crheativity - sleepy hollow
sleepy hollow

Rhea, she/her, writes for fun :D

726 posts

Ahdkfhrhs Im So Glad You Like It This Has Been In My Head For Months Lol

Ahdkfhrhs I’m so glad you like it 😭 this has been in my head for months lol

Also Yuu being older isn’t something I’d considered before 👀👀👀 I LOVE it!! Like imagine they have an argument and then both at different times go to vent their frustrations to you and you offer the most weird advice and they leave more confused than angry but somehow the advice works and they’re like ???

Jamil wouldn’t listen to you at ALL at first because he’s stubborn and thinks you’re weird and then he realises the solution to his problem is what you’ve been saying all along and just bluescreens. Like. How the heck did you know that would fix things. Immediately suspicious of you for like 20 minutes until he sees you and Kalim try to fit a silly amount of marshmallows in your mouth and then goes “oh maybe they got lucky” but nope you literally actually know what you’re doing and it’s mind boggling for him.

Meanwhile Kalim knows and acknowledges you’re weird but like he’s having too much fun to care? And then he goes to you for advice and no matter what advice it is he just goes “huh, guess I’ll give it a try! :D” And then it works so he’s just like “Neat!! You’re like my favourite person now”

I wish that TWST would let us interact more with Kalim and Jamil. I know we already interact with them a lot but rarely ever on their own after the Octatrio crash the party.

I think Yuu and the Scarabia duo would have a really fun dynamic, especially if Yuu was younger than them - not necessarily a child but like. 16. Or barely a couple months younger than them. Both of them would immediately adopt Yuu the moment Yuu is perceived as smol. Kalim would try his best to spoil Yuu and be the fun but completely irresponsible and crazy parent and Jamil would be the “No that’s an absolutely horrendous idea stOP”. As Kalim matures more and becomes more competent maybe they’d start bickering like a married couple.

But imagine Kalim having “custody” for the day while Jamil is really busy w/ a basketball tournament or something. He’d treat you to ice cream or some other treat and take you to the treasure room and you spend the day with him picking up treasures and coming up with stories behind what they are. Then when tournament time came he’d take you on a carpet ride to go and watch and cheer on Jamil.

And then Jamil takes over the “parenting” roll when he’s cleaned up and ready, sends Kalim to go take care of housewarden business and cooks dinner with you while you ask him about his match and console him if he lost or celebrate with him if he won. Sometimes you both steal and eat the ingredients as you’re cooking, and, if Jamil’s in a good mood, you “accidentally” throw flour at each other for fun.

Then after dinner it’s dark and neither of them want you to go home in the dark so Jamil gets you a room (right near his and Kalim’s) and then Jamil helps brush your hair or something while you and Kalim tell him what you got up to while he smiles and rolls his eyes at your antics. Both boys then encourage you to sleep early (regardless if they will or not) and if you had a bad dream one or both of them will come and stay in your room that night and just-

Happy family Scarabia is one of my favourite things 🥺

Sorry for the essay lol, I have a lot of thoughts about this XD


First off, this is an adorable idea??? heLLO??? Kalim and Jamil working through their issues, and healing, and finding fun and companionship alongside each other, and Yuu?? Being friends and caring for each other?? I love it!!

I also love the idea of Yuu being older, and being a sort of mentor / weird older cousin figure for them. Being both supportive, but also an absolute weirdo - helping them both find their sense of self outside of their roles, and having fun in the process :)

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More Posts from Crheativity

1 year ago

Ooo okay!! I definitely will!! :D

I LOVE your takes on all the dorms!! I haven’t thought a whole lot about the dorms (particularly Scarabia) in that way but I absolutely love it.

Hehehe expect lots of headcanons soon >:3

Random question but what are your thoughts on other dorms? I know you’re a fan of octavinelle but I don’t know what you think of any of the others 😅

This definitely isn’t because I have more lil scenarios and brain rot that I could send you and I wanna make sure that you actually like the characters I can talk about

hjdfskldhajdsl PLEASE feel free to send me brainrotting and scenarios!! I will absolutely GOBBLE them up!!!

Okie dokie, for my opinions on the other dorms!

Yeah, I'm fairly clearly an Octavinelle fan - it's for sure my favourite dorm. I do really like the other dorms, too :)

I think that Heartslabyul may be my second favourite dorm, either that, or Pomefiore. I absolutely adore the combined weirdness and classiness of both of those dorms, and the chaotic dynamics of the dorm members (is it also because I'm kind of obsessed with the second and third years in Heartslabyul and Pomefiore? ... maybe... ^^ )

Scarabia is also great, both because I love Jamil, and because the spirit of the dorm really speaks to me. It also fascinates me how in the fandom, Scarabia is known as the 'party dorm', when that's solely Kalim's influence. I think that if he wasn't there, the Scarabia students would probably be known for being just as reserved and solitary as Ignihyde or Diasomnia students.

Diasomnia is so cool, and I am so excited to learn more about the Diasomnia students come Book 7!! I love the vibe of the dorm, and the found family of the main 4 lads is so sweet. Also, I love Silver, and Lilia is also growing on me as a character.

I don't relate as much to Savanaclaw, but I think that the characters in the dorm are fantastic! Leona is so interesting to look at and analyze. Ruggie is also curious, and such a wonderfully scheme-y individual. And Jack is such a sweetheart, and deserves so much more love.

Ignihyde is a curious dorm to me, and I am also looking forward to how Idia and Ortho will develop in the post-Book 6 storylines. I think this may be my least favourite of the dorms... but I don't dislike Ignihyde. I would definitely struggle in that dorm (specifically with all the tech :/ ), and I don't really enjoy Idia or Ortho as much as most of the other characters. I think they're both really interesting, complex characters, and I LOVE hearing theories about them! They just don't... I don't know, tickle my fancy as much as some of the other students / dorms?

so, even though I mostly talk about Octavinelle, I'm more than happy to talk about any of the dorms / characters!! ^w^

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1 year ago

Thank you for the tag! This looks like fun :D

I think I love him.

-the last line from a Ruggie fic that should hopefully come out later today!

Sorry for re-tagging people 😅

@lyon-amore @riddle-simp @keii-starz @angelhairpastawithherbs @vxnrouge

(If you guys don’t want to do it/have already done it that’s okay!)

Last Line Tag

Tagged by @ellorypurebloodculture

Rules: Post the last sentence you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.


He doesn’t understand love from a distance, the idea of protection through absence; it’s a ghost of love, held up to the light like that phantasm is all that is left.

I... don't think I even know that many people to tag, so I'm just tagging those of you I follow who I know write off the top of my head. But don’t feel obligated; only play if you want. And if I didn't tag you but you feel up to it, join in as well. <3 Tagging: @bristarlight @atomsminecraft @shinonometrash @ithseem @denialcity @domoz @blondejaneblonde @keanblade @slrsunfire

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1 year ago

THANK YOU 😭 Those are some good thoughts on Jade and Rook!! I didn’t think about that, but looking back on it they definitely fit those ones! And I’m so glad you liked my thoughts!! :D

you're welcome for the hug thoughts! your ask kind of set my brain a-bubbling, so thank you for that!

also, yeah; we should be hugging those boys. they deserve some hugs (*´◡`*) I just wonder how some of them would react to hugs... hmm... :)

Hehe I’m glad you liked my ask! I wanted to put more in it but I was stumped lol. Thank you for your thoughts!!!

And yES I agree!! They definitely need more hugs.

I think all of the boys would get at least a little flustered, under the right circumstances. For the most part though, I think they’d be divided up like this-

(also I am by no means the expert on all of this so if you see something you disagree with please lmk)

(also also I’m so sorry I didn’t get to this yesterday, literally been busy every moment in the last 24 hours *fingerguns*)

Comfortable with hugs

Hugs are just what friends do, so what?

> ACE, Trey? CATER, Ruggie, Leona? Jade, FLOYD, KALIM, VIL, Rook, EPEL, Ortho, Malleus? LILIA, Silver?

A little flustered, but comfy

You want a hug-? …alright!

> Cater? Jack? Azul, Kalim? JAMIL, EPEL, SILVER

Stops responding the minute you hug them

I… um… hold on… wait a second-

> RIDDLE, DEUCE, RUGGIE, Jack? AZUL, Jamil? IDIA, SEBEK, Silver (he’d fall asleep)

Wants to hug you ALL THE TIME no matter how they respond

Hey, are you gonna punch me if I hug you? No? Good

> Riddle (he doesn’t act on it though, that’d be shameless) ACE, Deuce? Cater, Ruggie, FLOYD, KALIM, Vil? Rook? Epel, MALLEUS, Lilia

Would be a jerk about it

Oh~, you want a hug~? Beg me for it

> ACE, Cater? RUGGIE, FLOYD, Jamil, Vil, Epel? Idia? (Partially to hide his fluster) LILIA, Sebek (except he’s more lecturing you in general)

That’s all that comes to mind. I hope those are accurate lol

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1 year ago


Hello Auburn!! Congrats on the 2.5k!! That’s such a huge milestone, you deserve it!!

If it’s not too much to ask, could I please request a letter after your first kiss with Ace-? If you have too many requests though then don’t worry about it haha. Thank you so much, and congrats again!!

why did you run away from me? you realize i initiated that, right? i wouldn’t have kissed you if i didn’t mean it.

i bet you’re worried about something stupid. is it because i ghosted my girlfriend in middle school? don’t worry about that! you’re totally different. it feels different with you. you’re not boring. every new day is fun when you’re around.

it’s kind of annoying how you’re constantly second guessing everything. hopefully i’ll rub off on you and you’ll be a lot more daring.

cater just looked over my shoulder and winced. said something about needing to be gentler with you. it's not my fault i don't know what to say when i talk to you. i’m not as dumb as deuce but i know i’m no genius.

unless you want me to steal something or need someone to cheat in a game. but don’t tell riddle i said that, or he’ll have my head.

what i mean is...i’m smart enough to know when someone good comes my way. and that someone is you.

so if i want to kiss you and i’m not scared of touching you, i want you to do the same for me, okay?

ace trappola

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