crypticcanidae - statistically average hound
statistically average hound

248 posts

Ah Yes Because Circles And Templars Under The Control Of The Orlesian Chantry Definitely Dont Exist In

Ah Yes Because Circles And Templars Under The Control Of The Orlesian Chantry Definitely Dont Exist In

ah yes because circles and templars under the control of the orlesian chantry definitely don’t exist in antiva, nevarra and rivain

the southern chantry annulled the dairsmuid circle in rivain for daring to visit their families and practice rivain's magical tradition i know that's only mentioned in the codex (if you find the entry) but. anything like that just can't be brought up? cause it was part of events that happened in the south? and if it does come up. no one can have opinions about it cause that would mean mentioning player choices? like it can only be “that thing that happened. because of that world event. that was resolved in some way” “Things that happened in the South don't matter because we're in the North now” okay. thats cool. the ruler of orlais (between just celene and gaspard) could heavily prefer either diplomacy or military expansion and relations with their neighbours are the same regardless? no one in nevarra has opinions about the ruler of the empire next door? the orlesian chantry lead 5 exalted marches against the imperial chantry (and both chantries called 3 marches against the qunari) and tevinter doesn't care who the new southern divine is? whether she's restoring the circles or granting mages freedom? or IS a mage? even smaller things too the hof could have a tomb at weisshaupt. the southern wardens could have broken off entirely. do we not get to see the tombs of the wardens that killed the archdemons at all? to avoid addressing whether or not there should be a fifth will there be no mention of the internal conflict? to avoid addressing how it began in the first place? i know veilguard had a god-awful development cycle but surely there was a better way to do it than this or even a better way to tell us instead of “no u see it doesn't matter cause we're in a different location now” god thats a lot of words im so sorry dragon age DA4 veilguard dav
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More Posts from Crypticcanidae

7 months ago

This shot of Snake is from Otacon’s POV. Erm… Kojumbo? What were you getting at?

5 months ago

can i come over and do this

Can I Come Over And Do This
5 months ago

something about origins darkspawn + darkspawn designs that is lost in future games imo is like... a sense of a strange, unknowable form of "culture". you fight their forgemaster/blacksmith, the strongest ones get a better set of armor and weapons, they add somewhat pointless gory decor to areas theyve overtaken, etc etc

you can definitely argue its the power of the archdemon in that game, use its control to make them act in a more "human" manner, but considering the sentient darkspawn in the expansions, theres definitely more to it

which to me is totally lost in the knock-off-bdsm-most-of-them-dressed-the-same darkspawn of 2 onwards

tldr origins darkspawn designs and behavior are more in line with their "spawned from sentient races" nature than future media, which makes them kinda feel like generic monsters to me

5 months ago

Okay here’s what I was expecting from worldstate customisation:


- gender and origin of the warden, so they could be mentioned offhand in a codex entry or a line of dialogue

- who they romanced, so it could be mentioned offhand or in a codex entry and, if Morrigan was romanced, she could have a line

- whether or not someone died killing the archdemon and who that was, to be in a codex entry or mentioned offhand, or possibly seeing their grave in weisshaupt

- whether Kieran exists and whether he had the soul of an old god, to have a follow up on the implications of that and to add depth to Morrigan

- who is ruler of ferelden, to be mentioned offhand or in a codex entry


- gender and class of Hawke, so they can be mentioned offhand or in a codex entry and so can the appropriate sibling

- who they romanced, so it could be mentioned offhand or in a codex entry

- what happened to the surviving sibling, so it could be mentioned offhand or come up if relevant (eg if they’re a warden a possible brief cameo at weisshaupt)

- whether they’d sided with mages or templars, to come up in codex entries or offhand mentions, and to establish how Varric feels about mages because it depends on Hawkes choice

- whether they killed anders or not, so it could be mentioned in a codex entry especially if romanced


- gender and race of inquisitor

- who they romanced, and the outcome of their romance partners personal quest, so that the route taken would carry through (eg pardoned blackwall vs warden blackwall)

- whether the inquisitor did the mage or templar route, and how, to be mentioned offhand or in the codex

- who was left in the fade, not necessarily to follow up on their fate but just so Varric could acknowledge if his best friend was presumed dead or not

- who is leader of orlais so that the ruler of the biggest country on the continent can be brought up at least in passing/codex entry, with possible cameo

- who drank from the well of sorrows, because yeah actually it is important which of these two characters is bound to the will of an elven god. Especially as it seems that one of them might now be said elven god. I’d expect this to have as much influence as Kieran’s existence did in dai, ie you still get to the same place but you have a slightly different route there. I cannot fathom how this isn’t relevant anymore

- who is the divine, to be mentioned in passing or in codex, but mentioned more in depth if the inquisitor romanced Cassandra who is now the divine because they have a whole situationship going on. It would come up if the divine was a mage.

- whether the inquisition disbanded or remained together as bodyguard of the divine. I honestly don’t know how this is a choice if the divine doesn’t come up

- inquisitors attitude to solas, with room for them to be very negative towards him on account of all the killing and murder and world destroying

You’d be able to customise this through character creator, and you’d be able to choose a default for each game seperately, so new players didn’t have to worry about the other games and people who only played inquisition could ignore origins and 2 and customise their inquisitor.

I don’t think this would have been unreasonable. Most of this is just for codex entries and offhand comments, and the bigger ones are inquisition choices. I get that they can’t have big effects beyond that. But the codex entries and offhand remarks are what we WANT. They’re what makes this world state ours. It would not have been difficult to incorporate most of this, and it would do so much for the depth of the game.

As it is, we have a major character who can’t even discuss whether or not she has a child because that wasn’t deemed important enough to include