Blender? I don't even know her. Just one swimmy boi trying to be an engineer and figure out how this whole 'art' thing works.
197 posts
Wait Civ What Year Is It, What Year Is It For You-- Civ If Its 2003 You Need To Keep A Lookout On The
Wait civ what year is it, What year is it for you-- Civ if its 2003 you need to keep a lookout on the lake civ. if its 2015 and in march get the fuck away from echo, And if anything do not go into the mines. oh and if its 2024 uh... Check a certain house somewhere <3 There may be another otter somewhere.
What, this mine? This old abandoned mine? The one that smells kinda like an old quartz mine? That mine?

Doesn't seem so bad. Echo's been abandoned for nearly a decade since that incident in 2015, so the only danger here should be getting tapped underground. Lye says she'll alert the morgue if I don't come up, which I think is her "I've got your back".
Now you got me curious. What happened in 2003....
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More Posts from Civilotterneer
ok so we cant ship you anymore... Teehee... But a necromancer... can they like... revive people... and can those necrorevived people remember their old life and or even have sentience? If so and yes... On the route 65 i need to to dig up a mount of dirt with like... if i recall correctly a stone ontop, and... well... you'll know what to do with it when you find him...
Yes, I'm a necromancer, and yes I can revive people...sometimes.
Technically, the soul is not back, just the body's moving in most of my practice. Lights are on but nobody's home, so to speak. It takes a special ritual to bring a person back to full life with their soul, and it's quite unaffordable (blame the healthcare system).

However, I find that there is a more powerful entity in the area known as 'Echo'. Attempts at reviving anyone here would likely be, not only terribly difficult, but also would probably piss off whatever lives here, and I have no intent to do that.
I had mentioned my time to make renders being taken up building my snakes new enclosure so I guess I oughta show proof of what I mean now that it's basically done.

Still got some scrap wood so I'll probably build a few platforms so he's got some verticality to explore. But I swear I'm getting back to renders now!
Also the noodle in question:

btw it was good that you got out of the mine when you did, because i heard that there's been a fire in those mines for over like... 5 years or something, dunno if its true but i dont think you wish to be grilled under like... 3 tons of rock. so good job on you and your friend... Also Necro WHAT!?
Huh, getting grilled underground sounds like a bad time. Though we didn't see any fires down there so not sure what you're talking about. Probably a good thing we didn't see what your talking about.

All this talk of getting grilled tho has me hungry now. I wonder if you can grill a burger under rocks...

Also yeah, Lye's a necromancer. I thought bringing her to this haunted place would be a great idea but so far we've seen like nothing spooky!
Lye here. Civ's just blind as a bat. I've spotted several ghastly entities way stronger than I'm willing to deal with and have simply kept us protected on this little 'haunted tour' of his.

To whoever sent him here, I'm taking away your ability to ship otters (which I wonder how you got him past the postal service unless you used illusion magic). He's nearly gotten killed like 5 times since we've been here.
hows the mine otter? Did you find what you were looking for? Are you lost? hopelessly so? You can always scream... someonething will eventually find you! If i recall correctly cell service does not work that well underground... and the camera's pick of very strange stuff! like g- gh- Ghooosts!
Yeah, we decided it was a bit dangerous to go too far and get lost so we turned around after a while. But we did find some old mining equipment which was cool!

Lye got really jumpy though at one point after looking in a hole. She refused to let me look at it, but she was acting like she saw a ghost! Which for a necromancer I thought would be rather mundane but whatever it was seemed to spook her!
She's probably playing a prank on me! Yeah, probably a prank!