Wishful Thinking - Tumblr Posts
having a twin must be nice...I wish I had a twin...or wishing I could find my doppelgänger...
Hey so I discovered they actually have a Nendo request form
Please let's make my dream a reality!

i am a normal human with normal human needs
Glad to know I'm not the only one that ships them

jonas and noora smiling at each other
(for the neediest shipper @shadeandadidas)
It wouldn't surprise me if he tagged along to some of JK's lessons. They probably go riding together, too. Watch one day, Tae will upload a pic of them joy riding together.
wait, did anyone actually know that tae can ride a motorcycle?
I actually didn’t know 😭
Noun // so͞opərˈstiSH(ə)n// a widely held but unjustified belief in supernatural causation leading to certain consequences of an action or event, or a practice based on such a belief
I carry an odd sense of superstition. That is to say, I do not believe open umbrellas inside or shattered hand mirrors will bring me bad luck. Soulmates and miracles are nothing more to me than fairy tale endings but I do carry an odd sense of superstition.
That is to say that I believe magic eight balls hold fate’s voice, and that fate is the universe’s cruel sense of humour. My superstition entails wishing on stars and birthday candle flames. Wishing on fallen eyelashes and blowing them into the wind hoping an angel which catch them and hear my prayer. I carry an odd sense of superstition, which is to say I believe in love and all other impossible things.

There is a big difference between a 'Wish' and HOPE. One of these has power and substance, but the other is an empty shell — and here’s why.
A WISH is a desire of the heart that has defined the shape of what you want but will always just be an empty outline of that which you seek. Wishing does not make anything come to pass except an emptiness inside that mirrors the emptiness of the outline you have drawn in your heart and mind.
On the other hand, HOPE also creates the image of the thing desired but ** Will come to pass when filled with the application of FAITH! **
This is what the Bible means when it says that “Without FAITH it is impossible to please God.” God only responds to prayers and supplications offered up in FAITH, and when the 'Prayer Of Faith' is applied to 'That Which Is Hoped For' and offered up by asking according to God’s will (1 John 5:14) then the Bible promises us that “You shall HAVE what you SAY.” (Mark 11:23)
The key to everything with God is Faith. It is Faith applied in HOPE that yields the fruit of LOVE.
Friend, richly fill your HOPE with FAITH and watch what God will do!
God Bless Your Day Jesus Loves You
It was 9:30, half an hour until the shop would close when he came in the door.
"This is the third night in a row you've shown up unannounced at my job, what's going on?"
"I was in the neighborhood, knew you were closing up soon, realized I missed you, and wanted to walk you home."
-Fujio, Cobra, Masaki, Murayama, Yamoto, Arata, Seiji, Mikey, Takemichi, Chifuyu, Draken, Inupi, Kakucho, Shinichiro
tbh i'm kinda grateful because they wouldn't have been able to have zayn in it for the 10 year thing so hopefully they can have a big party with the 15 year one and zayn will be there and they'll all be free
if you really think about it, covid is the reason we never got the 10 year anniversary one direction reunion. i’ll forever be thinking about that.
Pleasework please work please work Mamma needs rent money dooooee

this is the money dog, repost in the next 24 hours and money will come your way!!
As much I would love for Tommy to not be exiled, I don’t see that not happening purely from a story stand point.
Tommy and Tubbo’s goals no longer align: Tommy has made it clear he only want’s his disks back, while Tubbo wants to keep L’manberg safe. Tommy only follows his emotions and seems like he would happily risk L’manberg for his disks and Tubbo is thinking about the bigger picture with L’manberg and the citizens. (The best comparison I can think of is “the minority vs the majority” if anyone has a better one, let me know please. I hate sounding like a moron)
I 100% agree Tommy’s character has been kind of thrown around like a rag doll and hasn’t had much good fortune recently but sometimes thing have to get worse before they get better.
The good bad mother
So, I'm hating Kang-Ho because he was a total idiot
I feel that he did it on purpose.
I feel that Kng-Ho pushed everyone away because he knew that his dad did not committed suicide. I feel Kang-Ho found out his dad was killed and he wants revenge.
When he was breaking up with Mi-Jo, Mi-Jo say "You have do to something on your own." And he agreed and then left. AND I FEEL that the something was to get revenge.
Him pulling Sam-Sik out of the bar and giving him money? He was surrounded by prosecutors who were evil and he didn't want anybody close to him to be involved.
The scene of him rolling the car towards the river? I feel that was made up. I feel he took the woman and the baby to a safe place and then dumped the car for the fishes to live in.
Him leaving Mi-Jo? She was already too close. He wanted her to be safe. That's why he felt pain when he saw her again.
Him saving those documents behind the painting? Proof of what he had been ordered to do.
I feel that the times he was evil were because he needed to convince others that he actually was evil.
I feel he did it on purpose.
But maybe that's wishful thinking.
The good bad mother
*Clears her throat for the long rant*
I just want to say
I knew Kang-ho was not evil.
You know how I knew it? Because of my instinct that has repeatedly failed me BUT THIS TIME WORKED
Okay, let's start on the public bath: Kang-Ho is getting part of his memories back and I CAN'T WAIT until he gets his full memory back.
The yellow nail polish: I was sure that he was going to get a memory right there but that was hopeful thinking. However, seeing Mi-Jo supporting him through hard times and bringing him comfort was nice. The way Kang-Ho started crying as soon as he saw her shows just how much he trusts her. It was a nice and sweet scene.
His mother throwing him to the river: I was ready to throw hands but then I understood what she was doing. I mean, I'm not saying that throwing the poor man unto the river was a good idea but it was a good idea? I don't know. Mixed feelings right there and then.
Kang-Ho walking again: Definitely had me screaming in my mind (I was babysitting my Godson and he was napping on top of me so I couldn't exactly scream my lungs out) and then Mi-Jo's face started sparking.
His relationship with the twins : CUTEST TRIO EVER! Seeing him sharing with his kids (Because we all know they are his children) is sooo cute. And him being his baby's girl first love? Extremely adorable. And the best friend of his baby boy? Out of this world.
Now, the fun part.
The letter was not something I was expecting. it was surprising and shocking. But it was well received. He sent his mother a letter while being fully aware that she wouldn't believe that he was being sweet. Kang-Ho was cleaver and smart.
The memory card is something that I am honestly looking forward to. I can't say more about it because I don't know what it's going to happen next.
Now, the woman and the baby: I knew he hadn't killed the, My evidence? The evil cane man looked very confused when he heard the evil glass man say that Kang-Ho had killed them. It was enough evidence for me. They are alive. Kang-Ho didn't killed them.
"I'm sure you weren't abandoned either" OF COURSE SHE WASN'T ABANDONED! I am extremely, super-duper sure he left in order to protect her. But you know what else I'm thinking? That he had to make sure she was safe. I believe (Again, this is hopeful thinking) that Kang-Ho kept Mi-Jo on his radar. I feel that he knows everything that was going on with Mi-Jo including the twins. I also feel that Kang-Ho managed to protect Sam-Sik while he was in jail.
This may be wishful thinking, but I hope it's real.
Until next week, or until I obsess over another kdrama!


reblog and make a wish! this was removed from tumbrl due to “violating one or more of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines”, but since my wish came true the first time, I’m putting it back. :)
My dream for Season 2 of Fallout is a musical episode with 4-6 original songs, especially since New Vegas opens up a location like The Tops or characters akin to the lonesome drifter that would really compliment that format. A lot of popular 30s - 50s songs are either showtunes (such as Fallout staple Anything Goes) or showtune adjacent in sound, so it wouldn't be out of place. Also shamelessly committing to having the characters sing and then never acknowledging it again would be very Wild Wasteland of them.
I would walk through fire for you,
I would climb the tallest mountain for you,
I would swim across the ocean for you,
I would go through hell for you,
Just to be in your arms...

Wishful Thinking
She lays bare in bed,
Wrapped in comfort,
As snuggly as one can be.
I’m sitting here alone,
Jealous of her blanket,
Wishing it were me!
He and my love just left. I can tell my love was unhappy. I wish this night would have played out differently!
One of those nights a burning desire to love and be loved is ever present.. a raging bonfire in my chest and limbs....
I don't mean romantically. Not fully. Dates are cute and all...
But it's not what I'm thinking of.
I'm thinking of the kind of friendship you only read about in novels. Friendships stronger than blood, friendships that shatter worlds and survive cyclones. Forces of nature and loyalty that even God shakes in his shoes at.
It's you and me, there's nothing like this.
That's all I truly want out of life. I'd happily die a virgin if it meant I get to live with a group of loving friends.