The Aesthetic Legacy Challenge

The Aesthetic™ Legacy Challenge
woW a legacy challenge based on my life but in 5 generations. my 𝔸𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕔 changes every second so why not make a legacy challenge based on this because that´s what every simblr does now ri g h t
so each generation is based off a populair 𝔸𝕖𝕤𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕥𝕚𝕔, please don’t take this too serious! They’re stereotypes!
i could say i made it only five generations long because i’ll never finish 10 generations (that’s also true) but mostly because i really didn’t know what else to add lmao
try to complete all rules for each generation I guess
cheats are allowed because without cheats I really can’t play I’m sorry
for every gen i added some lookbooks, builds and reshade presets but you don’t have to use them. do whater u want they’re just for inspiration
if you play and want to share, use #aestheticlegacy

gen 1: vintage
your childhood was good, and you love everything that reminds you of that time. you love the time before you were born even more, even though you have no idea what it was like because you didn’t.. like.. exist yet. you get all your clothes from thrift shops and they probably have stripes on them. you also love aliens (for some reason i don’t know)
inspiration, lookbooks, builds etc.: lookbook 1 , 2 and 3 by @kimoanasims | reshade preset 1 by @wilderbees and 2 by @honeybodies | pinterest board | build 1 by @vampireloreskill and 2 by @glitchysims |
traits: bookworm, family-oriented, slob aspiration: big happy family career: scientist
make one young adult sim
if you don’t live in oasis springs then wat are you doing
master scientist career and finish aspiration
complete at least one collection
visit sixam at least twice
marry an alien when you’re an adult
have three kids
master parenting skills and be good friends with your children

gen 2: art mom
as a child you already made amazing artwork, on the walls. you can’t help it. you just really really love ART. and everyone has to know, it’s the only thing you talk about. you want to make it as an artist. you also wear a lot of yellow.
inspiration, lookbooks, builds etc.: pinterest board | build 1 by @simsthatsparkle 2 and 3 by @meisiu | reshade preset 1 by @lakemizu and 2 by @cowplant-pizza | lookbook 1 by @localsim 2 and 3 by @cat-mermaids
traits: art-lover, childish, creative aspiration: painter extraordinair career: painter
you always painted a lot, but before you complety focused on painting, you had a lot of different jobs as a teen
once you become a young adult you start selling your artwork
marry your best friend who you grew up with
have one kid
volunteer at least once a week or donate to charity
finish your aspiration and master your career

gen 3: grunge
ohmygOD i know it’s not a style it’s a music genre. Your sim loves to wear band merch, to make music and to dye their hair all. the. time. you made some friends with people you grew up with, who have the same style as you and you made a band. ofcourse.
inspiration, lookbooks, builds etc.: pinterest board | lookbook 1 and 2 by @kimoanasims | reshade preset 1 and 2 by @berrybloomsims and 3 by @fuchsiateasims | build by @bottsbotts
traits: gloomy, music lover, noncommittal aspiration: musical genius career: musician
as a teen make a band with your best friends
you become more and more popular and you move to del sol valley when you’re a young adult
become famous, with at least three stars
you can choose if you want your sim to take the wrong path or not
get a child with another famous person but after you get pregnant you never see them again
fnish your aspiration and master your career

gen 4: baddie
your parents were both very famous and rich. you only had one parent growing up but you didn’t care, you got enough attention, not only from your many friends but also from the paparazzi. you loved it. you are already well-known so why not use it to start your own youtube channel?? you’re a beAUTY GUru now. congratulation.
inspiration, lookbooks, builds etc.: pinterest board 1 and 2 | lookbook 1 by @peachiiesims 2 and 3 by @whimsims | reshade preset 1 by @snotsims and 2 by @fuchsiateasims | build 1 by @lovesimplysim and 2 by @racingllama
traits: self-assured, snob, flirty aspiration: fabulous wealthy career: style influencer
move to san myshuno or the pinnacles in del sol valley (if you didn’t live there yet haha)
post videos on youtube and simstagram, get a lot of followers.
have at least one small dog
go to the gym at least once a week
become a trendsetter and master your career
finish your aspiration
master charisma skill
have two kids, spoil them a lot

gen 5: vaporwave
you grew up rich but you just wanted to be alone in your room playing video games. other people just thought you were weird and so you didn’t have a lot of friends.
inspiration, lookbooks, builds etc.: pinterest board | lookbook 1 by @whimsims and 2 by @simmerdivs | reshade preset by @saartje77 | build by @meisiu
traits: loner, geek, goofball aspiration: computer whiz career: secret agent
complete aspiration and master secret agent career
meet your first love at geekcon and marry them
live in a different world than where you were raised
master videogaming and programming skills
adopt at least one child
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Enduring Roots Legacy Challenge
A seven generation Sims 4 legacy challenge based on some of the plants found in the base game. Focus on gardening and some supernatural gameplay.
Required Packs: None
Optional Packs (for some alternate aspirations/traits & optional goals): Cats & Dogs, City Living, Cottage Living, Discover University, Eco Lifestyle, Get Famous, Get Together, Get to Work, High School Years, Horse Ranch, Island Living, Journey to Batuu, Jungle Adventure, Outdoor Retreat, Paranormal, Realm of Magic, Seasons, Snowy Escape, Spa Day, Strangerville, Vampires, Werewolves
Getting started: Aging can be set to whatever you prefer, including being turned off entirely. Gen 1 can be created alone, or with a spouse, sibling, parents, etc., and can be of any age. The listed aspiration does not have to be picked as the sim's first one; they just need to work on (and ideally complete) it at some point in their lives. This challenge is meant to be flexible and guide storytelling, not to be intentionally difficult, and adapt to whatever packs you might have (whether that be none, or all of them), so feel free to make changes to the rules where you need to.
Currently play-testing. As I do, I may make some changes.

Generation 1: Orchard
Always bright as a summer’s day, and beloved by everyone you’ve met, sometimes you’ve been told you’re too much of a good thing. And that some quirks are just not endearing. It’s not your fault you can see things others can’t, and you refuse to pass up the opportunity to make a friend, living or dead.
Traits: Cheerful, Erratic [or Cringe (for rent)], Outgoing [or Dog Lover (cats & dogs), Cat Lover (cats & dogs), Animal Enthusiast (cottage living), or Horse Lover (horse ranch)]
Aspiration: Friend of the World, Friend of the Animals (cats & dogs), Country Caretaker (cottage living), or Emissary of the Collective (werewolves).
Reach level five of the comedy skill
Befriend 3 ghosts
Have a penpal
Grow an orchard of at least three different types of fruit trees
Optional: Live in a haunted house residential (paranormal)
Optional: Have the island spirits lot trait (island living), and/or spooky lot challenge (city living)
Optional: Max the medium skill (paranormal), pet training skill (cats & dogs), and/or horse riding skill (horse ranch)
Optional: Complete the postcards collection
Optional: Complete the sugar skull collection

Generation 2: Wolfsbane
A student of the earth and the night sky, you’ve always found the mysteries of the world more intriguing than any facet of contemporary human civilization.
Traits: Loner [or Socially Awkward (high school years)], Genius [or Bookworm], Loves Outdoors
Aspiration: The Curator, Archaeology Scholar (jungle adventure), Outdoor Enthusiast (outdoor retreat), Jungle Explorer (jungle adventure), or Cure Seeker (werewolves).
Grow an herb garden
Grow wolfsbane flowers*
Have a telescope
Reach level 10 of the logic skill
Moonbathe at least once during each different lunar phase
Optional: Max the vampire lore skill (vampires)
Optional: Complete the microscope prints collection
Optional: Complete the space prints collection
Optional: Complete the fossils collection
*If you don’t have Vampires or Werewolves, then you may have to use debug to find the flower, as although it is a base game plant, I don’t know if there is any way to access it through base game gameplay.

Generation 3: U.F.O Fruit
Your parent inspired in you an awe for the cosmos, but unlike them, who considered it distant and obscure, you’re determined to experience as much of the expanse as you can. All your dreams of adventure you will make reality, and your belief in true love may guide the way.
Traits: Good, Childish, Loyal [or Adventurous (snowy escape)]
Aspiration: Soulmate, Extreme Sports Enthusiast (snowy escape), Strangerville Mystery (strangerville), or Paragon of Hope (journey to batuu).
Teen Aspiration (optional, would not replaces main aspiration): Live Fast (high school years) or Goal Oriented (high school years)
Have a Lin Z speaker
Marry either your high school or college sweetheart, or meet your future spouse on vacation (or while visiting Sixam (get to work)
Reach level five of the fitness skill
Have a rocket ship and reach level 10 of the rocket science skill
Find the U.F.O fruit and use it to start a garden
After having your first child, publish 3 children’s books
Optional: Grow all three Sixam plants in your garden (get to work)
Optional: Max the robotics skill (discover university)
Optional: Complete the aliens collection
Optional: Complete the space rocks collection
Optional: Complete the geodes collection (get to work)

Generation 4: Dragonfruit
There’s something about you that’s striking, alluring; you can’t enter a room without everyone’s eyes on you. Admire, but don’t touch. You have a reputation for having a thorny veneer, and no matter what you do, you can’t help but hurt the ones you love the most.
Traits: Mean, Romantic, Self-Assured [or Self-Absorbed (get famous)]
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief, Serial Romantic, Villainous Valentine, Party Animal, Leader of the Pack (get together), World Famous Celebrity (get famous), or City Native (city living).
Teen Aspiration (optional, would not replace main aspiration): Drama Llama (high school years), Live Fast (high school years), or Admired Icon (high school years)
Have and use a voodoo doll
Reach level 10 charisma
Grow dragonfruit
Throw/attend a social event (or a festival) every weekend while a young adult
Earn gold on three dates
Optional: Complete the crystal collection
Optional: Complete the MySims trophies collection
Optional: Complete the city posters collection (city living)

Generation 5: Cowplant
Dull days and long nights under pulsating lights and darkened rooms. You’re an eccentric bartender constantly surrounded by the pungent vitality of your workplace, and you find it therapeutic. But as you truly begin to perfect your craft, you find yourself bored with drinks that only free the mind for a time, and become obsessed with creating the elixir of life.
Traits: Evil, Perfectionist, Foodie
Aspiration: Master Mixologist, Purveyor of Potions (realm of magic), or Expert Nectar Maker (horse ranch)
Teen Aspiration (optional, would not replace main aspiration): Drama Llama (high school years)
Enter the culinary career (regardless of aspiration) and reach level four
Grow grapes
Grow a cowplant and routinely milk it for the essence of life (even if you no longer need it for yourself)
Have a good relationship with only one of your children (your heir)
Optional: Learn the Pufferfish Nigiri recipe (city living)
Optional: Have the On a Dark Ley Line lot trait (vampires)
Optional: Max the juice-fizzing skill (eco lifestyle)

Generation 6: Death Flower
You grew up surrounded by the constant shadow of death, and you, the only one your parent could never sacrifice, were the one to finally end their reign of terror. Now, you’re alone with your memories, not even the Grim Reaper to talk to. You spend your life writing haunting eulogies, driven by some sense of penance, both for the lives your parent took and for the one murder you committed to end the carnage.
Traits: Gloomy, Loner [or Paranoid (strangerville)], Jealous [or High Maintenance (spa day)]
Aspiration: Musical Genius or Inner Peace (spa day)
Reach level 10 of an instrument (violin, pipe organ (vampires), piano, or guitar)
Befriend the Grim Reaper during your childhood/teen years
Kill your parent during your teenage or young adult life stage
Only visit community lots at night
Grow orchids, pomegranates, and death flowers
Optional: Have the tragic clown painting
Optional: Have the Cursed (city living) and/or Spooky lot challenge (city living)
Optional: Max the wellness skill (spa day)

Generation 7: Forbidden Fruit of the Plant Sim
Your parent lived in eternal mourning, so any happiness or beauty were things you had to find yourself. You found all that and more, in the splendors of nature, and became obsessed with capturing it on canvas for everyone to see. As you tread deeper into nature’s embrace, you find secrets that transform the very essence of your being.
Traits: Creative [or Art Lover], Cheerful, Loves Outdoors [or Green Fiend (eco lifestyle)]
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinare, Freelance Botanist, or Country Caretaker (cottage living)
Live off-the-grid
Reach level 10 gardening
Reach level 10 painting
Complete three masterpiece quality paintings
Find the forbidden fruit of the plant sim; plant it
Become a plant sim (unless you are already an occult)
Optional: Have the Creepy Crawlies (jungle adventure), Simple Living (cottage living) and/or Reduce & Recycle lot challenge (eco lifestyle)
Optional: Max the flower arranging skill (seasons)
Optional: Complete the frogs collection
Optional: Complete the insects collection (outdoor retreat)

🌻✧˚🍂⋆ Elaine Ophelia 🌻✧˚🍂⋆
Social Media
Gallery ID: JennDaGamingChic (You can download her here)
Custom Content Used:
Skin Details/Genetics
Hair | Skin Overlay | Ears | Eyebrows | Eyes | Eyelashes | Eyeshadow | Eyeliner | Blush | Blush 2 | Lipstick | Freckles | Moles | Nosemask | Mouth Corners | Tattoos | Lip Slider
Everyday Outfit
Hat | Necklace | Cardigan | Rings | Skirt | Loafers
2nd Everyday Outfit
Hat | Blouse | Rings | Skirt | Socks
Formal Outfit
Necklace | Dress | Heels
Athletic Outfit
Necklace | Shirt | Shorts | Socks | Converse
Party Outfit
Necklace | Bodysuit | Skirt | Tights | Heels
Glasses | Choker | Swimsuit | Pareo
Hot Weather Outfit
Necklace | Top | Skirt | Wedges
Cold Weather Outfit
Flower Crown | Scarf | Blouse | Skirt | Boots

⊰☆ | fieldoffae - a gshade preset
i thought i’d share the preset i’ve been using lately, with a few minor adjustments! <3 i’d love to see if anyone uses it, so feel free to tag me if you do!! :)
not intended for gameplay
i use the Sunblind lighting mod
download (free, no ads): sfs
Easy on the Eyes Gshade Preset by Savythatsimmer 💗

💗(Muted + toned down preset - highly requested)
This has been my personal gameplay preset for months + I refined it for those of you who have asked.

📂✨AVAILABLE NOW for Patreon Members:
📂✨FREE to the public in two weeks: Friday 1.19 View photos here^