More Cooler Professional Piece I Did For My Forever Fave Band (DBMK)

More cooler professional piece I did for my forever fave band (DBMK) 🫶🫶
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TWRP meouchbos if they were gorgeous women because some drama is happening on Twitter and I think that could all be solved with yuri not gonna lie to you..
(P.S. I do not listen to TWRP but the 2 closest dearest people in my life do and they are my band-in-law because of that so I love all you tup tups ❤️)

This trend going around on twt rn but H E Double Hockey Sticks !! :3

Life is beautiful me and my brother finally have new principal is Weeny pins !!!

I was instantly motivated to get out of a depressive funk yesterday upon seeing this image.. I think Shadow The Hedgehog should inspire all of u too..
Growing up with 2000-2010s internet and being obsessed with a 90’s sitcom means all I can do all day is think about Boy Meets World YouTube Poops and giggle and laugh to myself thinking about jokes from them