Sans X You - Tumblr Posts
This is my first fanfiction that I’m proud of enough to publish, and I hope you enjoy it! A quick disclaimer: I don’t know much about Outertale, so please excuse me if it isn’t very accurate.
I also posted this on AO3, if you are interested! :3
Sans x Reader- Outertale
-Drifting through space-
It was a rather normal, bland day in the grand universe. The stars had to be documented and explored, the spaceship needed to be refueled, and you needed to go stop off at Grillby’s to get some lunch. It was just as lively as ever there- with the patrons huddled together in their little cliques, talking about their newest discoveries and adventures- with all of the regulars in their respective spots. And as usual, he was there. It was a bit silly to admit, but over time, you had grown fond of Sans. You developed a love for his god-awful space jokes and puns, which always seemed to cheer you up after a long day. You fell in love with how his eyelights seemed to glimmer at the mere thought of the universe, and how he absolutely loved to tell you everything about his job. It seemed you couldn’t go a day without him telling you about a brand new star, planet, or constellation. Last but certainly not least, you loved him. Sure, he liked to joke around and push your buttons sometimes. But below the surface was a kind, hopeful, and intelligent skeleton- that would do anything for the people that he loved.
Your body seemed to move on its own, quickly maneuvering through the lunch rush and delivering you right to him. With not a second to spare, you sat down… only to be met with the familiar sound of a whoopee cushion. Sans’ head instantly perked up at the sound, a playful smile lazily spread across his skull. “ah, the good old whoopee cushion on the seat trick. sorry about that buddy, that was for paps. but, he must be busy fighting aliens or somethin’ now.” He mused, grinning more at the thought. It wasn’t too hard to picture papyrus as a space cop, as he did always want to help others. “although, knowing how he is, he’s probably just giving them a slap on the wrist and some spaghetti. he can’t stay mad at anyone for too long.” Your thoughts were practically read aloud as he spoke, making you shoot him a bewildered look. He simply shrugged, and allowed you to speak up. “Are you sure that he never stays angry at anyone for too long? What about that time where you wouldn’t clean your socks out of your spaceship for a whole month?” You inquired, reaching out and gently poking his nasal cavity. He simply batted away your hand, another chuckle escaping his perma-smile as he did so. “anyways, what’s up with you today? you look like someone told you that you need to actually work for once.” And there it was again: his attention to detail. It came in handy when repairing a rocket ship or computer together, but really put you in a downside in just about any other situation. You stumbled over your words for a moment, before spitting out what was on your mind. “Ihavetogotoandjumptoaplanetbutidontwanttodealwiththat-“ You were quickly cut off by sans, a confused glimmer in his eyelights. “whoah, hold on there, pal. i can’t tell what you’re sayin’ when you talk that fast. care to slow down a bit?” He spoke, laughing in a lighthearted manner at your shenanigans. You took a deep breath to calm your nerves, and slowed down to properly explain yourself. “You see… Undyne told me that my job today is to explore a nearby planet, and to make sure that the ecosystem is doing alright. But, it’s close enough where it would be a waste of rocket fuel to go there by rocket. So, I’ll have to just jump there and wait for gravity to do its thing.” “and?” He inquired, giving you a knowing look. “if it was that easy, wouldn’t you have already done it?” You sighed at his words, silently cursing yet again that he was so inquisitive. After a moment of hesitation, you spoke up again. “Well… you see… I’m afraid of floating out in space.” After you finished talking, you waited with bated breath for him to laugh. It was such a ridiculous fear to have when you worked in space, and were constantly exposed to it. But, he didn’t make a sound. Instead, a gloved hand placed on your own pulled you out of your self-deprecating thoughts.
You instantly looked over, wondering if you had hallucinated the sensation. But, to your surprise, he had his hands gently cupped around your own, with his expression almost… sympathetic? “pal. it’s alright. everyone is scared of something, and it’s nothing to be ashamed about.” Your brain came to a halt at his words, almost immediately putting an end to your negative thoughts. You opened your mouth to try and speak, but all that came out was a mumbled ‘thank you…’. You slowly wrapped your hands around his in return, finding comfort in the familiar warmth of his gloves. He tightened his grip on your hands, as if worried that you would pull away. “hey… i’m scared of some things too. i’m terrified of putting away my socks- it chills me to the bone.” “SANS!” You yelped, letting out a few snorts at just how bad the puns were. “Of course you would say that…” You murmured, unable to keep a hint of affection from slipping through your tone. He seemed to notice this, as his expression softened along with your own. “alright. i know i never do this, but I’m going to be serious for a moment, alright?” You were going to make a snarky remark at his words, but his serious expression stopped you in your tracks. He slowly pulled your hands towards his chest, placing them over his soul. “look. i know that it’s scary, hell, i was scared of it at some point,” He chuckled at the memory, his smile widening further. “papy had to throw me into space at one point. it wasn’t pretty, to say the least. ever hear me scream into the abyss of space? a-anyways, back on topic.” He muttered, clearing his non-existent throat. “look. it’s not a perfect idea, but how about i come with you? it’s certainly a lot better than being thrown into space, though. well, i could always do that if you wished-“ “NO, I’m good!” You spoke up, chuckling sheepishly. You carefully slipped one of your hands out of his comforting grip, and brought it up to his cheek. It was cool to the touch, and surprisingly… squishy? You couldn’t help but to feel it for a moment, lost in curiosity and completely forgetting about why you held his cheek in the first place. It must have been why he was able to be so expressive, despite having no skin or muscle in the first place. But, you were quickly pulled out of your thoughts when a soft blue blush started to spread across his cheekbones. You could feel your own cheeks burning in embarrassment, and you decided to speak up and hopefully stop anything from escalating further. “T-Thank you. It means a lot to me to know that I’m not alone, especially in the cold, empty void of space.” You muttered, voice shaking sightly in embarrassment. You quickly removed your hand from his cheek, not finding the strength to look him in the eyes. “I’ll owe you so much ketchup for this…” You mumbled, feeling your heart ease at the sound of sans’ light, gentle laugh. “hey, i was planning on doing it for free. but being paid is pretty good too, especially if ketchup is on the table.” He mused, seemingly excited by the idea. He slowly stood up beside you, waiting for you to lead the way. Surprisingly, he offered you his hand to lead him. “i know i’m not exactly the gentlemanly type, but how about i hold your hand on the way there? don’t want you to get cold feet, after all.” He teased, his smile quickly turning smug. You were quick to accept his offer, which only made him all the more pleased. But, he held his tongue, and decided against flustering you further. After a quick walk out of Grillby’s and a few confused glances from the diners, you were whisked back out into the familiar emptiness of space. But, what you walked into was nothing like you had ever seen before. In the short amount of time you had been inside of the diner, countless shooting stars decided to make their appearance and dance across the cosmos.
They shot through the black abyss, leaving shimmering trails of stardust in their wake. The previously inky abyss that laid before them was now packed to the brim with color, with patches of bold turquoise, gentle lavender, and noble gold scattered as far as the eye could see. They pranced and twirled across the cosmos in a slow, ethereal dance, lulling the universe into a state of bliss. You tried to say something- ANYTHING- but you were stripped of your words. When you managed to tear your eyes away from the spectacle above, they latched back onto the familiar figure of Sans. His skull was tilted up to the spectacle above, illuminated by the countless shades of stardust. After what seemed to feel like an eternity, he turned back to you, his smile wider than you had ever seen it before. His eyelights shimmered with an almost childlike sense of wonder, glowing almost as bright as the stars above. Without a second thought, he leaped into the symphony of color above, and pulled you up along with him. Your body was flung into shock at the sudden loss of gravity, and by a primal instinct, you clung to the closest thing that you could. In this case, that ‘thing’ was Sans. After your thoughts of panic cleared your brain, you were quick to notice that you were holding onto something that was… soft? With one quick glance up, you realized that you had practically engulfed sans in your arms when you were sent into a panic. You hurriedly pried yourself off of his form, and held onto him by the shoulders. But before you could apologize for your actions, his expression snapped you out of your thoughts. His eyelights had completely vanished from his eyesockets, and his cheekbones were once more dusted with a deep shade of cobalt blue. Concerned, you yet again moved one of your hands up to his cheek, and cupped the side of his soft, cool face. He brought his gloved hand back up to his face, and gingerly placed his phalanges atop of your own. His eyelights slowly came back into focus, and settled back down on your own eyes.
He spoke, his voice barely above a whisper, as he knew that his voice would shake if he spoke any louder. “you sure do know how to make a skeleton flustered, don’t ya…? well, i can’t exactly say that I don’t mind it.” He mumbled, letting out a soft, embarrassed chuckle. “but hey- if it helps you with your fear, feel free to hold me all you like. it’s a lot better than screaming my ears off.” “You don’t even have ears.” You mumbled through a small pout, but were quick to accept his offer for the millionth time. You gently wrapped your arms back around him, and glanced up to look at your surroundings once more. You were slowly drifting off into space, with grillby’s already a long ways away. You were instantly filled with panic at the sight, but your heart eased once more when a gloved hand slowly placed itself under your chin, and gingerly pulled your face back to meet the soft eyelights that you had yearned to gaze into since you first had the honor of looking upon them. His voice was soft, as if he was genuinely trying to comfort you, and not pull your leg. “hey. just keep your eyes on me, and you can look back out to the stars when you feel like it.” He murmured, gloved hand keeping your head in place. You nodded, refusing to look anywhere but his comforting, soft pupils. Your body eased once more, leaving you wondering if you would melt into his embrace and drip across the cosmos. For once in your time in space, you felt safe. Protected. As you kept your eyes trained on his own, your heart slowly soaked with the familiar, fuzzy feeling that you had when he crossed your mind. It always made you feel like you were back in school all those years back, fantasizing about silly little scenarios- which were a lot like what was currently going on- and reading cheesy romance novels. Just as usual, you couldn’t seem to get enough of him. But, your heart yearned for more. It, no, YOU wanted to bring him all of the joy in the world, no matter how long it would take. Without a second thought, you leaned towards him with half-lidded eyes, and placed your lips against his teeth. In this single moment, you finally gathered up the courage to do the one thing that you wanted to do since you first had the honor of laying your eyes upon Sans. Sure, he may not be the most perfect man… but he is to you, and that’s all that matters. When the reality of what you just did managed to pierce its way into the blissful fog of your love-struck mind, you quickly broke the ‘kiss’, overcome with embarrassment. Despite your guilty, flustered state, you managed to croak out an apology, not daring to look him in the eye. “O-oh my god, I’m so sorry. I-I just got lost in the moment, and-“ When the same teeth that you kissed gently pressed against your lips in return, your mind came to a crashing halt. Your eyes fluttered closed along with his own, sheer euphoria flooding through your veins. Despite the fact that he didn’t have lips to kiss in the first place, it was still more warm and comforting than you ever could have imagined. It lasted for what felt like an eternity, but was still too short when it stopped. Sans was the one to break the ‘kiss’, a goofy, lovestruck smile painted across his face. “i don’t even have lips to kiss with, you goofball.” He whispered, causing the two of you to burst into a chorus of giggles.
Needlessly to say, Undyne wasn’t the happiest to learn that you were out canoodling -in a chaste manner- with your new boyfriend instead of checking up on the planet like you were supposed to. She still teases you about it to this day, whenever she spots the two of you sticking to each other like glue.
If you made it this far, I just wanted to say THANK YOU! I’ve wanted to share my work for a while now, and even if this makes one person happy, it would make writing this whole thing worthwhile! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to, well, comment!

In case I don’t tell you enough, I love you.
a letter from sans directed to you, his lover.
it’s been five years since monsterkind was freed from the surface.
it’s been four years since i’ve met you.
it’s april, and i’m still missing you.
maybe it’s stupid of me to miss you considering that i left your house only a few hours ago, and i’m laying in bed writing this on some loose paper i found on my floor while i think of you.
weirdly enough, the silence in my room is now unsettling compared to how calming it used to be. i guess the fan in your room blowing wind on your bed that i’ve yet to see turned off has grown on me. or maybe it’s the rain sounds you always have playing on your tv that clash with the fan that grew on me.
or maybe it’s you that's grown on me.
sometimes when i have a nightmare or i can't sleep i play fan and rain sounds on youtube to help me rest, not even thinking consciously about it anymore. it always just makes me feel like i’m back in bed with you with my eyes closed, waiting for you to come back from the kitchen with the glass of water that you wanted.
i wish that i could sum it up and say i can't find the words to describe how i feel, but that’s a lie. i know exactly how i feel about you.
tracing my phalanges along the little scars and nicks of your skin when i’m next to you never fails to entertain me. neither does running my hand through your hair, or twisting the rings on your fingers, or kissing you quickly for the 1000th time. i never thought i would be fond of that sort of stuff, i never thought i was a guy for any sort of romance.
i guess i just never realized that all i needed was the right person to give it to me. all i needed was you.
i’m not the best writer. even my lab logs from the rare times when i help alphys with her scientific tests are messy and short out. it’s almost like having all these thoughts about you is starting to eat me alive. i guess i have nowhere else to put them but on a piece of paper. if we ever get married one day like i hope we do, i’d like to give this to you. who knows when that will be though, so i guess this letter will just sit in one of my drawers collecting dust until i can give it to you. it kinda sucks to think about the fact that these words might never reach you, but that’s the way life is. it sucks most of the time.
i get this weird sinking feeling in my ribs near where my soul rests sometimes. it’s mostly when i think about how i miss you. sometimes my hand reaches up and brushes up and down my shoulder blade when i’m lying in bed alone, mimicking the motion that your hand does to me all the time when we lay together. i don’t even notice it happens anymore, but when i do and i realize you’re not actually there, that’s when that weird sinking feeling happens. it also happens on the rare thought of you not being in my future one day, even though i know that won't happen. i know you wouldn’t leave me.
i can’t help but wonder what this feeling was before i met you, and why i never got it.
was i just empty all the time?
even though i remember in great detail why my depression was so bad back then, back before i met you, i guess these happy years with everyone have slowly washed away that feeling. i felt so horrible for so long, and i didn’t care to ever try and get better because there was no point back then, but for some reason whenever i try to think of what was there in my life that i had like this, it’s almost numbed away from my memories. it’s like a bad nightmare that got washed away with the morning light.
that’s not to say i’m not thankful and glad i’m doing better now. sure, i’m still working things out, but who isn’t? i don’t think i wouldn’t have ever actually gotten help if it wasn’t for you, though. you’re really the only person who's ever seen me so clearly. i love how i don’t even have to tell you if something is wrong anymore, you just look at me and know. did you know that i’ve never had anyone take the time to notice the small difference between my genuine smile versus my resting and permanent one? the day you pointed that out to me was the day i realized i liked you.
i also thought it would take me a while to realize when i liked someone seriously. i think the last time i ever had a crush was… actually, i can’t remember. in the movies and books, it’s always the same scenario of ‘i like you but i haven’t liked anyone before so i don’t realize i like you until it’s too late’ but that wasn’t the case. i knew the moment i liked you.
it was this odd twinge in me that just kinda sprung throughout my bones. i think it’s the same equivalent of getting butterflies in your stomach, but without a stomach. i noticed your looks before, and i guess this sounds weird to say, but it was like after so long of friendship that i actually… noticed you.
you looked so beautiful, and you still do.
the shock at work and from other people was really funny when they found out we were dating. i don’t think they ever actually thought i’d find someone to settle down with. our friends knew better though. as shocked as our friends tried to act, it was pretty obvious that they were expecting it. i can’t believe it was that obvious that we liked each other.
there’s no big resolution to writing this. i just felt like writing it so that i could share the feelings i feel about you but that i forget to say when we are around each other. it’s not like i can get a single word in with how much you smooch on me though. not that i mind.
it’s not to say that if my puns ever get too much for you, or if you decide that i’m too lazy and you feel like you can’t leave, you can. i just really don’t want you to. i have a strong feeling that you don’t ever want to leave either.
i can’t wait to see how the rest of our lives turn out together. when we move in, get married, and just enjoy each other’s time. i know it’s crazy to hear from me, but i can’t wait to do the dishes with you and put away the laundry as you fold it. i can’t wait to enjoy your company every day one day. i know it’s a bit selfish, but i hope that things stay like this forever.
i hope that you get to read this one day, and in case i don’t tell you enough, i love you.

@aka-indulgence This guy has been running around living in my head rent free all day so please accept this humble offering. I assume she’s telling 100th time that she’s gonn a have to kick him out if he stop starting brawls or something, but he’s too zoned out to hear cos he hasn’t stared at her face in a whole 10mins Also I guess this is my first time oficialy posting… hi skeleton simp tumblr!
Sans the skeleton x Y/N? Please?
Asking for a friend- >.>

here we go! I hope you and your friend like it! I had so much fun making this! Since you didn't specifly what you wanted I just drew gender neutral y/n doing make up for Sans!

Aop 🫢
Sucking his Blue PP aop jump scare!!
HELLOOOO I'm sorry I haven't been uploading in a while but I've been busy with school and other stuff
scent drabbles!
Sans smells like pine and rain
You groan as you lazily smack at the alarm clock on the bedside table. Sweet silence fills the room once you finally manage to hit the snooze button and you consider getting up, for a very brief moment you really did think about it but your skeletal mate clinging on to you destroyed any thoughts of getting up and starting the morning early. You snuggle into him and inhale deeply, his scent has always been so calming. The smell of a rainy day trampling exploring a pine forest filled your senses and you sigh happily.
"heh did you just sniff me?" His voice makes you jump a little and blush in embarrassment.
He looks up at you with a brow bone raised and squinted sockets."Uhm... No?" your voice is a tad meek.
"don't worry I'm not scent out of shape about it." He chuckles and you shake your head at his pun. He pulls you back into him burying your face into the tank top he sleeps in. "it's too early to be up." He whines and you sigh snuggling into him and enjoying the comforting smell pulling you back into sleep.
Papyrus: smells like citrus and clean laundry
You and Papyrus are in the kitchen together eating breakfast. He lovingly made you both pancakes and you happily dug in when the decent sized stack was set in front of you. There was some for his brother sure but he wasn't going to be awake for a few more hours the lazybones. Papyrus worked on the daily crossword puzzle in the newspaper while you munched on pancakes occasionally asking you for advice.
"EIGHT LETTERS, UNWAKBLE STATE" you think about it as you chew.
"Maybe ... Comatose?" He checks it with the spaces and other answers he already has and nods.
"THANK YOU SWEET PEA." You smile at the nickname and stand up to set your plate in the sink.
After you're done you creep up behind him and lean over his shoulder resting yourself against his back as you peer at the crossword. He Nyehs and leans his head against yours. You smooch his cheek and sigh contently before nuzzling into the side of his neck. He smells wonderful like a productive day inside cleaning laundry and munching on freshly peeled oranges.
"Papyrus darling you smell so yummy I could just eat you up" he blushes at your words and you chuckle noticing that the citrus stands out more when he's flustered.
"(Y/N)...DONT DISTRACT ME FROM THE DAILY PUZZLE I MUST KEEP MY MIND SHARP!" You know he doesn't mean that from the way he's pressing himself against you but you chuckle anyways.
"Sorry clementine, I'll let you focus." You smooch his cheek again and he leans into the touch. Heading away from the kitchen to leave him be you decide for once you're actually motivated to get some laundry done.
Red smells like campfire and apple pie
Fellby had called you complaining of the drunken red stating he didn't want his brother to come pick him up and to call you. You sigh and tell Fellby you're on the way. You grumble to yourself the entire way out of your apartment complex and to the bar. Once you make it to the bar you search around and spot Red perched on a barstool dozing off as Fellby stands close to him behind the counter crackling with his fire looking a little brighter than normal.
"Hey fell, m here for him don't worry" you say as you help Red off the bar stool he clings on to you and Fellby does the equivalent of an eye roll before walking off to serve patrons.
"heyy sweetheart, nice ta see ya" he slurs and you sigh bracing his body with yours as you help him stumble to the door.
"Jesus Red the suns not even down yet... Did you and edge have another fight or something?" Red's silent at that and he mumbles something stopping in his tracks."What?"
"i said i love my brother." Guess you hit the nail on the spot.
"Never said you didn't bud... Have you been seeing your therapist?" You get him walking again and he groans as you pry into his personal life.
"yeh e'ry two or so weeks" he huffs and you nod satisfied.You gaze at the stars for a bit as you stumble red back to the apartments and help him do the walk of shame into the elevator.
"Your place or mine?" He looks at you confused. "If you got into a fight it wouldn't be the best look to come home in this state..might set him off again?" You prompt and he nods looking a bit taken aback.
"guess yours then doll thanks for offering." His voice is gruff and there's a slight red hue to his face you brush off as the influence of alcohol.
"It's not problem babe I'm used to babysitting you " you chuckle and lead him to your apartment. He stumbles and collapses on the couch and you go and get him and cup of water from the kitchen.As your setting it on the coffee table he gives you a soft look and you pause to stare at him. You awkwardly look at eachother before he inhales sharply and looks to the side.
"keep me company?" You melt at his request and sit on the floor next to the couch.
"Wanna talk about it?" You prompt and he steels his face slightly, you take that as a no."That's okay... You should sleep this off."He nods in agreement and lays his head back after receiving a small smooch from you,you're sitting pretty close and you can smell his scent coming off of him it's like a fall night eating apple pie with friends around a campfire. You tell him about your day gently as he drifts out into drunken slumber and when you're done you stand up and stretch. These brothers and their emotional constipation, they have to get over it someday. You head to the kitchen intent on using the fresh apples you have to make a pie.
Edge smells like gasoline and cherries
You had ran into Edge in the hallway and had both gotten on the elevator at the same time. Unfortunately for you the elevator decide now would be the perfect moment to break down mid descent and leave you standing awkwardly across from the tall pointy skeleton who's looking more and more stressed with each second.You notice his breath is labored and wonder why he even needs to breathe before noticing he's sweating slightly.
"Hey.. you okay edge?" He looks at you and glares
"I-IM PERFECTLT FINE ITS JUST A LITTLE CRAMPED IN HERE PRINCESS." You would think he would know better than to lie to you at this point. He's obviously in the early stages of panic.
"Hey it's okay we won't be stuck for long... They're probably working on fixing it already" you press the emergency button on the elevator just in case. You sit in tense silence with edge for a bit more before actually sitting on the floor, after a few moments edge follows suit. You smile at him and gently start humming hoping to calm his nerves. He looks at you gently blushing slightly and listening to you hum as his breathing calms. The scent of gasoline dissipates the more you hum leaving the sweet after scent of cherries hanging around and after awhile the elevator springs back to life. Edge scrambles up and away from you to the furthest corner of the elevator and clears his throat.
"THANK YOU... TELL NO ONE YOU SAW THAT." his voice holds a threat to it but you just smile at him and his flushed cheeks.
"Have a good day edge." You hum as you exit the elevator after kissing his cheek now intent on going to the store. You have a craving for cherries now.
Stretch smells like honeysuckle and honey
You sigh as you stretch out further on the couch. Today was lazy Sunday and you decided to spend the day with Stretch and Blue. Blue tried to join in on the tradition but couldn't sit still long enough and left to go about his day. Stretch however matched your laziness twofold so here you two were lazed out in his living room watching some nature documentary on bees.
"hey honey, what do bee's chew?" You think about it for a second before shrugging."bumble gum" he chuckles and you roll your eyes that was awful."what's a bees favorite sport?" You groan hoping this isn't going to be a rest of the day thing.
"I don't know honey bun what?" You coo and he flushes a bit at the nickname but smiles as he sits up in his arm chair.
"Fris-bee." You chuckle at that one and he beams at you proud to have made you laugh.
"Okay Mr comedian no more" you say and he throws up and a okay sign standing up and gesturing for you to move your feet. You do and he sits down so you spread you're feet back over his lap and he sets a hand on your calf rubbing it lightly. You guys enjoy each other's company and eventually you fall asleep to the monotone voice of the speaker on the documentary.
When you wake up you're cuddled to Stretches chest and he's asleep a little bit of orange drool leaking from his mouth. You giggle at the sight.He smells sweet like summer honeysuckle and the regular honey he likes to drink, it reminds you of your childhood and summer days. You nuzzle into him and he pulls you into his hoodie clad ribcage. You drift off back to sleep as you cuddle the clingy skeleton
.Blue smells like mint and snow (stole this one couldn't think of anything lol)
Blue and you bustle around the kitchen as you cook together.
"NOT TOO MUCH SUGAR ANGEL WE DONT WANT IT TO BE TOO LUMPY." Blue reprimands and you halt on pouring in the sugar as he mixes the cookie dough.
It's winter time and you're making sugar cookies to ice and give out to neighbors. Blue and Papyrus had plenty of stuff planned for the winter season and you were invited to join in on them.
"Alright now we let the dough chill for a bit," you hum and set the dough in the fridge. Blue nods and starts to wash up as you head over and wait for your turn. You wash your hands and head to the living room with Blue.
"IM GOING TO TURN ON THE NAPSTATON GYFTMAS SPECIAL! ITS A CLASSIC THIS TIME OF YEAR!" He calls out and you nod. You can't decide if you like Mettaton or Napstaton more but you don't really watch them without the boys so it doesn't really matter in the long run. Blue bounces over to the couch and gets comfortable as he turns on the special he's talking about. He looks at you for a second and there's a sparkle in his eyes a he gives you puppy dog eyes. "CAN I PLAY WITH YOUR HAIR?" You chuckle and nod sitting in between his legs to which he immediately shoves a bony hand in your hair. You lean back into the sensation and let him work out knots and braid and unbraid as you watch the musical drama in front of you. Blue seems content to simply play with your hair and as you lean back you catch a whiff of his scent. He smells like freshly fallen snow and peppermint a nice combination and perfect for these winter days. You find comfort in the scent and sensation of having your hair played with and subconsciously lean into Blues touch as he starts to massage your scalp. Once the shows over you two hope back up and start on rolling out the dough and shaping it. It's a fun time and you and Blue take turns picking out different cookie cutters. You can't wait for more winter days like this to come.
UT,UF,US First Date headcanons!
These were fun to write! I struggle a bit with the Fell brothers but it's good practice to get used to their personal! Hope you guys enjoy ::3
Sans: Somewhere and something comfortable to him. He's a little awkward getting to know people and on a first date he wants to have as many cards in his hand as he can get. So expect to be invited to grillbys or over for dinner if he likes you enough. He's gonna be laying the puns on thick. He normally does when he's comfortable with people too but this is a whole nother level. It's another safe thing to him so hope you like puns and knock knock jokes. If the night goes well and he feels more comfortable he might lay off of them a little and you can see his real smile and laugh. At the end of the night the most he'll do is a hug it might be a little awkward too but hey a hug is a hug.
Papyrus:A nice lunch and an escape room. He gets to share his love of puzzles and what better way to get to know someone than being locked in a room with them trying to bust out? It's a good way to see how well you work together and you can bust out a game of 20 questions while you solve the puzzles around the room. He might get you a flower or a treat he knows you like because Papyrus would know you before hand on a friend level atleast for sure. I could see Paps holding your hand and hugs for sure.
Red:A nice restaurant and a moonlit walk after he loosens up. He's a sweaty nervous guy and has a hard time accepting someone might actually be into him, he likes to flirt but it's all just a game to him so a serious date, he's actually trying and he's nervous. Give him a little bit of time to get used to everything. Expect a lot of avoided eye contact and really bad jokes on the first date. He's pretty smooth when he wants to be so when he finally gains confidence he'll have you swooning and the walk back is filled with comfortable conversation getting to know one another. Give him a smooch on the cheek or lips if you're daring and say goodnight and he'll be thinking about it all night unable to sleep.
Edge: Wine tasting or a Fancy restaurant. Edge has a refined taste and for his first date he's going to go all out pulling out all the stops. He dresses nice, gets you flowers, opens doors, pulls out chairs. Perfect gentlemen. He's definitely not nervous and definitely did not research how to impress a date last night. He's a little awkward to talk to as he doesn't open up easily but he's interested to learn about you and a little bit of wine will open him up slightly. He wants to impress you even if he's a little aloof.
Stretch: Picnic or a Game night at his house. He's another one going for comfort here and he's just not one for big showy things. He's a little awkward and stumbles on his words occasionally but I feel like he warms up pretty fast. He puns a bit especially after meeting the other lazier skeletons but he's more of a practical pranker so there's a few jokes and he also has a fake spider on a string to try and scare you with. I can see him trying to serenade you with his guitar if he feels comfortable enough because he's a dork like that. A kiss on the cheek is the farthest he'll go he's a virgin y'all.
Blue: Scavenger hunting or Geocaching and a sit down dinner. Blue finds these so fun and you guys can enjoy a nice little walk while chatting and then puzzle out where it's hidden together. He feels a sense of accomplishment for each one he finds and has his name signed in a bunch all over the city. After you find it he takes you out to eat to celebrate at a casual sit down restaurant. It's a good time and you spend it getting to know one another over shared food and laughs. He'll take you home afterwards and surprise you with a kiss on the cheek telling you he had a wonderful time.
Hi! This one was fun they're a little short but oh well. I struggled a little but that's part of what made it fun! I have some longer drabbles planned soon so woo look forward to those and enjoy!

Sans: Sans is alright with a little PDA. He's pretty laid back but won't really go farther than small pecks. He doesn't really feel like making out in front of people or anything like that but small quick kisses are okay. If it's a heat of the moment thing and the kiss gets a little heated that's okay just not an everyday thing and he's gonna be super flustered afterwards and beg you to go home. Loves to hold your hand and have you lead him around. Hugs are always welcome with this boy too.
Papyrus: He welcomes PDA and initiates it often in the form of hand holding and forehead kisses as that's the easiest to reach area for him. He loves any affection from you. He won't take it too far in public but it's not like he's gonna shut down some hand holding or a good ole kiss every now and then when you can reach.
Red: He adores PDA he's a pretty insecure fella and PDA is kind of a public announcement of hey this is mine to him he appreciates it a lot. Hand holding, kisses, grabbing/smacking your ass. He won't go too far if you're not comfortable with it. Please initiate some sometime he'll melt y'all.
Edge: Not a big fan. He'll hold hands and do cheek kisses and hand kisses the small stuff but nothing as big as an actual kiss. He's kind of a private person and is still unlearning that he needs to hide moments of softness.
Stretch: He enjoys PDA. Smooches, hand holding, hugs. He won't really initiate past hand holding and some light kissing but he's accepting if you want to go farther. Not like make out level. You might be able to get him worked up enough for that in public but it happens rarely.
Blue: I feel like he initiates it the most I'm going to be honest. He's the most stable and secure in his relationship so he has no problem just smooching ya out of nowhere people around or not. He might push you aside to somewhere more quiet if things get heated as he's not comfortable making out in front of people but long passion filled kisses slip through sometimes. He gets excited easily what can he say.
Morning Makeouts UT Sans x Reader Drabble
This one kind of got away from me a little bit lol. Teetering on nsfw not gonna put it under the cut this time though. Hope you all enjoy!

You awaken not knowing the time or really the date as you stare at the dark ceiling. There's a bony arm wrapped around you bringing your attention to your skeletal mate passed out snoring next to you. You snicker at the tiny bit of blue drool that trails down his jawbone. You snuggle further into his embrace and he makes a snrk sound shifting a little in his sleep before pulling you to his ribcage in a firm hold. You giggle and start poking his face watching the micro movements of the pliable bone before his sockets opened halfway and his white eyelights sleepily look at you.
"Morning supernova~" you coo sweetly and sans smiles like a dope simply staring at you for a second.
"morning starlight, its too early for this was hoping to sleep some snore." You roll your eyes at the pun but still smile
"But I wanna see your beautiful face." You whine and he blushes his eyesockets crinkling at the edges slightly as he runs a hand through your hair.
"eye see well you're looking at me right now babe." You smile and press a kiss to his forehead and then to his cheekbone. He flushes a more vibrant shade of blue as you continue to kiss around his face before you finally meet his teeth in a kiss. You lick his teeth gently and he opens them meeting your tongue with his own. His magic feels refreshingly cool on your heated tongue. You shift so you're on top of him and smile at the image of him underneath you. You gently lift his chin up and capture him in another kiss as your hips start to move against his pelvis. It's gonna be a good morning.
Big Softie UF Sans x Reader
I am actually OBSESSED with soft red he has mentally headlocked me. I want him so bad 🙏 anyways here's another small drabble hope you enjoy.

You hummed softly to yourself as you stood in front of the sink washing the dishes you had let build up over the day. You squeaked in surprise when your hips were grabbed and pulled backwards into the skeleton standing behind you. He moves a hand back to get a handful of your ass and squeezes.
"hey doll, you got an inhaler cause you got that ass ma" You stand in shock for a few seconds before bursting out into laughter and turning around to face your dork of a partner
"Red I think that was the worst one I've heard yet" his eye crinkle and he looks at you as if that's a challenge.
"i heard the word of the day is legs, wanna head to the bedroom and spread the word?" You snort at that one and roll your eyes wrapping your arms around his neck as you gaze up at him."are you a globe because I- mf" you shut him up with a kiss and he melts into it in a quick few seconds. He trys to deepen it but you pull away and he playfully glares at you but his face is slightly flushed.
"You're so handsome," He tenses slightly and stares at you in confusion.
"wha?" You press a kiss to his jawbone.
"And funny," he starts to flush a brighter shade of red as you press a kiss to his cheekbone this time. "And intelligent when you want to be," another kiss and a brighter blush. This continues one for a few more moments before you have your own form of red light glowing in the kitchen as the source of said light basically melts into you. You chuckle as he purrs against you nuzzling into your neck and holding you against him tightly. "I love you." you whisper into the side of his skull and his grip on you tightens.
"sweetheart you make my soul feel complete." He mutters into your neck before placing a kiss there. You sigh contently and rub his spine through his jacket as he leans against you, what a softie.
Legs, Tits, Or Ass with UT,UF,US!
The question of the hour y'all! This one was fun surprisingly I had the most trouble with Blue! Hope you enjoy! Put it under the cut because it was slightly horny then decided to run with it lol

Sans: Legs, 100%. There's just something about them that gets him going. He wants to massage your feet and kiss your ankles before being buried in your thighs as he eats you out. Squish his skull between those legs he loves it. Is one for more gently caressing them with a loving look but bites on occasion.
Papyrus: This is a tough one Papyrus would definitely be one to say personality and that's true but if it came down to it boobs. He likes how squishy they are and enjoys watching them bounce as he fucks into you.
Red: Ass. Assman all the way. He can't get enough it's so squishy and jiggly and he's hypnotized literally anytime you walk by him. Holds the door for you just so he can see you walk in front of him. A chromic ass slapper no NOT turn around or bend over in front of him unless you're ready to get that thang smacked. Will turn himself on simply from watching your ass as you walk around and pull you into the nearest closet/teleport home to work off some steam. This happens at least once a day where he gets himself too horny. Has tons of pictures of you bent over. He's pretty quick and perch with his camera. If hate to watch them go love to watch them leave was a person. He
Edge: Legs! He enjoys something about legs and thinks they have a certain elegance to them. Long legs, short legs, thick or thin. He's an enjoyer of the legs and loves to mark your legs up with his sharp fangs. Enjoys having your legs wrapped around him or over his shoulders most though. He likes seeing all the different positions he can move them into while having sex.
Stretch: Boobs. He likes the squish as well and enjoys watching them bounce and move naturally. If you have some he'll treat them like a stress ball and absentmindedly squeeze them while doing others things. He enjoys watching them bounce when you ride him. Also a huge nipple teaser he likes to latch on with his teeth and pull gently.
Blue: Boobs! Also a boobs man he loves how squishy and jiggly they are. He likes to nibble on them and enjoys the squish between his teeth. Expect your chest to be full of bite marks if he has access to it. Likes seeing the different ways he can make them bounce with the different positions. He likes cumming on your chest and watching it drip down. He enjoys laying his head on them as a pillow and listening to your heartbeat.
Um hello, could I request Undertale Sans relationship headcanons with a female half angel half human reader? Sfw and nsfw, please and thank you! Hope you have a great day.
Hi! Thanks so much for being my first request I got so excited I had to tell my whole family as soon as I saw this in the inbox lol. I don't know a lot about angels but I had fun with this! I hope you enjoy ::3 NSFW under the cut!

•Sans loves your wings he thinks they're gorgeous and would love to help you preen if you're comfortable with it, he's gentle and can reach all the spots that are hard for you to get to.
•He loves seeing you in white and gold, he thinks it makes you look even more angelic and it's a quick way to have him staring at you with a blush and dopey smile until you mention it to him and he busts out the angel puns.
•He enjoys having your arms and wings wrapped around him when hugging or cuddling. It makes him feel extra loved.
•PLEASE take this man out flying to see the stars. It's the perfect date idea and it's probably the closest to the stars he's ever been. Quick way to get this man to think of marriage lol.(Okay this is so cute I gotta write a small drabble ur being blessed today)
You chuckle as Sans clings to you.His face pressed against your chest. Currently you're flying over Ebott city with your bonefriend in your arms taking him to a supposedly special date you had set up. You called out to tell him you're almost there, having to yell over the wind howling. Once you escape the city and more importantly the light pollution you yell for Sans to look up. He does and his eyelights expand to almost fill out his sockets. His grin falters and he looks shocked before his entire face lights up. You think he says something but his baritone voice is hard to hear over the wind. He reaches a hand up as if he could reach out and touch the stars. You chuckle again and he says something else so you yell that you can't hear him. He leans up in your embrace and says in your ear
"i love you starlight" you smile as he kisses your cheek. He watches the stars as you approach as hill and land, the next few hours are spent stargazing with sans as he points out constellations and tells space puns.
•He has a dreamcatcher made with your feathers. He kept a few after helping you preen once and after finding out what dreamcatchers were he thought it would be a nice reminder of you when you're not around.
•He gets worried about hurting your wings a lot when boning so he normally prefers for you to ride him, he also really enjoys the scene of you cumming on his cock your wings stretching to their full glory from the orgasm. It's a sight to see.
•The uncommon position switch normally has you in doggy style. There was one time where Sans came so hard he grabbed onto the scapulars(base) of your wings to brace himself. He thought it was extremely hot to use them as handlebars but was so worried he had hurt you.
•Body worship, it just feels right for him to worship you a little. You're just so angelic and perfect to him he wants to do all of it kissing up your legs, massaging your back and wings, running his fingers through your hair as he kisses you. He just loves you so much and he's going to make sure you feel how much he does. It's one of the few times he really puts effort into something.
•Feather play, Imagine him dragging your own feather across your thighs and teasing your nipple with the tip of one as he squeezes your other breast. Sometimes he'll just tickle you during sex, pelvis deep inside you and this man has a feather tickling your sides cause he thinks your laugh is hot.
S/O falling asleep on him UT,UF,US
Sans: He does this all the time to you. Doesn't really mind and will pull you close making sure you're nice and comfy before taking a nap himself. He loves this if it's a common occurrence.
Papyrus: Depends on how common the occurrence is. If it's an all the time thing he'll let you nap 30 minutes tops before he has to get up and do something. If you're just super tired it's more like an hour and a half because he's a little worried and you probably nodded off mid activity with him.
Red:Pulls you close and might grab the squishy bits a little "on accident" but he's not gonna really perv you up in your sleep unless you're into that. So he settles for some nice cuddles, running his fingers through your hair, dedicating every facial feature to memory, thinking how lucky he is you chose him.
Edge: Thinks it's cute and will hold you for a while gently tracing shapes in your skin, he has a scheduled day though and stuff to do so he'll gently move you off and let you continue napping while he goes about his business.
Stretch:Oh he loves this, lazy days with you are great. He snuggles up with you curling up around you and def squeezes the squishy bits and probably leaves his hands there as he's cuddling. He falls asleep pretty quick and sleeps pretty good which he's thankful for.
Blue: Thinks you're adorable and takes a picture of you and then you two together. The latter becomes his phone background. He works on editing some videos for his work so he can feel productive and his phone is full of those ad games ,he can't help himself when he sees them especially puzzle ones. He doesn't start fidgeting after a bit and accidentally wakes you up at some point.
Clumsy SO getting hurt UT,UF,US
Sans: Bro is not very good at dealing with injuries. He can bandaid it up for you and distract you from the pain with puns and jokes. Once it keeps happening he definitely teases you about it on occasion and has a few puns in store for when you trip or bump into things.
Papyrus: Handles it rather well. He's used to dealing with injuries while training and such with Undyne and the others. He patches you up and gives you a monster candy while looking around and seeing how he can secure the area so it's easier for you to navigate.
Red: He's used to patching himself and his brother up from their underground so his instincts kick in and he's straight to work at patching you up. He's reprimanding you while he does it asking how it happened and calling you stupid but he's just worried. Once it keeps happening he starts laughing a bit before helping you.
Edge: Also a great one at dealing with the injuries because of his training and position in the guard. He deals with it well and is worried at first but when it keeps happening he reprimands you. He does get a chuckle out of the more comical situations sometimes like you tripping over your own feet. He trys to stay close to you so he can catch you or move you out of the way of stuff.
Underswap:Stretch: He's a little clumsy himself so he knows how to take care of small scrapes and stuff. Not too panicked and keeps a level head while he's helping you out. Probably jokes about it and it becomes and inside joke between you two at some point with how often you guys get hurt from your clumsiness.
Blue: Used to Stretch's clumsiness and helping him, because Stretch constantly forgets to carry around supplies Blue does on occasion for him and will alot more for you. He's pretty good at helping you and also likes to stay close to make sure you don't get hurt more often holding your hand to lead you around. He kisses your scrapes and bruises all better too.
How they act when crushing UT,UF,US!
This one was fun I might do a part 2 eventually because I love how people change their behavior while crushing on someone think next is gonna be confession head canons or a drabble. Anyway requests are open! Just wanted to put that out there I love getting them ::> and I'm pretty open to writing most things I love getting different inspo from different people. Anyways I'm done rambling hope y'all enjoy!

Undertale: Sans: Trys to make you laugh as much as possible. He loves hearing your laughter and is super proud when he can get you to full on laugh with his shitty jokes. He's a daydreamer and often daydreams about you when it's slow at work or he's in bed alone. He won't admit how nice he sleeps when he sees you in his dreams. You motivate him to get out of bed easier on days he gets to see you so that's a plus
Papyrus: He likes to be around you as much as he can. Like doing menial things together?? Oh you have a doctor's appointment, sure why don't I come and we get lunch afterwards. He just likes spending time with you! "Accidentally" making too much food for meals so he has a reason to see you and make sure you're eating something.
Red: Heavy denial before reluctantly accepting. He's a flirty guy he thinks it's all fun and games until he's thinking about you at 3 am with a blush in his face imagining a future and doing cute relationship things with you. He knows he's fucked. He doesn't really believe someone would like him so from his perspective it's one sided attraction all the way and that hurts. He still flirts but it kinda hurts him inside too. Teasing himself with something he thinks he'll never have. He doesn't distance himself but he's a bit rougher maybe trying to scare you off a tad.
Edge: Denial worse than his brother. He doesn't have time for crushes or anything of the sort. It's improbable that he does like you that way anyways it's just a passing attraction he simply likes the way you say his name, and the way your legs look when you walk and stretch out, and oh … He's fucked. He'll continue to deny it to himself until someone ,most likely his brother or his version of Undyne, points it out. Then he's trying to hide it, trying to play it off. The passing touches he lets linger too long, how even though his days are scheduled he still somehow ends up running into you occasionally.
Stretch:We got another daydreamer and he's 50/50 with risque and wholesome daydreams. He finds any excuse to touch you and let's the touches linger. He's flirty and loves if you flirt back, kind of easy to fluster flushing a gorgeous marigold shade as he nye he he's. He invites you over for gaming or movie nights, wanting to share his interests with you and find some shared interests in shows and such. He definitely has written a song about you that he keeps hidden in a folder in his closet. There's a doodle of you on the back of the page and he's a little embarrassed of it.
Blue: He can tell when he likes someone like that he's pretty intune with his emotions. He likes to hang around you taking time out of his day and dedicating it specifically to you. He writes you little notes and reminders and hides them around your space to find, knows where you hide when you're sad and hides a bunch there. He blogs about you on occasion never mentioning your name but simply writing about you. He likes to find two player games for you two to play together mainly team working puzzle ones.
Confessing headcanons UT,UF,US!
This is not my favorite so far. Oh well though my internets spotty and I wanted to get something out while I know I have some. Reds is by far my favorite I love him sm. As always hope you enjoy!

Sans: It'd have to be you confessing. Sans has his insecurities and doubts and they would hold him back from confessing. He might make hints more known like more flirty jokes than normal and he's a bit more protective of you but he won't outright confess when crushing. If he does it's accidental and happens because he got too comfortable. He probably whispered it or said it too quite to hear all the way and you have to ask him to repeat himself. Que a joke while sweating.
If confessed to: He's a little shocked, are you…sure? He doesn't know what to say all jokes he's ever learned slip out the holes in his skull lost to the void. You probably have to break the silence by repeating yourself or assuring him you mean it and he tears up slightly. He never expected you'd actually like him back he's a little overwhelmed just let him ride it out and you can cuddle and kiss his tears away afterwards.
Papyrus: Very likely to confess first. He's a straightforward man he knows he's got feelings he's gonna share them! He plans it all out and definitely looks up a wikiHow or some other manual on the perfect date just because it helps him feel better prepared. He'd wait till a lull in the activities to confess maybe after dinner or after a movie. He's nervously waiting for your response but he's just happy he finally let you know how much he truly cares for you.
If confessed to: He's overjoyed!! He'll reciprocate and give you a big hug maybe a smooch on the cheek. He basically sweeps you away and says you have to celebrate with a date. He definitely takes a picture to celebrate this man scrapbooks.
Red: This dude confessing? Yeah right he believes he has absolutely zero chance with anyone and feels like that would be setting himself up for the ultimate failure. He's happy to live with his delusions and daydreams thank you very much. That doesn't stop accidents from happening and he might have said something a little too sweet about you. Something about how much he loves your laugh or something about your smile or eyes. He's sweating hoping you didn't catch it. He might even teleport out if your reaction is big enough.
If being confessed to: He's actually a little angry and defensive at first. He thinks you're playing a prank on him he doesn't understand. Out of everyone why him he's a piece of shit, pervert, couldn't raise his brother right, can't do anything right… He starts spiraling. Reassure him maybe with some light physical touch it'll help ground him. He'll calm down and play it off but keep showing you're interested and he'll come around.
Edge: Hes pretty straightforward with it all. He thinks that's the best way to get it done. He invites you over for a home cooked meal because why settle for less than the best when he's trying to impress someone. Not that he should have to try to impress you he naturally does he reminds himself to ease his anxiety. He's definitely not extremely anxious over this whole thing. He presents the meal to you and takes compliments in pride they also help soothe this anxiety. Once the meals over he'll confess offering you your favorite flowers. He's blushing a carmine red and is struggling to maintain eye contact.
If confessed to: Takes it in stride. Of course you would have affections for someone as great and terrible as him. He's blushing and screaming internally but don't point out the blush or he'll deny it and sweep you away. He declares since you're in a relationship it's important you stay by his side so other monsters know not to mess with you. He likes feeling like he's protecting you even if it's just being in your company.
Stretch:He's worked himself up for this hella. He's a little nervous because if he's actually into you it's a whole nother ballpark. He's a bit of a flirt that's for sure but he's not used to anything besides flirting and lustful glances and stuff romance is something else entirely. He sets up a cute scenario maybe finds a way to play you his guitar because he's a dork and he'll stutter a bit while confessing.
If being confessed to: Is super happy and sweeps you into a hug. This takes the pressure off of him to do it and he's honestly flattered someone would confess to him. Impressed you had the balls to do what he was struggling with. He wants to celebrate with a game night at his house and he excitedly tells his brother what happened that night.
Blue: He's got it all planned out. He asks you on a date he'll know you'll be most comfortable on and actually enjoy. Dresses up slightly and gets you one of your favorite flowers. The date goes smoothly and he confesses at the end when taking you home after telling you he had a goodnight. He hopes you'll accept and if you do you get a cheek kiss and a very happy Blue. He definitely blogs about it later on
If being confessed to: He's impressed you beat him to he, he's quick with it once he realizes you return his affections. He happily accepts and smooches your cheek while pulling you into a hug. A sleepover is a must and he invites you back home so he can cook dinner and you guys can have an at home date.
S/O with depression and old sh scars UT,UF,US!
This can be a triggering subject so fair warning to y'all, nothing explicit is mentioned. This is a little self indulgent and they're pretty similar I'm not going to lie but I tried to add a least a little uniqueness to each one. If you are struggling with mental health know you're not alone and this will pass. It will get better you just have to hold out hope as hard as that is and people really care about you including me ::3 anyways hope y'all enjoy!

Sans: He gets it, he sees your scars and understands. Maybe not exactly what you've experienced but he understands enough. He shows you the odd scar he's given himself as he was never big on physical harming himself. On bad days he gets off his ass to make sure you atleast have something to eat, most likely takeout and after that's taken care of he snuggles up with you to vegetate out. He makes you promise and in return promises to talk about mental health more especially if it gets worse. He brings up his own problems more hoping it'll get you to do the same and vent to him.
Papyrus: He's hurting inside when he sees your scars. He's dealt with sans depression but this is a whole nother ballpark to him as sans never really self harmed. He gently runs over your scars and reassures you that he doesn't think any less of you. He checks up on your mental health alot and makes sure you're taking care of yourself. He helps out around the house with chores and such when you're having a particularly bad day and caters to your needs whether that be snacks or cuddles. He likes to journal with you and has you state at least 3 good things that happen every day, focusing on the positive is key your conscious becomes your subconscious and the goal is to get you to think more positively!
Red: He's also hurting inside when seeing your scars. Red understands he has scars of his own that he shows you. He holds you close and kisses every scar he can find telling you they don't determine your worth and letting you know how beautiful you are. He gets worried and checks your wrists and thighs while you sleep sometimes. He knows how hard it is to ask for help so he offers it most of the time. When having a bad day he makes sure you're taken care of. Cuddled up in all the blankets and pillows in the house while he dotes on you like mother hen. He trys to help you find other ways to cope, one of his biggest ones is music and he creates personal playlists for you for when you're in your moods.
Edge: He freezes up upon seeing the scars. Edge is a protector he protects what's his, how is he supposed to protect you from yourself? He gently glides his finger over the scars as if they were simply dust he could wipe away. He reassures you and makes you promise to him that you'll come to him before it comes to this again. When having rough days he steps up, sets his scheduled day to the side, and takes care of all the chores around the house while simultaneously taking care of you. He makes sure you take care of yourself on a day to day basis basing his routine around you brushing your teeth together, changing clothes, eating meals. He just likes making sure you're taken care of even if he has to be there himself for it to happen.
Stretch: A little distraught upon seeing your scars. He has them too and he hates knowing you felt it was even an option. He kisses your scars and shows you his albeit a little embarrassed himself. It's a moment of shared tears and reassurances. When having a bad day he cuddles up with you wherever you decide to lay and does his best to distract you with games and cuddles. He doodles little butterflies and hearts over your scars. He likes to draw little doodles when you're upset hoping they'll cheer you up. Some of them are silly and stick doodles like his brother as a cowboy and some are more well done like ones of you. He even has a small comic going of him and his brother as superheros saving the person in distress( aka you).
Blue: He internally freaks out upon seeing your scars. He went through this with his brother and seeing them immediately sends off alarms in his head. He asks if you're alright and gently looks over your scars dedicating each one to memory so he'll know if a new one shows up. He premakes you meals and texts you throughout the day if he's busy to check up on you or simply give you updates on his day. It's alright if you aren't feeling up to responding he'll still message if left on seen or delivered and knows you're just struggling right now.On bad days he cuddles you close and takes the day off of any previous activities he had to keep you company. He'll plan small easy activities for you two to do together so he knows you're getting some enrichment besides doom scrolling and sleeping.
hey!! i see youve been posting about the sanses a bunch and i was wondering if you could write some cuddling headcanons? im mostly here for UF Sans but u can write for all 3 of them too if you prefer :o] whatever you want really
Hi thanks so much for requesting! I absolutely can do that for you I loved writing these so much, Red is absolutely one of my favorites he's sm fun to write I did end up doing all three cause why not ::3 Anyways I hope you enjoy!!

•Red is a clinger he loves touching you in any form and capacity and cuddling means he can press your bodies as close together as he wants.
•He's can big or little spoon both works for him. When he is big spoon he likes curling up around you holding you to his chest. It's reassuring, but ohhh when you hold his head to your chest and gently rub his skull and wrap yourself around him? He melts he loves being the little spoon it makes him feel safe and loved.
•He runs warm so I hope you're ready for some heated cuddles. He likes to run his hands up your sides and trace little pictures into your skin and his hand is always nice and warm when he does.
•Red gets a bit touchy while cuddling but that's part of the experience, he won't do it if you're uncomfortable with it too. Just squeezing your soft bits or more teasing touches if you seem into it. He doesn't even do it in a lewd way at first he just likes touching you but then his thoughts catch up with his actions.
•Sleep cuddler all the way, he loves being close to you in his sleep and him seeing you by his side when he wakes up from nightmares always helps calm him down.
•PURRING, I am obsessed with them being able to purr this man specifically. Imagine falling asleep with him in your arms while you can feel the vibrations of his purr on your chest. Be proud he feels safe and loved enough to be able to do that!
Small drabble because why not:
Today was not a good day for Red, everything that could go wrong seemed to and it had left him on edge waiting for the next awful thing to happen. You being the dutiful partner as always noticed his mood change 5 minutes into him coming home and called him over to the couch.
"What's wrong baby?" You ask gently looking at the skeleton in front of you. His shoulders are tense and he's looking at the ground his usual smile strained.
"nothing ta worry your pretty lil head over doll, jus a bad day." He grumbles out and you frown. You reach over and gently take his arm he looks up from the floor to stare at you in confusion as you gently pull him forward. He follows your lead and eventually the skeleton is sitting on your lap as you wrap your arms around him. His shoulders drop from their scrunched place and he looks into your eyes as if searching for something. After a second he seems satisfied and lowers his head to your shoulder resting it in the crook of your neck.
"It's okay," you say softly as you trace his spine through his jacket, he sighs contently and nuzzles into your neck cuddling close you"This will pass, it's just a bad day and it will come to an end and tomorrow we'll do better " you continue to reassure him as you rock him gently back and forth. You make no comment on your shoulder wettening or his hold on you tightening and simply hold your bonefriend close, hoping to be a comforting rock for him in tough times like these.
Undertale: Sans
•He likes to cuddle has no preference on little or big spoon besides little spoon requires less work and he likes that. He likes to hold and be held so it depends on whatever mood you're in.
•His cuddles are almost always sleepy and even if you aren't he's feeling nice and relaxed enough he'll probably be passed out within ten minutes.
•One of his favorite positions is him on his back and you resting your head on his ribcage, he'll run his hands through your hair or trace small hearts and doodles on your back.
•Likes to use your squishy bits as pillows especially your legs, he'll wrap his arms around your thighs and burry his face there and be out like a light within the next few minutes.
Underswap: Blue
•Blue likes big spoon the best because it makes him feel bigger and like he's protecting you. He doesn't hate little spoon though and actually one of his favorite places to be in general is pressed into your chest.
•Another big purrer, his purr is loud and proud and he does it often when around you, especially while cuddling because he feels so safe and content.
•For videos where he doesn't have to show his face he likes having you sitting in his lap with his arms caging you in as he plays. He likes having you close to him while he works and plus a little extra motivation of having your partner in smooching distance for when you beat a hard boss is always nice. He likes having you sit like this for multiplayer games too.
•When cuddling he'll get the random urge to bite you and normally follows through with it by nibbling on your neck as he pins you down either with his body on top of you or arms wrapped around your waist. He attributes it to a form of cuteness aggression and being around you that close sets it off in him.
Haii!! I love your works and was wondering if I could request underfell sans and horrortale sans (if horrortale is okay) with a goth reader? Nothing in particular really! (Sorry if this is bad English isn't my first language 😅)
Hi thanks for requesting! This request came in perfect timing I had actually just decided today I was gonna start writing the HorrorTale bros as I finally feel I have a decent grasp of how I want their personalities! Also your English was great and I could understand perfectly, thanks so much for requesting hope you enjoy!

•Upon first meeting he isn't phased he's a little intrigued and definitely lays the dark and gothic puns on heavy hoping to get a reaction.
•He thinks the makeup style is interesting and likes seeing what you can pull off with the limited colour palette.
•He also thinks some of the dances are pretty goofy and some are sexy. He loves watching you dance around to your music though. Please do and he might get you to try and teach him some of the ones he thinks are goofy.
•He doesn't mind the music it's not his favorite genre but he won't complain when it's on. Overtime he actually finds a few favorite songs and mumbles along to the lyrics when they're played.
•He loves walking around in public when you're all dressed up. This walking smoking hot dark and mysterious person and then there's him in house slippers and a hoodie that hasn't been washed in weeks. Definitely makes the scary dog privilege joke quite a bit.
HorrorTale: Axe
•Upon first meeting he's super quiet and doesn't talk much as he's a tad anxious around new people but your style makes you stick out to him so he starts to remember you faster.
•He digs the makeup style thinks it's the perfect mix of sexy and spooky. He likes to watch you put it on as it's sort of soothing to him and he thinks the process is neat.
•Loves goth music, the instruments normally used in it are pleasing to his non-existent ears and he really likes when you play some. He's sensitive to certain sounds and certain music gives him headaches.
•He likes the outfit style too and likes to help you pick out accessories and outfits if you want his opinion on such, he's a quiet guy so it's mostly gonna be three word sentences occasionally but you can trust him to be honest about his opinion.
•Out in public you're a power couple walking down the street both dark and mysterious looking. The weak of heart steer clear of you guys when you're out and about having fun that's for sure.
SO on period UT,UF,US,HT!
Ive had this sitting in my notes for awhile wasn't super proud of it still ain't but I wanted to post something, I just had to slap the HT brothers on and boom new post.
Also I've been wanting to write swapfell but I don't know the difference between that and fellswap or really their personalities cause it's so different for each fanfic so if someone could pls explain 🙏
Anyways here y'all go hope you enjoy!

Sans: I feel like sans is pretty knowledgeable so you didn't have to explain it to him. He takes it pretty maturely it's a natural part of life. The puns the horrible puns. He has so many specifically for this time of the month. He's always got your comfort snack on hand in his jacket pockets. He doesn't really change much he'll get off his ass if you ask him to but he sticks by your side mostly and lazes out cuddled with you while watching shows. Pretty good at getting products and snacks you might like he likes to get you some new snacks to try with him and he's good at guessing what you might like.
Papyrus: This man is prepared. After you tell him what it is he researches it and WOWIE he wishes he just asked you to explain but now he's over prepared with knowledge! He has hot water bottles and weighted blankets at the ready. Any snacks you want, heck you want a whole meal? He's on it and it's prepared with extra love. He carries around your products for you and always has pain medicine in his bags. Pretty good at picking them up from the store too and has no shame getting them.
Red: You gotta explain it to him and this man is bewildered for a bit. ya bleed from there for how long??? every month?! He's a little impressed?? Last he checked humans weren't supposed to lose huge amounts of blood but you're treating it like it's a normal thing. After he gets over his initial shock he'll try and help the best he can which is a little awkwardly. He makes a little nest for you out of blankets and pillows and makes sure you're comfortable. He and his magic run warm so he'll lay on your stomach and cuddle to help with cramps, pet his head and he might purr. He's pretty confused about products def one to send Babe what's your pussy size.
Edge: He's aware, he's done his research on his own when you were ovulating about the human "mating cycle". Not a fun experience but he takes it in stride. He listens to what you need and trys to deliver. Massages for sore muscles and heating pads for cramps. He'll make you comfort food while you relax watching a show and join you afterwards for some cuddles. He's pretty good at getting products for you and takes the ones you like into consideration but he's always looking for better healthier alternatives for you.
Stretch: Knows about it (blue taught him when he found out and Stretch showed interest in humans)and is a little awkward(traumatized from the talk with Blue). Hate to say it Stretch doesn't really know what to do he's not grossed out he just doesn't know how to handle it. He tries his best to be comforting giving snacks, heating pads, and cuddles. He's so awkward going to the store to get products plays it cool but has no idea what he's doing and definitely gets the wrong thing after his mind blanks while staring at all the products for too long. You just gotta train him he'll get better.
Blue: Also knows and he's handling it alot better. He takes it in stride and understands the biggest part is you're uncomfortable and he's going to do his best to help with that. He takes care of chores you don't want to do, makes you comfort meals, and always has a heating pad ready. Has so many two player comfort games lined up for you guys, he has stuff to do but most of his work stuff can be done at home! Which means he'll just be a shout away if you need anything . Pretty good at getting products and is one to carry some around in his bag just in case when you guys go out.
Axe: You have to explain it to him… Multiple times. He's confused as to why you smell like blood, he likes the smell but he's confused for a bit until he writes a note about it. He will not remember which products to get unfortunately. He's so confused staring at them you'll have to instruct him very clearly over a call and he still probably grabs the wrong one. Cuddles are supreme he's a giant so he'll engulf you in his form and his purrs practically shake your whole body. It's like a free massage chair whenever you want. He sticks closer by your side during this time of month knowing blood means your wounded and his protective urges flare up.
Willow: You'll also have to explain it to him and he's extremely worried when he smells blood. Even more so when he learns how long you bleed, he knows how much blood a human can loose and it worries him you're losing so much. After you explain it's a normal thing and a part of life he calms down slightly. He cleans and cooks a lot when stressed or worried so you constantly have something to munch on and you don't have to worry about any chores. He stays over stocked up on supplies, he doesn't like going out in public very often but for this he will because he deems it important enough. It's why he stocks up so much when he goes out. Mother hens over you hard and you might have to pull him into cuddles to get him to relax for a bit.