Commander Lexa - Tumblr Posts

Wooohooo only Lexa know how Clarke taste😹❤
"You're not gonna shoot me Clarke"

So we are racists huh bcz we ar happy that Bollamy is dead😹

Clarked risks her life x Bollamy risks Madi's life...
speaks for itself...

One week without Bollamy who died alone and unloved. And his gf, bestfriend and sister dosn't give a sh*t 🎉🎉🎉🎉
who made this cake, congratulations, is perfect❤
So you want to tell me that Bollamy died alone and unloved and Gabriel died with his friends and "May we meet again"? 😹 Love this😹❤

Do you see the difference? 😹❤
Lover x traitor
Good job Bollamy, thanks you is Madi paralyzed. And even lied Clarke before she killed him with his "Madi is not in danger".
I think if he would be alive in the time when Clarke found Madi she would kill him either way or Octavia. Glad he died alone and unloved!
We woooonnnnn❤❤❤❤ wooohooo
How you feel Bellarkes?!!!!

I can't belive that we won!!!! Like people Clexa is really soulmates!!! And Lexa will be always with Clarke!!!!! We woon❤❤❤❤
Love you guys!!!!!
And Bollamy nowhere!!!❤❤
Clexa soulmates!!!! We won!!!!

So you want to tell me that Lexa take care of Madi?! Goddddd❤❤❤
Sooo how are you?
We won!!! ❤ Clexa soulmates!

Can please someone send me link where does Jason talk about Alycia in an interview?❤
Ok like Clarke knew that this is not Lexa but she still run to her arms??? Like ladies and gentlemen this is love! She wanted to be in her arms for the last time!!! Lexa is her only true love. THEY ARE SOULMATES!!!

Okay but what we all need is Clarke wake up in Lexa's bed with Lexa next to her from bad nightmare.
Then Lexa wake up "Clarke what's happening"?
"I had a bad dream. Titus wanted shot me but shot you and you died, Lincoln died becouse of Bellamy and Pike, and then Bellamy wanted to hurt Madi. So I had to kill him" Clarke said with a scared face.
"Oh Niron, it was just a dream. Titus is like my father and he likes you, he would never shot me. Lincoln is alive and has beautiful kids with Octavia. Madi is save, next door, we can go look at her. And Bellamy is dead. I killed him with Pike and others when he killed my army. you don't have to be afraid of anything. We have our piece" Lexa kissed her temple
"I know, thank you my love, for everything" Clarke kiss Lexa's lips
"No, I thank you. without you I would never have peace I love you Clarke Griffin"
"I love you Lexa kom Trikru" They said with love in their eyes
The time when Clarke jumped to Lexa's arms❤❤❤

Love this!
So I wrote fic and tried fix everything, I hope you will like it! 🤗