how did you even get here?

34 posts


Owen points a peace sign at the camera. He's wearing a red t-shirt, with a striped longsleeve undershirt and baggy cargo pants. His hair is bi-colored down his middle part into black and orange sides. There's also a silver "S" necklace on him, representing his girlfriend, Sea.
Turning the image over reveals Sea, flashing another peace sign at the camera. She wears an orange t-shirt and shoes, alongside dark indigo shorts. Her face is painted with two black lines that go through her bottom eyelids to her cheeks and purple lipstick (ravishing!). Her hair is also bi-colored, yellow on top, purple on the bottom.
There's a quote on left side of Owen and Sea. Owen's says: "He was a skater boi". Sea's says: "Sea said, "Seeya later boy!"

the things i do for puns :)

rotatable artfight attack for starspacecorn on ArtFight earlier this month. it's honestly giving more "punk tactics" than "sk8ter boi", but I attribute that to me not giving them any form of wheels, lol.

link to starspacecorn's insta, where there's more art of their OC's!

More Posts from Cleverusernameh

5 months ago
A blue-ish gray mountainscape sprawls before ye, the clouds grey and swollen with rain. A lighting bolt juts down in the background, obscured by our two central figures. The first is Dan (left), who has a black shirt tied around his waist; he also has jeans and sneakers on. He has an angry expression on his face (crinkled green eyes and a toothy snarl, plus the blood dripping out of his nose and oozing from his knuckles) as he points a pugil stick (imagine a giant q-tip with boxing gloves, or soft cylinders at the ends) at Chris (right). Chris is closer in the foreground, only the top half of his, also shirtless, body in view. He too wears a scowl and a smattering of blood on his left cheek. The words "DAN VS." appear in black and white in the top left corner, and the word "CHRIS" is in the bottom right in a color MS Paint calls gold, but it looks kinda orange to me. The guys are also highlighted with cyan, which I find striking contrast-wise.
The same as above, just without the "DAN VS CHRIS" text on it. Also hi, you should, uh, drink some water. Maybe listen to Dan Vs. while you're at it :)


I've been slowly watching Dan Vs. for the past two years, and I'm only two episodes away from finishing ("Family Vacation" and "Summer Camp" is what's left). I've been leaving the season finales for last ("Chris" technically aired second-to-last in Season 2, but it was intended to act as the S2 finale), so I got around to "Chris" last month and it did not disappoint me. Loved it so much, I whipped out MS Paint to make a doodle I thought would take 30 minutes to an hour, and actually ended up being much longer. It's not a masterpiece or nothing, but I think it's pretty darn good considering I don't make much in MS Paint. I did cheat a little since I have the version with layers (except with the lightning bolt; I had to remake it after I'd saved a PNG of the image, which nukes all of the layers, so bye bye doodle hiding in layer 3).


I also added this GIF for thematic purposes, but now I've just been watchin' Dan get whacked in the face for 5 minutes as I type the rest of this and I kinda feel bad. Oh well, I bet it gets worse on the cruise ship.

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7 months ago

Was anyone going to tell me that the Wild Kratts had a crossover with the MOLLY OF DENALI or was I supposed to find that information at the bottom of one of my Bing/Wikipedia search benders?

Was Anyone Going To Tell Me That The Wild Kratts Had A Crossover With The MOLLY OF DENALI Or Was I Supposed

started screaming and gagging at frame one of them on screen

I also love how stoked Molly is to see them live in person and I'm like, "ME TOO GIRL RAHHHHHH!!"

(also if anyone can has their hands on the full episode, could ya please send it my way; my very legal means of watchng this stuff doesn't seem like it'll be showing this episode anytime soon)

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5 months ago

This is a headcanon masterpiece

average conversation between obfusco and ohlm:

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7 months ago
Light Answers A Tough Question

Light answers a tough question

5 months ago
animation cel of the disembodied head of my OC Johnathan in a pink void. he is about to blink and he has his mouth open.
animation cel of the disembodied head of my OC Johnathan in a pink void. he is in the middle of making the "th" sound and his irises have been reduced to slits because he has become horribly aware that he is, in fact, a disembodied head floating in a pink void.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JOHNATHAN OC!!! (i literally have no recent pictures on my laptop of him, so here's my favorite two frames from a silly animation I made to test out FireAlpaca)

and it comes with a full video:

i've thought about doing voice claims for characters before, but the problem is I never hear people. the closest i've done so far is think "heh, it would be funny if Johnnie sounded like dub Koichi", so, that's how I came up with this. (you can actually see part of the clip in the video above since i edited it in a "very normal way" and also didn't make the animation cells the right size.

you should read him in action in this thing i made! (warning: it is old, and mildly cringe and also has characters who don't exist anymore; rip to robin and kirna)

see you next time for......... something blurple.

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