Alternate History - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
I Forgot, The Series Is Officially Named Digital Story. This Is The Third Installment Of It. The Cast

I forgot, the series is officially named Digital Story. This is the third installment of it. The cast is even younger than the past two. The first group were already adults. The second group were high schoolers. Now, these are middle school kids.

One night, a few kids sneak into the DATS headquarters and get transported to the Digital World, breaking it and scattering themselves. Vallura and Kenny have to navigate through the strange world to get home with her partner Lunamon and her friend ToyAgumon.

They find out Maria, Brian, and Scott have joined the enemy, while Abby and Sora have been living peacefully in a village. Jayden is a vigilante and Kai has joined the army resisting the rule of some new gods called Kuzuhamon and Gaioumon. 

After MDS2, the Digital World has unrest and been in disorder. With the destruction of the Olympus 12, there is no one to keep the chaos at bay. 2 digimon rose up and decided to takeover the world for themselves. They are sadistic and like seeing the world destroy itself. 

Vallura and Kenny have to make a choice. They can join to defeat these rulers or go home. Kenny decides enough is enough and goes home, while Vallura stays to fight. 

She finds out about the Olympus 12 and knows they are the only ones who can help. She sets out with Lunamon to find them and stop the destruction.


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2 years ago
Fourth Installment Of Digital Story. Here Goes Some Sad Stuff.

Fourth installment of Digital Story. Here goes some sad stuff.

Once they come back after saving the Digital World, the kids are arrested by the Data Squad and then have their memories wiped. Vallura goes to high school with Kenny after her “summer vacation.” She meets Abby and Sora at school. Kenny notices she is not as cheerful as she used to be and investigates the vacation. He wishes he could help her and ToyAgumon resonates with him, escaping to the human world to find him. Upon meeting ToyAgumon, he remembers his time in the Digital World and vows to get everyone to remember to. Him and ToyAgumon work together to smuggle the other digimon to the Human World and get everyone to remember.

The DATS Squad 2 are on the case and try to stop them. Kenny and ToyAgumon defeat one of them and are able to leave. They didn’t recognize the digimon and couldn’t see Kenny’s face so they don’t know who it is. After more encounters, DATS is able to find out who it is.

The squad decided to transfer their school to keep an eye on them. Vallura is the last one who cannot remember and it is affecting her deeply. DATS try to prevent her from remembering. Kenny is not happy having classes with DATS.


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2 years ago
Digimon: My Digital Story Prequel. This Is The Beginnings Of The American DATS Squad.

Digimon: My Digital Story Prequel. This is the beginnings of the American DATS Squad.

Mackenzie was taken to the Digital World as an infant and raised by a digimon because of a crack. Felix, Dillon, and Summer are just enjoying their summer before they get sucked into the digital world. They see a glimpse of Mackenzie before she takes off. The area is controlled by a corrupt leader with Mackenzie as their henchman. They decide to defeat the leader and Mackenzie. 

With hard work and bettering the area, they come face to face with him. They defeat him and try to take Mackenzie, but Mackenzie won’t give up. Mackenzie steps up as the new evil leader. 

They defeat her for the last time and take her to the human world to get her adjusted. Mackenzie cannot adjust to all the new changes and flee back to the Digital World. With an evil plan in mind, she tries to take over the Human World and is stopped by the group and government. 

The government cannot trust her and keep her locked away, along with everyone else. The group propose to make a place to keep digimon related problems at bay.


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2 years ago
The Last Installment Of Digimon: My Digital Story. This Is A Spinoff Before Saying Goodbye To This Series.

The last installment of Digimon: My Digital Story. This is a spinoff before saying goodbye to this series. This is more fusion based than data squad, but DATS does exist in this universe. This is also inspired by a korean show called mix master. Definitely take a watch.

(Fusion) The Digital World and the Human World meet in a small town called Amber Town. It is in chaos and the spread was stopped by a weird force in the town. Digimon are loose everywhere and cannot leave, but it is not their concern. They are more concerned about the competition to be the most powerful digimon ever and be the hero of the Digital World.  

The legend is that evil will arise and a portal to the human world opens. A human and the most powerful digimon must work together to defeat the evil. The human is said to be very humble.

Humans are too scared of digimon and digimon don’t like to work with each other. With nothing else to lose, a mad scientist creates the digivice to forge the bond with the digimon and enlists the help of Rosie to get it working. Rosie turns out to be the legendary human and is able to bond with digimon. She befriends Gatomon and BlackGatomon, sisters born from the same digital code. She finds out that the legendary digimon may have not been 1, but 2 digimon.

Join her alongside her best friend Emily with Neemon, crush Evan with Hawkmon, and everyone else.


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2 years ago
I Really Enjoy Odd Novelty Martial Arts (as You Can Tell By My Previous Posts. I Really Think Dancing

I really enjoy odd “novelty” martial arts (as you can tell by my previous posts. I really think dancing and martial arts are similar. Ballroom martial arts would be cool.

Samba and tango can add some pretty intense moments. Their footwork is quick and can be dramatic. Lots of kicks and coordination.

Dancing in general would be awesome to see incorporated with some deadly flair. Hip hop and freestyle can get intricate.

As you can tell, I’m not good at giving examples or really illustrating my ideas. I just want to talk about the episode.

This is a rival centered episode. I want to try to add the rich snake rival into this.

The swan, her best friend, and the protagonist go out to watch some ballroom dancing. The protagonist is not particular interested in anything not martial arts related. After the show is over, the snake, who was a part of the dancers, comes up to the girls and flirt.

The only one really quiet and not gushing over him is the protagonist, which catches his interest. He flirts harder and asks her to be his dance partner. The protagonist doesn’t want to, but the girls push her.

The protagonist changes into a slim dance outfit and is taken to a practice room, with the girls watching. The snake teaches her some of the steps and the protagonist begrudging goes along with it. Afterwards, he compliments her and wants to take her to a higher up competition. He was in the local area just for fun and looking for a new girl.

The protagonist refuses to go until he mentions wanting to pay her. She was never the one to turn down money so she agrees.

At the higher up competition, the swan, her best friend, and the protagonist’s friend group is there watching. The competition immediately gets intense when one of the competitors trips her, lowering their score. The protagonist is angry and now is going to get revenge.

The two work together to take out the competitors. The protagonist crushes someone’s foot so badly they cannot continue. The snake manages to rip a girl’s dress to embarrass her. The two are able to skillfully dodge all the jabs too with some quick spins and lifts.

During the strong opponents, the protagonist is able to slash someone’s face with her heel and the snake was able to trip them long enough for them to stand on them as if they were just carpet. They win the grand prize and the protagonist is really happy.

Unknowingly, the snake approached her for a reason and wants to win her heart just to break it. The protagonist broke up with him in China and he tried to drown himself in the Springs. He got saved by the Guide and with a snake body, he vows to get revenge on her.


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2 years ago
I Really Like This Show, But Its So Long And Takes Too Many Detours. I Am Thinking Of Using The Concept

I really like this show, but its so long and takes too many detours. I am thinking of using the concept and making a conclusion to this, only going off memory. I’m adding a twist to it with pokemon adventures. 

The series is about a fox spirit and a powerful priest (the correct term is taoist but I don’t know if I want to use that specific title here). The two form an eternal love contract and promise to be together in all their future lives. Since this is uncommon for fox spirits, she pays a big price of her powers and memories. They start the cycle of reincarnation together. 

In the modern day, the now younger fox spirit wants to be a matchmaker like everyone else in her species while the priest just wants to lazily go through school. They meet while she is trying to do a successful job and work together to complete the job. 

Her two sisters are furious though and just want her to meet her lover again. Once the two fully reconnect, they’re supposed to regain their memories and old powers. The fox spirit does not want this and the priest doesn’t either. The two try to resist their destiny but slowly start to like each other.

I want the fox spirit to be Whitley and the priest as Blake. It seems fitting and I think they didn’t get enough screen time in the manga. 

A very cute detail is that the main characters tend to wear what they had before. Whitley would wear two bells on her waist at first but then tie them to her hair once she slowly regains more of her memories. Blake would wear all black at first then once he regains his memories, he will start wearing more blue and a red hat.

Their past lives are White and Black. There is supposed to be a contrast between the two so I will try to make sure to make it distinct enough. White is an ambitious, fierce girl while Whitley is a shy, very conservative girl. It works out since she’s supposed to get push around by her sisters. Black is an easy going guy with a big heart while Blake is ruthless and a playboy. This will be harder to flesh out.

I will have to think of the story more and re-watch the important parts, but I do know that they have to regain all their memories at some point. They have to face their destiny head on and defeat the ongoing problem from their past lives. This includes an enemy, their family, and with each other.

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11 months ago
I Introduced A Hunger Games Inspired Story For The Bladebreakers And I'm Going To Dive Into The Post-game.

I introduced a hunger games inspired story for the Bladebreakers and I'm going to dive into the post-game. (hinting/brushing over the other details that were in the last post just in case it was not someone's cup of tea). Read the previous post for all those details.

To briefly summarize, Takao and Kai are officially recognize as lovers due to the survival game. This is a marriage that cannot be broken until death.

I love coming up with these at the worst times.

Post-game trauma (in the movie) is my favorite.

When Takao and Kai move into Ryuunosuke's house, there is a lot of adjusting. Takao's cousin Daichi stayed with him while he was away doing the survival game. He really bonded with Ryu so he stays for a long time afterwards too.

Takao does not listen to his family about not jumping into Kai's bed and tries to do so every night. Kai usually allows him (especially in the beginning) but sometimes he gets overheated or overwhelmed.

Often times they both have nightmares from the games. Takao still dreams of how many times he has almost died and the person he killed. He is slowly trying to overcome these.

Kai has violent nightmares of his friend Yuya dying in the game and often cannot sleep at night because of it. He takes naps throughout the day when the exhaustion hits him.

Yuya was Kai's teammate who kept trying to court him, but ultimately sacrificed himself for Kai. This is something that he has never dealt with before and the new feelings. The last time someone did that for him was his own dad and then Takao later.

To Kai, Yuya was labelled as a friend. Kai was fond of him and his innocent energy. Yuya was someone he wanted to protect, but failed to do so. Yuya was ambitious and thought of himself bigger than what he actually was. It made Kai laugh at first, but it was Yuya's downfall. They got along pretty well.

Kai battles with the guilt for Yuya, his own confusing feelings for Takao, and who he is. Takao and Yuya are people Kai holds dear. He does not know himself of what he feels for any of them. The circumstances overshadow what his thoughts are. Takao and Kai need each other because they understand each other. Kai does not know if there is something beyond that.

Takao knows that he does love Kai to a fault, but also gets confused when confronted by Kai about it. Takao always seeks him out first, wants him cared for, and would give up anything for him. He clings onto him so much that it almost smothers Kai. Takao knows it is love though since he never could feel this way about anyone else or spend his life with someone else.

In the end, they are the only ones for each other since there is no one else.

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10 months ago
Ranma 1/2 But Roller Derby Episode. I Never Said I Was Creative And I Just Love Skating.

Ranma 1/2 but roller derby episode. I never said I was creative and I just love skating.

Rematch between the protagonist's two worst enemies (who each has a crush on her in a different form) and she finally gets the date(?).

Shenanigans, I tell ya. Not only are the two pro-skaters interrupting her date, but the Cursed Swan is too. She still harbors some leftover hatred and is more annoying than deadly. She tries to third wheel, which irritates the protagonist to no end. Her date does not mind, bearing with it.

They do a roller skating date at the park, trying to lose the Cursed Swan. That's when they are met with their biggest enemies.

Jo the protagonist is still mad that they both stole her first kiss. Nathan dislikes them interrupting the date, especially the guy hitting on female Jo. Meg wants to kick their ass for last time.

Nathan does not want Meg injured again so he steps up with Jo to battle them. The two pros tag team to take him out first before cornering Jo. Nathan is way too injured to go on, almost drowning in the fountain he was dunked into. Jo saves him, getting herself wet with cold water and turning into a man.

(I definitely need to watch roller derby clips to even know how the fight would go down. I just know wheels hurt and getting caught in them is the worst.)

Meg steps in with Jo to finally beat these two once and for all. Jo manages to crush the guy's fingers (and other area) while Meg lands a fast but hard kick to the girl's face.

With a good fight, Meg finally leaves them alone to have a moment together. She even got Jo hot water to turn her back into a girl. With the sun setting, Nathan wakes up and instantly wants to pummel the pros who attacked. Jo assures him that she took care of it with Meg, but Nathan feels a little useless.

(Future ideas include skiing, snowboarding, skateboarding, bar fights, boxing rings, more sports)

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10 months ago
Popular Group AU Where The Blitzkrieg Boys Are A Band And Have Fans At School.

Popular group AU where the Blitzkrieg Boys are a band and have fans at school.

Kai is on the drums and backup singer. Tala is the main singer and backup guitarist. Bryan is on guitar, Spencer is on keyboard, and Ivan is on bass.

I usually do not put names to my AUs, but I would name this "boys wear pink." Maybe ideas could come from 2gether, To All The Boys I've Loved Before, Geek Charming, Mean Girls, and other cliches.

The start of the series is that Max confesses to Takao. Without wanting to make him feel bad, he tries asking for advice on how to get a fake partner. Hiromi, Kyoujyu, and Rei tell him how bad of an idea that is, but also do not want to see Max so heartbroken.

Takao is stubborn within this idea so he starts looking for one. He sees Kai, Tala, and Bryan shopping at the mall. They are shopping for outfits, with Tala trying them on and holding it up to the other two. Kai and Bryan are tired of his shopping, but tolerate it since he is their friend. Kai was promised an expensive lunch and needed to keep Tala under control.

Today, Kai, Bryan, and Tala are wearing pink today. Imagine some cutesy outfit that Tala would make them all wear together. The others do not really care since it is Tala.

When they finished shopping, Bryan got pushed by a thief, causing him to lose grip on the bags to catch himself. The bags dropped from the second floor to the fountain below. This puts Tala into distraught.

"Someone get those bags out of the fountain! They're designer!!"

Takao hears it and immediately dives into the fountain, grabbing the bags and getting them outside the water. Tala gets to the first floor and pushes Takao into the water, trying to get to the bags faster.

"Oh thank god these are safe!"

Takao is angered by this, hating popular people and their antics. Kai immediately reaches down to pull him out of the water. He doesn't talk and just tries to dry him with his scarf. He gives him his extra jacket.

Kai is Takao's old crush before he gave him up. Kai is too aloof and uncaring of others to really be into relationships. The two of them did kiss in a closet due to a dare.

Takao is completely flustered at this. Kai looks different outside of his band outfits and school uniform. He remembers his previous crush on him and cannot believe how all this turned out. Kai is also super pretty in all pink even with the lame scarf. Since his dignity is down the drain, he shouts that he wants to date Kai.

Kai is completely off guard by this and doesn't know to say to this. Tala butts in, berating Takao that he is completely out of their league. He drags Kai and Bryan away.

"People like us do not associate with freaks like you. Can't believe you even thought we were in your league."

This angers Takao even further and he is left to fume at home. The next day at school, he avoids Max and his friends so he does not have to deal with the confession. Kai pulls him away at lunch to tell him what he thought about the confession.

"I really needed someone to get these fans off my backs. We can be boyfriends."

Relieved, Takao explains his situation and they both agree to date.

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9 months ago

So many sonic fankids on my tl. I think its time to make one since I do not even have a sonic OC. This shall be sonadow centric, but can be a stand alone character too.

Helios the Hedgehog | he/him | bisexual

Helios definitely gets all his looks from Papa Shadow. He got very pale yellow fur, pink highlights in his quills, pink stripes that go down his arm that form a blotch of a weird sun shape on his hands, and the fluffiest torso. (Auntie Sonia was very happy to see her genes strong)

His favorite accessories are his gifted sun earrings, gold finger rings, and belly piercing.

His main weapon is his crossbow or just brute strength. The crossbow is not ever loaded, but is a channel for chaos energy to be shot at. He used to have a chaos energy gun.

He is slightly slower than Shadow in speed, but his chaos control is just as good. His whole body brims with its power, giving him his yellow fur.

Egotistical, impulsive, and a loud-mouth are his most annoying characteristics. (much to the dismay of all relatives)

He came out screaming and kicking from the day he was born. He still does even in his teenage years. He will talk your ear off and it's somehow all about him. Definitely an unreliable narrator.

Kind of a scaredy cat on top of being a clean freak where Sonic loves scaring him. Shadow has to stop him or else their son will actually burst into tears. Yes, he can be a crybaby but only alone.

He really doesn't like monsters, especially when they are slimy or dirty. He hates having to take goo out of his fur. He dislikes swimming too because of it but Shadow made sure he knows how to at least swim.

When he was a kid, he had a habit of wrapping his long tail around his dads when he was carried. He now just wraps his tail around himself when he's scared.

He has a habit of calling his dads by their names. He only calls them da and pa when its serious. He likes their attention on him, but never can ask for it.

He doesn't like how much recognition he gets because of his parents, but is ready to be written in history. He will be known for himself, not a son.

He thinks he's the hottest shit alive and definitely thinks he can beat his dads. He never win a fight with them though. He sees his dad as his biggest rivals in life, but he is their biggest admirer. He is quick to defend and insult them.

I made a picrew of him below, but it definitely is not accurate lol.

So Many Sonic Fankids On My Tl. I Think Its Time To Make One Since I Do Not Even Have A Sonic OC. This

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9 months ago

Uh oh, guess who made another sonadow fankid who is the younger sister of the previous one? I may have a problem since I have never done this before.

Artemis "Arty" the Hedgehog | she/they/all | pansexual

She gets all her looks from Dad Sonic. She has light blue-purple fur, black highlights in her hair, black stripes that go down her arm to form a blotch of a crescent moon, and fluff only on her shoulders and arms. She tends to keep her quills long and trim her arm fur.

Her favorite accessories are the matching moon earrings, blue ribbon on her neck, and mini gold clips she pins her hair back.

Her main weapon is her gifted gun or her winged shoes. Chaos energy is loaded into the gun to form the bullets. When she needs to catch bad guys, she can channel chaos energy into her shoes to form wings that help her jump even higher than Sonic. (inspired by cardcaptor sakura)

She is not as fast as her Dad, but definitely faster than Helios. She likes ""flying"" better than running places. (this makes auntie rouge very happy)

She is the quiet one in the family, much to the parents' relief and dismay. It is her greatest fault when she does not communicate about herself.

She always bottling everything in and smiling. Helios and Papa Shadow hate this about her so they all mind link together a lot. While Shadow gets tired of keeping the telepathy open all the time, Helios will nudge her telepathically every single time. She does appreciate it when she cannot talk to her parents.

She wraps her long tail around Helios' tail when she's nervous. It mostly wraps around her leg under her dress.

She will argue that Helios definitely raised her, but she likes to keep a close relationship with her parents. Helios took care of her like they forget to do.

She likes taking care of others like Helios did for her. She gives Helios all of her attention and is the neighborhood hero. People look up to her as Sonic's daughter.

She keeps up the appearance as Sonic's daughter. Her hair is gorgeously long, she saves birds, and looks perfect while saving citizens.

She cannot shake the feeling of living for someone else, not for herself.

Below is a picrew of her, but is not accurate.

Uh Oh, Guess Who Made Another Sonadow Fankid Who Is The Younger Sister Of The Previous One? I May Have

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9 months ago
I Think I Wanna Make An Eevee Universe. I Have Seen People Make Their Own Versions Of Eevees So I Shall

I think I wanna make an eevee universe. I have seen people make their own versions of eevees so I shall try to make it too. This probably will all be done in fun and as a joke since I do not know what I am doing. I would probably call this the "Late Night Eevees"

Eevee - Male (he/him) - Careful - Races the others

Flareon - Female (it/she) - Impish - Pranks whoever is nearby

Jolteon - Female (she/her) - Quiet - Dislikes chit chats

Vaporeon - Male (he/him) - Docile - Sunbathes for long periods of time

Espeon - Male (he/him) - Lax - Will always initiate confrontation

Umbreon - Female (she/her) - Gentle - Enjoys napping under trees

Glaceon - Male (he/they/any) - Bold - Likes partying out late

Leafeon - Male (he/him) - Lonely - Hates noisy crowds

Sylveon - Male (he/she) - Naughty - Bullies the others for fun

Eevee loves being fast and is always jumping around places

Flareon bothers the others, showing them the newest trap or joke

Jolteon usually reads alone or takes walks outside

Vaporeon chills at the lakes for too long, especially at night

Espeon drinks a lot and starts the bar fights

Umbreon stays up until morning to where she sleeps while the grass is still dewy

Glaceon is a party animal, coming home at the wee hours with messed up fur

Leafeon likes cooking for everyone with a fear of going out

Sylveon thinks that tormenting others is the best

I thought doing something out of the box and new with their dynamic would be very fun. As you can see, their personalities would be a little different than what is shown or portrayed. It would make for an interesting series with this group. Maybe spice it up with some romance too.

Flareon and Sylveon tag team on the group. They are the evil duo that no one really likes. Flareon does not enjoy taking it as far as the sadistic Sylveon, but she likes his company.

Vaporeon and Umbreon usually past by each other a lot. The lake is near the forest where Umbreon lazes around. Sometimes at night, they do late night talks before Umbreon sleeps during the day.

Jolteon and Leafeon do not get along too well due to both being very introverted. They are not well adjusted to social situations.

Espeon and Glaceon know each other due to the bars they frequent. Glaceon does not drink as much as Espeon, but will indulge him for fun.

Eevee does not like being with the other losers, but likes winning the races they do.

Everyone tolerates one another and they are roommates trying to pay the bill.

I will write more later when I am less distressed. I think doing some romance would be funny.

Umbreon has a huge crush on Espeon. She thinks Espeon is the coolest person ever, but he does not want her to catch on his bad habits.

Glaceon and Leafeon hate one another, but support each other's love lives. Glaceon likes Flareon and Leafeon likes Sylveon. They are trying to be wingman, but fail at it.

Vaporeon and Jolteon get along pretty well. They like reading romance together, but have no plans for relationships.

Flareon and Sylveon mutually like one another. They are slow to forming their relationship, but do confess on their feelings.

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8 months ago
Realizing How Much I Based My Alien Species Off Lum So I Shall Be Changing It.

Realizing how much I based my alien species off Lum so I shall be changing it.

These aliens have translucent skin, shimmery with bits of metals. They have the traditional antennas on top of their head. Their species don’t usually wear clothes, but traditional garb has a metallic sheen on it.

They would be similar to chameleons. Their antennas are shaped as their tails. Their bodies are moldable to adapt to all environments. Their usual bodies are just fancy, watery slugs with the antennas. They are viscous so many others cannot tell what they are if they do not form a shape. They are used to extreme hot temperatures and do not like the cold.

Since they are the most adaptable creatures, they are used to being top of the food chain. Most locals are too afraid to face against them since they can easily hide and eat them. There are taste buds all over their bodies.

Some strays like to blend in with other species and eventually intermingle with them. Some will even eventually forget who they are.

They can mimic any creature they interact with. From their outfits, body, or voice. Languages come easy to them since they have mixed languages and dialects at their travel areas. They do not like to use their voice though since it is easier to communicate through their antennas.

They reproduced asexually. They like to lay eggs in warm bodied creatures, preferably alive and brainwashed by them. They do not hesitate to kill their partners if they are unsuitable.

It is bad manners to brain wash another one of their species, but many leaders have done it to subjugate their followers.

Their species is a dying one, but there are movements to preserve everything that is left of them.

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8 months ago
Someone Implanted A Mermaid Melody AU Into My Head. I Really Like Mermaids So I Will Write Some Fun Ideas

Someone implanted a mermaid melody AU into my head. I really like mermaids so I will write some fun ideas down.

A few characters i have in mind are Ellie the South Pacific mermaid knight and Lance the Human(?)

A mermaid nicknamed Ellie works for the South Pacific Kingdom's military/defense, but is tired of that lifestyle. She wants to live a normal life without protecting a kingdom or princess so she escapes to the human world. She lands herself in California.

She becomes exposed to parties, bonfires, and other things. Many guys really like her pure and naive look. At a house party, she gets drenched from a drinking game and hides out in the bathroom trying to get it off her.

She was seen escaping by co-host Lance. Lance's younger brother Luke hosts the biggest parties of the area at their family house without their parents' permission. He often helps his younger brother clean up or do damage control at the parties.

Ellie is in Lance's bathroom when he walks in trying to give her a few towels and clothing. He sees her mermaid form, dropping the items in shock. Ellie tries to play it off and hide it, but it is already too late.

Lance and his brother Luke are actually disguised as humans. They are Arctic mermen in hiding with their mermaid mom who fell in love with her husband.

Mermen are not look at fondly by mermaids because of how unnatural they are. Mermaids marry each other, take care of each other in their kingdoms, and are born from the magical seashell.

Lance keeps his mouth shut about his identity and help Ellie blend in better. He lets her stay in the house as his pretend friend. He has to teach her many things.

The two of them actually hang out in the bathroom a lot. Ellie is used to bathing in her pod so she often feels lonely. Lance is uncomfortable with that type of thing since that was something he only did with his brother when they were kids. As a compromise, Lance keeps his beanie over his eyes while facing away to talk to her.

Ellie actually teaches Lance a lot about mermaid culture. The kingdom is just one big community made up of pods of mermaids who get along the best. Often times, pods have caretakers and the young.

Ellie's pod only had one caretaker and many young mermaids. She was one of the older ones who took care of those mermaids. That's why she was protecting the kingdom for so long. Her caretaker insisted that she did not need to do so even if there was honor behind it.

A lot of back and forth of misunderstandings. Lance is a mermen but Ellie does not know.

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8 months ago

Ok real lore incoming with the youngest sonadow kid but also some fun-

Ventus "Venny" the Hedgehog | they/it | asexual

The mini-Shadow. They are all black with white stripes on their arms and legs like Shadow. The arm stripes travel to their neck and splotches on their cheek. Their stomach is all white with no fluff in sight other than on top of their head. Arty likes to style the tuff on top herself and Venny sometimes does not like the styles picked. They have a long, alien tail like their older siblings. They were named for their bright green eyes like Sonic.

Ventus has a star shaped scar on their neck from an accident. They later have star shaped jewelry like piercings on their ears and face to have it all blend together. Arty gifts them a star choker to go with it.

They wear a short vest or sleeveless tops around. When they visit bars, they wear a trailing vest that partially hides their face.

Their main weapon are throwing stars and darts that is calibrated to their chaos energy (specialized by uncle tails). The sharp objects come back and move because they react to Venny's specific chaos signature.

They often use the chaos darts at bars which gets them in trouble.

Ventus has the most chaos energy out of all the siblings, almost a perfect clone of Shadow and Sonic. They are stronger than Helios, but could be toe-to-toe with Papa Shadow.

Hates their nickname, but it stuck because Helios and Arty would not stop using it (and so the dads did too)

Very insecure about their appearance and how they look. Just wants to look cool. Arty tells them they look fine, but Helios says they are not as good as he is.

Really likes the color green (manic approves)

The cheeky younger sibling that steals from the other two. Helios hates this, but Arty lets them get away with it because she cannot say no to that face.

Secretly has an ego of being good at chaos energy.

Embarrassed by their family and their popularity in town. Ventus cannot do fun things in public like pranking adults, stealing candy, or gambling.

They are a master at cards and are actually banned from most places because they cheat.

With their high amounts of chaos energy and being such a perfect clone, they died before they could open their eyes.

Arty and Helios were witnesses to this horrific experiment that broke the whole family apart. Papa Shadow and Sonic were even more distant with the kids because of this incident.

Shadow disappears fully after this while the siblings can only see Sonic on TV

Arty pledges to become a full time hero like Sonic after this while Helios goes down a different path . . .

The siblings are not as close as they used to afterwards, sealing off their telepathy for a long time

Below is not an accurate picture of Ventus

Ok Real Lore Incoming With The Youngest Sonadow Kid But Also Some Fun-

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8 months ago
I Gave The Background And Beginning Of The New Mermaid Melody AU, But Not The Main Plot.

I gave the background and beginning of the new mermaid melody AU, but not the main plot.

The North Pacific Kingdom is having trouble with their princess situation. The original princess left with the kingdom's pearl tear, leaving chaos and no ruler for a long time. They know their princess is not dead since no new princess has been born.

There is a split in the kingdom. There is an acting ruler with no real authority since she does not have the pearl tear. There is also a group threatening to overthrow this current ruler. A secret group is helping them bring the true heir to the throne.

There is the making of a powerful trident that could kill the princess. They are researching Panthalassa powers to help with this.

There were actually a group of survivors who escaped Aqua Regina's genocide and they are protected by Luchia and her successors alongside the North Pacific Kingdom. They live on an island nearby the kingdom for when they are needed.

Many Panthalassa are not full blood and are still a dying race. They are a very guarded race now who keeps their members as close as possible. The majority of them are mixed with humans and mermaids who live on the island. Many mermen are forced to never show their tails and mermaids who join the clan cannot leave.

There are still many who have left the island and all over now, but quite a few are still fearful of mermaids despite the agreement of protecting the dying race. Kingdoms outside the North Pacific are still discriminatory towards them. They are labelled as evil because of Gaito's time and their history.

With the threat of a civil war, the North Pacific Kingdom is on edge.

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7 months ago
Did Some Horrible Rp And Now I Have Some Skykid Furry Oc That I Now Must Expand Upon According To The
Did Some Horrible Rp And Now I Have Some Skykid Furry Oc That I Now Must Expand Upon According To The
Did Some Horrible Rp And Now I Have Some Skykid Furry Oc That I Now Must Expand Upon According To The
Did Some Horrible Rp And Now I Have Some Skykid Furry Oc That I Now Must Expand Upon According To The

Did some horrible rp and now I have some skykid furry oc that I now must expand upon according to the stream (so canon).

Tobias of Triumph (fake named Angelo) | ask if not she/xe/they | Team Prairie

So babygirl with a big mouth, large head for overthinking, and tears for hours

Takes the bus to find romance since they like some hopeless romance, but is unlucky in love since they think they found the one that inevitably is dumped the next week

Dreams of a happy marriage so they often go to speed dating parties

Vegas, shotgun weddings are common since they often are impulsive at bars

Keeps pictures from these events to remember all the exes

Favorite play is Romeo and Juliet, but really likes all media of romance

Often pays for their partner, but believes in equal treatment for all

Uses daddy's money to go out to clubs and pays for pole dancers

Has to use a fake name in order not to be found out by their parent

Really likes musicians and tips the street performers

Goes to furry conventions to feel normal

Likes sweets, especially cookies, cake, and cinnamonrolls

Tea time is free therapy, but they need real help

Abandonment and clingy issues

Was an ex-ballerina dancer before an injury ruined them and their career. They are just lost in the world and hopes that romance can fill that void that ballet did. They really like to watch other dance because they cannot do it anymore. Still has their competitive spirit even if they cannot do the same things they used to.

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7 months ago
I Have Been Seeing The Digigirl Zine All Over Twitter And I Have Been Inspired To Make A Magical Girl

I have been seeing the digigirl zine all over twitter and I have been inspired to make a magical girl series for digimon.

The series would have the humans having a partner digimon that they have bonded with to gain superhuman powers on top of the same powers as their digimon. They are like Marcus from Data Savers where they can fight the evil digimon too alongside their partners.

Digimon evolve the more they fight with their partner. They protect the people from digimon trying to steal their dreams. Digimon have a need to evolve, but without a person's dream, it is not possible. Most digimon are a person's forgotten dream.

A lot of digimon are able to eat bad dreams too. Many are there to protect the humans from these nightmares and prevent more digimon spawning from it.

I think on top of the main digimon like palmon, biyomon, renamon, gatomon, and lunamon, there could be a very new ones for fun.

Morphomon, Mikemon, Quetzalmon, Bulucomon, Waspmon, and Lepoardmon

Some opposing digimon could be Bearmon, Lopmon, Blossomon, Rabbitmon, Butterflymon, and Darcmon

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7 months ago
Ranma 1/2 Is Getting Rebooted So I Will Just Rant About My Own Spin Off Series.

Ranma 1/2 is getting rebooted so I will just rant about my own spin off series.

The very first date (the last one don't count) is going to be the reveal episode. The protagonist's secret will no longer be a secret to her favorite person.

Everyone knows there is something different about the protagonist (if the weirdly good fighting skills is not an indicator). Her crush has been guessing the secret, but he wants his friend to finally confess.

She's been getting ready for the redo date. She's got the perfect dress, the makeup, and the shoes. Her crush does not understand why this girl wants to date him, but he thinks that she deserves a date after what happened last time.

The two of them have a quiet date at the park. That is until one of the pro skater comes to stop them since he is still petty about the loss. He wants to woo the protagonist and defeat her crush. The two of them want to beat him up though.

The three of them end up fighting near the lake, where the protagonist falls in. He hops back out and lands the final blow. Nathan is shocked to see the purple under dye. Everything finally makes sense.

The protagonist cuts the date short by going home.

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8 months ago

Spent today playing Ryse: Son of Rome (broadly enjoyed it) and idk if it's just me but I immediately decided that the alternate timeline the game openly occupies is not ancient Rome, but an alternate modern-day Rome.

Everything about the way it's designed put me in mind of a world where Christianity never rose to prominence, the Roman Empire never split, and somehow the apparatus of the Empire just kept going, like a Japan of the west. Rome looks like you could imagine 1st century Rome eventually looking if they had two thousand years of unchallenged dominance and development behind them.

Emperor Nero isn't OUR Nero Augustus Germanicus - he's a guy with the same name, just like Boudica is (which was by all accounts a common Brythonic name anyway).

Idk, it just made the world feel way more engaging to me.

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