cluelessteam - Chris-Halliwell_Lover

I will write whatever and whoever to the best of my ability {~Please give me requests~}

41 posts

Charmed: Chris' Identity Is Discovered {~Chapter 1~}

Charmed: Chris' Identity is Discovered {~Chapter 1~}

Charmed: Chris' Identity Is Discovered {~Chapter 1~}

Summary: The Phoenix Clan is after Chris, and the sisters are trying to help. But there are many questions that they need answering. How long can Chris keep his identity a secret? [Before Chris-Crossed]

Characters: Charmed Ones, Bianca, Chris, Leo

Pairing: No Pairing

Warnings: Angst, Heartbreak

Word Count: 757


'Chris!' He scoffed as he heard the familiar noise of his family, no, his charges calling him. He groaned and orbed to the Halliwell manor. He landed in the attic and saw Piper, Phoebe, Paige, and Leo in the room. Baby Wyatt was also playing with his toys in the playpen by the door.

"Hey." He said, using a neutral expression.

"Hey, Chris," Phoebe said with a smile on her face. He smiled back at her warm expression.

"Chris, have you ever heard of this..." Paige glanced down at the book, "Phoenix?" She asked, getting straight to the point. She always liked that about his Aunt. No messing around, just getting straight to the matter at hand.

Oh god. "No." He lied. "Why do you ask?" He said, curiosity getting the better of him. The three sisters looked at one another. He frowned.

"Has something happened? Are they after you? Wyatt?" Chris said, his voice rising in pitch and volume with every word. He suddenly felt a hand on his shoulder, he quickly turned and saw Leo. Damn, I forgot he was here. But, hey, it wasn't the first time and it won't be the last.

"Don't worry Chris, they aren't after the girls, Wyatt," He started. "Or me for that matter." He added bitterly remembering that Chris had not taken the time to worry about him.

"Well, then why have you called me?" He asked, a little irritated as he had better things to be doing than sitting around here chatting about useless crap. Once again they all looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

"For heaven's sake! What is it?" Chris said, his mouth forming a hard line.

"They are after you," Piper said, boldly. Before Chris could react, Piper explained further. "Look, they are a group of witch assassins, with demon-like powers. Energy balls, shimmering, the works. But don't worry about this Chris. We will stop them before they have even had the chance." Piper finished, with a confident look on her face.

Chris smiled at his mother, always protecting others before herself.

"Thank you, Piper," Chris said, but then he frowned when he realized something. "Hang on, how do you know they were after me in the first place?" He asked.

Phoebe opened her mouth to explain, but Leo beat her to it.

"They came here, Chris, to the manor. Looking for you." Leo said, with a small amount of worry. Chris found this slightly awkward. Oh finally starting to care. Only 22 years later

"I got a bruise and a small cut out of the deal but I'm fine. Leo healed me." Piper said, with a smile. Why is she smiling?

"You were hurt, why didn't you call me?" Chris whined.

"Firstly, Chris, you can't heal. And secondly, the witches were after you. It isn't the smartest thing to do is to just hand you over to them, as their next snack!" Piper exclaimed.

He looked down, knowing full well that she was right.

"Well, thank you," Chris said, a little reluctantly. "But wait, if they are after me. I can't be near you guys. I don't want you to get hurt because of me." He said.

Phoebe smiled. "Chris, we are the Charmed Ones. It's kinda what we do. You know, protect the innocent. That just so happens to be our Whitelighter."

He frowned and moved towards the Book of Shadows.

"Can I look at that entry?" He asked, no one in particular in the room.

"Sure." Paige moved out of the way, so he could see the entry and the birthmark he had seen on multiple occasions. He frowned slightly. Bianca. God, she would be like 5/6 years old now.

"I need to find out why these people are after me. It says here they never stop until they have killed or captured their bounty." He claimed he didn't even need to look in the book for that. He already knew full well, their M.O.

The three girls nodded in unison. Leo heard a jingle and looked up. Piper's whole body instantly sagged. Leo looked at Piper.

"You said, you would spend time with Wyatt today," Piper said, with irritation.

"No, Piper. I said I would try. I'm sorry but I really need to go." He looked around at Chris. "Good luck, and try to keep me updated." He added.

"Sure," Chris replied. Why would he care?

Leo looked once more adoringly at his son and wife. No. His ex-wife. And orbed up to the heavens.

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More Posts from Cluelessteam

1 year ago

Eternal Harmony: {~Whispers of the Future~}

Eternal Harmony: {~Whispers Of The Future~}

Summary: Y/N's ordinary life takes a supernatural twist when they encounter the mysterious Cullen family in Forks. Immersed in a world of eternal love and trials, Y/N becomes a vital part of the Cullens' immortal story. Guided by Alice's visions and Jasper's wisdom, they face cosmic threats and navigate the complexities of supernatural existence. The story unfolds through eclipses of emotions and trials, culminating in a dawn where enduring bonds and love echo through the ages—a forever-bound journey in the supernatural realm.

Characters: The Cullen family

Pairing: Jasper x Reader x Alice

Warnings: No Warnings

Word Count: 522

Chapter 3 --- Chapter 4

The meadow, bathed in the soft glow of the waning sunlight, felt like a sanctuary frozen in time. The rustling leaves overhead created a gentle symphony, and the distant murmur of the hidden stream added a soothing undertone to the atmosphere. As the Cullen family gathered, the air buzzed with an anticipation that transcended the boundaries of mortal understanding.

Alice, with her radiant smile, gestured towards Y/N. "Let me share some glimpses of the future with you." Her eyes unfocused for a moment, and the air seemed to shimmer with unseen visions. "I see moments, threads of destiny woven into the tapestry of time," she mused, her words carrying an ethereal quality.

Images flashed before Y/N's eyes—scenes of shared laughter, moments of profound connection, and challenges yet to unfold. It was as if the very fabric of destiny unfolded before them, revealing a path intricately intertwined with the fates of the Cullen family.

Edward, his golden eyes reflecting the wisdom of centuries, leaned in. "Alice's visions guide us, warn us. They are the whispers of the future."

Jasper, attuned to the emotions in the air, added, "We navigate the complexities of immortality with the knowledge that Alice provides. It's both a gift and a responsibility."

Y/N, caught between the allure of the supernatural and the weight of newfound knowledge, couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. "What do these visions reveal about me?" they inquired, their gaze shifting between the members of the Cullen family.

Alice's eyes met Y/N's with an intensity that seemed to pierce through the veil of reality. "Your presence is a catalyst for change, a divergence in the timeline that brings both challenge and growth. Embrace the uncertainty, for it is the very essence of our existence."

The meadow fell into a contemplative silence, each member of the Cullen family lost in their thoughts. The whispers of the future lingered in the air, leaving an indelible mark on the unfolding narrative.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the meadow, Carlisle, the patriarch, spoke with a measured tone. "Y/N, you're now a part of a family that spans generations. Our lives are intertwined in ways that go beyond the ordinary bonds of kinship. Embrace the journey, for it is both unique and eternal."

Esme, with a gentle smile, added, "You've entered a world where love knows no bounds. Each member of this family contributes to the melody that defines our existence."

The Cullens, standing in a tableau against the fading light, seemed to embody the duality of their existence—immortal beings navigating the intricacies of life, love, and destiny.

As the meadow embraced the tranquil stillness of the night, Y/N couldn't help but feel a profound sense of gratitude. The whispers of the future had unveiled a path shrouded in mystery, and with each passing moment, the threads of their destiny wove tighter, creating a tapestry that spanned both time and eternity. Little did Y/N know that the choices made in the coming days would echo through the ages, shaping the very fabric of their immortal existence.

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1 year ago

Ethereal Bonds: {~Facing the Ultimate Evil~}

Ethereal Bonds: {~Facing The Ultimate Evil~}

Summary: Y/N is transported into the show's world, joining forces with the Winchesters to face a cosmic threat. Together, they navigate interdimensional challenges, decipher prophecies, and confront an entity aiming to merge realities. The fanfic explores the blurring of fiction and reality, emphasizing the enduring bonds formed amidst the supernatural chaos.

Characters: Sam & Dean

Pairing: No Pairing

Warnings: No Warnings

Word Count: 624


The ritual reached its climax as the symbols on the ground illuminated the night. The ethereal glow of the amulet intensified, pushing back against the forces of convergence. The air crackled with an energy that was both awe-inspiring and foreboding.

As the trio chanted the final verses, a shadowy figure materialized in the periphery. The entity, a swirling mass of darkness and malevolence, sneered at their efforts.

"So, you think you can stop the inevitable?" it hissed, its voice echoing through the night.

Dean stood firm, shotgun in hand. "We've faced worse than you, pal. This convergence won't happen on our watch."

The entity chuckled, a chilling sound that sent shivers down their spines. "Your defiance is amusing, but you cannot comprehend the magnitude of this cosmic shift. Embrace the chaos, for it is unstoppable."

Y/N, feeling the weight of the amulet in their hand, looked at Sam and Dean. "We've come too far to back down now. Let's finish this."

With renewed determination, the trio continued the ritual, their voices resonating with an almost celestial harmony. The amulet's glow intensified, pushing back against the encroaching darkness. The entity writhed, its form contorting in agony.

But as the ritual neared completion, the entity unleashed a surge of power, causing the very ground to tremble. Shadows twisted and merged, threatening to swallow them whole.

Sam gritted his teeth. "We need to hold on! Just a little longer!"

The entity, realizing its imminent defeat, unleashed a final, desperate attack. Dark tendrils lashed out, threatening to extinguish the ethereal light of the amulet.

Y/N, caught in the midst of the cosmic struggle, felt a surge of strength. "Guys, I can't hold it much longer! We need to—"

Before they could finish, a blinding burst of light enveloped the entire area. The force of the convergence pushed against them, threatening to tear the very fabric of reality.

When the light finally faded, Y/N, Sam, and Dean found themselves standing in a familiar but altered landscape. The town, once shrouded in mist, now basked in a surreal, otherworldly glow.

"We did it," Sam breathed, glancing around in awe.

Dean smirked, slapping Y/N on the back. "Not bad for a first-timer, huh?"

As they surveyed the transformed town, a voice echoed from the shadows. The entity, weakened but not defeated, hissed, "You may have delayed the inevitable, but the convergence is still underway. You cannot escape the chaos I've unleashed."

Y/N, filled with a newfound confidence, retorted, "Maybe not, but we won't stop fighting. You underestimate the power of the Ethereal Key and the bonds that defy even the darkest of prophecies."

The entity recoiled, its form dissipating into the shadows. "This is not over, interlopers. The cosmic dance has just begun."

With the threat momentarily abated, Y/N turned to Sam and Dean. "What now?"

Dean grinned, holstering his gun. "Now, we keep on hunting. There might be more cosmic weirdness out there, and I don't know about you, but I'm not one to back down from a good fight."

Sam nodded, his eyes reflecting a mix of determination and curiosity. "We'll figure it out together. And who knows, maybe we'll find a way to send you back home."

As the trio walked into the surreal glow of the transformed town, the echoes of the cosmic encounter lingered. Y/N, now an integral part of the Winchester team, couldn't help but marvel at the unpredictability of their journey.

Little did they know, that the bonds forged across dimensions would continue to defy fate, transcending the boundaries of reality and fiction. As they ventured into the unknown, the lines between worlds blurred, leaving them to face a future filled with cosmic mysteries and supernatural adventures.

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1 year ago

Ethereal Bonds: {~A Bittersweet Farewell~}

Ethereal Bonds: {~A Bittersweet Farewell~}

Summary: Y/N is transported into the show's world, joining forces with the Winchesters to face a cosmic threat. Together, they navigate interdimensional challenges, decipher prophecies, and confront an entity aiming to merge realities. The fanfic explores the blurring of fiction and reality, emphasizing the enduring bonds formed amidst the supernatural chaos.

Characters: Sam & Dean

Pairing: No Pairing

Warnings: No Warnings

Word Count: 563


The transformed town, bathed in an otherworldly glow, stood as a testament to the cosmic struggles that had unfolded. Y/N, Sam, and Dean walked the streets, the air still tinged with residual energy from the convergence. The entity's ominous words lingered in the atmosphere, a reminder that the cosmic dance had left an indelible mark on their lives.

"So, what's next?" Y/N asked, the weight of the amulet in their hand a constant reminder of the extraordinary journey they had undertaken.

Dean shrugged, his eyes scanning the altered landscape. "Business as usual, I guess. Saving people, hunting things. Just another day in the life."

Sam chimed in, "But now, we have an extra hand. If there's one thing we've learned, it's that facing the unknown is easier when you've got someone by your side."

Y/N smiled, feeling a sense of camaraderie that transcended the boundaries of dimensions. "I never imagined I'd be a part of all this. It's like living inside my favorite TV show."

Dean chuckled, clapping Y/N on the shoulder. "Well, welcome to the Winchester family. We've had our fair share of weird, but hey, it keeps things interesting."

As they strolled through the transformed town, the trio encountered curious glances from the residents who, though unaware of the cosmic struggles, sensed the lingering supernatural energy. The Winchester brothers, accustomed to such odd occurrences, navigated the attention with practiced ease.

"So, what about the amulet?" Sam asked, eyeing the ancient artifact that had been the key to their journey.

Y/N hesitated, a mix of emotions swirling within. "I think I'll keep it. A souvenir from my time in the supernatural realms. Besides, who knows when I might need to hop back into action."

Dean grinned, appreciating the sentiment. "A hunter's gotta have their lucky charm. Just don't go opening any more portals without a heads-up, alright?"

The banter continued as they made their way to the Impala, parked in a spot that seemed both familiar and altered. As they prepared to hit the road, the transformed town fading in the rearview mirror, Y/N couldn't help but reflect on the incredible journey.

"So, what's the plan now?" Y/N asked, their eyes meeting the Winchesters'.

Dean shrugged, "We'll keep hunting, keep fighting. And who knows, maybe we'll stumble upon another cosmic mystery that needs unraveling."

Sam added, "And if you ever decide you want to go back home, we'll figure it out together. We owe you that much."

The road stretched ahead, an endless expanse of uncertainty and adventure. Y/N settled into the backseat of the Impala, the familiar creak of the leather seats providing a sense of comfort.

As the engine roared to life, Y/N looked out at the night, the stars twinkling above. The lines between fiction and reality had blurred, leaving behind a tapestry of memories that would forever weave their story into the fabric of the supernatural.

And as they drove into the unknown, Y/N couldn't help but feel a bittersweet mix of nostalgia and anticipation. The cosmic dance may have left its mark, but the journey had only just begun.

For in the world of the supernatural, where reality and fiction converged, the only certainty was the enduring bond between hunters, forged across dimensions, and the endless possibilities that awaited them in the vast expanse of the unknown.

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1 year ago

Eternal Harmony: {~Forever Bound~}

Eternal Harmony: {~Forever Bound~}

Summary: Y/N's ordinary life takes a supernatural twist when they encounter the mysterious Cullen family in Forks. Immersed in a world of eternal love and trials, Y/N becomes a vital part of the Cullens' immortal story. Guided by Alice's visions and Jasper's wisdom, they face cosmic threats and navigate the complexities of supernatural existence. The story unfolds through eclipses of emotions and trials, culminating in a dawn where enduring bonds and love echo through the ages—a forever-bound journey in the supernatural realm.

Characters: The Cullen family

Pairing: Jasper x Reader x Alice

Warnings: No Warnings

Word Count: 536


The meadow, once a silent witness to the trials and tribulations of the Cullen family, now stood in the soft glow of the dawn. The night had unfolded like a celestial tapestry, weaving together moments of challenge, triumph, and unwavering unity. Y/N, having navigated the unpredictable currents of the supernatural realm, found themselves standing on the threshold of a new era.

Alice, her eyes holding the wisdom of ages, turned to Y/N with a serene smile. "The trials have sculpted our destinies, and the bonds forged in the crucible of challenges are unbreakable. This is a moment of renewal, a dawn that heralds a new chapter."

Jasper, the empathetic one, added, "We faced the trials together, and in doing so, we discovered the strength that lies within our unity. The supernatural world may be complex, but our love and resilience defy its intricacies."

As the first rays of sunlight bathed the meadow, the Cullens gathered—Edward and Bella, Emmett and Rosalie, Carlisle and Esme, Alice and Jasper—each member carrying the weight of centuries with grace and resilience. The howls of distant wolves echoed through the forest, a reminder of the intertwined destinies that transcended both time and mortality.

Y/N, embraced by the immortal family, felt a sense of belonging that surpassed the constraints of human understanding. Alice, ever attuned to the cosmic currents, turned to Y/N. "You've become an integral part of our story, Y/N. Your presence has added a unique hue to the canvas of our immortal existence."

Edward, the guardian of secrets, spoke with a warmth that hinted at the eons of experience. "In the embrace of eternity, we find not just love but a shared journey that defies the limitations of mortal narratives."

Emmett, with his infectious enthusiasm, threw an arm around Y/N. "Welcome to the forever club! It's a wild ride, but with this family, you'll never be alone."

Rosalie, her demeanor softened by the dawn's light, offered a rare smile. "Trials may have tested us, but they've also shaped us. We endure, and in that endurance, we find the true essence of our immortal existence."

As the Cullens stood united in the meadow, the sun rose higher, casting a golden glow on the landscape. The howls of wolves blended with the rustle of leaves, creating a symphony that echoed through the ages.

In the quietude of the Pacific Northwest, Y/N and the Cullens stood hand in hand, their silhouettes painted against the canvas of the dawn. The meadow, witness to the trials and triumphs of the immortal family, seemed to breathe with the eternal rhythm of their existence.

Alice, her eyes reflecting the promise of forever, whispered, "This is not just an ending, Y/N. It's a beginning—a forever bound journey where love, resilience, and the mysteries of the supernatural realm intertwine in a symphony that echoes through eternity."

As the meadow embraced the warmth of the morning sun, the Cullens faced the horizon, ready to embark on a new chapter of their immortal saga. Little did they know that the tapestry of their existence, woven with threads of love and enduring bonds, would continue to unfold in the cosmic dance of forever-bound destinies.

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1 year ago

Charmed: Chris' Identity is Discovered {~Chapter 3~}

Charmed: Chris' Identity Is Discovered {~Chapter 3~}

Summary: The Phoenix Clan is after Chris, and the sisters are trying to help. But there are many questions that they need answering. How long can Chris keep his identity a secret? [Before Chris-Crossed]

Characters: Charmed Ones, Bianca, Chris, Leo

Pairing: No Pairing

Warnings: Angst, Heartbreak

Word Count: 862


Chris was still wondering, who could be after him? Could it be Wyatt? Could Wyatt have sent an assassin after him. Well, he has done worse. Chris winced as he remembered the memories that have scarred him for life, literally.

“Hey Chris,” Piper Appeared by the playpen in the attic. Chris jumped slightly. Piper smiled. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”

“It’s fine. I was just a little distracted, I didn’t see you come up.” He admitted.

“Any progress?” She asked.

“Not really. I mean, I have made a few strong vanquishing potions, but what’s the point?”

“Chris, they are after you! Don’t say ‘what’s the point’!” She exclaimed, shocked at his words.

“I mean, even if we vanquish the Phoenix who is after me, they will just send more. We need to find out why they are after me. And it says in the book, someone hires them. Who? Who is after me? There is just a lot to figure out. And we don’t have a lot of time.”

“Wow, I guess I never thought of that.” Piper admits.

“Piper, I will just go to P3. I don’t want to endanger you or Wyatt.” 

“They aren’t here yet.” She reminded him.

“But they will be…” He added.

“Way to kill the mood.” She said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. He smiled at her. She sat on her grandmother’s couch once she was certain her son was okay.

“Did Leo orb down at all while I was having my nap?” She asked.

“No. Sorry Piper.” 

“It’s fine.” She smiled, but the smile didn’t quite meet her eyes.

“You know what. You shouldn’t have to suffer through this. It’s Leo’s loss. Not yours. You have your sisters at your side, your safe son, a bitchy white lighter to help babysit whenever your amazing and successful job. Plus, all the magical powers you could ever ask for. Please, Pipe, don’t let Leo put you down. You deserve better. I mean, right now, he is probably in a room full of Elders wearing robes acting all serious. And, you know what, they say they are good people. But you guys, here on Earth, are the ones who are fighting and putting yourself in danger for the greater good. What do they do? Come down and heal us every once in a while.

And they say, THEY do the most. They aren’t worth it Piper. Please, don’t feel like that.” She looked stunned.

“Wow. That’s one hell of a speech you got there. How long have you been practicing that one?” She asked. He smiled.

“Well, in case you haven’t figured out by now, Elders aren’t exactly my favorite people.”

“Lucky for you, I have been observant. I have noticed that. Why? I mean,  I have a ton of reasons, as you know. But, I am curious as to why you don’t like them.” 

“You want the list?” He asked. She nodded.

“If you want to tell me.”

“I do. Well, when I was a teenager, my mother. Um…my mother was hurt so I called an Elder or a whitelighter down. And well, they were too late. And she died. AndI asked why they didn’t come sooner. And they said they didn’t think it was important. They never care about anyone else apart from themselves. And when I became a whitelighter they think they can dictate who I have a relationship with. And what I do with my time. And that isn’t right. They have too much power. I mean sure, they are the ‘good’ guys. But, they take witches for granted. They take everyone for granted. And as long as they are happy and safe, nothing else matters.” He looked down, not wanting Piper to see him like this. He said too much.

“I am sorry you had to go though that. Were you there when your mother died?” She asked. He nodded. Not wanting to say anything.

“I’m sorry. Was your mother a witch then?” Again, he nodded.

“Okay Chris, I have to ask. You seem to know a lot about us. Phoebe, Paige, Wyatt, and me. How? I mean, the other day you struggled to open the drawer in the sunroom, and you tapped it in the exact right place for it to open well. No one knows stuff like that if you don’t know the people. Do we know you? Are we going to know you? Do we know your family?” He moved his gaze up to meet hers finally.

“Piper, I know you are sick of me saying this. But, I can’t really tell you anything about myself. Future consequences. But I promise, you will know everything there is to know about me. And soon.” 

“Okay. Thank you for telling me that about yourself.” She said,

“It’s okay. I am going to go into the Underworld, to see if anyone knows who has hired the Phoenix to come after me.”

“Okay. Phoebe messaged me. She will be home in a few minutes. Go on, be safe.”

“I will.” He smiled warmly at his mother and orbed away to the Underworld to see if he could get any answers.

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