Cat Furry - Tumblr Posts
btw it was good that you got out of the mine when you did, because i heard that there's been a fire in those mines for over like... 5 years or something, dunno if its true but i dont think you wish to be grilled under like... 3 tons of rock. so good job on you and your friend... Also Necro WHAT!?
Huh, getting grilled underground sounds like a bad time. Though we didn't see any fires down there so not sure what you're talking about. Probably a good thing we didn't see what your talking about.

All this talk of getting grilled tho has me hungry now. I wonder if you can grill a burger under rocks...

Also yeah, Lye's a necromancer. I thought bringing her to this haunted place would be a great idea but so far we've seen like nothing spooky!
Lye here. Civ's just blind as a bat. I've spotted several ghastly entities way stronger than I'm willing to deal with and have simply kept us protected on this little 'haunted tour' of his.

To whoever sent him here, I'm taking away your ability to ship otters (which I wonder how you got him past the postal service unless you used illusion magic). He's nearly gotten killed like 5 times since we've been here.
ok so we cant ship you anymore... Teehee... But a necromancer... can they like... revive people... and can those necrorevived people remember their old life and or even have sentience? If so and yes... On the route 65 i need to to dig up a mount of dirt with like... if i recall correctly a stone ontop, and... well... you'll know what to do with it when you find him...
Yes, I'm a necromancer, and yes I can revive people...sometimes.
Technically, the soul is not back, just the body's moving in most of my practice. Lights are on but nobody's home, so to speak. It takes a special ritual to bring a person back to full life with their soul, and it's quite unaffordable (blame the healthcare system).

However, I find that there is a more powerful entity in the area known as 'Echo'. Attempts at reviving anyone here would likely be, not only terribly difficult, but also would probably piss off whatever lives here, and I have no intent to do that.
fun fact echo's spirit has a radius! bad news, the town of echo is at the dead center and its like 100 times bigger than the town in its bloom. btw... do you think you can.... well---- To be perfectly honest it think it would be perfectly good civilEngineering and necromancer experience to fight a extremely powerful---- GODLIKE even---- being!!!! You would learn... So many. Practical Skills ::)))) and Think about it!!!! You would free so many trapped tortured souls!!!! I think!!!! Maybe even... resurrect people if you trap their souls and transfer them to their old bodies???? unless.... Unless you are too scared to get your hands bloody and broken and fractured and and and and? then in that case: coward.
C: Oh uh.....that fun....
L: Yeah, fighting a...powerful...godlike entity...sure...for the experience and skills...

L: Oh you know, I think I have to go attend some city meeting or something. Sorry looks like I'm out of time for such shenanigans. Apologies.
C: Yeah, and I think my snake needs to...go on a walk. I have to that.

Being honest though, I'm pretty sure if I was to play Lye's character again in a DND campaign (she was originally my favorite character of a stealthy, wizard, necromancer bureaucrat), the Echo entity/entities would probably be like CR 15 + creatures, which I would not want to fight. Echo's DM seems quite murdery so I don't like my chances.
Think about it:
Mind Control a la Crown of Madness like every turn, possibly controlling other characters or tons of NPCs to fight
Movement speed around 120ft per round or more
Frightening Presence
Long Term Madness-inducing
Not to mention I doubt Echo would give up its dead easily, something akin to Acererak's Death Curse from Tomb of Annihilation. Either that, or its possible to raise the dead, but since the entity gets pretty pissy about secrets being kept, I doubt reviving the souls of Sam Ayers or Syd would result in chill consequences.
L: Civ, we're leaving this place immediately.
C: Right, uh we can do soon as we figure out why my truck won't start.
L: Oh gods.

What- What do you MEAN "User doesnt want to be found" Is Chase *DEAD?* is this just echo fuckery or---- uh- Look at all the other tabs!!! ! Who Cares if the user "doesnt wish to be found" What does "user" even mean? like the possessed or actual chrome users? I mean- uh... Try other Browsing engines-- If it spits out the same response then its 110% Echo fuckery!!!! So yeah you should go kill The Spirit of echo-- Theres a Dam somewhere up a road somewhere, If theres still enough water try flooding the town? Do it??? I mean if there's still people living there you'll kill them but one of thems local folk might be a rapist serial killer maybe. (If he is even alive)
So...I tried a few different browsers.....

And uh...I think I got a computer virus or something...

Anyone know an good solution for this one?

L: Civil, what did you do?

Nothing! I was just...browsing the internet! Some nice people online told me I should look for this one guy from Echo!
L: You turned off your anti-curse and anti-virus protection didn't you? So you could 'find the real results'?

Laundry Day
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Thanks for bearing with me on this little series. It's a bit of a silly situation, but it was in my head for a while.
You'll notice that I'm not a particularly good comic maker. I wanted to really just go for it and see what I could do. In the future, I'd love to make better comics with better scenes, camera work, and maybe more post-render editing like the blush and textboxes. But, I've got to start somewhere.

I wrote a bit of a story for this art piece below:
Driving in the night, Civ tried his best to leave the town of Echo, but no amount of driving on the old rural highway seemed to get him any farther from the ghost town. The truck's headlights illuminated the road ahead, and the moon lit up the terrain which never seemed to change.
Exhaustion brought Civ to a halt. Pulling to the side of the road, paranoia of the strange creature came back to him, but at this rate, he knew it'd either get him or he'd drive off the road. Neither were desirable options.
Pulling to the side of the highway, the truck engine turned off. Civ took a moment to enjoy the silence of the desert night, the only solace he had for a moment. He looked around, scanning the horizon for the gangly creature he had seen. FInding nothing, he decided to step out of the vehicle to relieve himself, at least giving himself an additional feeling of comfort.
As he stepped out, his heart froze. He looked around frantically until his eyes nailed onto a figure in the distance.
Tall, gangly, with long arms and long legs, a burned body and horrible visage of only three holes where its face should be, the figure stood only a few hundred feet down the highway.
Civ froze, staring at the creature. A moment later it seem to both teleport and vanish as well as shoot towards him. He raised his arms in a flinch.
Instead of the sound of his own flesh being rended, he heard a flash of sparks and thwip noise like a cord being cinched. He opened his eyes, peeking between his raised arms to see the remains of a portal falling and a tall, white-furred cat raising a magical barrier made of violet and magenta light. In its cone sat the halted but still moving creature, its burned skin lit up horrifically in the magical light.
"Lye!" Civ exclaimed.
The feline did not respond, focusing entirely on holding back the creature. She reached down with a hand, waving it into another incantation. Her hand shot forward, blasting an intense wave of violet energy at the creature, blasting it backwards down the highway a hundred feet.
The magical barrier fell, and Lye turned to Civ. He could finally see her glowing red eyes, and could feel her anger even from ten feet away. She approached him at a sprint, the creature in the distance standing back up.
Civ held his hands up, expecting the cat to claw him, but she instead grabbed one of his raised paws, her claws sinking in only slightly. A moment later, she pulled a scroll from her coat and gripped it, making it erupt in magenta flames.
As the scroll burned, Civ saw the creature in the distance vanish again, and he braced for it to appear next to them.
Instead, the world went violet with another snapping noise.
As the light died down, his eyes adjusted, and Civ found himself in the warmly-lit living room of his home. Lye still stood with glowing eyes, but no creature appeared in his sight. The eyes of his feline friend slowly died down to their normal selves, but an intense anger was still roiling in them.
"CIV!" she began.
She didn't continue as he pulled her into a hug. The otter gripped hard and shook, both shock and fear making it hard for Civ to remain standing. The typically-touch averse Lye let him hold on and she held him from falling down.
"You owe me."
Thank you note:
Thanks all for reading! I thought this piece deserved a bit of a write-up to go with it, to kinda explain my thought process with Civ trying to leave Echo after some exploration (AKA: Tumblr Asks, thanks to everyone who pushed along the little narrative I had going).
The asks I had gotten helped create a fun little narrative, and I enjoyed the ride quite a lot. I hadn't intended to make a self-insert story with Echo, and had just kinda joked with the first post about Echo. It had just meant to be a piece of fanart but it went way farther than I expected since then. That original post is currently my most popular post, and I'm sure many of you guys found my little art spot due to it, so I appreciate everyone who started there and followed me as I made more and more art and pieces.
This is an interesting AU, where both the events of Echo occurred, but also happen in a world where magic and stuff like the Socket Head Man would be more likely to exist. It probably has a few issues with how stuff interacts and definitely raises questions, but it's a fun setting to be in.
This isn't the end in any way. I still intend to make fanart of Echo as well as other stuff, but just note that any further asks supposing of Civ being in Echo will be met with a confused response as he has escaped Echo thanks to Lye (and a bit of powerful outside magic). Tho who knows, Civ's a bit dumb and may try and go back thinking he's 'prepared' and intends to explore more.
I also aim to put a pause on it here so I can properly make my way through more of Echo's endings, as well as get into Arches and The Smoke Room.
Thanks again to everyone who's reblogged and liked my stuff! I promise many more renders in the future!
The Search For Civ
Lye's Personal Log: 9/17/2024
It's hard to keep a full time job and continue searching for Civ, but I'm making it manage. Luckily it's not only me who's searching, but most of the help I've gotten are from other non-mages, and can only help cover physical ground.
In the meantime, I've taken the time to deeply magically search Civ's room and belongings, trying to find anything that could lead me to him. However, other than a few 'undesirable' things I found (and will be performing a memory removal spell on those memories once this is all over), it got me nowhere.

I even took time to check the athletic club where Civ swims and works out. I found a few other regulars who knew him, but each said that he was not out-of-the-ordinary that day. It turns out that no one was using the lane he tends to use, which made it feel rather empty to the other regulars.

I tried one last time to perform a tracing spell, and I pulled out my most powerful boosting components for the spell. But yet again, I only got the strange "UP" response again. I'm starting to think that he somehow IS up in the sky, and that an unscheduled sky mote is floating overhead invisibly.

I've run out of options. It's time to perform that ritual I was trying to avoid.
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The Search for Civ
Lye's Personal Log: 9/19/2024
I've assembled all the parts and double checked Kerry's instructions.
It's time.

Spell: Otherworldly Favor
Draw a standard summoning circle using the centerpoint rune set of the target plane. Include the core symbol of the target plane in the center.
Incite the circle with arcane energy as per a standard summoning circle rune.
Recite the incantation of summoning in the corresponding language of the target plane, followed by reciting the correct summoning command for the target entity.
Interaction with extraplanar entities can be extremely dangerous. It is suggested to either be on good terms with the entity or to have an offering to appease the entity, lest it consider your summoning of it an inconvenience.

I've prepared the spell. I hope Kerry's hellish contact is willing to speak with me.

And hopefully the price isn't too high...
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The Search for Civ
I recited the incantation and spoke the summoning phrase for Kerry's contact. I am not versed in the Diabolic language, but Kerry ensured me that it's English translation was along the lines of: "I call upon you (Name in Diabolic), heed my call, for I have a proposal."
I was not ready for the response I got.
A dull laughter filled the room, and it became cold in the room. I now felt like I had made a mistake, but it was too late. The incantation remained, and despite my expectations, nothing came into sight.
I sure felt a presence though.

"Hmmmmm, interesting, mortal," a strangely smooth yet chilling male voice said in my head, "I would not have expected one of your like to call directly upon my service."
"And to whom do I have the pleasure of asking for assistance?" I asked the presence.
"Hmm, it would seem you were not informed of who you speak to," the voice continued.
"I am Asmodeus, Lord of the Hells."
"And I have come to hear your proposal."
My heart stopped cold. The room seemed to spin, and soon it felt as if the only light in the room was the glowing red of the demonic circle on the floor. The air became suffocating.
"Oh," I tried to speak to a non-existent figure, "I...I would have liked to have known it would be...Asmodeus I was contacting..." I tried to stammer out.
"Hm Hm Hm," the voice chuckled, "Well then, what is your proposal?"
I swallowed hard and tried to speak through the now-molasses-like air.
"I...I am looking for a dear friend. My magics have failed me and I need help in finding him," I stated.
The room was silent except for the buzz in my ears from the circle.
"Hmmm, that can be arranged," the voice said inquisitively, "But you should know there is a price."
"And I'm ready to pay a great deal of things for your help," I responded hastily, only afterwards kicking myself for opening myself up to a bad deal out of desperation.
The room was quite again.
"I want that orb you hold, and one future favor to be paid to my underling."
I had expected him to say something about a soul, or even a first born or one of the other stereotypical 'payments' for powerful services. But his statement almost confused me.
"That all? The orb and to help a guy?" I said, biting back my hesitancy thinking there was more.
"Done," I spat quickly.
As soon as I uttered the words, the orb I was holding shot towards the summoning circle. It spun violently, glowing brighter and brighter, until I had to shield my eyes. I heard a strange piercing noise in the air, followed by a thunderous crash.
The room slowly grew quiet, and the light died down. But instead of the just the summing circle...
'He' was standing there...
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Some art i made yesterday of my little goblin critter. Plus the lil sticker uwu

Some photos of the skateboard I customized with my fursona and some other things, giving it a slick jdm look.

Commission for @imbroglio_24 on Twitter!