cloudyskydreams - Sam's writing corner
Sam's writing corner

Hii! I'm Sam and I've had the itch to get into writing Fanfiction again recently! So this is for me to practice writing::3! Feel free to request it helps motivated me~

17 posts

S/O With Depression And Old Sh Scars UT,UF,US!

S/O with depression and old sh scars UT,UF,US!

This can be a triggering subject so fair warning to y'all, nothing explicit is mentioned. This is a little self indulgent and they're pretty similar I'm not going to lie but I tried to add a least a little uniqueness to each one. If you are struggling with mental health know you're not alone and this will pass. It will get better you just have to hold out hope as hard as that is and people really care about you including me ::3 anyways hope y'all enjoy!

S/O With Depression And Old Sh Scars UT,UF,US!


Sans: He gets it, he sees your scars and understands. Maybe not exactly what you've experienced but he understands enough. He shows you the odd scar he's given himself as he was never big on physical harming himself. On bad days he gets off his ass to make sure you atleast have something to eat, most likely takeout and after that's taken care of he snuggles up with you to vegetate out. He makes you promise and in return promises to talk about mental health more especially if it gets worse. He brings up his own problems more hoping it'll get you to do the same and vent to him.

Papyrus: He's hurting inside when he sees your scars. He's dealt with sans depression but this is a whole nother ballpark to him as sans never really self harmed. He gently runs over your scars and reassures you that he doesn't think any less of you. He checks up on your mental health alot and makes sure you're taking care of yourself. He helps out around the house with chores and such when you're having a particularly bad day and caters to your needs whether that be snacks or cuddles. He likes to journal with you and has you state at least 3 good things that happen every day, focusing on the positive is key your conscious becomes your subconscious and the goal is to get you to think more positively!


Red: He's also hurting inside when seeing your scars. Red understands he has scars of his own that he shows you. He holds you close and kisses every scar he can find telling you they don't determine your worth and letting you know how beautiful you are. He gets worried and checks your wrists and thighs while you sleep sometimes. He knows how hard it is to ask for help so he offers it most of the time. When having a bad day he makes sure you're taken care of. Cuddled up in all the blankets and pillows in the house while he dotes on you like mother hen. He trys to help you find other ways to cope, one of his biggest ones is music and he creates personal playlists for you for when you're in your moods.

Edge: He freezes up upon seeing the scars. Edge is a protector he protects what's his, how is he supposed to protect you from yourself? He gently glides his finger over the scars as if they were simply dust he could wipe away. He reassures you and makes you promise to him that you'll come to him before it comes to this again. When having rough days he steps up, sets his scheduled day to the side, and takes care of all the chores around the house while simultaneously taking care of you. He makes sure you take care of yourself on a day to day basis basing his routine around you brushing your teeth together, changing clothes, eating meals. He just likes making sure you're taken care of even if he has to be there himself for it to happen.


Stretch: A little distraught upon seeing your scars. He has them too and he hates knowing you felt it was even an option. He kisses your scars and shows you his albeit a little embarrassed himself. It's a moment of shared tears and reassurances. When having a bad day he cuddles up with you wherever you decide to lay and does his best to distract you with games and cuddles. He doodles little butterflies and hearts over your scars. He likes to draw little doodles when you're upset hoping they'll cheer you up. Some of them are silly and stick doodles like his brother as a cowboy and some are more well done like ones of you. He even has a small comic going of him and his brother as superheros saving the person in distress( aka you).

Blue: He internally freaks out upon seeing your scars. He went through this with his brother and seeing them immediately sends off alarms in his head. He asks if you're alright and gently looks over your scars dedicating each one to memory so he'll know if a new one shows up. He premakes you meals and texts you throughout the day if he's busy to check up on you or simply give you updates on his day. It's alright if you aren't feeling up to responding he'll still message if left on seen or delivered and knows you're just struggling right now.On bad days he cuddles you close and takes the day off of any previous activities he had to keep you company. He'll plan small easy activities for you two to do together so he knows you're getting some enrichment besides doom scrolling and sleeping.

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More Posts from Cloudyskydreams

5 months ago

Morning Makeouts UT Sans x Reader Drabble

This one kind of got away from me a little bit lol. Teetering on nsfw not gonna put it under the cut this time though. Hope you all enjoy!

Morning Makeouts UT Sans X Reader Drabble

You awaken not knowing the time or really the date as you stare at the dark ceiling. There's a bony arm wrapped around you bringing your attention to your skeletal mate passed out snoring next to you. You snicker at the tiny bit of blue drool that trails down his jawbone. You snuggle further into his embrace and he makes a snrk sound shifting a little in his sleep before pulling you to his ribcage in a firm hold. You giggle and start poking his face watching the micro movements of the pliable bone before his sockets opened halfway and his white eyelights sleepily look at you.

"Morning supernova~" you coo sweetly and sans smiles like a dope simply staring at you for a second.

"morning starlight, its too early for this was hoping to sleep some snore." You roll your eyes at the pun but still smile

"But I wanna see your beautiful face." You whine and he blushes his eyesockets crinkling at the edges slightly as he runs a hand through your hair.

"eye see well you're looking at me right now babe." You smile and press a kiss to his forehead and then to his cheekbone. He flushes a more vibrant shade of blue as you continue to kiss around his face before you finally meet his teeth in a kiss. You lick his teeth gently and he opens them meeting your tongue with his own. His magic feels refreshingly cool on your heated tongue. You shift so you're on top of him and smile at the image of him underneath you. You gently lift his chin up and capture him in another kiss as your hips start to move against his pelvis. It's gonna be a good morning.

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5 months ago

SO on period UT,UF,US,HT!

Ive had this sitting in my notes for awhile wasn't super proud of it still ain't but I wanted to post something, I just had to slap the HT brothers on and boom new post.

Also I've been wanting to write swapfell but I don't know the difference between that and fellswap or really their personalities cause it's so different for each fanfic so if someone could pls explain 🙏

Anyways here y'all go hope you enjoy!

SO On Period UT,UF,US,HT!


Sans: I feel like sans is pretty knowledgeable so you didn't have to explain it to him. He takes it pretty maturely it's a natural part of life. The puns the horrible puns. He has so many specifically for this time of the month. He's always got your comfort snack on hand in his jacket pockets. He doesn't really change much he'll get off his ass if you ask him to but he sticks by your side mostly and lazes out cuddled with you while watching shows. Pretty good at getting products and snacks you might like he likes to get you some new snacks to try with him and he's good at guessing what you might like.

Papyrus: This man is prepared. After you tell him what it is he researches it and WOWIE he wishes he just asked you to explain but now he's over prepared with knowledge! He has hot water bottles and weighted blankets at the ready. Any snacks you want, heck you want a whole meal? He's on it and it's prepared with extra love. He carries around your products for you and always has pain medicine in his bags. Pretty good at picking them up from the store too and has no shame getting them.


Red: You gotta explain it to him and this man is bewildered for a bit. ya bleed from there for how long??? every month?! He's a little impressed?? Last he checked humans weren't supposed to lose huge amounts of blood but you're treating it like it's a normal thing. After he gets over his initial shock he'll try and help the best he can which is a little awkwardly. He makes a little nest for you out of blankets and pillows and makes sure you're comfortable. He and his magic run warm so he'll lay on your stomach and cuddle to help with cramps, pet his head and he might purr. He's pretty confused about products def one to send Babe what's your pussy size.

Edge: He's aware, he's done his research on his own when you were ovulating about the human "mating cycle". Not a fun experience but he takes it in stride. He listens to what you need and trys to deliver. Massages for sore muscles and heating pads for cramps. He'll make you comfort food while you relax watching a show and join you afterwards for some cuddles. He's pretty good at getting products for you and takes the ones you like into consideration but he's always looking for better healthier alternatives for you.


Stretch: Knows about it (blue taught him when he found out and Stretch showed interest in humans)and is a little awkward(traumatized from the talk with Blue). Hate to say it Stretch doesn't really know what to do he's not grossed out he just doesn't know how to handle it. He tries his best to be comforting giving snacks, heating pads, and cuddles. He's so awkward going to the store to get products plays it cool but has no idea what he's doing and definitely gets the wrong thing after his mind blanks while staring at all the products for too long. You just gotta train him he'll get better.

Blue: Also knows and he's handling it alot better. He takes it in stride and understands the biggest part is you're uncomfortable and he's going to do his best to help with that. He takes care of chores you don't want to do, makes you comfort meals, and always has a heating pad ready. Has so many two player comfort games lined up for you guys, he has stuff to do but most of his work stuff can be done at home! Which means he'll just be a shout away if you need anything . Pretty good at getting products and is one to carry some around in his bag just in case when you guys go out.


Axe: You have to explain it to him… Multiple times. He's confused as to why you smell like blood, he likes the smell but he's confused for a bit until he writes a note about it. He will not remember which products to get unfortunately. He's so confused staring at them you'll have to instruct him very clearly over a call and he still probably grabs the wrong one. Cuddles are supreme he's a giant so he'll engulf you in his form and his purrs practically shake your whole body. It's like a free massage chair whenever you want. He sticks closer by your side during this time of month knowing blood means your wounded and his protective urges flare up.

Willow: You'll also have to explain it to him and he's extremely worried when he smells blood. Even more so when he learns how long you bleed, he knows how much blood a human can loose and it worries him you're losing so much. After you explain it's a normal thing and a part of life he calms down slightly. He cleans and cooks a lot when stressed or worried so you constantly have something to munch on and you don't have to worry about any chores. He stays over stocked up on supplies, he doesn't like going out in public very often but for this he will because he deems it important enough. It's why he stocks up so much when he goes out. Mother hens over you hard and you might have to pull him into cuddles to get him to relax for a bit.

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5 months ago

UT,UF,US First Date headcanons!

These were fun to write! I struggle a bit with the Fell brothers but it's good practice to get used to their personal! Hope you guys enjoy ::3


Sans: Somewhere and something comfortable to him. He's a little awkward getting to know people and on a first date he wants to have as many cards in his hand as he can get. So expect to be invited to grillbys or over for dinner if he likes you enough. He's gonna be laying the puns on thick. He normally does when he's comfortable with people too but this is a whole nother level. It's another safe thing to him so hope you like puns and knock knock jokes. If the night goes well and he feels more comfortable he might lay off of them a little and you can see his real smile and laugh. At the end of the night the most he'll do is a hug it might be a little awkward too but hey a hug is a hug.

Papyrus:A nice lunch and an escape room. He gets to share his love of puzzles and what better way to get to know someone than being locked in a room with them trying to bust out? It's a good way to see how well you work together and you can bust out a game of 20 questions while you solve the puzzles around the room. He might get you a flower or a treat he knows you like because Papyrus would know you before hand on a friend level atleast for sure. I could see Paps holding your hand and hugs for sure.


Red:A nice restaurant and a moonlit walk after he loosens up. He's a sweaty nervous guy and has a hard time accepting someone might actually be into him, he likes to flirt but it's all just a game to him so a serious date, he's actually trying and he's nervous. Give him a little bit of time to get used to everything. Expect a lot of avoided eye contact and really bad jokes on the first date. He's pretty smooth when he wants to be so when he finally gains confidence he'll have you swooning and the walk back is filled with comfortable conversation getting to know one another. Give him a smooch on the cheek or lips if you're daring and say goodnight and he'll be thinking about it all night unable to sleep.

Edge: Wine tasting or a Fancy restaurant. Edge has a refined taste and for his first date he's going to go all out pulling out all the stops. He dresses nice, gets you flowers, opens doors, pulls out chairs. Perfect gentlemen. He's definitely not nervous and definitely did not research how to impress a date last night. He's a little awkward to talk to as he doesn't open up easily but he's interested to learn about you and a little bit of wine will open him up slightly. He wants to impress you even if he's a little aloof.


Stretch: Picnic or a Game night at his house. He's another one going for comfort here and he's just not one for big showy things. He's a little awkward and stumbles on his words occasionally but I feel like he warms up pretty fast. He puns a bit especially after meeting the other lazier skeletons but he's more of a practical pranker so there's a few jokes and he also has a fake spider on a string to try and scare you with. I can see him trying to serenade you with his guitar if he feels comfortable enough because he's a dork like that. A kiss on the cheek is the farthest he'll go he's a virgin y'all.

Blue: Scavenger hunting or Geocaching and a sit down dinner. Blue finds these so fun and you guys can enjoy a nice little walk while chatting and then puzzle out where it's hidden together. He feels a sense of accomplishment for each one he finds and has his name signed in a bunch all over the city. After you find it he takes you out to eat to celebrate at a casual sit down restaurant. It's a good time and you spend it getting to know one another over shared food and laughs. He'll take you home afterwards and surprise you with a kiss on the cheek telling you he had a wonderful time.

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5 months ago

Legs, Tits, Or Ass with UT,UF,US!

The question of the hour y'all! This one was fun surprisingly I had the most trouble with Blue! Hope you enjoy! Put it under the cut because it was slightly horny then decided to run with it lol

Legs, Tits, Or Ass With UT,UF,US!


Sans: Legs, 100%. There's just something about them that gets him going. He wants to massage your feet and kiss your ankles before being buried in your thighs as he eats you out. Squish his skull between those legs he loves it. Is one for more gently caressing them with a loving look but bites on occasion.

Papyrus: This is a tough one Papyrus would definitely be one to say personality and that's true but if it came down to it boobs. He likes how squishy they are and enjoys watching them bounce as he fucks into you.


Red: Ass. Assman all the way. He can't get enough it's so squishy and jiggly and he's hypnotized literally anytime you walk by him. Holds the door for you just so he can see you walk in front of him. A chromic ass slapper no NOT turn around or bend over in front of him unless you're ready to get that thang smacked. Will turn himself on simply from watching your ass as you walk around and pull you into the nearest closet/teleport home to work off some steam. This happens at least once a day where he gets himself too horny. Has tons of pictures of you bent over. He's pretty quick and perch with his camera. If hate to watch them go love to watch them leave was a person. He

Edge: Legs! He enjoys something about legs and thinks they have a certain elegance to them. Long legs, short legs, thick or thin. He's an enjoyer of the legs and loves to mark your legs up with his sharp fangs. Enjoys having your legs wrapped around him or over his shoulders most though. He likes seeing all the different positions he can move them into while having sex.


Stretch: Boobs. He likes the squish as well and enjoys watching them bounce and move naturally. If you have some he'll treat them like a stress ball and absentmindedly squeeze them while doing others things. He enjoys watching them bounce when you ride him. Also a huge nipple teaser he likes to latch on with his teeth and pull gently.

Blue: Boobs! Also a boobs man he loves how squishy and jiggly they are. He likes to nibble on them and enjoys the squish between his teeth. Expect your chest to be full of bite marks if he has access to it. Likes seeing the different ways he can make them bounce with the different positions. He likes cumming on your chest and watching it drip down. He enjoys laying his head on them as a pillow and listening to your heartbeat.

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5 months ago

UT,UF,US Favorite Seasons


Sans: Spring •He enjoys the smell of rain and the atmosphere it brings it reminds him of waterfall.

•Lazy rainy days spent cuddled up in his bed with the sound of the rain against the rooftop and a soft blanket. Sounds perfect to him. It's hard to get him out of bed on these days and even if you do he's still pretty sleepy all day even more so than usual.

•He does enjoy the scenery and likes to stop and look at the flowers on the rare occasion he goes on walks, and if he does go on a walk it's going to be on a cloudy spring day with somewhat cool temperature.

•Lets not forget about his favorite holiday April Fools day! He goes hard on this day and his brother and the others try to steer clear of him but he always ends up getting them anyways. His pranks are normally practical but he sometimes whips out elaborate pranks. Most of the time people stumble upon whoopie cushions, bubble wrap under carpets, rigged air horns, and misplaced items for days after the holiday.

Papyrus: Summer •Paps loves being out and about under the summer sun when the temperature is nice and he can show off in his cropped shirts. He owns a bunch of them, his closet is sorted by season and his summer one is mostly cropped shirts with the occasional tank top and short sleeved shirt.

•Owns atleast 15 pairs of sunglasses that he tapes to his face when going. He has a collection of different tapes for this and chooses a different one for each mood. Made the mistake of using duct tape one time and had gunk stuck to his skull for days so he uses washi tape now.

•Definitely owns a straw sun hat and on the topic of hats I feel like he would love bucket hats too.

•He doesn't have the biggest sweet tooth but he enjoys the sweet treats that come with summer too like nice cream and watermelon.

•Will get into the shallow end of the pool (skeletons sink) and splash around with Undyne until Undyne gets to excited and tosses him into the deep end making him stuck at the bottom for the next ten minutes till she stops laughing and drags him out.


Red: Fall •Dont tell anyone but he's a pumpkin spice enjoyer

•He loves the changing of the leaves and the crunch of the fallen ones under his boots. Plus fall is the best time to show off his leather jackets and sweaters.

•Pumpkin carving is one of his favorite activities and he gets pretty intricate with his designs. He always places them outside their door and gets blushy and sweaty over compliments he's really proud of his work just not used to recognition.

•Loves the chill in the air and let's not forget Halloween and spooky movies. He absolutely loves Halloween and he definitely goes to haunted houses. He tried to drag his brother along one time and Edge almost punched someone in the face so now he goes alone or with friends.

Edge: Fall •He's a Spider Cider drinker. He loves the warmer hot drinks and a nice cup of Spider Cider and fall itself for some reason he can't place makes him feel nostalgic and while his childhood wasn't the best he does like thinking about the good memories with his brother.

•Enjoys going for walks in the park and the crisp fall air especially at night. He has a strict sleep schedule but he extends it by a small amount to enjoy the fall night weather.

•Not big on horror movies it's not that they're scary they're just pretty boring to him. He does enjoy occasionally watching them with his brother but would never watch one by himself. He just likes spending time with his brother when he gets the chance, something he'd never admit.

•He loves Halloween decorations, skeleton ones do make him uncomfortable sometimes especially if they're naked but he finds them humerus (hehe) after a short adjustment time his first year. Red got a skeleton and changed it to Edges likeness on year. Edge rolled his eyes at it but he keeps the skeleton in his closet and thinks it's pretty funny to dress up sometimes.


Stretch: Spring •Stretch also enjoys April Fools day as this man is a practical pranker all the way. Often teams up with Sans to tag team the others but all's fair in love and war and the truce is often broken by Stretch himself. He just can't help it.

•Bees start becoming active in the spring and Stretch is a big fan of the little pollinators. Not only do they make honey they're adorable to him and help the ecosystem to continue functioning by spreading pollen.

•I know it's been clarified his cigarettes are not weed but as a stoner I'm making one of my favorite boys a stoner in my au. He celebrates 4/20 with a joint or two and some major munchies while watching the midnight gospel.

•Stretch enjoys the rain as well but more thunderstorm rain while sans enjoys light drizzles. He likes the lightning and can often be seen chilling outside while a thunderstorm is happening storm watching. His first thunderstorm was a mess as him and Blue had never experienced thunder before and were rightfully scared but when he saw the lightning for the first time he was mesmerized. He got over his fear by counting the seconds in between the lighting and thunder and continued to do so for the next few storms but isn't really afraid anymore.

Blue:Winter •Blue loves the snow, it reminds him of Snowdin and there's so much fun stuff you can do in it. He always builds a snow version of himself to stand proud outside their house when winter comes.

•He's a hot cocoa drinker and does enjoy having a little peppermint stick in it as well as some whip cream. He owns a few different types of hot cocoa but his favorite is the one made of real chocolate and milk. He enjoys all the cookies and sweets that come with the season as well. He likes to bake cookies to share with his neighbors.

•Always starts his Gyftmas gift list months ahead of time and does his Gyftmas shopping early as well. He likes to be prepared even though he often buys surprise little gifts he uses as stocking stuffers. Speaking of stockings he and Stretch decorated theirs themselves and Blues definitely has a lot of glitter on it.

•His favorite holiday is Gyftmas and he always over decorates the house. He just gets into the spirit really easily and when he sees something in a store he likes he has to get it to decorate the house with, he's a little bit of an impulsive shopper. He has a little miniature Gyftmas village he always adds a little to each year, it's a tradition he started his first Gyftmas on the surface after Stretch made a joke about using one of the miniature trees as their actual Gyftmas tree

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