Edit Commissions (OPEN!!) [Video or Photo] DM about pricing. The egotiscal writer who needs to vent someplace about her OCs, personas, and games.
162 posts
Realizing How Much I Based My Alien Species Off Lum So I Shall Be Changing It.

Realizing how much I based my alien species off Lum so I shall be changing it.
These aliens have translucent skin, shimmery with bits of metals. They have the traditional antennas on top of their head. Their species don’t usually wear clothes, but traditional garb has a metallic sheen on it.
They would be similar to chameleons. Their antennas are shaped as their tails. Their bodies are moldable to adapt to all environments. Their usual bodies are just fancy, watery slugs with the antennas. They are viscous so many others cannot tell what they are if they do not form a shape. They are used to extreme hot temperatures and do not like the cold.
Since they are the most adaptable creatures, they are used to being top of the food chain. Most locals are too afraid to face against them since they can easily hide and eat them. There are taste buds all over their bodies.
Some strays like to blend in with other species and eventually intermingle with them. Some will even eventually forget who they are.
They can mimic any creature they interact with. From their outfits, body, or voice. Languages come easy to them since they have mixed languages and dialects at their travel areas. They do not like to use their voice though since it is easier to communicate through their antennas.
They reproduced asexually. They like to lay eggs in warm bodied creatures, preferably alive and brainwashed by them. They do not hesitate to kill their partners if they are unsuitable.
It is bad manners to brain wash another one of their species, but many leaders have done it to subjugate their followers.
Their species is a dying one, but there are movements to preserve everything that is left of them.
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Uh oh, guess who made another sonadow fankid who is the younger sister of the previous one? I may have a problem since I have never done this before.
Artemis "Arty" the Hedgehog | she/they/all | pansexual
She gets all her looks from Dad Sonic. She has light blue-purple fur, black highlights in her hair, black stripes that go down her arm to form a blotch of a crescent moon, and fluff only on her shoulders and arms. She tends to keep her quills long and trim her arm fur.
Her favorite accessories are the matching moon earrings, blue ribbon on her neck, and mini gold clips she pins her hair back.
Her main weapon is her gifted gun or her winged shoes. Chaos energy is loaded into the gun to form the bullets. When she needs to catch bad guys, she can channel chaos energy into her shoes to form wings that help her jump even higher than Sonic. (inspired by cardcaptor sakura)
She is not as fast as her Dad, but definitely faster than Helios. She likes ""flying"" better than running places. (this makes auntie rouge very happy)
She is the quiet one in the family, much to the parents' relief and dismay. It is her greatest fault when she does not communicate about herself.
She always bottling everything in and smiling. Helios and Papa Shadow hate this about her so they all mind link together a lot. While Shadow gets tired of keeping the telepathy open all the time, Helios will nudge her telepathically every single time. She does appreciate it when she cannot talk to her parents.
She wraps her long tail around Helios' tail when she's nervous. It mostly wraps around her leg under her dress.
She will argue that Helios definitely raised her, but she likes to keep a close relationship with her parents. Helios took care of her like they forget to do.
She likes taking care of others like Helios did for her. She gives Helios all of her attention and is the neighborhood hero. People look up to her as Sonic's daughter.
She keeps up the appearance as Sonic's daughter. Her hair is gorgeously long, she saves birds, and looks perfect while saving citizens.
She cannot shake the feeling of living for someone else, not for herself.
Below is a picrew of her, but is not accurate.

Did some horrible rp and now I have some skykid furry oc that I now must expand upon according to the stream (so canon).
Tobias of Triumph (fake named Angelo) | ask if not she/xe/they | Team Prairie
So babygirl with a big mouth, large head for overthinking, and tears for hours
Takes the bus to find romance since they like some hopeless romance, but is unlucky in love since they think they found the one that inevitably is dumped the next week
Dreams of a happy marriage so they often go to speed dating parties
Vegas, shotgun weddings are common since they often are impulsive at bars
Keeps pictures from these events to remember all the exes
Favorite play is Romeo and Juliet, but really likes all media of romance
Often pays for their partner, but believes in equal treatment for all
Uses daddy's money to go out to clubs and pays for pole dancers
Has to use a fake name in order not to be found out by their parent
Really likes musicians and tips the street performers
Goes to furry conventions to feel normal
Likes sweets, especially cookies, cake, and cinnamonrolls
Tea time is free therapy, but they need real help
Abandonment and clingy issues
Was an ex-ballerina dancer before an injury ruined them and their career. They are just lost in the world and hopes that romance can fill that void that ballet did. They really like to watch other dance because they cannot do it anymore. Still has their competitive spirit even if they cannot do the same things they used to.
So many sonic fankids on my tl. I think its time to make one since I do not even have a sonic OC. This shall be sonadow centric, but can be a stand alone character too.
Helios the Hedgehog | he/him | bisexual
Helios definitely gets all his looks from Papa Shadow. He got very pale yellow fur, pink highlights in his quills, pink stripes that go down his arm that form a blotch of a weird sun shape on his hands, and the fluffiest torso. (Auntie Sonia was very happy to see her genes strong)
His favorite accessories are his gifted sun earrings, gold finger rings, and belly piercing.
His main weapon is his crossbow or just brute strength. The crossbow is not ever loaded, but is a channel for chaos energy to be shot at. He used to have a chaos energy gun.
He is slightly slower than Shadow in speed, but his chaos control is just as good. His whole body brims with its power, giving him his yellow fur.
Egotistical, impulsive, and a loud-mouth are his most annoying characteristics. (much to the dismay of all relatives)
He came out screaming and kicking from the day he was born. He still does even in his teenage years. He will talk your ear off and it's somehow all about him. Definitely an unreliable narrator.
Kind of a scaredy cat on top of being a clean freak where Sonic loves scaring him. Shadow has to stop him or else their son will actually burst into tears. Yes, he can be a crybaby but only alone.
He really doesn't like monsters, especially when they are slimy or dirty. He hates having to take goo out of his fur. He dislikes swimming too because of it but Shadow made sure he knows how to at least swim.
When he was a kid, he had a habit of wrapping his long tail around his dads when he was carried. He now just wraps his tail around himself when he's scared.
He has a habit of calling his dads by their names. He only calls them da and pa when its serious. He likes their attention on him, but never can ask for it.
He doesn't like how much recognition he gets because of his parents, but is ready to be written in history. He will be known for himself, not a son.
He thinks he's the hottest shit alive and definitely thinks he can beat his dads. He never win a fight with them though. He sees his dad as his biggest rivals in life, but he is their biggest admirer. He is quick to defend and insult them.
I made a picrew of him below, but it definitely is not accurate lol.

I think I wanna make an eevee universe. I have seen people make their own versions of eevees so I shall try to make it too. This probably will all be done in fun and as a joke since I do not know what I am doing. I would probably call this the "Late Night Eevees"
Eevee - Male (he/him) - Careful - Races the others
Flareon - Female (it/she) - Impish - Pranks whoever is nearby
Jolteon - Female (she/her) - Quiet - Dislikes chit chats
Vaporeon - Male (he/him) - Docile - Sunbathes for long periods of time
Espeon - Male (he/him) - Lax - Will always initiate confrontation
Umbreon - Female (she/her) - Gentle - Enjoys napping under trees
Glaceon - Male (he/they/any) - Bold - Likes partying out late
Leafeon - Male (he/him) - Lonely - Hates noisy crowds
Sylveon - Male (he/she) - Naughty - Bullies the others for fun
Eevee loves being fast and is always jumping around places
Flareon bothers the others, showing them the newest trap or joke
Jolteon usually reads alone or takes walks outside
Vaporeon chills at the lakes for too long, especially at night
Espeon drinks a lot and starts the bar fights
Umbreon stays up until morning to where she sleeps while the grass is still dewy
Glaceon is a party animal, coming home at the wee hours with messed up fur
Leafeon likes cooking for everyone with a fear of going out
Sylveon thinks that tormenting others is the best
I thought doing something out of the box and new with their dynamic would be very fun. As you can see, their personalities would be a little different than what is shown or portrayed. It would make for an interesting series with this group. Maybe spice it up with some romance too.
Flareon and Sylveon tag team on the group. They are the evil duo that no one really likes. Flareon does not enjoy taking it as far as the sadistic Sylveon, but she likes his company.
Vaporeon and Umbreon usually past by each other a lot. The lake is near the forest where Umbreon lazes around. Sometimes at night, they do late night talks before Umbreon sleeps during the day.
Jolteon and Leafeon do not get along too well due to both being very introverted. They are not well adjusted to social situations.
Espeon and Glaceon know each other due to the bars they frequent. Glaceon does not drink as much as Espeon, but will indulge him for fun.
Eevee does not like being with the other losers, but likes winning the races they do.
Everyone tolerates one another and they are roommates trying to pay the bill.
I will write more later when I am less distressed. I think doing some romance would be funny.
Umbreon has a huge crush on Espeon. She thinks Espeon is the coolest person ever, but he does not want her to catch on his bad habits.
Glaceon and Leafeon hate one another, but support each other's love lives. Glaceon likes Flareon and Leafeon likes Sylveon. They are trying to be wingman, but fail at it.
Vaporeon and Jolteon get along pretty well. They like reading romance together, but have no plans for relationships.
Flareon and Sylveon mutually like one another. They are slow to forming their relationship, but do confess on their feelings.