Predictions - Tumblr Posts

Glenn and Rob as
Bert and Ernie for
Pass it on
Frank could have met up with Artemis for the rest of the trip *shabu-yaroka* if you catch my drift.
The original order of episodes was rearranged, causing serving the gang at The Sooper Bol in the past to be mentioned by the guiginos waiter while serving Dee on the plane (9th ep referred to in 3rd).
Is time hopping somehow coming into play.....
I think because any manner of s t u f f is going on behind closed doors, keeping it to themselves. Since Dennis showed that he’s only comfortable touching Mac, and maybe being touched to a degree, when they’re alone from the escape room.
Ex: (that I’m almost done making a post about)
Dennis says in his speech that “You’ve gotta stop kissing me” meaning he is actually kissing him; would you word it that way if you didn’t want someone to keep attempting to kiss you?
Also, as a side detail, I found that after saying that the tone Dennis spoke in was suddenly especially ‘gay’ stereotypically? Just my first observation and still felt that way after seeing it again just now as it aired.
Since Mac’s not hiding his sexuality anymore, he isn’t as stringent as Dennis would be with what they usually do at home, them being much more touchy?And Mac wouldn’t be as quick to catch on if he’s being manipulated at all by Dennis somehow into behaving differently in public verses in private to exactly how Dennis would like.
Dennis orchestrated all of it for that harassment seminar, so was it ALL at its core to make a declaration about Mac? (To throw any assumptions/questions about them off his case, or more sadly to make a public statement about what he considers a ‘vice’ he’s trying to quit, like how someone would make a public announcement for being sober/losing weight with a diet/etc, as an ultimatum for himself).
Um omg at what Dennis said to Mac I literally can’t go thru the scene
Yea I agree but also?? Watching them interact in the rest of the episode I’m like … boi actions speak louder than words. Like idk they still have that tension, and Dennis is very vocal about not the wanting closeness and shit from Mac but continues to be glued to his side? Mixed signals !
Mac did only start groping Dennis’ leg when they started mentoning how the Eagles needed points to win the Super Bowl (Go Birds) 👀‼️
“Don’t worry Dennis, I’m gonna make you SO proud [Mac pats Dennis’ inner leg and Dennis knocks his hand away and moves his other hand to cover between his legs], I’m gonna work really hard and get ALL the points, I-“
“What’s with you and the points? There are no points, we established that.”
“Well that’s how the Eagles won the Super Bowl... with the most points...”
“I know that’s how the Eagles won the S-, but this isn’t The Eagles...”
{Dennis looks around at his other side as well in the direction of Charlie, and might I remind us they are in fact The Eagles, the ones born out of thunder}:

Dennis continues “...okay? This is a seminar-“
“But Go Birds, though..?”
And they all agree ‘Well yeah of course Go Birds”
And Mac takes this affirmation of the Eagles to slap his hand back down on Dennis’ leg saying with a confidence and relief “Go Birds?! Right? Go Birds.”
And Dennis strongly pushes Mac’s hand away saying “Get your h a n d off my knee-!” while closing his legs more than they were.
(Also it looks like this is another moment where Rob ends up showing he’s trying not to laugh.)

ok so a theory on Time’s up for the gang
Dennis said “You gotta stop kissing me, man” to Mac. as if it had happened multiple times my theory is that Mac kissed Dennis in the Superbowl episode, which we’ll see later since it is a flashback episode.
they keep talking about the super bowl i’m convinced the gang wins the sooper bol is gonna be Important
Among all the Time’s Up analysis and introspection I just want to say that I hope Charlie got his own hotel bathrobe like he wanted.

Oh my gosh I just realised that the car from the trailer might be Dennis’ dark green range rover ( :0

This bathroom welcomes men, women, transgender/any gender, rich or poor, and Christians/Muslims/any religion - A washroom of peace
(Alternative interpretations for the last three can be for Hippies, Fish, and Werewolves, who are also welcome)
I really hope dennis loves claiming gender fluidity.

Who’s dressing in women’s clothing to use the cleaner women’s bathroom (bad) that Mac would end up peeking at (also bad) because he’s confused at who could be in there?’s gender fluid Dennis isn’t it.
tired: dennis will be mad and sad during mac finds his pride
wired: Boys Are Out Tonight Huh? vol. 2
the most recent season finals..
s9- burning down the apartment
s10- burning the apartment again
s11-almost dying.. big confessions…
s12-Dennis leaves
so is mac finds his pride gonna kill me? is rcg gonna materialize out of my screen and kill me with their own bare hands?

dennis never removed the cameras from the bar, right? old lady house ends, kinda ominously, by revealing that dennis can see everything that’s happening in the bar
and one of the promos for s13 was literally shot in the style of security footage, showing dennis ‘stalking’ the gang as they sit, unknowing, in the bar
i’m pretty much convinced that the gang does a clip show is actually going to be a very important episode, and possibly the one where dennis cracks? my theory is that we’re going to see scenes from episodes this season that ‘weren’t shown’ but were caught on dennis’ cameras

Anyone wanna explain to me what the fuck is going on here??

ᵘʰʰʰʰʰ this was not in the episode… they cut it because…
the theories about dennis’ fantasy sequence : confirmed ✓
The Gang Does a Clip Show will be centered around the gang’s Delusion, in that their collective, false, and more successful idealistic self images will be explained and described to each other out loud, making them real in a sense because that imaginary version of each of themselves and their wrongly recalled memories now exist explicitly in minds other than their own.
I think Always Sunny is taking this to above the next level, as they do, by making it literal - These delusions actually start manifesting.
(Additionally, and a bit self indulgently, Mac’s will undoubtably involve Dennis to an extent, so who knows where that could go. This could be used purposely to layout a sort of ‘best of macdennis’ supportive moments for catching up anyone who isn’t as familiar with the show/somehow didn’t notice, perhaps with the intention to make their relationship, however it changes next, have a chance to be well received and understood by a wider audience than if something like that wasn’t done as a recap.)
I wish I’ve seen Inception, but taking a look at the overview of what it’s about, maybe the new reality of this episode will be the shared dream world of their now openly shared delusional self perceptions.
And that the episode will explore the inception/origin of each of their strong held delusions about themselves (ex: Dees acting prowess and entertaining ambitions or Franks ‘attractive looks’ that allow him to woo women).
If interconnected dream worlds are the basis for the movie Inception, maybe The Gang Does a Clip Show will use the gang’s inseparable dependency on each other, that allows them to reliably stagnate in their delusions with enabling support without usually making progress towards success with these dreams, as the foundation for which clips are shown to outline their reasoning for being able to maintain such denial of elements of themselves and their lives where they instead embrace a more comfortable delusion. All their dreams of what they want and who they want to be, but are delusional about, combine into one new reality to make an actual “dream world.”
As a dream is in an ever-forming state, their delusional dreams/aspirations in relation to each other and the world around them as time goes on have to be constantly malleable in order to be kept alive as a dream or belief that’s still, by some stretch, logically possible.
I wonder if the viewer’s experience watching will be incorporated in anyway. Like in the movie, us all viewing this show is a similar exercise to what could be shared dreaming, and for Sunny, we are all participating in and supporting the gang’s shared delusions.
The Gang Does a Clip Show
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia:
Season 13, Episode 7
My brain explaining to me why my delusion isn’t a delusion and it’s most likely real even though it makes no sense what so ever