One Not Often (?) Discussed Aspect Of The Jean/Armin Friendship Is The Fact That While Jean Obviously
One not often (?) discussed aspect of the Jean/Armin friendship is the fact that while Jean obviously likes Armin, he also finds him a little scary at times.
These are the faces Jean makes when Armin argues that Erwin was right to not involve many SL members in his plan to capture Annie even though this led to more SL members losing their lives.

He sure looks a little uncomfortable.
Or that time when Armin said that the titans in the wall will soon awaken.

Jean laughs nervously and assumes that Armin’s pessimistic prediction (?) is a joke.
And let’s not forget this:

Jean’s reaction to Armin’s joke about staging a fake incident to make the SL look good in the eyes of the public (even if it means some lost lives).

Crappy and insensitive comment, am I right? Jean’s so disturbed by Armin’s morbidity that he tries to pass it off as a result of Armin’s trauma. Eren denies this, and he should know since he has been Armin’s best friend for years.
Also, Jean’s character interview for the smart pass AU has never been fully leaked, but summaries of some not leaked parts state that Jean says that "Armin is occasionally scary". Source (Another source states that Jean says “sometimes Armin is as scary as Erwin”, but I currently can’t find it anymore. Will update the post when I do.)
Overall, Jean thinks that Armin has a “dark side” which he can’t reconcile with the rest of Armin’s personality. Jean would rather not think about it and be in active denial about its existence. This is probably because he hasn’t (really) known Armin for long - Armin’s morbid jokes and opinions that ruthlessness is needed to win this war throw him off. Partially because they subvert Jean’s initially expectations and impressions of Armin, and partially because he probably fears that this is who Armin really is at his core - someone cold and cruel. From chapter 55-58 we know that Jean does not want to be either and doesn’t really understand or accept the need for it. And since his friendship with Armin is still new, it’s also not really surprising that whenever Armin shows his “dark” side, Jean gets somewhat scared that maybe Armin’s usual kinder and gentler side is just some sort of mask.
But the story doesn’t end here.
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Good Night, Dear and Sweet Dreams Vol. 08 Jean Kirstein
It was a restless night.
"Jean. …Jean. Are you up?"
"Hm? Yeah…"
Jean turned over in his bed and stuck his head out of his blankets. He saw the same barracks as always.
The quiet voice continued to call him.
"Sorry, did I wake you?"
"I was up… I couldn't sleep. What about you? It's rare for you to be up."
"Well, it happens every now and then."
"What happened…Marco?"
"It's not like anything in particular happened, but… You know, we went through a lot in Trost District."
"You're right. Who knows how it could have turned out if it wasn't for Armin's plan and that suicide bastard's powers," the voice chuckled.
"You did a lot too, Jean. If it wasn't for your orders when our supplies got cut off, Mikasa would have been eaten after charging toward that Titan by herself."
"That was…just something I decided I needed to do. It could have just as easily been you."
"But you were the one who ended up doing it in reality," the voice replied. It was as soft and kind as it could be.
"I know you'll make a good Survey Corpsman, Jean."
"Huh? If you're saying that, then what about you? You'd--"
What was he going to do?
Jean tried searching through his foggy mind to recall where his kind conversation partner was going to go.
He felt a prick in his heart.
Marco… That's right, an MP…He's going to become an MP.
"Well, I--"
"Oh, I know. You're going to be an MP, right? You've always been saying that. Go out there and protect the King, I know you'll be able to do it."
Jean continued to speak in rapid succession, trying to get out every word he could without so much as waiting for a response. It was as if they were chains that would tie down the man he spoke to, keeping him from leaving.
"It's okay, I guarantee you'll rise up the ranks, and you'll be able…to…live…a safe life in the Interior …"
Jean began to gasp what was happening…
But he also knew that a full grasp on the situation would bring an end to this warm discussion. A shiver ran through his entire body. The barracks seemed to distort before his eyes.
"No, don't go yet."
Jean reached out in the direction he spoke, but it was no good. He didn't want to believe it, he wanted this to be his reality, it should be reality--
"…I wish we could keep talking. But…"
"No, don't disappear! Marco, you idiot!!"
Jean leapt awake, drenched in sweat. The feeling of perspiration dripping onto the tip of his nose made it undeniable that this was reality.
He cursed his still-shaking hands and grabbed one wrist with his other hand, forcing the tremors to stop. There was a dim brightness outside, and everyone around him still slept quietly. They would be asked what branch of the military they wanted to join today. The others must have been up until late struggling with the question before falling sound asleep.
The empty beds stood out in particular--those of their fallen corpsmates. And among them…
"Marco… Why… Why did you have to…"
Though Jean hung his head, he did not cry. He could hear someone inside of his heart telling him to hold his head high.
"…That's right. I made a decision. My will…is going to choose what I need to do now."
Jean clenched a determined fist in the barely lit barracks. He felt as though the afterglow of his warm dream pushed him onward.
SOURCE: Attack on Titan: Short Stories.

Isayama Q&A for Nov 2015 Issue of Bessatsu
Q: Why does Annie like hoodies? A: Because she can use them to cover her head fully and be alone outdoors whenever she wishes to.
Q: What gave you the idea for 3DMG? A: I love crafting weapons from junk in a game named Mega Man Legends and that gave me the idea.
Fans’ nicknames for the 104th trainees
Jean: Disappointing handsome guy with a horseface Reason: He’s rather handsome, but somehow, he looks like he’s just spinning his wheels. Comment from the editor: Spinning one’s wheel is truly Jean at his best! He’s rather similar to Eren after all!!
Note: The fan describes Jean as 残念なイケメン which means he’s a handsome guy, but his other aspect (such as personality, mannerism, etc.) are deemed to be disappointing.
Annie: The low kick big sister Reason: Using low kicks to mess up their opponents’ start is the basic style of pros. Comment from the editor: “Get them before they get you!” I’m sure that’s the nickname the children have for her (laughs).
On the other hand, little Annie is saying “Do…Do you like hoodies?” on the Q&A corner, and older Annie is saying “Low kick…” on the nicknames corner.

Shelter from the Rain Vol. 02 Jean Kirstein & Bertolt Hoover
The heavy rain flowed down the side of the mountain, turning into a river that ran through the gaps of its rocks.
"Ugh…It's pouring like crazy because of that ridiculous pose you struck in your sleep this morning, Bertolt," Jean said.
The two recruits were squatting under a rock on high ground that jutted out halfway up the cliff, taking shelter from the rain.
"…Sorry, Jean."
"Bertolt, that was obviously a joke!"
"…Either way, I can barely see a thing."
"I think it's the correct decision to take a short break in this weather during a practice march."
Bertolt focused on resting his body as he sat further under the rock, where the rain couldn't reach him, with his arms hugging his legs.
"You're right," Jean said, sitting down next to him after walking over. He prodded Bertolt, as if to tease him.
"I thought I got stuck with a real quiet, boring partner at first, but you're a talented one. I can trust you."
Bertolt could only return Jean's backhanded praise with a troubled smile.
The downpour showed no signs of letting up.
"Ah… Hey, Bertolt. You wanted to join the MPs, too, right? Yeah, we won't ever have to shiver in the rain on some mountain like this if we make it to the Interior," Jean cracked, unable to stand the silence for any longer.
"…I wonder if it's okay for someone like me to go to the Interior," Bertolt muttered back.
"Hunh?! You're more than qualified with those marks of yours! You're higher in rank than me and you still don't have any confidence?!"
Bertolt only held his arms tighter around his legs as he shook his head.
"I don't have a will of my own. Wanting to become an MP…even that's something I fell into because of everyone else."
"That's just how it is," Jean sighed. "There are some model soldier out there like Marco, but other than them… It's human nature to want to live the kind of nice, safe life that MPs live. What's wrong with falling into that? Not to mention that it's something you'll be getting thanks to your own abilities. You ought to be more proud."
Jean trying to encourage me. He sees me as a friend…
A bit of time passed before Bertolt looked up and stood. He approached the small waterfall flowing from the rock above them and looked down.
Am I…worthy of someone's trust?
As if it reflected his own complex emotions, the frothing puddle underfoot was mixed with mud and leaves, swirling before running down to lower ground.
"Sorry… Thanks, Jean," he said, almost straining to get the words out. They were heartfelt words of thanks as well as an apology, but Jean didn't know what he truly meant.
"Hunh? I didn't say anything worth your thanks. Anyway, how's the weather look?"
"I think we can go. It's only drizzle now."
"Let's go through the forest. Our anchors won't be stable on the cliff now that its foundation is weak."
Bertolt smiled at Jean's coolheaded analysis.
"I see why everyone says you're good with the Vertical Maneuvering Equipment, Jean."
The two nodded to each other and pulled out the grips to their Equipment in unison. A moment later, the two boys' rain gear fluttered in the air as they flew off into the forest, still hazy from the showers.
SOURCE: Attack on Titan: Short Stories
Things I have gathered so far from the Isayama homecoming interview:
Armin is a boy
Mike is a little bit older than Erwin.
Mike has the biggest body in the series.
Mike’s birthday is 11/1 (today! happy birthday!)
Mikasa thinks of herself as older than Eren, and Eren thinks of Mikasa as ‘a pain in the butt’.
Isayama’s personality is not like Eren’s or Levi’s, and he can’t relate to Eren.
Reiner is modeled after a friend, and the Armored Titan is modeled after Brock Lesnar.
Sasha & her father speak with an accent in their hometown.
Once again iterates that Jean has a ‘horseface’.
Q: Does Levi think of Petra as a cute subordinate even a little?
A: I think I have portrayed such thing in between the panels.
Q: Are you conscious about things like heicho’s sexiness?
A: What I’m conscious about is things like “He doesn’t really sleep”, and “he’s based of this character called Rorschach”. He’s like someone who’s OCD because he’s always not sleeping
Marco comes from a good family. He’s an older brother.
Sasha was originally going to be killed in his rough drafts.
If Levi changed his hairstyle, he would keep the undercut while growing out the top and tie it back.
Once again refuses to answer any questions about Hanji’s gender.
If they lived in a world without titans, Eren and everyone would be lazy without goals, but happy.
Petra’s birthday will be revealed soon on his blog.
that’s all i got so far folks stay tuned