
they/heAroAce"nobody trusts anybody now. And we are all very tired."

49 posts

Crocbandit - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago
Anytime. Anywhere. Anyone.

Anytime. Anywhere. Anyone.

A fun little bit of art! This is the first in a series I’m doing where I take silly advertisements and turn them into movie posters :) this one was based off of a lingerie ad, believe it or not!

The ad in question:

Anytime. Anywhere. Anyone.
6 months ago
Lets Just Say That GladiatorSoundwave Is My Obsession. XD

Lets just say that gladiatorSoundwave is my obsession. XD

6 months ago
It's Almost October

It's almost October

6 months ago
Decsendant And Ancestor

Decsendant and ancestor

6 months ago
6 months ago
On Our Way To Watch Transformers One!

On our way to watch Transformers one!

6 months ago

There's one thing that made Transformers One unique to me as a movie experience compared to the other Transformers films: its overall tone of impending doom. (spoilers below cut)

Since it's an origin story, Transformers One is a movie that's all about the "how" of things more than it is the "what". Watch any trailer and you already know that it's going to be about how Megatron and Optimus' friendship shattered.

The logical part of my brain knew that the fallout would happen, knew that when it happened it wouldn't be pretty nor pleasant.

And yet that didn't make the slightest difference in how I felt as I watched the story unfold.

This movie has inklings of that impending doom, starting with D16 get furious about Megatronus' death, proceeding to declare that he doesn't just want the truth to be revealed; he wants to kill Sentinel, and you can see that this declaration disturbs Orion. It's the first of many "uh oh"s and feelings of the inevitable, and it builds with subsequent scenes until, ultimately, the betrayal happens and the "uh oh" turns into "oh shit".

And yet, despite knowing that it was going to end this way, it still hurts. As Optimus says himself, he and Megatron could've rebuilt Cybertron together.

It didn't have to end this way. And yet there was no way that the story was not going to end this way, because you already knew what was going to happen before you even walked into the theater.

TF One doesn't just set Orion and D16 up for failure, it also sets YOU, the audience, up for misery. This movie gives me a strange feeling of being predictable and enjoyable, yet unpredictable and heartbreaking the same time, and I give so many kudos to the cast and crew for succeeding in that endeavor.

6 months ago
Just Watched Transformers One, By Far My Favourite Transformers Movie Omfg I Love It

Just watched Transformers One, by far my favourite transformers movie omfg I love it

I need to watch it again for the first time

The girls were FIGHTINGGGG

And had a very messy breakup

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6 months ago
I've Been Doodling Them For Days Haha T O T) This Genya Comic Came From A Thought I Had With The Meaning
I've Been Doodling Them For Days Haha T O T) This Genya Comic Came From A Thought I Had With The Meaning
I've Been Doodling Them For Days Haha T O T) This Genya Comic Came From A Thought I Had With The Meaning
I've Been Doodling Them For Days Haha T O T) This Genya Comic Came From A Thought I Had With The Meaning
I've Been Doodling Them For Days Haha T O T) This Genya Comic Came From A Thought I Had With The Meaning
I've Been Doodling Them For Days Haha T O T) This Genya Comic Came From A Thought I Had With The Meaning

I've been doodling them for days haha T o T) This Genya comic came from a thought I had with the meaning of his name, but I ended up just making a Genya interpretation of "humanity", as is what he ends up losing in hopes of forgiveness... but for me, he's still very human. As the kanji is read, "Gen" means illusion (delusion), but this word in english can be translated as mirage or hope in my language. I find it very beautiful for him. He's one of my favorite characters (>.<) please don't repost these!

6 months ago
6 months ago
Two Mentally Ill Doctors
Two Mentally Ill Doctors

Two mentally ill doctors <33 ( open the full picture to see it in a good quality lol )

Two Mentally Ill Doctors
7 months ago

How we feeling about mha ending??? Me personally ashamedly I'm a wreck

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7 months ago
Im Going To Fucking Cry

Im going to fucking cry

Im Going To Fucking Cry
8 months ago



8 months ago

The absolute whiplash of watching ep 8 of the training arc and the tashio secret was actually insane 💀

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8 months ago
Are you Reading this? Are you Seeing this? Don't scroll. Don't you dare.

— sof’s library ✧˖°. 🥄 (@folkoftheshelf) June 24, 2024

"Report: 2.5 millions Sudanese could die from starvation by September."

The RSF -a genocial militia- is mass starving Sudanese people. They are cutting off or denying food access to many through inflation of necessities and it's beyond horrific to see.

This is 5% of the population, and extends to interrelated issues. It has also been reported that roughly 80% of Sudanese people are not able to farm their lands adequately. So please continue to keep eyes on Sudan. Educate yourself, stay informed, and continue to share and donate to GFM's of Sudanese families. I post them on my page as I see them here, as well as when I come across them elsewhere. And as always, free Sudan.

2.5 million South Sudanese Face Severe Hunger, Figures Reveal - CARE
As many as 2.5 million South Sudanese will be living in severe hunger in the next three months, according to figures released today by the I
These are some Sudanese gfm that need your attention and their profiles; i will update the post if I find new fgm for Sudan. FAMILIES WHO N
9 months ago
Remember When I Watched The Thing (1982) Remember How Fun That Was
Remember When I Watched The Thing (1982) Remember How Fun That Was
Remember When I Watched The Thing (1982) Remember How Fun That Was

remember when I watched The Thing (1982) remember how fun that was

9 months ago

The worst thing about being a fan of the thing is also having a phobia of needles. Got the timing of those scenes memorised to look away

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9 months ago
9 months ago

I see the vision, I see the vision 🤔

To Me They Are One In The Same

To me they are one in the same

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9 months ago
why is this still only at 9%? i’m gonna need you guys to give this the same energy as you did to the WKC families, this would literally save lives and help thousands!!!

— 𓂆 Nana (hater era) (@YulierIsDying) May 9, 2024

This is for the support of Gaza's Municipality Services - which help ensure clean drinking water, waste collection, debri removal and sanitation services - life saving services to run a state - reader I imagine wherever you are or how lacking the municipality services in your city is, it's not worse than Ghazza.

Currently it's only at 11% - please donate -

Life For Gaza
Life For GazaDrinking Water, Waste Collection, Debris Removal, and Sanitation Services for the Residents of Gaza City - Gaza Municipality
10 months ago

Live, laugh, love Copper ❤️

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10 months ago

Optimus prime becomes a western highway ghost story.

If you’re driving in the dead of night along those long stretches of highway in the western US you might just encounter a lone big rig who will drive along side you for miles. The truckers will blow their horns as they recognize his custom paint and trailer the truck will slow its steady speed to match them. Those truckers with cbs say that there’s someone to talk to in there but he seams sad and lonely. No one ever sees him stop. Some say he’s an angel who will lead rescue workers to crashes at the dead of night. Those unfortunate enough to wander the highways at night tell story’s of the truck that stopped and got them somewhere warm and safe for the night only to wake in the morning with large sums of money in there pockets and a small note apologizing for the low sum. Children and parents smile as he always honks his horn when asked. The people of the western highways know when you see big red you’re always taken care of no matter who you are or where you came from.