49 posts
Cryxngchxrry - Blxggxng - Tumblr Blog
Can't stand school air, it degrades all the effort I put in being presentable at 5 am
Ending my summertime sadness era only to start a school sadness new one
Starting school tomorrow and already feeling hopeless about the next few months, I can't mentally do this
(Please send help)
I don't know if I like him or the attention he gives me
I chipped one of my nails, I'm gonna kms
Didn't manifest enough lol
Are you a natural nails type of girl?
Yeah, mostly because I paint and do things that sometimes require my nails to be short, I'd prefer them to be natural and possibly not too long, I mean, I'd really like to have acrylics, but I tried and they make working w some materials really hard
Manifesting long, pretty natural nails for the new school year
Being obsessed and going insane, over someone who doesn't even know I exist
Duality of a girl is wanting maximalism and minimalism at the same time
Losing my mind over someone who can't be real
Scared of not living my summer at the best
Omw to watch black swan for the 3857483rd time
"why tf am i single" and then this is my resting face
"Then I feel, Harry, that I have given away my whole soul to some one who treats it as if it were a flower to put in his coat, a bit of decoration to charm his vanity, an ornament for a summer's day"
Started rolling my cigs so I can put herbs in them <3
(I'm girls)
pinterest is my addiction
Trying to grow back my nails after biting them for the whole school Year
Was told by a random drunk old man that he loves redheads ( referring to me) just because I was buying a beer (it was a red beer) and idk I just feel so bad, he kept talking to me, he asked to have a photo of me, and kept staring and laughing at me with his drunk friends, I don't know what should have I done? i was not capable of say anything, just walked fast out of the bar with my beer.