feet. Still breathing as though hyperventilating, he began to… no, impossible. He see and feel himself swelling massively, impossibly huge, in literally all areas of his body. “Uuuuhhhgghh FUUCCKK” He groaned, his voice dropping several octaves, not entirely sure of whether or not he was going insane or his body was just on the verge of literally exploding. He looked down at himself and saw his hairy torso and legs become exposed as they poked out of his tearing, filthy, sweat-soaked clothing, his furry body still violently convulsing and thrashing, but exploding in size each and every direction with exponentially bigger muscle. He saw his cock, hard as a rock and pointed straight up and whipping around with his thrashing body, rise up and up and up and up, audibly stretching higher and goddamn thicker with every passing second. “OOOOOHH, FUUUCKK YEEEAAHHH!!!” he bellowed up to the sky, gripping his continuously swelling meat and pumping, his body continuing to convulse and grow with no sign of stopping. He still wasn’t sure what in the ever-living fuck was happening to him, but it was starting to feel erotic as shit instead of painful. If only his bitch wife and douchebag business partner could see him now. Again, fuck dignity, he was really, really gonna enjoy this.

His body finally began to develop some proportionality as his arms, legs, cock, balls, and torso caught up to each other in their chaotic, rapid, impossible, out of control growth, but still continued swelling, only this time in unity. “MMMRRRRMMFFFFFF FFFUUUCCCK YEEEAHHH!!!!” he bellowed again, followed by deep, insane laughter, as he continued pumping himself and his body continuing to grow unnaturally huge.

Commuter after commuter stopped dead in ther tracks as they passed by the alley, seeing a absolute fucking giant of a man sprawled across the alley, laughing and swearing deafeningly loud like a madman, stretching continuously across the pavement and expanding nearly from block to block, yanking his sedan-sized cock and massaging his massive beanbag sized nuts, as his gargantuan muscles and body swelled bigger and bigger.

He didn’t even seem to notice them though, intoxicated by the high of this kind of unbelievable self-pleasure. As he grew, grunting like a brute, laughing like a child with candy, he knocked back several dumpsters as if they were nothing. Nothing would impede this growth. In fact, if the commuters didn’t move from their current position, they would soon be crushed by his quickly approaching and ever-swelling feet.


Sweaty and spent, I finished inside Corey with a prolonged, orgasmic moan—looking down at Corey’s moaning, heaving state, I would say I successfully completed my first time topping in my life! I dislodged from him and saw rivers of my jizz spewing out of him.

“Alrighy, buddy, flip over! I’ll finish you off.”

Corey panted and laughed, still resting face down against the mattress, feeling the puddle of his own hot jizz cooling against his torso, “Nah, man, you’re good. I ‘finished off’ long ago. Fucking christ, you were deep, man…”

I grinned to myself, proud of the complement, slapped his round ass, and hopped up to wash myself. I went to the bathroom nude and turned on the shower. The water came spraying down and I absentmindedly scratched at my balls, bringing my fingers up to smell the new, powerful stretch my crotch created. Over the sound of the running water, I swore I could hear a low but thunderous grunting sound, as though one of the downstairs neighbors was blasting hardcore porn through loudspeakers. I paused and listened closer. No, it wasn’t coming from downstairs, it sounded like it was coming… from outside? In the alleyway? What the fuck? I shut off the water and I could hear the sound more clearly. It sounded like like a man, yes, but impossibly deep and low, like it was a distorted audio sample.

I left the bathroom, “Hey babe? Do you hear—“

Corey was standing nude next to his window, his cock rigid and pulsing, as he stared down out of the window towards the alley.

“What’s going on?”

He didn’t take his eyes away from the window but beckoned me over with one hand. I walked over to the window with a furrowed brow, looked down, jaw involuntarily dropping, and I couldn’t believe my eyes.

It looked as though a titan had fallen from the heavens and landed in the alleyway. This swelling, absolute fucking giant of a man was sprawled across the alley, nearly from end to end, with monstrously huge muscles covering every inch, or he should say foot at this point, of his body—and growing still—his arms almost a full story tall, his pecs the size of two California king mattresses, his abs like meaty boulders, one enormous hand wrapped around and pumping a cock the size of a limousine, and his other enormous hand massaging a set of nuts the size of weather balloons. He had a pleasant carpeting of hair covering his torso and chest, and had a cute angular face like—…. no, he couldn’t be.

It fucking was. I knew for sure it was! There’s this homeless dude that hung around my building a couple blocks away. I would give him whatever change I had on me when I saw him and made sure to make him a bagel in the morning along with my own before I head off to work. He was a cute, scruffy thing, just skinny as a rail and down on his luck. But not anymore. Fucking look at him! Holy fuck, no, not anymore.

His grunting quickened and he began bucking his hips up and down, nearing climax, and sending seismic tremors through the building as his hips hit the ground over and over. “Holy shit, bro, what did we do?” I could faintly hear Corey saying next to me. ‘We,’ what did we have to—… I gasped. He’s right! The fucking eggs! The giant in the alley tugged on his balls fiercely and sped up his stroking, as his eyes rolled up to the back of his head and crossed.

“FUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKKK!!!!” His voice thundered and shook the windows, as he erupted in orgasm unlike any mankind had ever seen or experienced. A fireman’s hose blast of cum shot out of his dick and fucking painted the side of Corey’s building in his jizz, ropes of it spraying forceful and heavy against the window where we were standing, sending a hairline crack up the middle of it from the pressure, and it started slowly dripping down, clearing our view again. So much fucking cum! It looked like he was pissing it! He was still moaning out in orgasmic bliss, as more ropes of it shot onto his hairy abs, chest, and face, and into the air, showering down loudly onto the pavement and onto his behemoth body. As it splashed around him, it formed titanic waves that lifted up and pushed away dirt, debris, and trash out of the alley.

He let go of his cock and balls, spent and exhausted, smearing his seed all over the carpet of hair on his bulging body, bringing his hands up to his face with webby trails of the ocean of jizz stringing between his fingers and trailing from his chest and torso. He greedily licked his hands clean with his gigantic, powerful tongue, and bellowed more thunderous laughter. He rolled over onto one size and started to prop himself up to stand, more jizz spilling off him, his hands and knees cracking the pavement and creating more craters, one side of his body inadvertently crushing the roof and walls of the warehouse next door. “WHOOPS…” he remarked with genuine innocence and finally propped himself up well enough in the alley that he could stand on two feet.

Standing erect, he pulled his arms back and arched his back a little in a stretch, but also showcasing his downright godly physique and tank-crushing arms. He was eye-level with Corey’s window now and turned around to face the jizz-soaked building next to him, his big brown eyes and gorgeous bearded face landing at our window. Without touching himself, Corey shot a load against the window with muffled grunts. The man noticed us and grinned at Corey, admiring his own effect on him. His eyes then landed on me. He squinted a bit—god I hope he recognizes me—and realized that the hunk standing in the window was actually the twink I used to be that he would see coming out of my building. He grinned widely, and I did too, each of us seeing dramatically different versions of the people we knew before.

Still grinning, he threw his head up in a greeting gesture and winked. Still grinning like an idiot and without touching myself, I shot my load against the window as well, gasping slightly. He grinned and licked his lips, then turned and walked away, stepping over to avoid cars and people as he started walking his way through town, leaving foot-shaped, massive indentations in the pavement as he went.

Corey stumbled back and collapsed on his bed, touching his face and uttering small ‘Oh my god’s and ‘I can’t believe it’s and ‘What the hell’s. While he tried to process what he just saw, I only had one thing on my mind.

I quickly left the bedroom—knowing I couldn’t let him get too far—and went to the kitchen, found a shaker bottle from the cabinets, poured it full of orange juice, and then grabbed the jug of the miracle powder. In a rush, I scooped a liberal helping of the stuff into the orange juice—easily ¾ a cup instead of half a cup—shook it up, and left the apartment in the nude, no time to find clothing—not that I would need it—leaving Corey in his bedroom to process what he saw.

I gotta catch up to him, I just gotta. I burst out of Corey’s apartment building in the nude and started jogging after the titan. No pedestrian seemed to care, that was far from the weirdest thing they had seen that day—or at least the weirdest thing they had seen so far. As I jogged, I popped open the shaker bottle and chugged all of its contents. I threw the shaker bottle behind me and it clonked against the pavement. The homeless man was skinny as a rail when I knew him, but I was now a behemoth in my own right. What kind of effect would this amount have on me now? I grinned, feeling my big cock harden and slap against my legs as I ran.

Oh fuck, here it comes! I continued jogging but I gritted my teeth and fought with everything I had through the pain, as my skin grew painfully tight, beet red, and boiling to the touch, watching the ground grow farther and farther away from my eyes as I shot up in height, and felt my already newly massive body begin to stack more and more mass on as my muscles bulged huger and huger, bound and determined to catch up with someone my own size. I could hear my grunts growing deeper and deeper, and started closing more distance, my swelling frame providing for longer strides. My cock grew impossibly huge, threatening to drag against the pavement at one point before my body caught up to it and fired me several dozen more feet into the air.

I was gonna let that hairy god fuck me, no matter how big I got. Maybe if we were real convincing and showed him the ecstatic, god-like power, we could convince Corey to join us.

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3 years ago

My life is mostly about travelling around the world. In my journey I heard from an old lady that in the valleys far north people will experience the most change in their lifetime.

Finally got there after some weeks and I can't believe how beautiful the scenery was and thought this was what the old lady told me about.

In the night as I was about to sleep, I saw that the stars seem to be glowing brighter and there was fog that suddenly surround me. I thought i was going crazy now because i hear something like people chanting, then suddenly i passed out.

When i woke up my body felt the roughness of the ground. I stood up and removed the dust on me but oddly enough i was touching my bare torso and felt bulges where there shouldn't.

I looked at my body and what a change really happened. My body grew so much that i was 2 heads higher than dried tree near me, and about twice the width.

My body was adorned with muscles to die for everything bulging and full of strength, I even tried lifting a boulder and was surpised how easy it was.

I was now leaving the valley now but i did one last look and was thanking in my head the old lady and whatever thing that changed me.

citizenies - anything muscle

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4 years ago

Every year on the day before halloween, I cast a spell to call forth the soul of my deceased lover.

And every year he comes without fail, possessing a body of whom he likes.

To my excitement when he comes, he always gives me a big surprise. A really BIG surprise.

citizenies - anything muscle

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4 years ago

My bully had just come in the room to see the genie disappear in a cloud of smoke.

Huffing he said "You little shit, that was mine"

"Too bad, you snooze you lose" I replied

Oh and I won't be a little shit anymore.

Ugh I feel it coming now.

The bully only froze there as the once skinny man was growing muscles upon muscles. His loose shirt and pants getting tighter and tighter.

Then he heard cracking and saw the shoulders creaking and bulging from one end to another in order to accomodate more size.

The bully got scared and was about to run, when he grabbed him and noticed how taller he had gotten now.

"Please don't hurt me" the bully pleaded

"Oh don't worry, I won't hurt you . . . .but i can't say for my big friend down here"

The bully gulped and looked down to see something monstrous. He promised to himself if he ever lives to be good.

Nick Paramonov

Nick Paramonov

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4 years ago

My Boyfriend Needed an Upgrade

My boyfriend Mark and I have been dating for 2 years now. Ever since we met we were inseparable. We had come to my hometown for the weekend for my parents to finally meet Mark for the first time. I really wanted this dinner to go perfect so I decided to get some special herbs to help. Mark had always wanted to be bigger since he was pretty small for his age. Luckily my hometown had a very old magic shop that I knew about. I browsed the store looking at all the knic knacks that were in the aisles. I went to the front desk where an old woman was sitting knitting yarn into a small cloth.

I asked the woman if there was anything that could help my boyfriend become his ideal self. The woman got up and lead me to the back of the store. She presented a small rack of vials and picked one. She said that this vial was all I needed to get Mark to his desired form. I thanked the woman and payed for the vial.

When I got to the hotel Mark had already been changing to a nice buttoned shirt for dinner at my parents house. I asked him if he wanted a drink from the minibar and he asked for a coke. I grabbed the can of coke from the fridge and opened it. I quickly poured the vials contents into the drink and swirled it around a bit. Mark took the drink and consumed the beverage. Mark made a strange face and tried the drink again. He said it tasted good but there was an off taste in the back of his mouth. He brushed it off and finished the can off with a large belch.

I told Mark that we had to go but he said he would meet me outside. I headed out the hotel and waited by the car for Mark to come down. I was on my phone and texted my parents that we would be on the way soon. I then got a text from Mark that just said he thought that he should go shopping for new clothes tomorrow. I reread the message not knowing what he meant by that until I saw a large man in a blue button up walk towards me.

My Boyfriend Needed An Upgrade

The man asked me if I was ready to go and it finally clicked in my head, this was Mark's ideal self. The once small man was now a head taller than me and 4 heads wider. Mark now had the first 2 buttons of his shirt unbuttoned showing his thick neck with a small gold necklace under the silk shirt. Mark now was now extremely gorgeous, with a sharp jawline and short stubble extending his sharp features. I told Mark that I was ready and he then grabbed me and brought me in with a kiss. I could tell Mark liked his new self because I could feel his now growing member graze my stomach, meaning that he really wanted to be the top in the relationship.

He let me go and said let's go meet my parents. They're gonna love him.

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