cocoxoyc - head in the clouds
head in the clouds

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More Posts from Cocoxoyc

5 months ago

Jungkook: 𝐑𝐞𝐝 𝐇𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐬 (2)

Jungkook: (2)

In which Jungkook can't help but be drawn to you- for whatever reason there might be.

Tags/Warnings: Vampire!Jungkook, Blood Donor!Reader, mentions of 'being high' (drug usage in a way), strangers to lovers, blood (duh)

Additional Chapter Warnings: fluff!, flirty JK

Chapter Length: mid

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It's late when he visits the store a few days later, hands in his pockets. He technically doesn't need anything- but that doesnt mean he can't look and see if he gets an appetite for anything.

Picking out a few snack for himself, he walks to the cash registry where you do actually sit, yawning tiredly as you stretch. You immediately interrupt the action, shyly scanning in the items as you apologize under your breath. "it's fine." he reassures. "long shift?" he wonders, and you nod.

"yeah, but I'm almost done. Just waiting on my coworker to take over so I can go home." you tell him, sleepily smiling. "I've got an entire week off after this!" you excitedly tell him, and he chuckles.

"I- can I wait up and maybe walk you home? Of course if you have a boyfriend-" he hurries, when the store doors slide open automatically, chime of the door signalling someone walking in.

"she does." a voice answers, a little raspy and deeper than his own. The man who it belongs to is definitely shorter- though not at all less menacing because of it. "so fuck off, bloodsucker."

"Yoongi!" you scold the guy, hitting his shoulder as he walks around and takes out an employee card. "I'm sorry- he's not my boyfriend, just my coworker. And sure, if you want to!" you say, while Yoongi doesnt seem happy in the room close to the cash registry.

"No- nuh-uh. I can tolerate you donating but going home with someone like that?" he grumpily scolds, and Jungkook feels out of place. He doesn't want to make you fight with a coworker you're clearly on a friendship base with.

But he also doesn't want to back down that easily.

"look, I won't hurt her I promise. I just want-" he starts, but Yoongi, now wearing the same employee vest as you, leans on the counter as he faces him.

"a quick fuck? I know guys like you." he says.

"I- No! I seriously just want to talk, walk her home- that's it!" Jungkook defends himself.

"Yoongi stop, please, you do this every time." you roll your eyes, before looking at the vampire, more friendly. "I'll just change real quick, then we can leave, okay?" you say, and Yoongis gaze darkens.

"give me your number." he says, and Jungkooks eyes widen. "if you've got no filthy intentions you'll have no issues with it. Give me your number and text me when she's home, easy."

"okay." Jungkook says, getting out his phone. It actually surprises Yoongi- maybe he's been too harsh on the kid. Kid? Who knows how old this dude actually is, considering what he is, he thinks. "here." he offers, and Yoongi copies the number into his own phone, before you walk out, dressed casually and comfortably again.

"don't burn the store down okay yoongs?" you say, hugging the guy for a bit before you walk around the registry. "ready to go?" you ask, holding onto your bag, and Jungkook nods. He looks back at the store for a second- yoongi making a pointing to his eyes then at him movement, and you roll your eyes at that, pulling the vampire at his sleeve.

"so!" you say. "you gonna murder me in an alley now like in those movies?" you giggle, and Jungkook cringes, shaking his head.

"no, definitely not." he answers. "I just- saw you last time and I kind of couldn't stop thinking of you." he bashfully confesses, and your eyes widen at that.

"oh.." you say. "so you do want a quick fuck?" you ask, and his eyes widen as he almost chokes on his own saliva.

"I- what- no!" he answers hurriedly. "I'm not like that- I know it sounds cliche but I really am not." he says. "no dirty intentions, pinky promise!" he says, and you laugh, holding your pinky out. "huh?"

"you said pinky promise for no dirty intentions." you clarify, and he can't help the blush that colors the tips of his ears red as he intertwines his way bigger pinky finger with yours.

"you're so cute." he chuckles, and you can't help but be shy now as well.

"so, what do you work as?" you wonder, walking down the busy streets next to him. "you know my job- it's only fair I know yours too." you tell him, and he chuckles, shrugging.

"I suppose so. I'm a tattoo artist." he informs you, and your eyes sparkle.

"that's so cool! Not like my lame ass job at the grocery store." you laugh, as he shakes his head.

"your job is important, don't think so low of it." he says. "and also, if you didn't work there, I might've never met you." he smiles, and you can't help but notice hoe his tonge runs over his lip ring.

"Ah-" you say, struggling to form a good thought. "yeah, I guess so." you shrug, unable to really give an answer to that. You're not used to being flirted with at all, so this is all new territory.

"too much?" he wonders gently, and you shake your head.

"no no, I just.." you start, sighing. "It's my first time like.. Having a guy be interested like this. It's weird. I don't know what to do." you admit, and you know he's gonna find it weird now too-

"that's fine." he shrugs, hands in his pockets. "just be you, and I'm sure I'll fall for you in no time." he shamelessly says, and you look at him in surprise.

"eh?" you ask, as you both wait at a red light.

"I said just be you, and I'm sure I'll fall for you." he answers.

"yeah no I heard you, but like, are you sure?" you wonder. "if it's that blood kink stuff-"

"no, geez, everyone always thinks I've got some ulterior motive just because of this." he whines more or less to himself, irritated.

You're quiet for a bit, until you're at the entrance of your apartment building. "I'm sorry." you apologize, bowing a little. "I shouldn't have said that."

"its fine- maybe I came off too strong." he smiles reassuringly. "I'll text your coworker you're home now, otherwise he will provably find out where I live and stick a knife to my chest." he chuckles, before waving to you, turning to walk away.

"w-wait, Jungkook!" you call out, and he turns around to look at you, streetlight above him making his piercings sparkle. "I- I wanna fall for you." you say, before you realize how stupid that must've sounded like. "I- like-" you struggle, and he grins boyishly.

"I'll do my best then." he promises, and you nod, waving him goodbye.

But maybe he doesn't need to do his best.

Maybe you already did fall for him.

Jungkook: (2)
5 months ago



“In a world of boys’ he’s a gentleman” mini series—

Synopsis: Jungkook simply does everything to make you happy..

Genre: established relationship!

Warnings: pure fucking fluff… (seriously makes me wanna jump in oncoming traffic) jungkook is a bright green flag, he’s love language is “acts of service” (can be read as a standalone but I recommend reading the first part)

a/n: we all deserve oc and jungkooks kinda love.. I’m turning this into a mini series since a lot of people enjoyed it🤍

for @ohsweetmimosa !!

Falling in love was always something that you wanted, your face has always been shoved into pages of books, wondering when it would be your turn to experience that type of love. Your mom would always tell you that your expectations were too high and that no man could ever be as perfect as a fictional man.

Until you met him.

There were no words in the dictionary to describe him. No words to describe how beautifully his eyes would sparkle whenever he would tell you he loves you, the way his thumb would caress you whenever you would hold hands, or the way he would kiss away the tears that would escape your eyes.

You a hundred percent believed God made men, and sent Jungkook as an apology.

“When did you learn to braid hair…?” You curiously ask, with a slight hint of jealousy in your tone, making Jungkook laugh behind you as his fingers thread the three strands of hair repeatedly. “Watched a YouTube tutorial,” he chuckles, trying so hard not to pull your hair.

“What for..?” You stare at the mirror in front of you with the goofiest smile plastered on your face, watching your boyfriend with no shirt, a pair of sweatpants hanging low on his hips as he carefully braids your hair with his lip between his teeth.

“You always braid your hair but then complain your arms hurt from keeping them up for so long soo… why not make myself useful.” He shrugs like it’s not a big deal.

Your heart did a cartwheel, might have exploded in your chest from how fast it’s beating. But nothing new. You were so accustomed to the feeling of butterflies flying in your stomach whenever he would do or say something to you.

He drops the most beautiful phrases anyone has ever told you so casually, like it was normal. But that was your normal since you met him.

You would hear your friends talk shit about their boyfriends, how they did something or what they didn’t do, but you really just never had anything bad to say about Jungkook. He basically took "Princess treatment" to another level.

You never had to ask for flowers, never had to pull out a chair, never had to open a door, never had to enter a car freezing... because Jungkook being Jungkook went out twenty minutes earlier to turn on the heater before you would get in.

Never had to worry about leaving your wallet at home when the only thing in your bag is lip gloss. Never having to turn on your brain whenever he was around.

Locked doors? Where are the house keys? Did you leave your curler on? Jungkook got it.

“That’s so much better than mine,” you point to his ice cream as your eyes widen from how the creamy flavors melt into your mouth. “So bo—mb!” You muffle out from the mouthful of ice cream shoved into your mouth.

“Let me try yours,” he opens his mouth, waiting for you to send a spoonful of your cookies and cream into his mouth. “Here comes the airplane! Brrr,” you try making airplane noises as your hand does a weird twirl before inserting the spoonful of ice cream into your smiley boyfriend.

“Mhm,” he nods his head, humming loudly, watching you smile at him.

“I actually like yours better, baby. Let’s trade?” Jungkook hands you his small cup of ice cream as you nod happily, while you hand him yours.

Jungkook watches with the biggest smile on his face while inserting another spoonful of the creamy content as he watches you eating the new ice cream flavor enthusiastically, hearing you rave about the new book you have just finished reading and how dumb the main character is.

Jungkook's heart aches, sizing double its size, beating hard in his chest. Your cheeks and nose are rosy from the cold outside the car. You both didn’t care about eating ice cream in the middle of cold December; you guys took it as a challenge on who would get sick first.

He laughs at the lighthearted jokes you threw at him, while you take another big spoonful of the chunky ice cream that was his not so long ago.

Little did you know that he really didn’t like your ice cream flavor.

When Jungkook first met you, he knew from the start that he was a goner. The way you smile at him, how your eyes will have a small glint on them whenever you look at him, or the way you would scrunch your nose if you found something funny or cute.

It took him by surprise when you pulled the move on him, thinking you found something disgusting when you first did it.

“I will literally eat you right now!” You scrunch your nose at your smiling boyfriend who’s slightly kneeling for you to be able to see your initial carved into his haircut.

“So that means you like it?” Jungkook stands up and spins to face you. You stare up at him, his dimples on full display looking down at you with your cute outfit he helped you pick on FaceTime.

“I fucking love it baby!! I have the urge to crawl inside your skin,” you bite your lip containing the laugh you’re trying hard to contain, failing miserably when Jungkook raises an eyebrow with a smirk on his face. “That’s… cute,” he replies before kissing off the little nose scrunch he loves so much off your face.

“Is that like your ‘cutie mark’?” You quip, your arms wrapping themselves around his shoulders. “Cutie mark?” He asks, a hint of interest in his voice while he wraps his arms around your waist pulling you closer to him.

“You never watched My Little Pony?” You fake gasp, eyes widening.

“I’ve heard of it, but me sitting down to watch ponies with superpowers… yeah, no.” Jungkook squeezes your waist as he explains.

“You suck,” you roll your eyes playfully sticking your tongue out before entangling yourself off his arms and making your way to the couch.

“Come big baby, we are watching My Little Pony.” You pat the empty couch space beside you.

He watched every season... all nine seasons with you.

Jungkook just wanted to make your life easier; you were always known for being “Miss Independent” in your family and amongst your friends, but here you were letting a man put your heels on for you.

“Too loose or…?” Your boyfriend looks up to you from his kneeling-down position in front of you.

“You look really good on your knees, sir.” You say instead with a sly smirk on your face, ignoring his question. “Pshh,” he rolls his eyes as he chuckles, tying a bow on your lace-up heels.

“Since when do you not flirt back?” You pout watching your boyfriend repeat his actions on the other foot. “Since we are late... and can’t be any more late.” He looks up with a mischievous grin on his face.

“Psh, okay.” You blow out in defeat as your boyfriend chuckles underneath you.

“Come on princess, let's go!” He stands up, giving you a hand for you to stand up off the bed.

The long rides to your guys' destinations were your favorite; Jungkook had given you the “passenger princess” award ever since you set foot in his car. He even installed a light-up mirror on your sun visor whenever you needed to fix your hair or makeup in the car.

Jungkook would listen to your little playlists. He still remembers when you explained to him that each playlist has a different emotion, which made him laugh. Now, anytime you played a song, he would ask you what emotion you were feeling right now.

“What emotion are you feeling right now baby?” He squeezes your thigh as he stops at a red light. The reddish hue illuminates your guy's face. “In love,” you turn your head to the side, staring at your boyfriend who’s already looking at you.

His eyes twinkle as he stares at you, a big smile adorns his face. As you mirror his actions before leaning in and giving him a kiss on the lips, his eyelids immediately flutter close.

“‘Cause I got my mind on you... I’ve got my mind on you.”

Plays softly from the car speaker; you smile into the kiss. “I love you.” He whispers softly. “I love you.” You whisper back.

5 months ago
'If I Was You, I'd Wanna Be Me Too' | For @btsjk-biased
'If I Was You, I'd Wanna Be Me Too' | For @btsjk-biased
'If I Was You, I'd Wanna Be Me Too' | For @btsjk-biased
'If I Was You, I'd Wanna Be Me Too' | For @btsjk-biased
'If I Was You, I'd Wanna Be Me Too' | For @btsjk-biased
'If I Was You, I'd Wanna Be Me Too' | For @btsjk-biased
'If I Was You, I'd Wanna Be Me Too' | For @btsjk-biased
'If I Was You, I'd Wanna Be Me Too' | For @btsjk-biased
'If I Was You, I'd Wanna Be Me Too' | For @btsjk-biased
'If I Was You, I'd Wanna Be Me Too' | For @btsjk-biased
'If I Was You, I'd Wanna Be Me Too' | For @btsjk-biased
'If I Was You, I'd Wanna Be Me Too' | For @btsjk-biased

'If I was you, I'd wanna be me too' 💅 | for @btsjk-biased

{cr. moreloveforhobi, 0613data}

5 months ago
No One:jungkook: *attractively Eating Noodles*
No One:jungkook: *attractively Eating Noodles*

no one: jungkook: *attractively eating noodles*

5 months ago

I love you Jungkook and I hate you for making me so attached to you