creationsbyme - Writer's Creations
Writer's Creations

"Do not judge my story by the chapter you walked in on." -Unknown

65 posts




pairing: Loki x Reader: 18+

word count: 5k

summary: Even after inviting Loki to one of Tony’s parties, he believes that you do not truly want him to be there. Thinking that you and the team invite him out of pity, you follow him into the bathroom where you accidentally confess your feelings for him.

a/n: This is a long overdue present for my friend lmao. 

Requests that have been sent in are still being worked on and will be posted next!

Keep reading

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2 years ago

Around the Realms in 80 days- Chapter 12

Pairing: Reader x Loki

Story summary: You have fallen through a portal during the convergence into Asgard and come face to face with Thor, and his brother Loki. With no way to return, you must travel with the two men and their hoard of asgardian soldiers to get back home. Things get from bad to worse when you have to share a tent with the god of mischief himself.

Notes: Hello! hope you enjoy this chapter! Lil warning asshole Loki rears his head again in this chapter and the first half is a bit angsty!

Around The Realms In 80 Days- Chapter 12

The first thing that hit you was the headache. 

There was a little drummer inside your brain hitting the snare that was your temples. 

As you slowly came round, the other thing that struck you was that Loki was pretending to be asleep. 

The awkwardness that was the atmosphere between you and Loki seemed to still be around in the morning. Whether he had overheard your words last night or not, either way he still hadn’t spoken to you. 

You had slept in his bed enough times now to realise when he was pretending to sleep, like that time in the middle of the night when he had caught you staring.

Why he was pretending, you couldn’t be sure. 

You studied him, despite knowing he was awake and was aware of what you were doing. This was going to be your last morning waking up beside the God of mischief after all and you didn’t want to miss any of it.

You flicked your mind back to the night previous as best you could, although it was difficult considering the way your head banged and throbbed. You sat up and downed your glass of water. You frowned slightly, remembering suddenly that it was Loki who had provided you with it. On reflection, Loki had surprised you last night, he had asked why you were upset, a personal interest you didn’t expect.

He was almost acting like…a friend. 

Perhaps that made this day, your leaving day, all the more difficult; were you loosing a potential friend?

Or had you already lost him, before a friendship could properly bloom, by speaking those infernal words last night. 

Not that you regretted them, you meant what you said no matter how much you wish you didn’t mean them. Besides, after today you would probably never see him again. So it didn’t really matter anyway. 

Could one be friends with Loki? Well, now you’d never know. Which was a good thing, you tried to remind yourself. As much as Loki’s words had hurt you the morning before, he was probably right; you didn’t belong here and it was for the best you were leaving. 

Then why did it hurt so much?

The rain hit the tent in large droplets, seeming like it was just as upset as you were about leaving. 

You put the glass back down beside you, embarrassing bits and pieces were coming back to you, including a particularly strange one about blowing a raspberry at him.

Maybe it was better that he was pretending to be asleep, he might kill you when he woke up. 

Speaking of which, Loki was beginning to “stir.” He shuffled about, stretched and then opened his eyes, already frowning. 

A truly Oscar worthy performance. 

You tried to glare down at him, but making the facial expression made your head throb again, causing you to suck in a breath through your teeth. 

“Feeling ill girl?” He asked, his voice not groggy with sleep confirming your assumptions. 

Despite the fact that you were starting down at him, he still managed to somehow be looking down his nose at you, glaring with a hard stare. 

Great, so he was back to a stoic, moody god. 

“Hm just a bit. The wine didn’t make me sick though which is something, normally that’s my usual party trick even when drinking earth wine.” You tried to lighten the mood.

Unfortunately it didn’t work, and he deepened his scowl.

“Midgardian wine is disgusting and primitive, just like everything on that planet.” He spat.

You decided not to comment incase it made his clearly bad mood even worse. 

Drawing your knees up to your chest, you rested your aching head on them, listening to the rain getting faster and sighed quietly, looking forward to your trip back even less now the weather was so awful. The last time you had ridden in the rain was on the way to Deill, and you could still remember the way the cold had seeped through your skin to your bones. 

The noise of the men rousing and saddling up was getting louder alerted you that it was time to get ready. Stretching and slipping out of bed, you went to change. 

As you popped a light blue smock on, courtesy of Yrsa, you began thinking of home; well, of showers mainly and how the first thing you were going to do was get into one and then wear some of your own clothes. Maybe even your fluffy pyjamas if it was cold enough at home and then some…

“What’s that?” Loki’s sharp voice brought you out of your musings. 

“What’s what?” You turned round to face him. 

“What’s that, on the back of your neck?” His tone was harsh and cold still. 

Loki got out of bed suddenly and took two large strides to meet you by the chair. He stood directly in front of you, leaving you staring at the middle of his chest. It had taken you by surprise and you blinked a couple of times before craning your neck up.

He was very close, and you stepped backwards automatically, a lump forming in the back of your throat. Even with his stony face and all its harsh lines, he really was very pretty, and having his chest so close to your face made it difficult to not think about… well, how strong he was. 

Without asking for permission. he moved your hair out of the way, barring the left side of your neck to him. He studied it closely, frowning slightly, as he traced a mark along your neck. 

You shivered embarrassingly and stepped away, putting your own hand where he had just been touching.

“I’m not sure?” Your voice squeaking slightly. 

Loki irritably conjured a silver hand-mirror for you to look.

“Oh, erm this bruise here is from the trolls I’m pretty sure, and then this scar is really old I got it when I was a kid. It’s kind of a funny story actually, I was in a swimming pool and there must have been something sharp in the water; when I came up from doing a handstand there was a gash in my neck. But I swear I didn’t scrape it or anything. So weird. Anyway they had to evacuate the pool and I got like 7 stitches. It didn’t even hurt that much.” 

You looked back at Loki who was still frowning, something he had been doing all morning. You placed the mirror on the chair awkwardly. 

“Something in a swimming pool, cut your neck?” He said slowly. 

“Yep. It was my friend Harry’s 7th birthday party and he passed out when he saw it.” You laughed remembering the story. 

Loki stepped back too and gave you a look you couldn’t decipher.  

“So fragile.” He said, the first softly spoken words he had said all morning.

He quickly changed to his usual sneering face that usually meant bad news. 

“Mortals are so fragile.” His repeated harshly. 

“Alright, jeez.” You rubbed your neck. “You are in a bad mood this morning.” 

He narrowed his eyes and stared down at you,

“Why would I be in a bad mood?”

You shrugged, “Your guess is as good as mine my friend.” 

He continued to glare before raising a perfect eyebrow.

“I am not your friend.”

His words hit you in the stomach, and for all your confident words you were starting to wonder if you would be sick after all. You could feel the bile rising in your throat, and your heart thumping in your chest. 


You composed yourself before speaking. 

“It’s just a saying on Earth. I’m aware we are not friends.” You spat. 

“Good.” He spat back.

“Well I’m glad we’ve cleared that up.” You made to leave the tent. 

Before you got too far however, you turned back around. It was like picking a scab, you knew you should just leave it but you couldn’t.  

“I, personally can’t wait to go home so I don’t have to deal with an arrogant asshole god every-day.”

“And I, personally can’t wait for you to go home so I don’t have to babysit a weak and fragile mortal every-day.” He retorted back, quickly.

You felt rage flow through you, you wanted to stomp your feet like a child, you wanted to scream and cry, you wanted to hurt him back. 

“I would never have wanted to be friends with you anyway.” 

You left quickly, like a coward before he could say anything. 

The rain shower had stopped for now, but the grass squelched under your feet. You could feel the all-familiar signs of tears growing in your eyes and threatening to fall. You walked as fast as you could before anyone noticed. You crossed the camp and into the woods behind to the water source. 

“Asshole asshole asshole” You chanted under your breath. “Ughhhh.” 

You stuck your hands into the water and flicked it over your face like they do in the adverts. Unfortunately you ended up with water in an unflattering place on your dress. 

“Ah!” You yelled out loud in frustration. 

“Ah!” You yelled out again, this time in response to Thor suddenly appearing through the trees. 

You rolled your eyes and put your hand on your chest, trying to catch your breath back.

“What?” You snapped, harsher than you meant to.

Thor looked sheepish,

“Apologies my lady, it was not my intention to frighten you. I merely wished to inform you we are leaving now.” 

You sighed. “Fine, I’m on my way.” 

“I also wanted to apologise for letting you drink the wine last night, I should have had more care.” 

“Don’t worry about it, I’ve had worse hangovers on flaming sambuka’s.” 

“What’s…flaming sambuka?”

“It’s…never mind.” You followed him back through the trees. 

“Loki thought you seemed down yesterday, how do you feel today?” 

“Loki said what?” You were taken aback. 

“He mentioned you seemed in low spirits during the ride to Rythja.” Thor responded.

You frowned but didn’t respond. What a strange thing for Loki to bring up, when he had made clear this morning he quite obviously didn’t care.

“Well, he can’t talk about mood changes, he was in a massive strop today.” You mumbled. 

Thor sighed,

“I don’t think he is particularly looking forward to returning to the Capital today. He has a long way to convince the people he could make a good king one day, there have been many who have not been too accepting of him.” 

“I wonder why.” You rolled your eyes. 

Loki was not exactly in your good books today, having thoroughly pissed you off that morning.

The kicker was, you had naively thought yourselves growing closer, even feeling upset about having to leave incase you never saw him again. 

You remained in thought, generally erring on the side of angry, until you arrived at the horses, saddled up and ready to leave. Halvor helped you up as usual in front of him, and you settled in for the journey. 

You peaked a look up to the front of the convoy, where Loki rode next to Thor, wondering if you could gauge any emotions he held about your earlier conversation. The princes were in deep conversation, Loki still had the scowl on his face he had worn all morning. 

“Are you alright Miss?” Halvor asked, when you sighed heavily.

“I’m fine, thanks though. Guess I’m just wanting to get home now.” You lied.

“Of course, you must be looking forward to returning.”

You hummed in a non-committal sort of way, and soon the party set off for the last time.


The men’s excitement grew, like a hoard of bees, the close you got to the capital. It was a tangible feeling, almost one you could taste in the back of your throat. It was contagious, and as much as you didn’t want to return, your own excitement of getting seeing the capital was growing too. 

You had been able to see it in the distance for a while; something large, tall and golden, getting closer with every passing second. You felt like Dorothy heading towards the emerald city. 

“Not long now Latte.” Volstagg affirmed, riding beside you. 

“Are you looking forward to be home?” You asked politely.

“Aye my lady.”

“Do you have a family there?”

Fandral snorted from the other side of him. 

“Any child you find fatherless belongs to Volstagg.” 

Volstagg gave him a push. 

“Do not listen to him, ’tis Fandral who is the swain here, the ladies do not call him Fandral the dashing for nothing…”

While the men bickered amusingly near you, you once again attempted a look over to see how Loki was faring. The journey had been going on for a few hours now, and while your anger still bubbled, you were starting to regret your final words. 

There was a very real chance they were your final words to him after all; and while he was being a colossal dick this morning, you still felt some remorse for the way things had ended between you. 

Unfortunately you couldn’t gain much from the back of his head. 

You tossed between trying to say something to him before you left or just leaving how things were. He was the one that started the argument after all, and your prideful side told you to continue to ignore him. The softer part of you, told you that you would be upset if you didn’t at least try to end things cordially. 

Someone was shaking you gently out of your contemplation, 

“Miss? We are approaching the city gates.” 

You blinked rapidly, having been so lost in thought you had missed getting closer to the city. A sudden sense of nervousness overtook you, and butterflies fluttered in your stomach. The idea of facing more Asgardians that you had done previously was worrying you slightly.

As if he could feel you fretting in front of him Halvor mumbled,

“Don’t worry so much, just keep your head down. You won’t be the first mortal some of them have seen but they might be surprised to see one riding in with the Prince’s guard.” 

The city gates seemed to appear quicker than you would have liked and you swallowed a lump in your throat, preparing to be stared at as you paraded through. 

On approach, a loud bell sounded which seemed to alert the people that the Princes were arriving. Unfortunately this did nothing for your nerves and you jumped dramatically, nearly unseating yourself from the horse.

“We’ve taken one of the bottom entrances to the capital, so the Princes have chance to walk through the streets before we make our way up to the castle. This allows the people welcome them back after their tour.” Halvor informed you. 

The situation might have been a bit scary but you were glad to have someone with you to explain things as you went. 

As you started the journey up to the castle, people appeared out of their houses and shops, waving and shouting like they had done in Deill. You additionally noticed the questioning stares you received from the townspeople too; but apart from that the progression was fairly smooth. 

The streets were cobbled to begin with, and the town would have reminded you of an old-fashioned Earth town, expect for some extreme differences. Looking ahead, you could see monstrously large gold and silver buildings, some of them floating above the ground; none of them however compared to the largest building of all. A gigantic organ shaped building made completely of gold. It was a strange mix; riding horses in cobbled streets and floating metal shapes. 

While you were riding, you began to notice something; while the crowds were shouting and welcoming, the only name they shouted was Thors. Not that you were massively surprised from what you had heard of Loki’s reputation on Asgard, however there was no welcome for Loki. No cries or shouts or woman blowing kisses. 

A woman screamed from the side, bringing you back to the present moment. You struggled to see what she was screaming about, until a little boy, no older than 5 ran across towards the horses. Your stomach lurched as visions of him being trampled filled your eyes. 

The boys father, you assumed, ran out and grabbed him just in time, so you could breathe a sigh of relief. 

“Prince Tor!” The boy cried, looking up, apparently unaware to the fact he had nearly been trodden on. 

The parade stopped, and Thor jumped down from his horse chuckling. 

“You have to be careful my boy, you nearly frightened your mother half to death!” He exclaimed as he kneeled to be closer to the boys height. 

The boy looked a little contrite as he reddened and played with the edges of his tee-shirt.  

“I hold your hammer?” He blinked up at him. 

The boys parents looked abashed,

“We apologise your Highness.” His father stepped forward, “come along Sune.” 

“That’s quite alright. I’m afraid that Mjolnir is a very special hammer, young one and only I can hold it.” 

The boy looked a little disheartened “Okay.” He said sadly. 

“Here, maybe there is something we can do.” Loki swung down off his horse to bend next to the boy. 

You watched as Loki held out his palm. A green mist swirled in the centre of his hand, before disappearing and leaving a small version of Thor’s hammer. 

The boys parents seemed to let out a breath they must have been holding, as the boy took the hammer from Loki’s hand with glee. 

“Tank you prince yoki!” 

Loki’s face was the softest you had seen in that day, and your heart clenched looking at him, this time not in angst. 

You wondered for a second what it was like to be Loki, to be considered untrustworthy and to be so unpopular with his own people. That had to take its toil. You were half on the verge to feeling sorry for him a little. 

Thor and Loki did some more waving, before hoping back on the horses and the progression started up again. 

As you climbed higher and got closer to the oversized organ, the roads changed from cobbled to pure gold to match the buildings around you. The people got sparser, and you noticed a strange bridge coming in from the left. The bridge seemed to be transparent, with reflective rainbow streaks running through. 

“That’s the Bifrost bridge. Do you see that round bit? Heimdall the gate keeper resides there, controlling the Bifrosts power and who enters or leaves the planet. That’s how he will send you home.” Halvor explained.

“What happened to that part?” You asked him, pointing out the part of it that was blackened.

Halvor cleared his throat. 

“It was damaged not so long ago when Prince Loki unleashed the power of the Bifrost on Jotunheim.” 

“God, what happened?” 

“Well Jotunheim was near destroyed, it’s people alongside it.”

“Why…would he do that?” 

You were shocked. Although, given his track record of taking over worlds you probably should have expected it. It was just…Loki the destroyer of worlds seemed so far from the Loki who could banter with you and even be sweet occasionally. 

“Its complicated, Miss.”

“How complicated can the ethics behind destroying a planet and a people be?” You muttered. 

“I’m not saying what he did was right. Only…” He sighed. “As a young boy, Prince Loki had always felt inferior to his older brother. Destroying one of Asgard’s biggest enemies was his way of trying to prove himself worthy to his father.” 

That you could understand. You hadn’t been here long and already you could tell how difficult it must have been to live up to the mighty Thor. 

“You’re extremely wise Halvor.” You turned around and grinned at him. 

The teen blushed. 

The party had finally reached the mysterious golden building. A beautiful lady stood waiting, with blonde curled hair and a long blue dress. 

“My sons, welcome home.” She greeted the princes. 

“Queen Frigga.” Halvor murmured behind you, although you had already guessed who it might be. 

While the rest of you waited for further instruction, Thor and Loki jumped from their houses and conversed with their mother. Frigga shot you a quick glance, but her eyes were friendly, and she smiled at you. You could see Loki scowling again and rolling his eyes at something she was telling him, but then he seemed to nod. After a while, the two men returned. 

“Halvor, we are to take Latte to the Bifrost. The rest of you may return the horses to the stables. I will collect you and bring you to speak with Odin.” 

You sighed and prepared to say goodbye, smiling weakly at Fandral and Volstagg. 

“Well, see you around I guess.” 

“Latte, it has been an honour to meet you.” Volstagg bowed low on his horse. 

“Farewell my lady, we will never forget you.” Fandral noted.

You felt almost tearful. Bloody over dramatic Asgardians. 

Thor and Loki were back on their horses by this point, and Halvor steered the horse over to them, while the men went in the other direction. You watched them leave sadly, knowing now your journey was over. 

Thor nodded at Halvor and yourself, and you followed them around the castle and towards the Bifrost. To get over to the observatory, you seemed to have to cross over the rainbow bridge. Considering it was a sheer drop at both sides of the bridge, it didn’t feel wide enough to you and you gripped tightly onto the reigns. You weren’t overly keen on the fact it was quite transparent too, and you could see down into the depths below. You couldn’t work out if it was water or air beneath you, and you weren’t sure you wanted to stay long enough on the bridge to find out. 

“It’s very strong Miss.” You could hear Halvors amused voice behind you at your concern. 

You hummed in response but continued to eye the bridge suspiciously. You were pretty confident you shouldn’t trust a bridge with no obvious tethers. 

By then you were closer to the round, low ceiling building where Heimdall resided. Curiosity got the better of you and you strained to catch a look at the gatekeeper. You had a few things you’d like to bring up with him in all honestly, like why the hell he’d not taken you home when you first arrived after Thor had called. 

You hopped down off the horse with the help of Halvor and entered the…room? It was more like a room than anything else, with, inexplicably, a large sword sticking out of the ground on top of a circular podium. A man stood with his back to the four of you, displaying his long black dreadlocks and golden horns on his head. He was dressed head to toe in gold armour, as if he was expecting war anytime soon. Or maybe that was his work outfit. 

“Heimdall.” Thor greeted him.

The man with the sword turned to face you and you blinked in surprise. You had never seen golden eyes before. 

“Your highness.” He spoke with a low deep voice. 

He turned to you and nodded regally in your direction as he spoke your full name. 

“You have nice eyes.” You blurted out stupidly. 

Heimdall’s mouth twitched upwards as he turned to Loki. 

“Prince Loki.” 

“Heimdall.” Loki nodded stiffly. 

“We call upon your assistance to help our Midgardian friend return home.” 

“I know why you’re here.” He turned back around and faced the north wall. 

Nothing seemed to happen, and you wondered if you were supposed to do something, was there some special going home thing he was expecting of you?

“I called for you, days ago and you did not heed me.” Thor stated, questioningly. 

Heimdall paused, before turning back to look at you over his shoulder. 

“I was otherwise engaged.” He murmured, as if that explained everything. 

You flicked a glance at Halvor, who nodded, confirming this mystery was usual behaviour for the golden-eyed man. 

Thor had just opened his mouth, you assume to ask again to send you home, when the sword in the middle of the room started to light up. It expelled a bright white light that made you shield your face with your arm, this was accompanied by a loud grinding noise. You stepped back automatically.

“What’s going on?” You yelled over the noise.

“He’s opening the gate.” Loki responded.  In your confusion you had somehow gotten closer to him. 

“That’s not me.” Heimdall roared. 

The noise was almost deafening as the north wall started to open up.

“What do you mean that’s not you?” Thor shouted. 

You squinted, trying to work out what was going on. Something or someone was appearing through the now open gate, but it was still too blinding to see. 

“Who is it?” You yelled again but no-one answered. 

Slowly the light started to fade allowing you to see the shape of a person coming through the portal. 

You blinked a couple of times to get rid of the little black spots that had appeared in your field of vision. 

“To answer your question…” the mystery man began to speak. 

You rubbed your eyes hard, desperate to see who the voice belonged to, it was so familiar, a voice you’d heard many times before on the T.V. 

“Genius, Billionaire, Playboy, Philanthropist.”

The man stepped forward allowing you the first look at him. Goateed, brown-haired and smirking. 

“Tony Stark, at your service.” 



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