Aot Interview - Tumblr Posts
Things I have gathered so far from the Isayama homecoming interview:
Armin is a boy
Mike is a little bit older than Erwin.
Mike has the biggest body in the series.
Mike’s birthday is 11/1 (today! happy birthday!)
Mikasa thinks of herself as older than Eren, and Eren thinks of Mikasa as ‘a pain in the butt’.
Isayama’s personality is not like Eren’s or Levi’s, and he can’t relate to Eren.
Reiner is modeled after a friend, and the Armored Titan is modeled after Brock Lesnar.
Sasha & her father speak with an accent in their hometown.
Once again iterates that Jean has a ‘horseface’.
Q: Does Levi think of Petra as a cute subordinate even a little?
A: I think I have portrayed such thing in between the panels.
Q: Are you conscious about things like heicho’s sexiness?
A: What I’m conscious about is things like “He doesn’t really sleep”, and “he’s based of this character called Rorschach”. He’s like someone who’s OCD because he’s always not sleeping
Marco comes from a good family. He’s an older brother.
Sasha was originally going to be killed in his rough drafts.
If Levi changed his hairstyle, he would keep the undercut while growing out the top and tie it back.
Once again refuses to answer any questions about Hanji’s gender.
If they lived in a world without titans, Eren and everyone would be lazy without goals, but happy.
Petra’s birthday will be revealed soon on his blog.
that’s all i got so far folks stay tuned

Here’s Isayama’s interview about Jean :) (hope it’s readable!)
It is, thank you very much. ^^
Isayama’s Interview on Jean Kirstein
From Gekkan Shingeki no Kyojin, Volume 4
[Translation: @yusenki; Editing: @fuku-shuu]
In my own view, I created Jean and Armin as representatives of humanity. They are not bad people, but they are also not purely righteous people, either. Sometimes they have a sly [cunning] way of thinking, tell lies, and there are also times when they are confused. I wanted them to be characters whom readers can sympathize with and relate them to actual human beings. However, as the story progresses, Armin has grown to be an excellent individual, while Jean is left to be the only true representative of humans.
Jean is a person who wavers easily. He initially aspired to join the MP to have an easy life, however in the end, he chose the SC. It’s suitable to say that he is easily influenced by people around him. While drawing him, there are often times when I think, “It’s good to have Jean as SnK’s main character, huh?” There are many times where I can’t relate to Eren’s way of thinking, however it is easier with Jean. It’s reasonable for normal human beings to react like him, so that’s what I interpret. It’s easy to bring out his human nature, thus he is a character that I am able to understand while drawing him.
A lot of parts of Jean are contributions by director Araki and the anime production team. I think his VA, Taniyama Kishou’s voice is really good as well. Actually, I have a lot of regret in my own characters’ portrayals in the manga, therefore I requested director Araki to improve those issues during the anime production - and that’s what ended up happening.
During early stages of the manga, I didn’t dive deeper into the characters’ personality when I drew them, because I expected that the series was going to be completed quickly. As a result, I thought it would be better to develop the story faster. With that, I can seize the readers’ heart faster, which was the initial plan. At the time, I thought it was fine to progress like so, however in the end I even experienced a lot of regrets regarding the construction of the components, 3DMG design, etc.
It is actually a fortunate event that the series was made into an anime. I was really happy because I had the chance to amend any parts I held regrets for. Additionally, the anime quality was excellent - if the full score is 100, I would say that the animated version’s score is 120. I also think it is alright to consider the anime version as the exact adaptation of the manga.
I always think “whatever I don’t enjoy won’t be enjoyable for others.” To me, if I didn’t think a manga was interesting enough while drawing it myself, then the readers definitely won’t think that it is good, either. I also carried the same belief during the production of SNK anime, and so I really appreciate that the anime team, who worked under director Araki also possessed the same feeling toward the series. They didn’t think it as work or an obligation told by their superiors to execute. One of the precious things I felt during the anime production was that all of the staff members stayed motivated and active throughout.

Isayama Q&A for Nov 2015 Issue of Bessatsu
Q: Why does Annie like hoodies? A: Because she can use them to cover her head fully and be alone outdoors whenever she wishes to.
Q: What gave you the idea for 3DMG? A: I love crafting weapons from junk in a game named Mega Man Legends and that gave me the idea.
Fans’ nicknames for the 104th trainees
Jean: Disappointing handsome guy with a horseface Reason: He’s rather handsome, but somehow, he looks like he’s just spinning his wheels. Comment from the editor: Spinning one’s wheel is truly Jean at his best! He’s rather similar to Eren after all!!
Note: The fan describes Jean as 残念なイケメン which means he’s a handsome guy, but his other aspect (such as personality, mannerism, etc.) are deemed to be disappointing.
Annie: The low kick big sister Reason: Using low kicks to mess up their opponents’ start is the basic style of pros. Comment from the editor: “Get them before they get you!” I’m sure that’s the nickname the children have for her (laughs).
On the other hand, little Annie is saying “Do…Do you like hoodies?” on the Q&A corner, and older Annie is saying “Low kick…” on the nicknames corner.