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[scratches Him Out With A Toothpick]

[scratches him out with a toothpick]

i have not opened procreate in months but woke up this morning with the intense urge to draw havve hogan again

color variants below the cut

[scratches Him Out With A Toothpick]
[scratches Him Out With A Toothpick]
[scratches Him Out With A Toothpick]

i actually think i like the white one the most but the whole point of the style was to replicate those scratch art sheets from my childhood so. witness gay hogan instead

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incorrect quote

Dr. Sung: Meouch, I think I'm Luigi and you're Mario, canonically. Commander Meouch: Oh yeah that's canon. Dr. Sung: Hey guys could we get some- Stone LaChismo: We're literally brothers you piece of shit! Dr. Sung: Could we get some fanart, me as Mario, Meouch as Luigi?

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I absolutely love the @ghosta-r starlight brigade comics. They're the main reason I started writing and planning the origins verse, so in honor of The Starlight Brigade music video's 5th anniversary I decided to take a crack at fleshing out one of the lost episodes!

I Absolutely Love The @ghosta-r Starlight Brigade Comics. They're The Main Reason I Started Writing And
I Absolutely Love The @ghosta-r Starlight Brigade Comics. They're The Main Reason I Started Writing And
I Absolutely Love The @ghosta-r Starlight Brigade Comics. They're The Main Reason I Started Writing And

however if this was going to be made into a full blown comic I would need an artist because I cannot art.

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Happy 5th Birthday Bby Love You

happy 5th birthday bby love you

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Return To Wherever

Return to Wherever 🏝️🏝️🏝️

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This Malware Gets Me Every TimeI Just Want To Find The Hot Cones In My Area!!!

This malware gets me every time…I just want to find the hot cones in my area!!! 😫

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The Second Winner Of The Incorrect Quotes With NSP And TWRP Poll!

The second winner of the incorrect quotes with NSP and TWRP poll!

This one's dedicated to @cheese-ducks, who really wanted this quote to win so badly.

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Chapter 3: Meanwhile


(Warnings: There's a lot of swearing in this one) Main master list

Previous chapter

Sung's direct orders were to stay on the ship, attempt to fix it, and stay out of sight. Meouch thought it was utter bullshit. Sung wasn't stuck inside for days like the rest of them! What was he even doing? The self proclaimed fearless hero said he was 'gathering information about how to integrate on this planet' which no one believed but Phobos, the poor sucker. Meouch knew it was code for 'I don't wanna deal with you guys because I'm too good for you'. They'd been making great progress on the ship without him, anyway. The power was back on, most of the systems were online, and the ship's bay was finally clean. All that was left to do was wait for Sung to get back so they could jam. 

"Wasn't that dumbass supposed to be back by now?" Meouch asked no one in particular. He knew no one would answer. Havve was sitting in a corner, slouching forward, eyes dark. The robot hadn't been able to recharge since the crash landing so he was probably gonna be out for a while. Meouch shuddered thinking of what a fully charged Havve could do. 

Phobos was sitting on his bed, taking notes while reading the ship's manual. It was one of the few things that made this situation feel normal. Days were too short on this planet, his room was practically a closet, he hadn't had a full night's sleep in days, he was sure he'd start crying if he thought about it too much. So, he decided to devote all his energy into fixing the ship and improving his guitar skills. 

Phobos poked his head into the control room and looked around, wondering the same thing as Meouch. 

"That bastard isn't here yet." Meouch said through bites of Food Bar. Phobos threw his head back and sighed. 

"Exactly. Fuck us, right?" 

The usual routine was pretty simple. Sung would go 'gather intel' when the sun rose, then he'd come back a bit after sunset. They stuck to that metric for time because the way humans told time was so confusing. Meouch stood up and looked out the windshield. It was already the middle of the night.

"I can't keep eating fucking Food Bars." He said as he chucked the half eaten bar into a trash can. "I want a sandwich or something."

Phobos nodded in agreement and turned to a fresh page in his notepad. He showed the page to Meouch when he was done writing. 

Absolutely, I need to eat ACTUAL FOOD. "Yes!" Meouch instantly went for a high five. Phobos cautiously put his hand up as he braced for impact. Were high fives supposed to hurt? His pained expression didn't deterr Meouch's enthusiasm. 

"I want two pieces of bread and some sort of deceased animal inside!" 

Phobos immediately went to his notepad,  his white eyes filled with fear.

I suppose anything would taste better than stale, prepackaged bars of cone food.

Meouch laughed as soon as he read it. "You've got a way with words, my friend." He shoved the notepad back into Phobos' hands. 

"Y'know what, fuck him. I'm going to get some actually good shit, what do you want?" Meouch began taking various items out of his vest pockets.

You're going to sneak out? Phobos gasped, his usually bright green skin looking a bit pale. 

"You got a problem with that, Lord Perfect?" Phobos scoffed as he wrote his response. He was just worried, that didn't make him perfect. It made him sane.

What if Havve wakes up while you're gone?

"Like that bucket of bolts could stop me!"

What happens if Sung gets back and you're still out?

"It's none of his fuckin business where I'm going."

It kind of is because he told us to stay here.

"Who's side are you on?" Meouch walked towards the door but Phobos blocked his path. 

I just don't want you to get into trouble!

Phobos knew Meouch could handle himself. He'd been to tons of other planets and fought his way out of tight spots Phobos couldn't imagine, but he couldn't help remembering what Sung said. This planet wasn't used to intergalactic life and it could be dangerous. 

Maybe Sung told us to stay on the ship for a reason. He looked dead serious, scared but serious. 

"I'll be careful, alright?" Meouch reached for the hatch door. "You're not gonna narc on me, are ya?" 

Phobos shook his head defeated. He wasn't changing Meouch's mind and whatever happened to him after he walked out was his problem. Maybe he would wake up Havve, just in case.

Phobos wasn't sure how long Havve had been out, he usually avoided him at all costs, but it was his last resort. Meouch knew better than to mess with Havve. He learned that lesson while they were attempting to fix the hyperdrive the day before. Taking tools from a murderous robot was not a good idea, it ended in a fight that nearly took Meouch's tail off. A knife was still stuck in the wall where Havve threw it.

Phobos wondered what could wake him up. How do you wake someone who wasn't technically sleeping? He had one idea that might get him killed, but nevertheless he went through with it. He wrote down the explanation for why he was doing this, hid in the small hallway between the cockpit and Havve's room, which was an actual closet, and periodically threw random things at him. Food Bar wrappers, loose screws, anything he could find really. It wasn't until a drum stick hit his jagged, metal jaw that he jolted upright and his eyes began to emit an intense red light. His head violently jerked in all directions, searching for the source of the attack. Phobos rushed out of his hiding place and showed the notepad explanation to Havve, almost using it like a shield from whatever brutal punishment Havve had in mind. He stopped to read the page; 

Meouch snuck out and said you wouldn't be able to stop him.

His eyes were even more intense than before, they were practically laser pointers. He ripped out the page, crushed it into a ball, and threw it across the ship. Phobos watched in terror as Havve pushed the hatch door open, making a loud slam as it banged on the side of the ship. When Phobos poked his head of the doorway, Havve was already gone. It dawned on him that he'd made a terrible mistake unleashing the two most chaotic band mates onto this planet. All that was left to do was wait for Sung to get back so he could deal with the aftermath.

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I Feel Like This Picture Of Havve Was Supposed To Be Threatening But He Just Looks Goofy To Me

I feel like this picture of Havve was supposed to be threatening but he just looks goofy to me😂

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Chapter 4: Jack-isms


Main master list Previous Chapter

Warnings: (mild swearing, descriptions of anxiety attacks)

"You boys need a hand out there?" Mr. Lecurno stood in the entryway to the garage, watching his kids and their friends struggle to carry an amp to the back doors of a big white van.

"No thanks, dad! We're fine!" Stan shouted, obviously not fine. 

The boys always struggled loading equipment into the van. It never seemed like that much going in to it, but they were always out of breath afterwards. 

He laughed softly and shook his head as he went inside. "Suit yourself kiddo, have fun at the show!"

"Jack!" The guitarist looked around. "Where are ya, bud?"

"Joe, do you even see him anywhere?" Stan looked around for his brother or even his equipment, but both were missing.

"I kinda feel bad that the shortest member of the band has to lug the most shit around." The bassist said. "But that's just part of being a drummer."

"Andy, my brother's not that short." Stan said defensively. "You know how he feels about that shit." 

"You know, I have been growing!"

Jack suddenly came around the corner of the house carrying the entirety of his drum set, each piece stacked precariously on top of the other. He effortlessly set the stack down and blew a tendril of hair out of his face. "At least my own brother sticks up for me." He murmured sarcastically.

"How the fuck did you do that?" Joe shouted, gesturing vaguely to the stack.

"I mean, it's just picking shit up." Jack replied as he packed his equipment. "It's not exactly rocket surgery." 

Andy let out a small laugh. "Ha, I get it." 

Jack's attitude was slightly off-putting, he was usually pretty quiet, but today he was practically emitting positive energy. It was infectious, palpable even. It was strange for a wallflower like him.

"You feeling better, kid?" Andy patted him on the back. 

"Why would I not be feeling better?" Jack laughed. 

"Remember last week, I think? Stan said you went home early from my post show house party. I just wanna know that you're good." 

Jack didn't respond, instead he blanky stared at the ground while making a low humming sound. He couldn't respond. His mind became flooded with memories of what happened that night, the night the shooting star fell. It replayed in his mind over and over again. He remembered living through more than what happened to him, like he'd lived another lifetime before that moment, a feeling he could've gotten used to at this point. The intense flasbacks ended as quickly as they began, and he suddenly couldn't remember what was troubling him at all. 

"No, I don't seem to have any memory of that whatsoever! Let's hit the road!" He practically flipped into the van as his band mates stared in confusion.


"Did you guys see that new alien story?" Joe asked, breaking the awkward silence seeping through the van. 

"I don't follow tabloids, man." Andy replied from the back seat.

Joe rolled his eyes. "Even if it's all bullshit this is still some funny stuff." 

"What did it say?" Jack had been following the story too but not because he thought it was funny. He was absolutely positive there was a connection between the alien sightings and whatever was wrong with him, so he'd been following the story like a hawk. So far, the results were inconclusive at best. All he had was that the cone shaped helmet in all the reports felt familiar. 

"A witness said they saw a lion man, a robot, and a guy with a traffic cone on his head fighting in the parking lot of a guitar center. Fucking hysterical, right?" Joe's laughed quieted when he saw Jack's terrified face in the rear view mirror. Andy pushed his seat playfully. 

"Don't let him freak you out man, I'm sure aliens aren't coming for ya any time soon." 

Jack had a gut feeling that wasn't true, or maybe it was pre show nerves.


Jack always got pre show nerves. It was just part of preforming for him. The usual symptoms happened every show; he couldn't eat, he'd bite his nails, and it was terrifying talking to anyone. One of the reasons he was content to stay in the back, behind everyone else. Stan was the biggest advocate for getting him out of his shell but he was nowhere close to having frontman levels of confidence. Which is why it made zero sense to him that he was sent to get the boys their pre show pizza.

"And what name is the order under?" The cashier asked, not looking up from her notepad. 

"Stone LaChismo." Jack said without hesitation. 

The cashier gave him a confused glance. "I'm sorry?"

"Stone LaChismo." He repeated, sure as ever.

She paused for a moment, flipping through the orders on her notepad. "I'll check if we have-." 

"Wait," Jack interrupted "I got it mixed up, it should be under Stan Lecurno, sorry about that." His breathy, nervous laughter made the situation even more awkward.

'How the fuck did I come up with Stone LaChismo? That's not even a name!' Jack thought to himself. 'That would be a pretty sick stage name though.'


The pre show checklist would have gone off without a hitch if it weren't for the soundcheck. About halfway through the song the visions returned and they were far more intense than earlier. Jack felt like he was phasing in and out of reality. One moment he was drumming, the next playing a keytar. One second he was drowning in anxiety, the next he was elated. The feelings were constant and never the same thing twice. It was as if something was trying to break out of his mind and tear him in half. He suddenly dropped his drum sticks and heard himself hyperventilating. 

"Dude, are you ok?" Stan asked, both of his hands on Jack's shoulders. He slowed his breathing as the rest of the boys stared,  concerned and a bit freaked out. 

"Sorry, guys. I'm just feeling a little off, did I miss anything?" Their eyes bore into his soul, he could feel the shame burning inside his chest. He could deal with his brother thinking he was crazy, he already thought that, but knew he'd die if anyone else did. Stan took the drum sticks out of his hands.

"If you're feeling sick or something that's totally fine. It's up to you if you wanna stay." 

"I'm fine, I think I'm just gonna take a walk." 

"Cool," Stan patted him on the shoulder and handed the drumsticks to Joe. "Whenever you're ready, brah."

Jack took deep breaths as he walked away from the venue. 'Just around the block, whenever you're ready.' He thought to himself. Stan's words were already helping him calm down. He'd be ready to rock in no time. He turned the corner, and everything went black.


The sound of a party woke him up. Jack heard his brother's voice from downstairs and nearly fell down the stairs running to it. He saw his brother and the rest of SeX-rays drinking and laughing in the living room. The sky was dark, the van was back in the driveway, he missed the entire show. 

Jack ran back to his room, shut the door and sunk his head into his pillow, fighting back tears. 

"What is wrong with me!" He shouted into his pillow. 

What would he even tell them? The actual explanation for his absence sounded completely insane, and any lie he could think of made him sound like a total dick. There was nothing left but to sit in the shame and regret. 

"I truly apologize for this." A voice said. The voice seemed to be coming from his own head, yet it was loud enough to actually hear.

"I never meant to hurt you. I didn't think you'd notice at all, but that was a miscalculation on my part, not a fault of yours." 

Jack jumped off his bed and looked around the dark room. He was still alone. He sat back down and put his head in his hands.

"Oh my god, I actually lost my mind!" He said in between panicked breaths. 

"Oh no no no, not at all!" The voice quickly replied. "After all I've l put you through, the least I could do is give you some answers."

A bright glow appeared in the middle of Jack's bedroom. He watched in awe as it slowly began to take a familiar humanoid form. The yellow bodysuit with black stripes down the sides, the bright orange conical helmet, Jack couldn't believe it. He was right. The figure stood translucent in front of him. He began to inspect himself, like he was checking if all of him was there.

"I apologize for my appearance, I'm normally more opaque than this, but this darn atmosphere! You know how it is." The figure spoke with the same disembodied voice. "I suppose we should properly meet at this point."

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Redoing this poll!

(It wasn't well executed last time. More options for clarity, and placed the options in a better order)

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Chapter 5: Insanity Wears High Tops


Main master list

Previous chapter

(Warnings: light swearing)

"Greetings, human. In my band's ongoing campaign to end boredom the universe over, we seek to unite all children of the cosmos to join our cause, one planet at a time." The cone boy said. "This is what brings me to you. It shattered my perception of reality to learn recently that fifth dimensional beings, such as myself, cannot materialize on your planet."

"I'm sorry, fifth dimensional?" Jack interjected. 

"Again, human, you need not apologize for what happened. The fault is all mine." 

His confidence was a bit overwhelming, so Jack didn't correct him.

 "So I needed a stable host with a corporeal form, which in this case is you, to continue my work. Earth continues to amaze me, but I digress. Allow me to introduce myself and my intentions,"

A strange feeling of relief came over Jack. He wasn't going crazy, he was actually possessed. A whole new set of problems came with that knowledge, but he didn't need to think about the implications right now.

"I am Doctor Sung; intergalactic groove crusader; ageless meta-being of the cosmos; and frontman of the band TWRP. Aside from keytar and synthesexory manipulation, my role within the band lies in interdimensional diplomacy, communications, and female seduction, and as such I am the band's primary representative here on Earth." Jack nodded like he understood any of that.

"Despite our fairly recent crash land and the fact that we're basically stranded here, I'm certain that TWRP's dominance of Earth draws one step nearer. It is our intention to oust the forces that would hinder the advancement of fun and joy and replace them with tools of entertainment..." 

Sung went on and on, as if he liked hearing the sound of his own voice. This was unbelievable. It was like something out of a movie. Jack didn't really know how to feel about this revelation. What would he tell his family? Was this even real? It had to be, he saw the spaceship himself and the alien sightings started after that night. This was definitely real. He felt strangely flattered by Sung's explanation so far. Out of all the people in Halifax this interdimensional superhero could've picked, he chose Jack. His weirdness led him to this surreal situation, no normal person would have approached a burning spaceship in the middle of the woods. Maybe being weird was actually going to pay off.

"And of course, frenzied dance parties will continue to erupt in our wake, replacing human sadness with cosmic elation. But we can't do this alone. I need your help."

"Why me, specifically?" Jack was almost scared of knowing the answer. 

"The unlikelihood of finding a host that has such a striking resemblance to me cannot be denied. If we're going to complete our mission I would still need you as a vessel." Sung's voice had a rare twinge of shame. 

"I would be willing to discuss with you how you'd like to go about doing that. It's truly the least I could do after today." 

Jack heard the sound of pounding footsteps racing up the stairs and darting past his bedroom. 

"I would like to discuss a game plan for this, among other things, but can you wait until everyone falls asleep?"  

Sung could sense the stark shift in Jack's emotions. Before it was mostly confusion with some admiration sprinkled in, who could blame him, but his whispered plea was practically made of pure stress. An immense amount of fear for someone not in immediate danger. It perplexed him, but he honored the request. 

"I shall return when everyone is asleep, and until then I wish you fewer negative emotions." 

Before Jack could figure out if that was meant to be an insult or not there was a knock at his door. He immediately climbed into bed and pretended to sleep.

"You're being too loud! Your brother's not feeling well!" His mom shouted at the band of lightly buzzed children. She opened the door a crack and went back downstairs. 

"How about you sleep over at your friend's house tonight, Stan?"


Jack sat on the couch eating a small plate of nachos. They somehow tasted better at two in the morning. He looked over at Sung, who was staring in bewilderment at the midnight snack. 

"Did you want some?" Jack held out a chip.

"I doubt I could eat in this form, plus I'm not even certain what that is." Sung didn't need to eat as frequently as his band mates, so he really only ate out of necessity. He couldn't fathom the idea that someone would eat out of boredom or for enjoyment. 

"Ok then, more for me." He patted the cushion next to him but Sung declined.

"I have so many questions, could we cover some of those before the game plan?" 

"First, I must ask you something." 

Jack set the nachos to the side nervously. Sung sensed that same fear and stress from earlier. Why was he doing that? It was probably a question for later considering his first question was overdue. 

"What is your name, human?" 

The tension instantaneously left his body as he answered. How was he doing that? 

"Oh, it's Jack." He was back to his original position on the couch, nachos in hand. 

"Simple, efficient, I like that name." His pleased nod being amplified by the pylon helmet. "You may proceed with your questions." 

Jack took a pause remembering all the crazy shit he'd been through. For the first time in a while his mind felt clear.

"What's with the cone hat?"

"A pylon can be worn for many reasons; fashion, power, dominance." He paced the living room floor, cape flowing behind him.

"It sounds like you're compensating for something." Jack snickered.

"Well, when you're as cool and tall and handsome and heroic and tall as I am you don't need to. May we move on?" 

"Sure, man." He stifled his laughter. Maybe that was the key to Sung's infinite confidence: straight up denial. 

"Why was I blacking out so often, and what are you doing to my memories?"

"I figured if I took control of the vessel while you were unconscious you wouldn't have noticed. I had no idea that I was causing you to go unconscious. Again, I deeply apologize." He stopped in front of Jack and crossed his arms. "And as for your memory I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Seriously?" Jack stood up, almost angry Sung was treating that so casually. "Random flashbacks, almost daily amnesia, forgetting how to do basic shit? I would randomly forget how to read! You've got no explanation for that?"

Sung paused as he processed this completely new information. "Do human memories not do that?"

'How clueless is this guy?' Jack thought to himself. 

"No they do not, and I would like it to stop."

"You have my word."

He sat back down, nearly choking on a chip from laugter. He needed to know if Joe was fucking with him.

"Were you fighting a lion and robot in the parking lot of a guitar center?" 

Sung's smile instantly changed to an annoyed frown. 

"Believe me when I tell you they deserved it." 

"And with that I think I'm ready to discuss the game plan." Jack answered quickly as he put down the nachos.

"I'm gonna preface this with I have no idea how this could work but the fact that I'm even going through with this is nuts! Is this as surreal for you as it is for me?" 

"Considering this is the first time I've ever taken a host and I'm completely fucking it up, I would say yes." Sung sat down next to Jack. "In case you couldn't tell I'm not used to fucking up. You can't exactly afford to when saving the universe. It's just not an option when the stakes are that high, so I don't." 

"You think you have to save the universe all by yourself?" 

"I'm used to handling things by myself." 

Jack couldn't tell if he was downplaying his emotions or it legitimately didn't bother him.

"I mean, I would say that's kinda sad if I didn't get it." There was a key difference, however. Jack kind of liked to be alone, he didn't think he had to be. "Maybe your voice was in the back of my mind before the crash." He joked. 

Sung jumped off the couch and pointed at him.

"My voice in the back of your mind, you may have something there, Jack."

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me when i like a song a normal amount so i redesign my fav characters and animate them in a short loop :3

oh ladybug (by twrp) and rice (tlt) how i love you

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