They/them (https://en.pronouns.page/@Fibernachi) Don’t post here a lot anymore really except for fanart, find me on Instagram by the same name.Previously was: CrystallineBiped
260 posts
I Finally Got Marker Paper Bc My Parents Bought Me Prismacolors For My Birthday Back In FEBRUARY. I Was

I finally got marker paper bc my parents bought me prismacolors for my birthday back in FEBRUARY. I was testing it out along with new gel pens I got. I love them so far.
(Sorry for bad lighting, my lamp is weird rn.)
larryblaw liked this · 5 years ago
aliakbar925 liked this · 5 years ago
tetramodal liked this · 5 years ago
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More Posts from Cowboy-atomic
friends, lemme share this little gem with you

FIRST! The inner flap:

oh dear indeed…

some people crayons are jerks.



:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :’’’’) :’’’’’’’’)))))))))))

i just have a lot of feelings about this book and think everyone should own it

Doodling with friends and did this.

Welp, looks like I’m edgy now.
Originally posted on the OFF Amino. Post (it explains more there.)
Psst, hey, hey you, yes you
Everybody who reblogs this before may 25th 2019 will get a little cryptid design based on their blog, url, etc.
Everyone who reblogs this by April 21, 2019, 10:00 EST, will get a moodboard based off of their blog!
You can specify anything you really want in their in your reblog/dm me!
Please make sure your submissions are open! You will receive a moodboard by April 27!