Himbo Vibes - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Howdy! I heard read your first post and decided to send in an ask!

Which Overwatch character is your favorite? And what’s your favorite fan-fiction trope?

And if you wish you can write the character with the trope or ask me to do it and I just might.

Thanks for the ask!!!

Sorry for the slow response, I’ve been so busy with school work lately. 😫

Hmmmm... My favorite Overwatch characters would probably have to be Mccree and Reaper, at least for right now anyway. But, In game, I main D.va (lol).

My favorite fanfic trope is Yandere and cute fluff stories. I know, Those two are on two far sides of the spectrum. Ive always wanted to do headcannons but I just haven’t gotten around to it yet!

Ill do a story abt a reader whose sick and Mccree is taking care of them! A/N: I wanted the fic to get all of the cute himbo Mccree that I have stuck in my brain… lol

Rolling over to the far side of the bed, you reach for a cold glass of water to soothe the itch in your throat. Jesse had left a glass there for you the night before. He had tried to force you to drink it but you put up a good fight. So, he decided to leave it for whenever you felt ready.

The two of you had no idea how you had got a cold. It could’ve been from you never wearing a jacket outside, or maybe even from the old lady that was coughing in that one grocery store the other day. But you don’t really know.

Hearing heavy footsteps from down the hall, you quickly sit the glass down and pretend to be asleep. Jesse was always serious when it came to you not feeling well. He’s always suffocating when it comes to your health, making you drink soup and sleep the day away until you’re better.

Quietly, you hear the door creak open. The sound of glass clinks nearby, causing you to open your eyes out of curiosity.

Not to your surprise, A large, steaming bowl of chicken soup sits on the nightstand.

“Morning, sunshine.” Jesse drawls, placing his hands on his hips as he looks down at you smiling.

Squinting your eyes, you look towards him and begin to stretch. “Good morning, love.” You say, with a sore throat still present in your voice.

Jesse feels around on the bed, and sits next to your lying form. Softly grabbing your head with both hands, he presses a kiss on your forehead and slowly rubs his thumbs across your cheek.

Ruining the tender moment, Jesse whispers into the side of your neck, “It’s time for breakfast~” in a singing tune.

Chicken soup has been the only thing on your menu for the past two days. Jesse has been keeping you on strict bed rest as he watches over you. You’ve begun to grow sick of the soup. And how much he enjoys teasing you.

Jesse reaches over towards the nightstand and brings the fragrant bowl to your face. He begins blowing on a steaming spoonful, and then lifts it up to your mouth.

“Say ahh-” Jesse chuckles. He knows how much you hate this. Relenting to his smile, you open wide, allowing him to shove the warm spoon into your mouth.

“Mmm?” Jesse asks gleefully. Struggling to hide a smile, you reply. “…Yum.”

This painful process continues on for a few minutes. Once the bowl is empty, Jesse sits it on the nightstand once again. Instead of leaving you in the room by yourself, he begins setting out clothes for you. As if you were actually going somewhere…

“What are you doing?” you question. His large form is currently hunched over, digging through the clothes in your dresser. You watch tentatively as he unfolds a different white t shirt and lays across the bed.

Before he answers, he takes a moment to dump the stray clothes he threw about the room, back into the drawer. “I’m getting you a change of clothes.” He declares.

“Well, are we goin’ somewhere?” You ask excitedly, practically ripping the sheets off of yourself as you stumble out of bed.

“Well, you’re gettin’ a bath before anything.” Jesse holds back a laugh before bringing two fingers to his face, covering his nose.

“I DO NOT STINK!” You yell, throwing a pillow across the room at him. Of course he dodges just in time.

“Give yourself a sniff sweetheart!” Jesse says through a flood of laughter.

Grabbing the collar of your shirt, you try to catch a whiff of whatever has Jesse in tears in front of you.

And god do you stink.

Armpit must and sweat is the only thing that comes to mind after you smell the inside of your shirt. Lifting your face from your collar, you avoid making eye contact with Jesse.

You never stopped to consider that two days on bedrest had the ability to make you smell so bad. You didn’t think you smelled horrible, but Jesse made it seem like your underarms could kill with the way he’s hollerin’ in front of you with his hands on his knees. He must’ve read your facial expression, because you hadn’t even had the chance to defend yourself.

Trying to hold onto any amount of pride you had left, you fold your arms and say “It has been a while since I’ve had a bath.”

Jesse wipes his tears as his laughing fit calms down. “Yeah, I’ll get the water started, and you can look for those shorts you like so much.”

When you hear the bath water finish filling up the tub, you grab a fresh towel and wash cloth from the closet and make your way down the hallway. Jesse is standing next to the door with a stern look on his face. Like he’s planning on making sure you actually get in the water.

Returning his serious glare, you walk past him and close the bathroom door behind you. Jesse had laid out different bottles of lotions, soaps and bath salts for you to use. At times he could be a real pain in your ass, but sometimes… sometimes he could be the most thoughtful person you’d ever known.

Relentlessly, he had been by your side every time you caught a cold. He always made sure you got enough rest and never asked for anything in return.

After ridding yourself of your dirty clothes and throwing them in the corner, you stepped into the warm bubbly water. You reached for the lavender bath salt container and poured a generous amount into the bathwater with you.

After taking your time to clean your body, you stepped out of the tub and began drying off your body with your towel.

You spend extra time to brush your teeth in the sink before stepping out of the foggy bathroom, with Jesse sitting outside waiting on you.

Picking up your speed speed, Jesse grabs your wrist and pull you close. “Lemme smell.”

Struggling against him, you attempt pushing him away to no avail. “I don’t need you to check me Jesse!” He pulls you into a tight hug, squeezing you against his chest and makes an exaggerated inhale through his nose and then let’s you go of your damp form.

Gasping for breath, You scramble away from him and make your way towards the living room and turn on a familiar TV show. Jesse slowly follows behind you and collapses on the seat next to you.

You lean into his shoulder as the two of you begin watching a new episode. “Thanks for everything…” you quietly say into his arm. You feel his body shift towards you as his palm rubs against the side of his face. He pulls your face closer to his and places a prolonged kiss on your forehead once again.

Both of your bodies move closer together as you look back to the tv screen.

“You’re welcome sweetheart…”

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1 year ago

I feel like this post has Cobb Vanth energy for some reason and you can’t convince me otherwise!

screenshot of a Wikipedia section titled "Male Cleavage". Below the title are a pair of images. The left image is of a white man with an open button-up shirt, there is a woman leaning on his shoulder. The right side image is of a bearded white man with a low v-cut blue striped shirt showing chest hair. The left image is labeled "Italy 1974" and the right "Germany 1980". Descriptive text below the image set reads, "In the 1970s, daring women and men of all ages left top buttons on shirts and blouses open to display pectoral muscles, cleavage and a firm body in a "groovy" style". A portion of the main paragraph is visible at the bottom of the screenshot reading, "Male cleavage (also known as "heavage"), a result of low necklines or unbuttoned shirts, has been a movie trend since the 1920s. Douglas Fairbanks" (the text is cut off at this point).

please no one disturb me I am doing important research on wikipedia dot com today

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1 year ago
Brad Was Coy About His New Gig As KTLAs Mid-day Weatherman. True, It Was Somewhat Edgy. He Was The First

Brad was coy about his new gig as KTLA’s mid-day weatherman. True, it was somewhat edgy. He was the first new hire in decades without big boobs and a chihuahua but Brad drew the line at trailblazing. Los Angeles had seen this before. It just finally presented the weather.

The package deal Brad fronted arguably presented itself. It also got the badly needed UPS weather segment sponsorship as well as an in with the makers of Viagra and the Bowflex.

The producers at KTLA were most pumped up at the prospect of a POV cam for live weather reports from Coachella, Stage Coach and White Party. They did tho express concern for those Brad would be ‘interviewing’ given the inexplicable increase in risk for third arm induced black eye.

Brad was largely unfazed by all of it as he was already going to be at the festivals, and the new job simply meant he was getting paid as a host in addition to being a gogo dancer. He also had years of maneuvering experience under his belt which quelched much of the producers initial worry regarding the size of his whoo-ha.

That’s not to say the new gig didn’t throw Brad a few curve balls. For one, he was surprised to learn the local forecast got super gimmicky because there was essentially no weather to report in Southern California. He also had no idea ‘quelched’ and ‘whoo-ha’’ weren’t words.

What really threw Brad for a loop was the use of quotes with the word ‘interviewing’ by his new co-workers. The practice also confounded his boyfriend Chris. Interviewing was a real word!

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8 months ago

The internet was still happening, right? Someone said it was still on the other week. ....I think. It's just been really busy with all this himbo yellow business.

bradandchris - Brad and Chris

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2 years ago

There's a "joke" in my polybatai that I'm a himbo, and if I'm being honest I relate to this, the most himbo of himbo, most of all. I have literally done this with my nephew's toys. Love that for me 😂

Big Man Tiny Dinosaur
Big Man Tiny Dinosaur

big man tiny dinosaur 🥰

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3 years ago



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