cowboy-atomic - Yeah, I Do Art
Yeah, I Do Art

They/them ( Don’t post here a lot anymore really except for fanart, find me on Instagram by the same name.Previously was: CrystallineBiped

260 posts

Small Drawing Of Connor I Did. (Yeah, I Spelled His Name Wrong On Accident But Im To Lazy To Fix It.)

Small Drawing Of Connor I Did. (Yeah, I Spelled His Name Wrong On Accident But Im To Lazy To Fix It.)

Small drawing of Connor I did. (Yeah, I spelled his name wrong on accident but I’m to lazy to fix it.)

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6 years ago

Pro tip: Prevent tumblr from recognising your difinitely-not-female-presenting-nipples images as female presenting nipples by doing the following:

A: Have an enbie or male present them.

But this won’t actually change anything, so instead you better do this:

B: Before posting images or gifs, add a subtle dither/static/pixel/noise effect over them. Make it transparent enough that your fellow humans won’t notice, but that the bots will.

This will work as even if you just google ‘tv static’, enlarge/crop it so it takes up the whole image and then set the effect to 1% transparency, humans won’t see it, yet the way bots see the world involves recognising pixels, and trust me, the bots will pick up on this and to them your image will just look like a bunch o’ random pixels (Bots can tell if something has been photoshopped, even if only slightly)

For example, how many of you can tell which of these has the overlay?

Pro Tip: Prevent Tumblr From Recognising Your Difinitely-not-female-presenting-nipples Images As Female
Pro Tip: Prevent Tumblr From Recognising Your Difinitely-not-female-presenting-nipples Images As Female
6 years ago

people who don't wear glasses who are writing characters who wear glasses;

they get fogged up when we drink hot beverages. they get smudged for no reason. we will push them up using anything in our area (i.e shoulder, whatever is in my hand, scrunching my nose up so they get pushed up, etc.). they get knocked off our faces all. the. fucking. time. when we change clothes we either take them off or they fall off when we pull our shirts off. we have to clean them after being in the rain. we own multiple pairs of them, not just one lone pair for our whole lives. most people don’t wear them in the pool, but some have extra old pairs for the pool (like me). some people take them off during sex, that’s fine! but some people keep them on. they don’t get squished into your face when you kiss (most of the time. at least from what i’ve experienced and i’ve got some mf big glasses). if we look down and look back up while you talk/to peek up at something, we will just peek blindly over the top of them. we clean them on whatever item of clothing is closest. some of us have prescription sunglasses and some of us wear contacts when we need to wear sunglasses. please keep some of these in mind when you write characters with glasses cause y'all who have 20/20 vision keep telling me all characters sleep in their glasses and own the same singular pair from age 6-25 and they never clean them.

6 years ago
How To Draw Arms ? ?
How To Draw Arms ? ?

how to draw arms ? ? 

6 years ago
To Be Honest, I Really Wish I Didnt Line Or Color It. Plus I Forgot To Take A Picture Of It With Out

To be honest, I really wish I didn’t line or color it. Plus I forgot to take a picture of it with out the markers and color pencils. I swear it was good.

Character: Salmon (Happy Dog-Cat-Fish)

Original character sheet I got her from (I adopted her):

To Be Honest, I Really Wish I Didnt Line Or Color It. Plus I Forgot To Take A Picture Of It With Out

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6 years ago
Ok So, This Is A Doodle From My ELA Class. The Teacher Put Post-it Notes On The Notebooks That Werent

Ok so, this is a doodle from my ELA class. The teacher put post-it notes on the notebooks that weren’t graded and I doodled on mine. I was thinking about the Diamond Murals in SU and I wanted to draw something like that. The next thing I know I love this boy and I treasure him. So I drew more:

Ok So, This Is A Doodle From My ELA Class. The Teacher Put Post-it Notes On The Notebooks That Werent

But with an eye.

I think he would be like a king of a shadow realm. Mostly because he’s solid black except for his armor. So in his world, he’s technically be invisible (expect for his eye) so he’d look intimidating.

Funny story: I showed this boy to my friend and asked “Hey, what should I name him?”. Then she said “Ummm… Derek, the straightest white guy.”. I look at her for a second before saying “He’s not white.”

Character: Derek (The shadow k i n g)

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