Traveler, dog,sport and nature lover ❤ Clexa forever, BI🌈

70 posts

My Favorite Bellarke Scene

My Favorite Bellarke Scene

My favorite Bellarke scene 😹❤

Clexa Canon ❤❤❤

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More Posts from Clexaforeverever

4 years ago
Clarkes Reaction To Lexa Dying Vs Hearing About Be//amys Death.
Clarkes Reaction To Lexa Dying Vs Hearing About Be//amys Death.

Clarke’s reaction to Lexa dying vs hearing about Be//amy’s death.


4 years ago

hey guys remember how many blarkers went out of their way to celebrate Lexas death to the point of going into people's Inboxes, purposely putting them down?

remember how they bullied a teen to a suicide attempt?

remember how they harassed clexa Fans over the years?

how they kept downplaying Lexas Role?

how many of them took that toxic mindset to stuff outside the show (b*liza stans) and bullied and verbally abused Bob's ex-gf Arryn to the point she needed therapy, sent her death threats, actively harassed her family, and still attack her even though Bob abused her for years?

So nah, fuck it, we are NOT in this together.

I'm glad Bellyboy is dead. I'm glad Bob has a role less because that abuser deserves no role after what he did.

4 years ago

So here we are, day later and from Bob and Eliza nothing... if I publicly accuse you of cheating on me and being a abuser, would you like it if it was a lie? No. You would probably start defending yourself. But they not bcz they are to blame.

nothing excuses them, no mental disorder, no love, nothing!!!

And now Lindsey unfollow them, how I said show ends soon, no need to be "friends" anymore.

Ok but attacking an abortion is a little too much.

Why people more hate Eliza? and Bob has more followers(Instagram he got next 3 thousand) and more defend him. It's really sad. He is the worst of them. He is not the good guy.


I'm sure, that all Clexa, Becho and Bellarke fans are devasted. I am, I won't lie. To say that the actors and characters are different is a lie. We watched these actors, we watched them play the characters we love, we felt good about these actors and now someone told us that they are terrible people. And we belived they are nice, sweet etc. They are but also they are terrible.

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4 years ago

Clarke to Bellamy : "Go float yourself"

Clarke to Lexa: "I love you"

Clarke to Abby:"I loved her mom"

You see the difference??😹

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