comfortbutviolent - Barely A Writer
Barely A Writer

I write...kinda. 21 yrs old Transmasc Incredibly bisexual ...also a bit of a slut 💜

41 posts

Wiggling Her Dick In The Same Way You Click A Pen While Thinking

Wiggling her dick in the same way you click a pen while thinking

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More Posts from Comfortbutviolent

11 months ago

sit behind me and hold my thighs open with your legs

i just want you to rub my little tdick and play with my hole while you tell me how good i am and tease me about how wet ive gotten

maybe i can sit on your cock while you edge me over and over again


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1 year ago

My girlfriend and my roommate are not nearly as subtle as they think they are. My girlfriend isn't really trying to be fair. She makes it obvious how badly she wants me with the way she bites her lip and the way her eyes crawl over me. My roommate on the other hand, tries and fails. He thinks I can't tell how badly he wants to put me in my place. To knock my bratty ass down a peg. But he's so so obvious and I relish the attention. I desperately crave how pissed they both get when I've been particularly annoying. My girlfriend tends to still be gentle, but my roommate will throttle me and it puts me on Cloud 9. I desperately want the both of them to punish me for my constant attitude. I want them to stuff me with toys in every hole, cuff my wrists and ankles, blindfold me and spend all night practically abusing me. Or they could take turns or tag in and out. When one gets exhausted, the other takes over until I'm red and bruised and crying. Maybe some day we'll all get bold enough to livestream it somewhere. Ah, one can only dream.

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11 months ago

One thing I love about my personality is just how much of a brat I am but also how easy it is to crumble that part of me. Like I will sit there and talk back and bite and sass but the minute my girlfriend or roommate does anything about it, I fall to pieces. I truly am an obedient puppy at heart but gods do I love being a brat ♥️

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1 year ago

Can someone please use me while I'm stuck in a hole in the wall? I want degrading things written on my ass and thighs while loads are stuffed in me. I want someone to walk in and find me filled with toys to keep as much cum in me as possible.

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1 year ago

One of my favorite aspects of my personality is that I am bratty chaos gremlin 95% of the time, but if you retaliate in any way then I turn into the biggest sub on the planet. My brain just shuts off instantly. People need to take advantage of that more often.

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