crispynuggetbutter - Random stuff
Random stuff

Writing, Headcannons and more

16 posts

Howdy! I Heard Read Your First Post And Decided To Send In An Ask!

Howdy! I heard read your first post and decided to send in an ask!

Which Overwatch character is your favorite? And what’s your favorite fan-fiction trope?

And if you wish you can write the character with the trope or ask me to do it and I just might.

Thanks for the ask!!!

Sorry for the slow response, I’ve been so busy with school work lately. 😫

Hmmmm... My favorite Overwatch characters would probably have to be Mccree and Reaper, at least for right now anyway. But, In game, I main (lol).

My favorite fanfic trope is Yandere and cute fluff stories. I know, Those two are on two far sides of the spectrum. Ive always wanted to do headcannons but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet!

Ill do a story abt a reader whose sick and Mccree is taking care of them! A/N: I wanted the fic to get all of the cute himbo Mccree that I have stuck in my brain… lol

Rolling over to the far side of the bed, you reach for a cold glass of water to soothe the itch in your throat. Jesse had left a glass there for you the night before. He had tried to force you to drink it but you put up a good fight. So, he decided to leave it for whenever you felt ready.

The two of you had no idea how you had got a cold. It could’ve been from you never wearing a jacket outside, or maybe even from the old lady that was coughing in that one grocery store the other day. But you don’t really know.

Hearing heavy footsteps from down the hall, you quickly sit the glass down and pretend to be asleep. Jesse was always serious when it came to you not feeling well. He’s always suffocating when it comes to your health, making you drink soup and sleep the day away until you’re better.

Quietly, you hear the door creak open. The sound of glass clinks nearby, causing you to open your eyes out of curiosity.

Not to your surprise, A large, steaming bowl of chicken soup sits on the nightstand.

“Morning, sunshine.” Jesse drawls, placing his hands on his hips as he looks down at you smiling.

Squinting your eyes, you look towards him and begin to stretch. “Good morning, love.” You say, with a sore throat still present in your voice.

Jesse feels around on the bed, and sits next to your lying form. Softly grabbing your head with both hands, he presses a kiss on your forehead and slowly rubs his thumbs across your cheek.

Ruining the tender moment, Jesse whispers into the side of your neck, “It’s time for breakfast~” in a singing tune.

Chicken soup has been the only thing on your menu for the past two days. Jesse has been keeping you on strict bed rest as he watches over you. You’ve begun to grow sick of the soup. And how much he enjoys teasing you.

Jesse reaches over towards the nightstand and brings the fragrant bowl to your face. He begins blowing on a steaming spoonful, and then lifts it up to your mouth.

“Say ahh-” Jesse chuckles. He knows how much you hate this. Relenting to his smile, you open wide, allowing him to shove the warm spoon into your mouth.

“Mmm?” Jesse asks gleefully. Struggling to hide a smile, you reply. “…Yum.”

This painful process continues on for a few minutes. Once the bowl is empty, Jesse sits it on the nightstand once again. Instead of leaving you in the room by yourself, he begins setting out clothes for you. As if you were actually going somewhere…

“What are you doing?” you question. His large form is currently hunched over, digging through the clothes in your dresser. You watch tentatively as he unfolds a different white t shirt and lays across the bed.

Before he answers, he takes a moment to dump the stray clothes he threw about the room, back into the drawer. “I’m getting you a change of clothes.” He declares.

“Well, are we goin’ somewhere?” You ask excitedly, practically ripping the sheets off of yourself as you stumble out of bed.

“Well, you’re gettin’ a bath before anything.” Jesse holds back a laugh before bringing two fingers to his face, covering his nose.

“I DO NOT STINK!” You yell, throwing a pillow across the room at him. Of course he dodges just in time.

“Give yourself a sniff sweetheart!” Jesse says through a flood of laughter.

Grabbing the collar of your shirt, you try to catch a whiff of whatever has Jesse in tears in front of you.

And god do you stink.

Armpit must and sweat is the only thing that comes to mind after you smell the inside of your shirt. Lifting your face from your collar, you avoid making eye contact with Jesse.

You never stopped to consider that two days on bedrest had the ability to make you smell so bad. You didn’t think you smelled horrible, but Jesse made it seem like your underarms could kill with the way he’s hollerin’ in front of you with his hands on his knees. He must’ve read your facial expression, because you hadn’t even had the chance to defend yourself.

Trying to hold onto any amount of pride you had left, you fold your arms and say “It has been a while since I’ve had a bath.”

Jesse wipes his tears as his laughing fit calms down. “Yeah, I’ll get the water started, and you can look for those shorts you like so much.”

When you hear the bath water finish filling up the tub, you grab a fresh towel and wash cloth from the closet and make your way down the hallway. Jesse is standing next to the door with a stern look on his face. Like he’s planning on making sure you actually get in the water.

Returning his serious glare, you walk past him and close the bathroom door behind you. Jesse had laid out different bottles of lotions, soaps and bath salts for you to use. At times he could be a real pain in your ass, but sometimes… sometimes he could be the most thoughtful person you’d ever known.

Relentlessly, he had been by your side every time you caught a cold. He always made sure you got enough rest and never asked for anything in return.

After ridding yourself of your dirty clothes and throwing them in the corner, you stepped into the warm bubbly water. You reached for the lavender bath salt container and poured a generous amount into the bathwater with you.

After taking your time to clean your body, you stepped out of the tub and began drying off your body with your towel.

You spend extra time to brush your teeth in the sink before stepping out of the foggy bathroom, with Jesse sitting outside waiting on you.

Picking up your speed speed, Jesse grabs your wrist and pull you close. “Lemme smell.”

Struggling against him, you attempt pushing him away to no avail. “I don’t need you to check me Jesse!” He pulls you into a tight hug, squeezing you against his chest and makes an exaggerated inhale through his nose and then let’s you go of your damp form.

Gasping for breath, You scramble away from him and make your way towards the living room and turn on a familiar TV show. Jesse slowly follows behind you and collapses on the seat next to you.

You lean into his shoulder as the two of you begin watching a new episode. “Thanks for everything…” you quietly say into his arm. You feel his body shift towards you as his palm rubs against the side of his face. He pulls your face closer to his and places a prolonged kiss on your forehead once again.

Both of your bodies move closer together as you look back to the tv screen.

“You’re welcome sweetheart…”

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More Posts from Crispynuggetbutter

2 years ago

Don’t worry about answering my ask super fast, I’m just happy that you answered. And I love it super detailed ❤️❤️❤️. Your last answer to my ask was really gooodddd. I liked it a lot. Especially how sadistic that Jesse is. With forcing reader to ask/depend on him on mundane things like using the bathroom and he watches it //////. Like he’s trying to reforce into reader’s head that she nothing without him. Have her become not only physically but mentally dependent on him. He’s so mean, it makes me a sensitive baby wanna cry 😭. So I have a question. How he react to a reader that instead does everything she suppose to do as a “proper wife”, cook, clean, sweet, affectionate, etc. but she’s a sensitive baby and cries (full on crying) to him “to stop being mean to me”, from all the twisted minds games he plays. Would he soften up? Or be completely unfazed?.

Hmm… I really think that Jesse would like someone that puts up a bit of a fight against him. But if the reader is already a sensitive and affectionate person from the beginning, then he would probably be softer on her anyway. She wouldn’t have to deal with him being mean often.

Jesse thinks of himself as helping the reader to “become a proper lady” and “give her life purpose.” When she first moved to the small town, she had no real sense of direction in her life but then Jesse came along and put her into a position that she needed to fill. He needed her to fill.

Their relationship would probably start off rough but slowly become normal…

I’ll make a short story for the ask, but I’ll change the reader’s demeanor to fit the scenario.

You were currently sitting on the floor of your “room”. The soft rays of morning sunshine had just barely began to peek through the bedroom window.

Yesterday, Jesse had made you clean the kitchen as he stood and watched. The day before that, he had given you a recipe to follow. He wanted you to cook dinner for him. Cooking in the kitchen would have been peaceful, but of course, he complained the whole time about how a “normal couple wouldn’t have a husband monitoring his own wife as she cooked.” He kept his peace keeper firm in his hand when you began using a knife to cut the vegetables.

He went on about trust, and how “over time your relationship would strengthen”. You had forced yourself to zone out once you felt his hands creep around your sides as you washed your hands in the kitchen sink.

But today, you’re awake before him. You know it because you haven’t heard his heavy footsteps across the hall making the short trek to your “room” yet.

He hasn’t slept in the same bed as you for a few nights now, and deep down, you hope that he doesn’t. The way that he hungrily grabs at your waist as he sleeps behind you, keeps you awake long after he’s fallen asleep.

There isn’t an alarm clock in the room with you. Jesse had removed it after claiming that you could “possibly hang yourself with the cord attached to it on the door knob.” But you still like to guess what time it is. It feels like five in the morning. But it might also be six. There’s no real way to be certain. At least not anymore.

Pulling you from your thoughts, the sound of Jesse’s footsteps are enough to send you into a paralytic shock. You contemplate if hiding under the covers is enough to make him leave you alone, even for just a few more minutes.

His footsteps draw closer and closer, becoming louder with every waking moment. And then they stop, right outside of your door. The soft beeping sound of a old keypad on the outside of the door echos through the quiet room. Then the lock turns, and Jesse enters.

“Mornin’ sunshine~” Jesse slowly drawls, sleep still obviously present in his voice. He folds his arms and leans the side of his body up against the doorframe as he stares down at your shaken form. Like a tradition, every morning he comes in your room and says good morning. If you decide not to respond or glare at him as he comes in, it predetermines how he’ll treat you for the rest of the day.

Exhaling the breath you didn’t notice you were holding, you weakly muster a response. “Good morning…” You breathe, avoiding eye contact, opting to look at the floor instead.

You watch as Jesse steps out from the doorway, allowing the door to swing and close shut. Your chance of freedom leaves you, again. Your focus shifts back to Jesse as he slowly walks towards the locked bathroom door.

“Can I use the bathroom, please?” You plead. You decide to look away from him when you ask. Saving the last amount of pride you have left.

“Of course, sweetheart” Jesse reply’s cheerfully. As though forcing you to ask to relieve yourself every day is something that brings him joy.

You scramble to stand from the cold floor once you hear him unlock the door. Moving always feels awkward when Jesse’s eyes are watching you. The stress of never making a mistake in his presence is suffocating.

Jesse steps to the side of the doorway to give you enough space to enter the bathroom. His hand is raised over you, hanging on to the top of the doorframe. It always feels like his large form takes up all the space in a room, until there’s no where else for you to go but in a corner. Trapped and afraid.

For a moment, you think to yourself that maybe, just maybe, Jesse would step away. Give you a chance to use the bathroom alone. Treat you like a decent human being for once, but he doesn’t bat an eye as you begin pulling down your pants. He never looks away when you reach for toilet paper and he always seems to pay more attention when you rise from the toilet to pull up your pants. Throughout the entire ordeal, you try your hardest to never look in his direction.

When you’re done getting ready for the day, Jesse then leads you downstairs to the kitchen. You notice how he always has you walk in front of him, never trusting you to be out of his sight.

“I want you to make our breakfast today…” he says while reaching into the refrigerator and pulling out a container of eggs. You watch, attentively, as he sits multiple ingredients onto the counter. Once finished, he quickly walks toward the dining table and drags a chair into the corner of the kitchen, folding his arms as he leans against the wall.

There are enough ingredients to make pancakes, scrambled eggs and sausage, you think to yourself. Grabbing a pan and a stick of butter from the array of ingredients lining the counter, you begin cooking breakfast.

Cooking has been the only thing that Jesse has allowed you to do on your own. It’s the only thing left of your past life. You can’t help but think to yourself that maybe…you can make this new living situation work to your benefit.

Pouring the fresh pancake batter in small circles on the stove, you think about how you don’t have to work a job. Or pay bills or worry about taxes. Jesse handles all of that for you. He keeps a roof over your head. He keeps you clothed and fed. You think of how this new life may get easier for you as time moves on.

Paying full attention to the pancakes cooking on the stove I front of you, you reach for the container of eggs on the other side of the counter.

But it happened so quickly…

How could you have been so clumsy?

You lost your grip on an egg, forced to watch helplessly as it hits the floor behind you. Through the long silence, you hear Jesse click his teeth as he begins to stand from his chair.

Moving closer to your form, he reaches across the stove and turns off the eye you were using. Grabbing the hot pan of pancakes, he removes them from the heat and sits it on an unused eye.

By analyzing Jesse’s harsh movements, you can already tell how angry he is. He doesn’t even have to say anything. All you can do is wait quietly for his next move.

But hadn’t you been good? You’d done everything he has asked of you without putting up a fight. You’ve been a “perfect wife”… just like he wanted. So why, why was he so angry with you all the time?

“I’m sorry” is all you manage to utter. “I didn’t mean to waste an egg, I just, you know, I was so focused on not burning the pancakes that I-

Hastily, you rush to grab some paper towels. “I can clean it up no problem, see?” Bending down to your hands and knees, you start grabbing at the scattered egg shell pieces and the egg yolk.

Tears are flowing out of your eyes endlessly. It makes it hard for you to see, forcing you to scramble across the counter looking for the sink to drop the egg shells in. You haven’t heard Jesse say anything yet, his massive form looming over you as you continue to clean up the mess you’ve made.

This was the first time Jesse had seen you cry. You looked so… eager, to please him. He watched as you tediously scrubbed the floor once again. You feel Jesse’s strong hand grab the underside of your arm and pull you to stand.

“You just made a mess, that’s all… Right?” Jesse reassured. “It can be cleaned up and you can get right back to making breakfast.”

You felt Jesse’s large hand rest against your cheek as he used his thumb to wipe away your tears. He pulled your body into his embrace and kept you in a tight standing hug.

Jesse’s previous irritation had vanished faster than it arrived. You had expected him to berate you about wasting food. Or hit you and drag you back to your room for wasting his hard earned money on an egg you could carelessly drop.

But he didn’t.

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3 years ago

What’s up???!

2 years ago

How is a domestic life with yandere dilf Jesse McCree (from the Trouble story au)

I’m so sorry… this ask has been invisible in my ask box for some reason?!?!? I haven’t seen it and I don’t know how long I made u wait so I’m gonna give u the best response I can make. It’s gonna be super detailed and everything~❤️❤️❤️

The reader wouldn’t be allowed to leave Jesse’s bedroom in the beginning. Jesse would have already “wife” proofed the room making every precaution to make sure there is no possible way for her to get hurt trying to run away. Windows would be nailed shut and all possible weapons would be kept out of reach.

Jesse would never let his “wife” out of his sight. He would keep everything that she needs away from her and force her to beg him to do everything for her. “Jesse… I really gotta use the bathroom…” And I can see Jesse smoking a cigar standing next to the window. He wouldn’t even look at her but he’d respond with a serious edge in his voice. “Now that’s no way to ask sweetheart.” Of course she would be take back at first, scrambling her mind for another way to ask but still saving her pride. “Can I use the bathroom…please?” She’d ask looking at the bedroom floor. Jesse would then smirk and walk to unlock the bathroom door. He’d stand in the doorway to watch of course…

Jesse definitely has the idea that he would have to “break” his “wife” like a person would do a horse. He’d want to get rid of all the fight she has in her and then make her depend on him. The bedroom she’s locked in wouldn’t have a tv or anything except for a bed and dresser. So his “wife” would mostly sleep to pass the time.

When Jesse is away for a long time, he’d lock her in the bathroom and leave a blanket and pillow in the shower. There wouldn’t be a mirror in the bathroom or anything under the sink.

After she begins to show signs of pregnancy (no baby bump yet tho), he’d begin feeding her more and giving her more attention. Jesse would begin sleeping in the same bed as her and start taking care of her appearance. He’d say misogynistic things like “A husband should be able to come home and see his wife in a nice dress~. I can see him standing behind her in the hallway mirror with his hands wrapped around her waist. He’d tell her exactly how he wants her hair and clothes kept. But… she’s not allowed to wear underwear, for easy access.

Jesse would sometimes go out for drinks, meaning that a few stray days out of the month he’d come home drunk. There will definitely be nights where Jesse wanders up the stairs looking for his “wife” for a little bit of relief.

A/N: (imma call the reader “you” now for a bit of added spice…)

You’d be asleep and then randomly have the sheets thrown off of your body and feel the weight of Jesse above you. Jesse would press into your shoulders and lay the side of his peacekeeper on your middle of your back and slur out “your gonna be real nice for me or you’re not gonna like what happens next…” You’d hear the buckle to his pants get thrown on the floor. Because he’s still drunk, his movements would be erratic and wild. Your hands would be covering your mouth to suppress any sounds as he’s forcing himself inside you. I can see calling his “wife” a bitch and saying dirty things in her ear that he wouldn’t say when he’s sober. Jesse would then fall asleep on top of you. Due to his time in Blackwatch, he’d be a super light sleeper so it would be best for you to try not to move or make any sounds.

When he’d wake up in the morning, he’d seem like a totally different person. He’d be cheerful but still holding you captive. His demeanor would be less of a killer and more like someone that wants to pretend that what he’s doing is normal. He’d be washing his face in the bathroom the next day like nothing happened the night before.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this!!! And don’t forget that my ask box is open!!!

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2 years ago

Give me some nice Yandere Mcree stuff

Heck yeah!!! This will be my first ask thank u so much!!


Yandere!Mccree x F!reader

Tws: noncon/rape, yandere, bondage? Idk

You never enjoyed growing up in the city. You always wanted to have a garden of your own and live in a small town as far away from the bustling city as possible. So, after a painful amount of begging and long years of saving up money, you finally managed to convince your parents that you could live on your own...But you never told them how far away you’d actually be staying.

“Living alone is dangerous for a young lady….” Your fathers angry words echoed in your head. When the sudden jolt of the taxi pulls you from your thoughts, your eyes set on your new home. An old run down ranch style home lies in front of you. The home wasn’t exactly ‘in town’. It was secluded, surrounded by one acre of dense woods in any direction.

Considering how expensive the taxi ride was, you decide its too late to turn back now. Grabbing your bags from the trunk of the car, you begin your first steps towards your new home.

To be quite honest, the home looks much worse in person. The pictures you found online had the impression that the home was livable. The overwhelming smell of mold and mildew fills your nostrils causing you to repress a gag. You had hoped to be able to live in the home as soon as you got into town, but it looks like you’ll have to do some cleaning up before you could rest.

The horrid purple wallpaper definitely had to go, along with the stained green carpet and rotten cabinets in the kitchen. The previous owner had renovated the bedroom and bathroom but the kitchen is definitely in need of some TLC.

You had called a moving company a few days ago to have all of your belongings moved into your home. So despite the homes unsightly circumstances, you had a furnished place to sleep tonight.

Riding your bike into town and stopping at a family diner, you notice the choking smell of a burning cigar. A man, dressed like a western cowboy, leans on the outside of a rundown bar, holding a cigar in his metal hand. With the way his eyes bore into your body, you hurriedly stepped out of his line of sight. Into the diner.

You order a cola to drink along with a burger and fries. Your booth faces a tv playing a black and white movie you’ve never seen before. Heavily focused on the meal laid out in front of you, you almost don’t notice a person slide into the seat across from you. Almost.

The cowboy from before now sat a little more than a foot away from you. The smell of his recently smoked cigar still lingers in the air.

“Now… don’t you know it’s awfully rude to stare, sweetheart?”

His deep southern drawl keeps you fumbling over his words. Although you never like to come off as rude, you can’t help but feel a bit insulted. Your mother always said that trouble followed you like the plague. And now, you haven’t even been in this town for longer than an hour, and you’ve already upset a complete stranger.

You swallow you pride and wash it down with a sip of your half empty drink. You put on your best smile, and prepare to talk in the sweetest voice you can muster.

“I really didn’t mean to stare sir. This is my first day in town, I’ve just moved here from-”

“But of course, a woman as beautiful as you can stare as long as she likes.”

A sweet talker. Growing up in the city, you encountered many guys like him. Shooting his shot without even knowing your name. In the past you would‘ve been head over heels for the first guy that gave you this kind of attention. But that would be too easy.

“I don’t think I caught your name.” You say sternly. But before he gets the chance to reply, you hear a waitress call to a “Mccree” from behind the counter. Asking him what he’d like to order.

A smile stretches across his face but he refuses to break eye contact with you. After the awkward silence passes, the cowboy sighs and reluctantly responds to the waitress.

“I’ll have what she’s got.”

“So you’re names Mccree then?” you ask.

“Jesse Mccree. But for you, it’s just Jesse.”

A small smile graces your lips before you will yourself to reply. “Well… my name is (y/n) (l/n), it’s nice to meet you.”

A plate identical to yours slides across the table, stopping in front of Jesse. He grabs the container of ketchup and squirts some on his plate. Dipping a large fry in it and bringing it up to his mouth.

“It’s nice to finally meet the girl who bought that old run down farm house…”

Your breath hitches and you m. hear him begin to chuckle. “How do you know that?” You blurted. He seems to find amusement in your confusion.

“Relax, sugar. I helped do some work on that house a few years ago, so don’t worry.”

He winks at you as he continues to eat his burger. After clearing your plate, you wipe your fingers on a napkin and walk to the counter to pay for your meal. Before turning to step out of the diner, you hear Jesse warn you.

“I’d be careful if I were you, the town can get dangerous after dark.”

You understand that he thinks he’s being helpful. But the more you talk with this strange cowboy, the more thrown for a loop you become. You hope that he didn’t notice you eating faster when he arrived. And you also hoped that he didn’t notice the pistol you kept tucked under your shirt.

You offer Jesse another smile and you wave your hand goodbye. The pain of a migraine is beginning to settle in your left eye.

The ride home was peaceful. The sun had begun to set, so the sky was painted with a beautiful array of bright reds and oranges. You quickly unlock your front door and rush to face plant onto your bare mattress. Sleep is the only thing that can rid you of this painful headache.

3:05 am

Disoriented and confused are the only words you can think of to describe the way you felt when you woke up. The house was pitch black and the only thing on your mind was your overwhelming need to pee. Sitting on the toilet, you start to remember where you are. Alone empty house that’s way too big for one person to occupy alone. You don’t live with your parents anymore and you definitely don’t have toilet paper.

Being forced to make do with the extra napkins you find in your purse, you step back into your dimly lit bedroom. You stretch out the bed sheets that you mother bought you for your new home. They were black, but decorated in brightly colored flowers.

After making your bed, you change into some suitable pajamas. You decide that a shower can wait until the morning. Laying back down in your freshly made bed, you drift off to sleep once again.

Instead of heading into town, you decided to spend the day tackling house chores and garden work. You were already a bit late on planting some veggies, so time is of the essence if you want your plants to grow for a full season.

You rake debris out of one of the large garden boxes in front of the house and begin saturating the soil with water. A trip to the garden store will be in order, eventually. But without a car, it would be very hard to get your plants back to the house.

Its getting late in the evening. It’ll be lunch time soon and wanting to explore the town more, you decide to ride you bike back into town. Before you could lift your bike off the side of the house, you hear the loud engine of a motorcycle pull down the dirt path toward the house.

After quieting the engine, Jesse steps toward you, holding a bag in one hand. “I thought I might treat you to brunch.” he says. A kind gesture, and really, you appreciate it. But eating brunch with a guy you literally just met the day before, seems a bit too sudden.

But the hunger you feel disagrees. “Would you like to come inside? It’s the best I can offer you as a thanks right now.” You say embarrassed as Jesse looks around at the mess you’ve made.

Large sticks and dirt in multiple piles litter the front yard. You weren’t expecting any company today, so you didn’t bother to wear something more flattering than a stained oversized t-shirt and ripped denim jeans.

“A pretty girl like you ain’t meant to do yard work like this.”

You smile at his words and lead him into the kitchen. Reaching into the pink paper bag, he pulls out a croissant sandwich and hands it to you.

You unwrap the delicate wax paper and take a large bite. Jesse stands in the kitchen admiring your progress of pulling out cabinets and drawers. Grabbing on random pieces of wood hanging from the wall.

“This is a delicious sandwich. I-” You breathed. The air suddenly became heavy and your tongue began to go numb. An allergic reaction? You fumble through a box on the floor until you find a small cup. Quickly filling it with water and bringing it to your mouth.

You had never been allergic to anything before. But maybe there was something in the sandwich you’ve never had. Jesse hadn’t moved from where he stood in the kitchen. You downed the entire cup of water, but still felt terrible. Reaching for the sink a second time, You felt Jesse press his broad chest against your back from behind you.

He had caged you against the counter. It had become impossible to hide you hands shaking over the sink. “I went through all the trouble of bringing you food. The least you can do is offer me something as a reward.”

Jesse’s words played on repeat in your head. You offered for him to come inside didn’t you. He didn’t really think that you’d give him something else did he?

“That tranquilizer should be kicking in right about now. You’ll have plenty time to thank me later.”

Unable to fully support yourself, your body quickly began to lean into Jesse’s chest. The light in the room began to drown in a sea of black.

You woke up tied to a bed in an unfamiliar room. Realizing that you aren’t at home anymore, you began to struggle. Tape over your mouth kept you from crying out for help and thick rope restraints kept your arms tied to the bed posts. Your clothes had been removed in your sleep, leaving your body subject to whatever Jesse decided.

The flick of a lighter pulled your attention to the left corner of the room. Jesse began to smoke a cigar as he toyed with your gun. “This is a nice gun, a shame I won’t ever get to see you use it.” He takes a long draw of his cigar and slowly begins to step toward you.

At this point, hot tears begin to stream down the sides of your face. His hand slides across the top of your stomach and stops right before grabbing the doughy flesh of your breast. Cupping the side of it, he shifts his cigar in his mouth and grabs the other one with his opposite hand.

“-And I just knew your tits would feel this good.” His metal hand grips your right breast hard enough to make you squeal. You kick at him, and begin to flail your legs against him. He uses his metal hand to collect one of your ankles. Squeezing it hard enough to leave a mark.

“Now why are you making this harder than it has to be, huh?” He sits on the side of the bed and begins to undress. The sound of his belt buckle falling to the floor is enough to make you question your reality. “This man is gonna rape me.” You think to yourself. There isn’t enough money in the world that would have made you bet on this outcome the first day you arrived.

When he removes his last piece of clothing, his body lurches over you. He plants a hot kiss on the side of your neck. The saliva he leaves behind cools in the open air. He begins to stroke his growing erection, and lifts one of your legs for easy access.

You breath quickens as he lines his cock up with your entrance. As he slowly begins to push in, you feel a pain grow in the pit of your stomach. Each gyration of his hips has you crying out behind the tape covering your mouth. You don’t want this, but you can’t help that your body is making you feel so good.

Sending shock waves of ecstasy throughout your restrained body. Jesse’s deep moans reverberate throughout the room. His quick harsh movements forcefully sends your body rocking into the mattress.

”Don’t worry, I’m gonna take good care of you, and I’ll be a good father when all of this is said and done.”

His voice strains at the last word of his sentence. He picks up his speed and his thrusts become more erratic. You feel his cock press hard against your cervix and fill you. You expect him to pull out, but he continues. He must want you to come as well.

Jesse’s thrusts begin to slow. His movements become more sincere compared to his quick, harsh ones from before. He pinches the corner of the tape covering your mouth and quickly pulls it off. His warm, wet tongue forces itself into your mouth, pulling you into a deep passionate kiss.

As this continues, he grabs your breasts, toying with your sensitive nipples. Your body begins to spasm around his cock. You cross your legs around his back as he fucks you through your earth shattering orgasm.

“I knew you’d be perfect.” He pants into the side of your neck, collapsing on top of you. Trouble always had a way of following you like the plague, and Jesse followed not to far behind.


omg this is my first actual post! I’m super excited!!! Hopefully you guys enjoy this as much as I did and pls leave some tips if you have any!

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3 years ago

This is my first post!!! I like to write, draw and read stuff. So, I can try writing for BNHA, Hellsing, Overwatch, Undertale (lol) and maybe some other anime too! Just ask!!!

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