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HoTD in modern-day politics. How would Rhaenyra and Daemon fare?

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Aemma fears she might not survive her latest pregnancy and makes Viserys swear by all the Valyrian gods that he will send Rhaenyra to be fostered either in Driftmark with Rhaenys and her children or with Rhea Royce in the Vale. What choice does he make and how does that affect Rhaenyra’s future?

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HoTD Modern Soap Opera AU

1. Aemma survives delivering Baelon by caesarian section, but he does not live due to weak lungs. She refuses to have more kids, asks for a divorce and custody of Rhaenyra, who is eight. Viserys is forced to agree. Aemma goes to the Vale with her daughter, where she resumes her interrupted education and becomes a schoolteacher.

2. Rhea, who’s managing her family’s farm in the Vale, divorces Daemon (irreconcilable differences)--they had married because his grandmother felt marriage would be a steadying influence on him. Daemon, who’s in the marines, happily goes off to war. Rhea proceeds to become besties with Aemma and her daughter. She also begins to think of a relationship with her cousin, Gerold, the local sheriff, which eventually leads to marriage  and babies.

3. Laena, Rhaenys and Corlys Velaryon’s adventurous older daughter, joins the air force, along with her brother, Laenor. They get to know Daemon. Rhaenys is Viserys and Daemon’s cousin, who was done out of leading the family firm back in her grandfather’s day. Corlys has spent twenty years in the navy; he met Rhaenys when she was a naval pilot. Even though both the senior Velaryons have a seat on the Targaryen corporation board, they have a contentious relationship with Viserys and Otto.

4. Eighteen-year-old Alicent, who was Rhaenyra’s babysitter in KL, is persuaded by Otto, her father, (who is Viserys’s political advisor and second in command in his company) to give up thoughts of university and focus on comforting Viserys after his divorce. This eventually leads to their marriage a few months later, and to the birth of three sons and a daughter. However, Viserys is unable to get over the breakup with Aemma and the breakdown of his relationship with Rhaenyra. This has a negative impact on his marriage to Alicent.

5. Rhaenyra takes the news of her father’s remarriage badly. As she grows up,her anger with her father leads her to focus almost exclusively on academic and extra-curricular achievements--she lacks a social life. She is determined to work for Targaryen Corp and show up her father, much to  Rhea’s and Aemma’s dismay--they would prefer she chose a career away from the family firm. Viserys decides to reach out to her, and invites her to KL, to spend some time with him, Alicent and their kids. Rhea and Aemma reluctantly agree to let her go.

6. Her arrival in KL coincides with the return of her Uncle Daemon from war. Rhaenyra had always had a close relationship with him; her father had been too busy with business and politics to pay her much attention and her mother was unable to pay attention to her because she was either trying to get pregnant or recovering from a miscarriage or stillbirth. She has little in common with Alicent or her kids, who are eight or more years younger than her, and spends her time partying and seeing the city with Daemon. She also has a brief fling with Criston Cole, who’s in charge of the family’s security. On one such excursion with Daemon, the two of them land up in KL’s red light district. When Daemon gets into a fight with a couple of toughs, who are trying to assault Rhaenyra, and is sent to jail, the local cop on the beat, Harwin Strong, recognizes her and gets her home. Of course, Alicent’s father, Otto, who’s never liked Daemon, tries to insinuate that Rhaenyra and Daemon were having an affair, which isn’t true. Rhaenyra, who’s infuriated by this insinuation, packs her bags to return to the Vale. She also rejects Criston’s offer of marriage rather abruptly and rudely. When she arrives at the bus stop (because plane and train tickets are beyond her budget) she runs into Harwin Strong again, who’s going home to Harrenhal for a holiday. He accompanies her to the Vale instead, to get her home to her mother safely.  Rhaenyra is impressed with his kindness and concern for her welfare and they grow fond of each other.

7. In jail, Daemon calls Laenor, explaining the situation he got into. He also  asks them to look out for Rhaenyra, until he gets a message from Harwin telling him he got her home safe. Laena and Laenor land up in court to post bail for Daemon. Although the Velaryons find him exasperating, Laena begins to fall in love with him. 

8. Viserys, who assumes that Rhaenyra’s reputation is mud because of her spending time with Daemon, tries to arrange to marry her off to Laenor, who refuses, because he’s come out as gay and is in a happy relationship with a fellow officer, Joffrey Lonmouth. Viserys then goes to the Vale to tell Aemma what to do to restore Rhaenyra’s reputation and is told to shut up and leave by his ex-wife and ex-sister-in-law.

9. Rhaenyra, who has always been a good student, is able to work out a plan to study and work part-time. She’s very intrigued by Harwin Strong, but wants to make something  of herself before making a move on him. She also wants to study in KL and live on campus, not with her father and his wife. Her mother reluctantly agrees to this arrangement.

10. Alicent, who’s done the dutiful wife thing and given her husband four lovely kids, decides she wants to go back to university--she has enough money to hire nannies for the kids, a good housekeeper and an excellent cook. Stepmom and stepdaughter meet at university, which is when Criston Cole tells Alicent he can no longer work for her family because of his affair with Rhaenyra and her abruptly ending the relationship. Alicent sympathizes with him, even as Rhaenyra becomes close to the Velaryons (Laenor and Laena), who are in turn close to her uncle Daemon. Alicent, who is deeply religious, is troubled by the lifestyle of the younger Velaryons, and tries to warn Rhaenyra, who reminds her nastily that she married her father only a few months after he got a divorce from her mother. Both women take courses in business, politics and law--Rhaenyra is determined to run her father’s company and Alicent is determined to protect her children’s inheritance, because Viserys is not keeping well. Moreover, she is suspicious of Daemon, who has been seen with Laena Velaryon. She also keeps an eye on her stepdaughter and notes her closeness to Harwin Strong, whose father and brother both work for Targaryen Corp. Lyonel Strong is the company secretary, while Larys Strong is in charge of security, especially against industrial espionage. When they both graduate with honours and apply to Targaryen Corp, Otto hires Alicent as his executive assistant, and Viserys does the same for Rhaenyra. This is when Rhaenyra and Harwin tie the knot--he continues to work for the city police, which Daemon has also joined. Daemon is now married to Laena, who decides  to resign from the air force and work part time at Targaryen Corp alongside Rhaenyra.

11. While Alicent is able to concentrate on her career, because her kids are in the care of nannies and governesses, Rhaenyra and Laena have to combine their work with motherhood. Luckily, Laenor and Joffrey, who are now in non-combat postings, love pitching in with baby-sitting, as do Rhaenys and Corlys. Aemma has decided to move to KL to be with her daughter--she’s still teaching, but loves taking care of the grandkids. Both Daemon and Harwin are kept busy working for the police department.

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At Least Were Getting Some Good Jokes Out Of It
At Least Were Getting Some Good Jokes Out Of It
At Least Were Getting Some Good Jokes Out Of It

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