crushedcandiedapple - WIP (wife in progress)
WIP (wife in progress)


607 posts

Today I Learnt That Jean Sheds A Tear When Yawning

Today I Learnt That Jean Sheds A Tear When Yawning

today i learnt that jean sheds a tear when yawning

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More Posts from Crushedcandiedapple

5 months ago

We need to know Jean and Eren: who’s an ass man and who’s obsessed with tits?

i see eren as an ass man and jean likes boobs and let me tell you why.

We Need To Know Jean And Eren: Whos An Ass Man And Whos Obsessed With Tits?

i think i’ve mentioned before, but jean is just so tall that he’s always got a direct line of sight down your shirt. he can’t help himself, his eyes just immediately dart down stare at your tits instead of your face 🥺

and because of his size kink, i think he really likes grabbing your boobs and seeing how small they look in his big hands. or if you have big boobs, seeing how they spill out between the gaps in his fingers.

i think he’d love to bury his face between your tits and his stubble would scratch you up a lil bit but he’d come up for air completely flushed and fucked out and it would look so hot you’d let him dive in again

eren’s and ass man for sure tho. he’s always grabbing you or slapping you or checking you out when you walk away.

i think he also loves it when you guys are doing doggystyle and he can place both his hands on your ass and pull you open gently so he can watch his cock fucking you 😫

and he’s definitely the type to eat you out from behind so he can bury his face in your ass. you’ve got bruises all over your cheeks because he loves to bite you and you’re sore from all the spanking

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5 months ago

The AOT Guys on Your Period

a/n: I'm on my period rn and its so awful and just wanted to imagine what the aot guys would be like when reader is on their period <33

CW: fem reader, pure fluff, periods (duh), slight mention of blood

The AOT Guys On Your Period


Literally the sweetest

totally watched a bunch of youtube videos and listened to podcasts about the "female experience" so he can try to understand what you're going through

"I'm right here baby, I'll lay with you as long as you want" then proceeding to let you be the little spoon all night long

gives you the best back rubs when you're cramping to soothe your muscles

Puts on your favorite movie to distract you

Lets you cuddle into him while watching said movie and strokes your hair the entire time

just the most gentle ever.

soft delicate touches, he's scared of accidentally hurting you when you're on your period

Would stop by the store after work to get you flowers and chocolate becuase he knows it's a rough time for you.

Your favorite kind of flowers of course (he knows all of your favorite things bc he's so thoughtful)

Constantly compliments you because he knows you feel disgusting

"No baby I mean it, you're so beautiful like this"

"There's no better feeling than having you lay on my chest"

"I can't believe I have the most beautiful girl in the entire world"

His big strong hands rubbing little circles on your belly omg

Would run you a hot bath for your cramps (see soft jean for more ;)

bought you one of those stuffed animals that you heat up for cramps and was so excited to give it to you.

Literally smiling like a 5-year-old when he told you he had a surprise for you and got so excited when you like his present.

only calls you babe and baby because he doesn't wanna accidentally hurt your feelings by calling you by your name

looks like a big teddy bear, is a big teddy bear

snuggles all the time

always worried about you

would definitely be one of those guys with an "i love my hot girlfriend shirt"


Likes to joke about you being on your period when you're off of it but is always super considerate when you're on it

"Ts okay babe I'm right here" while he kisses your forehead to make you feel better.

Drapes a blanket around you on the couch to make sure you're comfortable

brings you food from your favorite restaurant to make you feel better

knows what you order of course, he pays attention

Frowns and acts all tough when you call him a cutie pie

"I am not. I'm just being a good boyfriend- I'm tough okay"


You have ex fuckboy Eren totally wrapped around your finger

He's literally at your beck and call, not because you asked him to be but because he's so in love with you that he just wants to do all the sweet cheesy things with you

Would never admit all the cute things he does for you in front of his friends

Used to be a firm believer that getting kicked in the balls hurt more than period cramps until he met you and you changed his ways

lets you hold his hand and squeeze it when you're in pain

If you get nauseous he stays up with you all night, telling you little stories to distract you

Reluctantly holds your hair back when you throw up

Gives you his clothes to sleep in because they're looser and more comfy.

Adores seeing you walk around in his t-shirts and pajama pants becuase they're so big and it's so cute

the next time he wears them they smell like you

Would offer to rub your back but can't do it without getting horny so he doesn't :(

"Hey a real soldier isn't afraid to get blood on his sword that's all im saying..."


Just like Eren in the way that he acts super tough most of the time, even more than Eren.

Rarely calls you cute names like "baby, honey, sweetheart" but totally does when you're on your period

The fact that it's so rare for him to do this makes it even more special when he does

Makes you blush every time

Would hold your hand as often as possible, rubbing little circles into it with his thumb

Not a fan of PDA but would hold your hand in public and let you kiss him on the cheek

If you're feeling especially emotional that day he'd put his arm around you and rub little circles into your shoulder with his slender fingers

Shows his affection in the most subtle ways

Would go grocery shopping bc you were out of food and come back with a stuffed animal he thought you might like from the store

"Yeah whatever, 'ts not a big deal just thought you might think it's cute"

You would wrap him in a bear hug and he would secretly blush, determined to maintain his "tough guy" exterior

Would'nt pick up food for you but would cook for you instead

Your favorite food of course

Doesn't get horny easily like a teenage boy so he could give you a massage whenever you wanted wherever you wanted

would offer to get things for you so you don't have to leave bed

Loves being the big spoon and would be wrapped around you all night

Like I said earlier, when you're on your period he tries to subtly be more sweet (he thinks you don't notice)

speaks so much more softly to you when you're on your period

is just more gentle in general

you're so needy for him both emotionally and physically and you'd want to be wrapped around him all week

and he'd let you


Ik I said Jean's the sweetest but I changed my mind its Armin


super smart so never had the misconception that periods were a walk in the park

knows all about hormonal cycles and how things would affect you differently

"I got you some dark chocolate, it's really good for soothing the cramps because of the high concentration of magnesium which eases the uterine lining so-"

"Thank you Armin" is all you'd say and giggle at the research he put into helping you

Constantly touching you, not in a sexual way but in a romantic, protective way

Holding your hand, arm around your shoulders, forehead kisses, cheek kisses, his hand on your knee when you're sitting down.

Constantly checking in on you making sure you're okay

always asking you to tell him how you're feeling and what specifically was wrong, kind of annoying but very endearing.

Would sit with you and watch whatever you wanted all day as long as it made you happy.

Would bring you whatever you want. Coffee? picked up. Blanket? on your lap. Heating pad? Plugged in. Takeout? Ordered already.

Genuinely the most thoughtful boyfriend

does everything you want before you even have to ask him it's like he reads your mind

Lets you lay on his chest and fall asleep, not moving until you wake up on your own even if his arm is asleep

Whispers sweet nothings in your ear when he thinks you're asleep but sometimes you hear them

"You're the most beautiful girl in the world, I'm so lucky to have someone like you"

"Watching you sleep takes my breath away every time"

CEO of cheesy love-sick boyfriend


Acts like Levi on the outside is actually Armin on the inside

Always so worried about you all the time, ESPECIALLY on your period

hates seeing you in pain so does whatever he can to make it better

constantly reminding you to take advil

one of those boyfriends who thinks drinking water will make it better "Just try it babe it can't hurt. It works, I saw it on TikTok"

Totally captivated by you

actually thinks you're really pretty on your period bc he loves seeing your natural beauty

picks you up to carry you to bed so you don't have to walk

Gets you flowers as often as he can to remind you how much he loves you

clueless about periods but very enthusiastic!

"I was talking to Armin and he said vitamin C was good so I got you a bunch of oranges from the store!"

thanks babe...?

Always calls you babe or baby, sometimes princess

you're mainly princess on your period, he wants to make sure you feel special

adores cuddling it's like his favorite thing ever and is so excited when you want to cuddle more because you're on your period

loves feeling how small you are against him and smelling your hair as you're curled into his chest

so possessive

would buy you things constantly

his love language is definitely gift-giving and physical touch

smothers you with hug all. the. time.

not opposed to period sex

would share a hot shower with you to ease your cramps

he'd wash your body for you and kiss the top of your head and your shoulders

would kiss every inch of your body to make you feel beautiful

the most protective boyfriend in the aot universe I said what I said

looks like a big scary grizzly bear on the outside but is a teddy bear on the inside just for you

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5 months ago

The AOT Guys on Your Period

a/n: I'm on my period rn and its so awful and just wanted to imagine what the aot guys would be like when reader is on their period <33

CW: fem reader, pure fluff, periods (duh), slight mention of blood

The AOT Guys On Your Period


Literally the sweetest

totally watched a bunch of youtube videos and listened to podcasts about the "female experience" so he can try to understand what you're going through

"I'm right here baby, I'll lay with you as long as you want" then proceeding to let you be the little spoon all night long

gives you the best back rubs when you're cramping to soothe your muscles

Puts on your favorite movie to distract you

Lets you cuddle into him while watching said movie and strokes your hair the entire time

just the most gentle ever.

soft delicate touches, he's scared of accidentally hurting you when you're on your period

Would stop by the store after work to get you flowers and chocolate becuase he knows it's a rough time for you.

Your favorite kind of flowers of course (he knows all of your favorite things bc he's so thoughtful)

Constantly compliments you because he knows you feel disgusting

"No baby I mean it, you're so beautiful like this"

"There's no better feeling than having you lay on my chest"

"I can't believe I have the most beautiful girl in the entire world"

His big strong hands rubbing little circles on your belly omg

Would run you a hot bath for your cramps (see soft jean for more ;)

bought you one of those stuffed animals that you heat up for cramps and was so excited to give it to you.

Literally smiling like a 5-year-old when he told you he had a surprise for you and got so excited when you like his present.

only calls you babe and baby because he doesn't wanna accidentally hurt your feelings by calling you by your name

looks like a big teddy bear, is a big teddy bear

snuggles all the time

always worried about you

would definitely be one of those guys with an "i love my hot girlfriend shirt"


Likes to joke about you being on your period when you're off of it but is always super considerate when you're on it

"Ts okay babe I'm right here" while he kisses your forehead to make you feel better.

Drapes a blanket around you on the couch to make sure you're comfortable

brings you food from your favorite restaurant to make you feel better

knows what you order of course, he pays attention

Frowns and acts all tough when you call him a cutie pie

"I am not. I'm just being a good boyfriend- I'm tough okay"


You have ex fuckboy Eren totally wrapped around your finger

He's literally at your beck and call, not because you asked him to be but because he's so in love with you that he just wants to do all the sweet cheesy things with you

Would never admit all the cute things he does for you in front of his friends

Used to be a firm believer that getting kicked in the balls hurt more than period cramps until he met you and you changed his ways

lets you hold his hand and squeeze it when you're in pain

If you get nauseous he stays up with you all night, telling you little stories to distract you

Reluctantly holds your hair back when you throw up

Gives you his clothes to sleep in because they're looser and more comfy.

Adores seeing you walk around in his t-shirts and pajama pants becuase they're so big and it's so cute

the next time he wears them they smell like you

Would offer to rub your back but can't do it without getting horny so he doesn't :(

"Hey a real soldier isn't afraid to get blood on his sword that's all im saying..."


Just like Eren in the way that he acts super tough most of the time, even more than Eren.

Rarely calls you cute names like "baby, honey, sweetheart" but totally does when you're on your period

The fact that it's so rare for him to do this makes it even more special when he does

Makes you blush every time

Would hold your hand as often as possible, rubbing little circles into it with his thumb

Not a fan of PDA but would hold your hand in public and let you kiss him on the cheek

If you're feeling especially emotional that day he'd put his arm around you and rub little circles into your shoulder with his slender fingers

Shows his affection in the most subtle ways

Would go grocery shopping bc you were out of food and come back with a stuffed animal he thought you might like from the store

"Yeah whatever, 'ts not a big deal just thought you might think it's cute"

You would wrap him in a bear hug and he would secretly blush, determined to maintain his "tough guy" exterior

Would'nt pick up food for you but would cook for you instead

Your favorite food of course

Doesn't get horny easily like a teenage boy so he could give you a massage whenever you wanted wherever you wanted

would offer to get things for you so you don't have to leave bed

Loves being the big spoon and would be wrapped around you all night

Like I said earlier, when you're on your period he tries to subtly be more sweet (he thinks you don't notice)

speaks so much more softly to you when you're on your period

is just more gentle in general

you're so needy for him both emotionally and physically and you'd want to be wrapped around him all week

and he'd let you


Ik I said Jean's the sweetest but I changed my mind its Armin


super smart so never had the misconception that periods were a walk in the park

knows all about hormonal cycles and how things would affect you differently

"I got you some dark chocolate, it's really good for soothing the cramps because of the high concentration of magnesium which eases the uterine lining so-"

"Thank you Armin" is all you'd say and giggle at the research he put into helping you

Constantly touching you, not in a sexual way but in a romantic, protective way

Holding your hand, arm around your shoulders, forehead kisses, cheek kisses, his hand on your knee when you're sitting down.

Constantly checking in on you making sure you're okay

always asking you to tell him how you're feeling and what specifically was wrong, kind of annoying but very endearing.

Would sit with you and watch whatever you wanted all day as long as it made you happy.

Would bring you whatever you want. Coffee? picked up. Blanket? on your lap. Heating pad? Plugged in. Takeout? Ordered already.

Genuinely the most thoughtful boyfriend

does everything you want before you even have to ask him it's like he reads your mind

Lets you lay on his chest and fall asleep, not moving until you wake up on your own even if his arm is asleep

Whispers sweet nothings in your ear when he thinks you're asleep but sometimes you hear them

"You're the most beautiful girl in the world, I'm so lucky to have someone like you"

"Watching you sleep takes my breath away every time"

CEO of cheesy love-sick boyfriend


Acts like Levi on the outside is actually Armin on the inside

Always so worried about you all the time, ESPECIALLY on your period

hates seeing you in pain so does whatever he can to make it better

constantly reminding you to take advil

one of those boyfriends who thinks drinking water will make it better "Just try it babe it can't hurt. It works, I saw it on TikTok"

Totally captivated by you

actually thinks you're really pretty on your period bc he loves seeing your natural beauty

picks you up to carry you to bed so you don't have to walk

Gets you flowers as often as he can to remind you how much he loves you

clueless about periods but very enthusiastic!

"I was talking to Armin and he said vitamin C was good so I got you a bunch of oranges from the store!"

thanks babe...?

Always calls you babe or baby, sometimes princess

you're mainly princess on your period, he wants to make sure you feel special

adores cuddling it's like his favorite thing ever and is so excited when you want to cuddle more because you're on your period

loves feeling how small you are against him and smelling your hair as you're curled into his chest

so possessive

would buy you things constantly

his love language is definitely gift-giving and physical touch

smothers you with hug all. the. time.

not opposed to period sex

would share a hot shower with you to ease your cramps

he'd wash your body for you and kiss the top of your head and your shoulders

would kiss every inch of your body to make you feel beautiful

the most protective boyfriend in the aot universe I said what I said

looks like a big scary grizzly bear on the outside but is a teddy bear on the inside just for you

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5 months ago

༺ ♱ ༻ aot threesome - 6/10

✿ connie x reader x jean

 Aot Threesome - 6/10

"i dare you to flash your tits." connie says, talking a sip out of his drink while his eyes ogle you.

"well, now you're just being creepy." jean replies from the seat next to you. you're playing truth or dare with your two friends but things seemed to get heat up when you started asking intimate questions. you blush at connie's dare but don't voice any negation, instead you slowly lift up your t-shirt to reveal your hardened nipples.

"fucking hell." connie moans, one of his hands reaching to massage your breast.

"we didn't say anything about touching, you perv." jean spits at connie but he wants to do the same thing.

"i don't mind." you say shyly, still holding your shirt up. jean bites his lip, he looks at connie who is still invested in your tits before muttering a tiny "fuck it."

"can you take the shirt off for me?" he asks, helping you get rid of the garment.

jean looks at you in awe and you know that he's still unsure what he can do and what not. he shuffles closer to your before grabbing your cheek to kiss you on the lips.

"oh, gentleman is feeling romantic today." connie teases, kissing down your chest and stopping at your belly. he looks you straight in the eyes as he takes the waistband of your pants between his teeth and pulls it down your body. you hands shoot to cover yourself but are quickly replaced by connie's, who spreads your legs apart. jean watches the scene with wife eyes, gaining to confidence to finally touch your body. he twists your nipples in between his fingers before taking one in his mouth. he moans around your nipple as he suckles.

"jean has to fulfill his mommy issues but im gonna have a piece of this pussy if you let me." connie says, massaging your clit over your panties. you nod your head at him, grabbing him by his short locks to press him closer to your core. jean grunts at his friends words but snakes his hand near connie's.

"im here now, buddy," connie smirks, "you have to find another hole."

jean looks pissed but he melts when you look at him with a needy look. your mouth falls open as silent cries for him to touch your leave your lips. he quickly unbuckles his belt, freeing his aching cock. he whines when he finally wraps his hand around it, making you gasp with surprise.

"you haven't seen a dick like this before, right?" connie chuckles, continuing to tease you thru your underwear.

"can i?" jean asks, pointing to your mouth. you laugh at his nervousness but you open your mouth and stick out your tongue. he places his heavy cock on your tongue and with one swift move of your head, you take him into your mouth. he almost screams when you envelop him whole, sucking and slurping around his cock.

connie pulls your panties down, leaving you bare to his sight. he takes the place in between your legs, gathering your slick on his fingers.

"you think you can take my cock or do you want me to eat this pussy?" he asks, slipping two of his fingers inside your already dripping cunt.

"fuck me." you whimper out around jean's cock, making jean moan and throw his head back.

connie smiles at your answer, rubbing his cockhead against your slit. when you feel that he's about to slip inside, he pulls away. you know that he wants to make you desperate, but you also feel frustrated from not being filled up.

"look at her face," jean says, "if you don't fuck her now, im gonna do it myself."

"oh ho ho, jeanie has the balls to fuck a girl. let's get it in you, girl." connie laughs before finally slipping inside of you. he doesn't waste any time letting you get used to his size. he hits your cervix with the first thrust before pulling out and slamming in again. you feel like in heaven, one cock in your mouth and another in your pussy. jean's hands are on your tits again as they squeeze and slap them. your pussy aches just with the first thrusts and you know that you won't be able to walk for another week.

jean watches as connie takes your pussy and his mind clouds. he can feel his high coming but he doesn't want to look like a horny teenager.

"are you close? you are throbbing in my mouth." you ask when you pull away from his cock. your hand continues jacking him off as you wait for his answer. he stutters, unsure how you managed to get it right. you see his flustered face and decide to not tease him anymore and taking him in your mouth again. he feels so close and with fwe more swirls of your tongue, he's cumming in your throat. he whimpers as he fills your throat up and you make sure to swallow everything he has to give you.

"fuck." connie swears, watching the scene unravel in front of his eyes. he thrusts even harder than before, chasing his own high. you feel as he twitches against your walls and before you know it, white ropes of cum fill your insides. connie pulls away to lay on the other side of you. jean already took one, busying himself by sucking on your nipple again.

"jeanie, you're gonna make me horny again." you say, tugging on jeans hair to get him off of you. he whines but lays next to you with his head on your shoulder.

"he's so clingy with you." connie smiles, using napkins to wipe his cum from your thighs. he lies on his side next to you, propping himself on his elbow to look at you and jean. you smile at connie, nodding your head at jean who is already asleep.

"i think he likes you a bit more than he would admit." connie says genuinely happy.

"you think i should give him chance?"

"yeah, but i need to fuck you some more times before that."

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5 months ago

more nsfw head canons for Jean plz :o I cant stop thirsty after him 🙈

dwdw i am also absolutely feral for this man, i get it 😫

(also i have much less service on this road than i anticipated 😭)

jean kirstein headcanons pt 2

More Nsfw Head Canons For Jean Plz :o I Cant Stop Thirsty After Him

really easy to turn this guy on. like all you need to do is touch his leg or put your hand anywhere on his torso and he’s like yo let’s go

because he’s so tall, he always gets a great view down your shirt. i feel like he’s constantly staring at your tits like to the point where other ppl comment on it and he always gets so flustered and awkward about it but then does it again 30secs later

i feel like he’s the type to be really stoic when he’s turned on in public. like he’ll let you grind all over him if you’re out together and he’ll be like 😐 but then the SECOND the two of you are alone he’s allllllll over you to punish you 😫 isn’t this what you wanted?

he really likes to use toys in the bedroom. i mentioned before but he’s got a huuuuge dick so he knows how important it is to get you prepped to take all of him 😩 i think he’d love to tie you up and just use a wand to make you cum over and over until you’re wayyy over stimulated and dripping and begging for his cock

he loves cumming inside of you because he thinks it’s so hot to see you dripping with him. i think he’d use his fingers to shove it back into you if it drops down you leg because he doesn’t want you to waste it 🥺 or he’ll clean it up w his mouth because he loves the way you taste together

lowkey breeding kink?? but he doesn’t realize it until you guys decide you wanna try for kids and then suddenly that animal part of his brain realizes that fucking is different now and it makes him go NUTS

like literally bending you over any flat surface the second you do anything remotely motherly. you’re cooking dinner? he’s fucking you on the counter. folding laundry? he’s folding you over the washing machine

and then after he cums inside you i think he’d turn into a lil sap and kiss and rub your belly and then talk about how the two of you would make such good parents

(and then when you finally do have a baby, he’s counting down the days until he can fill you with another one)

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