negetive thoughts
157 posts
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hi. please adore me as much as I adore you
sincerely, that annoying girl who has a crush on you
I'm sorry for existing. I wish I could stop but I can't seem to manage to.
pride month makes me want to kill myself.
I don't want to exist today
I'm not depressed, I'm just sad. the person I've been in love with for the past six years is chatting with someone on a dating app.
they really like them.
it might be serious.
I'm kinda devastated.
the tea is: don't buy that. you don't need it. you're literally saving up. it is actually available for free on the internet. YOU DON'T NEED THAT MOVIE!!!!!!!!
I'm just a lonely idiot.
i am a sad potato.
I feel heckn lonely even though it's christmas eve and I'm surrounded by people.
my number 1 goal in life is to smell nice so every time my best friend hugs me it's a pleasant experience for them.
I want to be held and touched in a way only an s o can hold and touch.
I'm a failure, don't @ me.
thinking about the three hours of sleep I'm going to get. all because I'm an idiot.
rando confession: I just want hiddleswift back.
what would happen if I killed myself? who would miss me?
can I tell you something alarming?
I've been fantasizing about the sharp knife in our kitchen recently.
not to harm but to bring an end.
stop posting politics on main, thank you.
feeling not happy, might just eat something.
I'd much rather indulge in fiction than life.
im so tired.
i hate me.
im out of tears but miserable.
existence chips away at me day by day.
feeln heckn sad.
why don't you need me as much as I need you?

last day of meal prep and done. thank all that is good. also: egg not vegan.
"hey Joy. you're special and I love you very much"
-some rando person who doesn't exist but I wish did and thought to send this to me, 2020