just to meet me in the morning?
772 posts
Where Is All The Attention For Police Police???? Frank Went The Fuck Off Yet Again
Where is all the attention for Police Police???? Frank went the fuck off yet again
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Sorry idk if i bother you you are probably a busy blog but could you tell me what bloodnun is? I saw it on the shirt on franks site and on your blog and i tried googling it but without result... Thanks in advance
Aww, it’s okay, sweetie!
Bloodnun was small Black Metal project/band/thing we believe Frank was involved in, somewhere around November (2012) and June (2013). There’s no actual confirmation that Frank was part of it, but he and Gianni Dierna tattoed each other the initials of the band (BN and some kind of cross). So, yeah… he was in it.
Heres Bloodnun’s website: bloodnun.com. If you take notice it’s empty, but it’s made in the same platform Frank used for his blog before he moved it to tumblr.
There’s a couple of songs on their Bandcamp account: bloodnun.bandcamp.com
Aaaaand here are the videos of Frank and Gianni in the tattoo parlor (thank jesus i saved them bc they’re lost in instagram/vine i can’t remember, it was two years ago): 1. (x) and 2. (x)
Dont mind the video titles, i was in a delicate state at the time.
I heard this in Robert Sheehan's real voice
Klaus to Dave in the Vietnamese bar: I’ve noticed that we’ve slowly started to phase the b out of our bromance
I know the clip you're talking about, fam... but I for-fucking-got and I'm sorry
anyone have clips of frank iero talking about how he believes in love at first sight because he experienced it. i feel like yearning