Edit Commissions (OPEN!!) [Video or Photo] DM about pricing. The egotiscal writer who needs to vent someplace about her OCs, personas, and games.
162 posts
Ok I Am Redoing The Side Plot Of The Danny Phantom Sequel Series. The Other One Got Edited To Be For

Ok I am redoing the side plot of the Danny Phantom sequel series. The other one got edited to be for a different set of characters. (edit: I been sitting on this for weeks and now its april?!)
This one will be shorter since I have less ideas for this. I really like Ashita no Nadja though so this will be based off that (or maybe be its own series someday).
Joni the Human and Sammy the Halfa are best friends. Joni has a huge crush on her. They planned on hanging out on a perfectly winter-y day. Joni tries not to treat it as a date, but it is hard for her and her romantic tendencies. Sammy does not think anything of it.
Joni is walking around town, disappointed that her best friend Sammy ditched her for someone else.
Recently, Sammy has been seeing a new boy that she won't say anything about. This is the first person she has ever talked about, which is pretty rare since Sammy does not take interest to many people. If she is not hanging out with Tyler, she is with Joni. This new person has piqued Joni's curiousity.
When Joni passes by the internet cafe the three of them frequent, she sees Sammy there pulling a prank on some kids. Odd because she tends to be a good kid, especially around Joni and Ty.
Joni runs up to her, calling her name and sees the surprise on her face. She sees her blonde hair is a bit shorter and not decorated with two tiny braids. She brushes that off though since she is just delighted to spend the day with her best friend.
The two of them go to the Amity Park Lanes as Sammy's punishment for ditching her initially. Joni makes her promise to not use her ghost powers to win, but she starts to feel bad since Sammy is losing. She seems to be worse than usual at bowling and is confused about shoe sizes, which was a concept that was already explained to her the first time the three of them went to the bowling alley.
Yes, shoe sizes do not really exist in the Ghost Zone and are a funny human concept that complicates things. Ghosts usually just make their clothes out of their own ectoplasm and it automatically fits to whoever the owner is.
After the bowling alley, the two of them hang out at the park. It is a lot of Joni just stuttering things out because she realizes how romantic it is right now. Her friend listens silently, unusually quiet and stoic the whole time. Joni turns around to face a tree since her face is so red and sees someone she didn't expect.
It's Sammy making out with a redhead ghost. His skin is bright blue with that bad boy jacket.
Joni turns around to face the double, who shushes her with a kiss. Now that Joni gets a good look, the person has their heterochromia switched and a flatter chest than usual. Their skin is colder to the touch and tinted with more blue than red.
The fake pulls away with a smirk on their face and a wink, turning invisible and flying away.
That starts off the rivalry between Joni Starling the Bisexual MessGhosthunter and Nathan the Halfa.
(wow that was embarrassing to write. maybe i will make a movie of this someday. yes nathan and sammy are identical twins but nathan just wears a binder. i love him/them.)

staria9100 liked this · 11 months ago
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More Posts from Cloudychao

Popular group AU where the Blitzkrieg Boys are a band and have fans at school.
Kai is on the drums and backup singer. Tala is the main singer and backup guitarist. Bryan is on guitar, Spencer is on keyboard, and Ivan is on bass.
I usually do not put names to my AUs, but I would name this "boys wear pink." Maybe ideas could come from 2gether, To All The Boys I've Loved Before, Geek Charming, Mean Girls, and other cliches.
The start of the series is that Max confesses to Takao. Without wanting to make him feel bad, he tries asking for advice on how to get a fake partner. Hiromi, Kyoujyu, and Rei tell him how bad of an idea that is, but also do not want to see Max so heartbroken.
Takao is stubborn within this idea so he starts looking for one. He sees Kai, Tala, and Bryan shopping at the mall. They are shopping for outfits, with Tala trying them on and holding it up to the other two. Kai and Bryan are tired of his shopping, but tolerate it since he is their friend. Kai was promised an expensive lunch and needed to keep Tala under control.
Today, Kai, Bryan, and Tala are wearing pink today. Imagine some cutesy outfit that Tala would make them all wear together. The others do not really care since it is Tala.
When they finished shopping, Bryan got pushed by a thief, causing him to lose grip on the bags to catch himself. The bags dropped from the second floor to the fountain below. This puts Tala into distraught.
"Someone get those bags out of the fountain! They're designer!!"
Takao hears it and immediately dives into the fountain, grabbing the bags and getting them outside the water. Tala gets to the first floor and pushes Takao into the water, trying to get to the bags faster.
"Oh thank god these are safe!"
Takao is angered by this, hating popular people and their antics. Kai immediately reaches down to pull him out of the water. He doesn't talk and just tries to dry him with his scarf. He gives him his extra jacket.
Kai is Takao's old crush before he gave him up. Kai is too aloof and uncaring of others to really be into relationships. The two of them did kiss in a closet due to a dare.
Takao is completely flustered at this. Kai looks different outside of his band outfits and school uniform. He remembers his previous crush on him and cannot believe how all this turned out. Kai is also super pretty in all pink even with the lame scarf. Since his dignity is down the drain, he shouts that he wants to date Kai.
Kai is completely off guard by this and doesn't know to say to this. Tala butts in, berating Takao that he is completely out of their league. He drags Kai and Bryan away.
"People like us do not associate with freaks like you. Can't believe you even thought we were in your league."
This angers Takao even further and he is left to fume at home. The next day at school, he avoids Max and his friends so he does not have to deal with the confession. Kai pulls him away at lunch to tell him what he thought about the confession.
"I really needed someone to get these fans off my backs. We can be boyfriends."
Relieved, Takao explains his situation and they both agree to date.

Time to expand on a previous AU since it was Kai's birthday. Famous musician!Kai x Geek! Tyson
Last time, Takao was avoiding his friend Max since he does not know how to reject him after a confession so he gets a fake boyfriend named Kai.
I just want to get some fun dynamic energies down.
Kai and Takao take care of each other.
Kai often gets lost in his music and practice. He does not often shower, attend classes, or eat especially before a concert. After entering a fake relationship with Takao, he gets reminded to do things like eat (takao wants free meals) or go to class (tutoring takao). Takao is very worried for him and how much he does not take care of himself.
Takao likes the attention from Kai and definitely gets spoiled a little too often by him. Kai does not mind paying for meals or letting him steal his expensive clothes (they were from tala). Kai will often lend him outfits too even if they were already worn by him.
They like playing with one another.
Kai knows a lot of instruments since he was young. He actually is best at piano, but choses to do drums to hide away. He really likes when Takao comes with his ukulele or guitar. Kai thinks Takao is at his best when singing and enjoys their time together.
Kai likes doing their makeup together.
The only thing about his appearance that Kai cares about is his makeup. From the face paint to the eyeliner to the lashes, he puts i time and effort. Takao doesn't really get it, but likes to watch him do his makeup. Sometimes he will join in and let Kai do/test products on him.
They think the other is cute when wearing their outfit.
Sometimes when they go on dates, they have to mix and match outfits to make sure they are not recognized. Takao likes the jacket and hat on Kai. Makes him less intimidating and messes up his hair. Kai thinks he is adorable wearing his too large pants and scarf.
Btw beyblade fans, check out this video because it's pretty funny and a good summary of the episode.
I finally caved in and made a beyblade video (crack, parody, whatever).
Beyblade community, rise like dranzer because I will be a force to be reckon with.

I introduced a hunger games inspired story for the Bladebreakers and I'm going to dive into the post-game. (hinting/brushing over the other details that were in the last post just in case it was not someone's cup of tea). Read the previous post for all those details.
To briefly summarize, Takao and Kai are officially recognize as lovers due to the survival game. This is a marriage that cannot be broken until death.
I love coming up with these at the worst times.
Post-game trauma (in the movie) is my favorite.
When Takao and Kai move into Ryuunosuke's house, there is a lot of adjusting. Takao's cousin Daichi stayed with him while he was away doing the survival game. He really bonded with Ryu so he stays for a long time afterwards too.
Takao does not listen to his family about not jumping into Kai's bed and tries to do so every night. Kai usually allows him (especially in the beginning) but sometimes he gets overheated or overwhelmed.
Often times they both have nightmares from the games. Takao still dreams of how many times he has almost died and the person he killed. He is slowly trying to overcome these.
Kai has violent nightmares of his friend Yuya dying in the game and often cannot sleep at night because of it. He takes naps throughout the day when the exhaustion hits him.
Yuya was Kai's teammate who kept trying to court him, but ultimately sacrificed himself for Kai. This is something that he has never dealt with before and the new feelings. The last time someone did that for him was his own dad and then Takao later.
To Kai, Yuya was labelled as a friend. Kai was fond of him and his innocent energy. Yuya was someone he wanted to protect, but failed to do so. Yuya was ambitious and thought of himself bigger than what he actually was. It made Kai laugh at first, but it was Yuya's downfall. They got along pretty well.
Kai battles with the guilt for Yuya, his own confusing feelings for Takao, and who he is. Takao and Yuya are people Kai holds dear. He does not know himself of what he feels for any of them. The circumstances overshadow what his thoughts are. Takao and Kai need each other because they understand each other. Kai does not know if there is something beyond that.
Takao knows that he does love Kai to a fault, but also gets confused when confronted by Kai about it. Takao always seeks him out first, wants him cared for, and would give up anything for him. He clings onto him so much that it almost smothers Kai. Takao knows it is love though since he never could feel this way about anyone else or spend his life with someone else.
In the end, they are the only ones for each other since there is no one else.